The emergence and development of athleticism. Part No. 4

It is generally accepted that modern athleticism originated on the American continent, although there is information that its homeland is the British Isles, where contests and competitions were first held. Gradually, the massive and fairly organized passion of people of different ages and physical fitness for exercises with various weights led to the fact that weightlifting, which existed as a sport, began differentiation process.

Russian Weightlifting Federation, World Federation and their changes

In 1946, the then existing International Weightlifting Federation (IVF), founded in 1920, was hastily reorganized into two independent structures:

  1. International Weightlifting Federation,
  2. International Federation of Bodybuilding.

This new organization took control physical development system, which is based on weight training. At the beginning of the 20th century, in parallel with the formation and development of the international league, absolutely similar reorganization processes took place in the vastness of our Motherland. Our domestic organization - the Russian Weightlifting Federation, following the example of World practice, was similarly transformed into the two above components, which, naturally, led to even greater popularization and widespread development of athleticism and all its related strength disciplines...

Unlike weightlifting, where the goal is to achieve record results in lifting the barbell, body-building provides for the formation ideal athletic figure.

Bob Goffman, Ben Weider and his brother Joe

In the post-war years, bodybuilding gained further popularity. Those who practice it strive to create a massive figure with heavy layers of muscles (a typical American standard of male beauty). Huge muscle mass must have been a testament to the abundance of food consumed and processed into muscle. Competitions were held for the most powerful neck, chest, back, arm, and shin. Grew up on the basis of a “muscle boom” two giants of bodybuilding - Americans Bob Goffman and Joe Weider.

Alternative Bodybuilding Federations

In addition to the IFBB there are national (abbreviated as NABBO) And Worldwide (abbreviated as WABBO) alternative bodybuilding associations, totaling about 3 percent of athletes involved in bodybuilding. They regularly hold their various world and European championships, and also claim popular titles "Mr. Olympia" And "Miss Olympia". Such associations allow participation in their competitions not from the country, but in the individual competition, and reject the provisions of the international code of rules on doping control, as a result of which the IFBB will not hesitate to automatically disqualify all athletes participating in competitions conducted by NABBO and WABBO. Today, American bodybuilders are considered the strongest bodybuilders in the world. According to experts, our athletes are inferior to them not in muscle mass, but in their quality and proportionality of development. Artistry is also lacking. This mainly happens due to worse training conditions and limited options in choosing diets.

Promotion of bodybuilding in the States

Bodybuilding in the USA is considered very fashionable sport, and these are not just words, but information supported by numerous examples. Television constantly fuels interest in it, including daily sports programs. Six-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title Lee Haney conducts television lessons for beginners, “Miss Olympia” Corina Everson - host of the morning wellness program, legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger - Chairman of the Presidential Council on Health and Sports. Bodybuilders participate in various shows, competitions, and act in films. This is how it is formed healthy lifestyle fashion

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