Unidox against acne reviews

Unidox Solutab is an antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of action. Cosmetologists and dermatologists often use it to treat acne. This drug is intended for oral administration. Unidox Solutab for acne is prescribed, as a rule, for moderate or severe development of skin rashes. For minor rashes, this drug will either be ineffective or will not provide the desired result at all.

If the skin is affected by a small number of pimples (up to about a dozen inflammations), then in this case we can talk about a mild degree of acne. If there are more than a dozen pimples on the face, including deep, painful formations, this is the middle stage of the disease. The severe stage is characterized by the presence of more than 40 inflammatory elements on the skin of the face. To evaluate the effectiveness of the drug for acne, we will learn more about its composition and principle of action.

Unidox Soluiab is an antibiotic from the tetracycline group. The mechanism of its action is based on the suppression of protein synthesis in the microbial cell. The drug is active against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, which makes its use justified in the treatment of rashes caused by pathogenic microflora.

The drug is produced in the form of round, light yellow tablets, which are packed in plastic blisters of 10 pieces. A cardboard pack of medication contains 1 blister. When treating acne, the drug must be prescribed by a specialist; he selects the treatment regimen and dosage individually, depending on the condition of the skin and the severity of the lesions.

The antibiotic eliminates the main cause of acne - pathogenic bacteria that accumulate in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and cause inflammation. The drug has a bactericidal effect, that is, it destroys the cells of microorganisms from the inside, as a result, stops their further reproduction and prevents the further spread of infection.

The medication is available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but you should not self-medicate, since the antibacterial agent has a number of contraindications and can cause unwanted side reactions from various organs and systems of the body. The drug is quite expensive, packaging costs from 350 rubles.

At the same time, the use of this remedy alone will not solve the problem; the antibiotic must be correctly included in a comprehensive treatment regimen, using external agents (creams, lotions, gels) and adjusting the entire lifestyle and diet.

For moderate to severe damage to the skin, only an integrated approach will achieve a lasting, positive result. Treatment in this case is based on three components:

  1. Use of external products (various creams, gels, ointments and other products for cleansing and caring for facial skin);
  2. Taking medications in the form of tablets. In some cases, the cause of acne is hidden inside the body and the rashes are provoked by chronic diseases that need to be treated first.
  3. Following a special diet (for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty, spicy foods, as well as foods containing sugar).

Unidox Solutab is a powerful remedy that has proven effective in the treatment of acne. However, it is worth remembering that such drugs should never be taken haphazardly and without prior consultation with a doctor. Firstly, to treat acne it is necessary to find out the cause of inflammation. To do this you will have to undergo a comprehensive examination. Secondly, the treatment regimen for each specific case is individual. In some cases, taking antibiotics only worsens the situation and causes allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of such drugs should be approached with caution, and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment of moderate and severe stages of acne involves a whole range of procedures: from the use of external agents (ointments, creams and gels) to the use of internal medications. The standard treatment regimen involves taking 1 tablet twice a day. This should be done after a meal; you can take the tablets not only with water, but also with dairy drinks (kefir or milk).

The duration of the course, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days. There are 10 tablets in one package, so to carry out full therapy, you will most likely need to buy two packs of this drug.

Unidox Solutab belongs to the category of strong antibacterial agents that provoke dysbacteriosis, so the course of treatment must be accompanied by taking appropriate medications responsible for restoring intestinal microflora. On the pharmaceutical market today there are many restorative agents (Hilak Forte, Lactusan, Enterozermin, etc.), among which you can choose the most suitable option. These medications are usually taken once a day with meals.


In some cases, the use of this drug for the treatment of acne is not allowed. There are several contraindications for which taking Unidox Solutab is extremely undesirable or is prohibited altogether:

  1. Impairments in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, porphyria (a disorder of pigment metabolism that occurs in the bone marrow or liver);
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period;
  3. Early childhood (up to 8 years);
  4. The body's resistance to the action of antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline group;
  5. Hypersensitivity to antibiotics.

For the last two contraindications, Unidox Solutab can be taken, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor. This is due to the fact that tetracyclines can provoke a sharp increase in the level of residual urea nitrogen in the blood - a typical situation for those who suffer from kidney failure.

It is also worth noting such an important fact that while taking the drug you should absolutely not drink alcohol. Alcohol can cause serious side effects, which will be discussed later.

Adverse reactions

This drug is usually prescribed in extreme cases and in advanced stages of the disease. It has quite a lot of side effects, however, they make themselves felt only when the dose and duration of taking this drug are exceeded. Therefore, you need to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor, and it is recommended to take Unidox Solutab for no more than 10 days.

The main side effects of this drug include:

  1. Nausea, which is provoked by a sharp increase in intracranial pressure;
  2. Vomit;
  3. Weakness and severe drowsiness (weakness can be felt throughout the body);
  4. Allergic reactions (rash, dermatitis, urticaria, etc.);
  5. Diarrhea;
  6. Impairment of normal liver function;
  7. Development of stomatitis, vaginitis and candidiasis.

If at least one of the above reactions occurs while taking the drug, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. After consultation, you may need to stop taking Unidox Solutab, or replace it with a similar, but safer drug.

Even if slight discomfort occurs while taking Unidox Solutab, appropriate measures must be taken. In most cases, the discomfort goes away immediately after stopping treatment with this drug.

Efficacy of the drug

The effectiveness of any internal acne treatment always depends on many factors. In each specific case, the dermatologist selects an individual treatment regimen. The dosage selection of Unidox Solutab should be carried out by a specialist. As a rule, 10 days of taking the drug is enough to provide the desired effect. The course duration may be shorter: it all depends on the severity of acne. Treatment should be carried out in short courses, since long-term use of Unidox can cause harm, reduce immunity and weaken the body's defenses.

Reviews of Unidox Solutab for acne are quite contradictory. It has helped many people get rid of severe acne and improved the condition of problem skin. But some patients point out unpleasant side reactions that occurred while taking the drug and forced them to abandon treatment with this medication.

Watch the video: Why acne appears and how to treat it

Reviews about the treatment

Review #1

I have been fighting acne for several years now. Not so long ago there was a malfunction in the body, as a result of which new inflammations appeared on the face, already covered with acne. The dermatologist prescribed a comprehensive treatment: external agents and Unidox Solutab. I had heard about this drug before, seen an advertisement, and even came across it on the Internet.

I decided to try this product myself. I had to take two packages at once (the cost of one is approximately 350 rubles) in order to have enough for the entire course. The duration of treatment was 10 days, and the dosage regimen was twice a day after meals. I also took medications that were aimed at eliminating dysbiosis, because Unidox is a strong antibiotic.

After five days, the results were already visible: the redness began to subside, and no new rashes appeared. After 10 days, the drug was stopped. Then I used only ointments and various gels. The effect was quite long-lasting, but still, small pimples pop up from time to time. It turned out that this is not a panacea, but quite a good remedy. The main thing is to use it in strict accordance with the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

Review #2

I have had acne for a very long time, since I was 16 years old. Now I'm 23 years old. I was treated for a long time, but none of the remedies helped. I have probably tried almost all the creams and ointments that are offered in the pharmacy for the treatment of acne. I followed a strict diet: the acne went away, but too slowly and not always completely.

And after another trip to the dermatologist, I left the clinic with a prescription for the antibiotic Unidox Solutab. I was a little confused by its price; for one package you had to pay about 400 rubles, but it lasted for a maximum of 5 days. But I had to buy it, because I had no other options. I want to say right away about the side effects. Nothing bad happened from the gastrointestinal tract, probably because I took it simultaneously with the drug Hilak Forte.

But as for the other side effects, sometimes there was a severe headache, and occasionally there was nervousness and insomnia. But I think it was worth it. After a couple of weeks of taking it, I noticed significant improvements: my skin became smooth, there was practically no redness, and no new pimples appeared. I persistently completed the entire course and to this day I remain the owner of beautiful and healthy skin.

Review #3

I have been fighting acne for a long time with varying degrees of success. Lately it has become quite unpleasant to look at myself. After the examination, the dermatologist prescribed Unidox Solutab. She explained in detail how and how much to take, all the time reminding that there may be side effects and it is better not to take more than prescribed.

That evening I already took one tablet of this drug. At the same time, I cleansed my face with special products and applied gel. After a couple of days, I began to feel discomfort: I felt dizzy and sometimes felt nauseous. However, I decided to finish the course.

After two weeks of such torment, I noticed only minor changes on my face, which cannot be said about my back and shoulders, where I previously had many rashes. Now there is no inflammation in these places. Thus, I am of two minds about using this drug: on the one hand, it did not help me, but on the other, it saved me from another problem.

According to reviews, Unidox acne solutab, developed on the basis of the antibiotic doxycycline, effectively eliminates purulent rashes. The drug is used to treat acne or acne pathology with moderate or severe course. To eliminate the inflammatory lesion, only an integrated approach is necessary. The use of cosmetics is not always effective. This approach is also characterized by short-term results.

Description and effect of the drug

The active component of the drug is doxycycline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The substance inhibits the active reproduction of pathological microflora and disrupts their metabolism. The drug is used in the treatment of acne acne, namely when antibiotic therapy is necessary.

Unidox Solutab against acne

A comprehensive approach to acne treatment includes several stages:

  1. determination of the root cause provoking the development of the rash
  2. application of an external agent
  3. taking an internal medication to reduce inflammation
  4. balanced diet

Unidox Solutab belongs to the tetracycline group. The drug is prescribed for oral administration. The drug eliminates pathological microflora in the sebaceous ducts, namely propionibacteria. These microorganisms provoke the development of severe inflammation and acne. Solutab disrupts the protein exchange between the microbe and the environment, which leads to the death of the pathogen.

An effective remedy for pimples and acne. In complex therapy for rashes, medications that reduce the production of epidermal sebum are also prescribed.

Causes of acne

The appearance of acne is caused by:

  1. hormonal changes
  2. proliferation of pathological microflora
  3. improper care
  4. unbalanced diet
  5. low quality cosmetics
  6. allergic rashes
  7. genetic predisposition
  8. independent manual removal of acne, which provokes infection of healthy areas of the skin
  9. change in climatic conditions
  10. improper work and rest schedule
  11. emotional overstrain
  12. side effects due to medication
  13. improper skin care

Unidox allows you to eliminate rashes, but in order to do this you must adhere to the rules for taking the medicine and dosage.

Instructions for use

The medicine is intended for oral use. Before taking it is necessary to prepare a suspension:

  1. Remove the tablet from the foil packaging and place in a container.
  2. Add 20 ml of liquid to the medicine.
  3. Drink the resulting solution, preferably while standing or sitting.
  4. It is better to take the product with food or dairy products.

The medication should be taken long before going to bed to prevent the formation of ulcers or inflammation of the esophagus. When treating purulent rashes, you need to take Unidox 50 mg per day. Reception is carried out during meals. The duration of the course is from 6 to 12 weeks.

Side effects

Taking the medicine may be accompanied by side effects, the likelihood of which depends on compliance with the dosage and dosage schedule. Adverse drug reactions are presented in Table 1.

Organ systems or type of reaction Symptoms
Digestive tract
  1. pseudomembranous colitis
  2. attacks of nausea
  3. vomiting
  4. anorexia
  5. swallowing disorders
  6. inflammation of the small or large intestine
  7. bouts of acute diarrhea
  1. hemolytic anemia
  2. increase in eosinophils in the blood
  3. decreased prothrombin functionality
  4. low neutrophil count
  5. decrease in platelets in the blood
Liver if the organ functions improperly, liver damage occurs
Dermatological and allergic
  1. rash with hives
  2. angioedema
  3. exacerbation of lupus erythematosus
  4. inflammation of the serous membrane of the myocardium
  5. exfoliative dermatitis
  6. anaphylactic reactions
  7. photosensitivity
Nervous system
  1. dizziness
  2. headache
  3. anorexia
  4. attacks of nausea
  5. swelling of the optic nerve
  6. increased level of intracranial pressure
Thyroid staining of tissue structures
  1. slowing down osteogenesis
  2. developmental disorder in children
  3. change of teeth shade
Additional symptoms
  1. vaginitis
  2. stomatitis
  3. proctitis
  4. glossitis

Watch the video for all the most important things about the drug:

Contraindications for use

It is prohibited to prescribe Unidox for the treatment of acne if there are contraindications:

  1. individual intolerance to tetracyclines
  2. disturbances in the functionality of excretory organs such as the liver or kidneys
  3. porphyria
  4. period of gestation in women
  5. feeding a baby
  6. age up to 12 years
  7. lactose intolerance

Features of the drug

When using the product, special instructions must be taken into account:

  1. resistance or hypersensitivity to antibiotics of this group may occur
  2. Exceeding doses of the drug threatens hepatotoxicity, which must be taken into account when there are drugs in therapy with the same effect on the liver
  3. if there is a disruption in the excretory system, there is a decrease in drug excretion from 1 to 5%
  4. the drug may cause an increase in the concentration of urea in the blood
  5. taking the medication may cause increased sensitivity to sunlight, which must be taken into account during additional physiotherapeutic procedures
  6. taking the medicine does not affect a group of insensitive microorganisms, which can cause their uncontrolled growth
  7. the possibility of ulcerative formations in the esophagus, therefore it is forbidden to take the medicine before bedtime
  8. the drug is prescribed with caution to patients with myasthenia gravis
  9. Taking medication can trigger the progression of lupus erythematosus pathology
  10. the medication affects blood clotting
  11. Therapy with Unidox necessarily includes additional monitoring of the functionality of the excretory system and liver

The effect of the drug on the ability to control potentially dangerous mechanisms has not been studied.

Reviews from real customers

Oleg: The drug Unidox Solutab helped get rid of acne that had accompanied me since my teenage years. The medicine was prescribed by a dermatologist after conducting a diagnosis and scraping to determine the type of infection.

Oksana: I do gymnastics. Due to the increased functionality of the sebaceous glands of the epidermis, the face was covered with pimples and acne. Cosmetics were not at all effective in eliminating rashes. After treatment with Unidox, the amount of acne significantly decreased, and suppuration disappeared completely.

Expert opinion

Oleg Mikhailovich, dermatologist: Unidox Solutab perfectly eliminates acne formed due to increased functionality of the sebaceous glands or infection of the dermis by pathogenic microflora. I also prescribe the drug for teenage acne, which develops against the background of hormonal imbalance during this period.

Anastasia Vitalievna, dermatologist: Acne often progresses due to hormonal changes or due to improper care of the epidermis. Unidox allows you to stop the spread of rashes and also copes with acne formations.

Today I saw a dermatologist. She prescribed Unidex, but according to her, I have juvenile acne. I read all the reviews and now I’m scared to drink it. And abdominal pain, and nausea, and the effect is temporary.
Girls, a huge request (. ) advise a foundation that would maintain the balance of sebum in the T-zone throughout the day and simultaneously moisturize such dry areas as the cheeks, for example. Thank you!

Clinics definitely have something for both oily and mixed skin types that simply regulates secretions and sebum, and moisturizes those areas where it is needed. I have it for mixed. To be honest, my forehead still becomes shiny, but I think this is also due to the fact that I have bangs and my skin just sweats. and on the rest of the face it lies perfectly and evens out the skin tone.
and Unidox was also prescribed, though not for acne. and from the striptacococcus group B. along with it there is something for the liver.. the name is supposed to be. Holifol, ..or something like that. plus mycomax for days 5 and 10.. tomorrow I’ll start the course. We'll see.

Ali, thanks for the advice! This is not the first time I’ve heard about the clinics, I think it’s really worth a try!

For those who are interested in the influence of Unidox, I will say this: today is the 5th day of my taking this drug. To date:
the only reaction (according to my assumptions from Unidox, for me personally) seems to be a change in pressure (although I have never suffered so far). My head is kind of crazy, I don’t know if the pressure is rising or, on the contrary, decreasing, but the feeling is as described above.
1) the acne did not go away (in fact, there are almost none of them, if only a little), BUT THEY DIDN’T GET OVER, everything is as it was,
2) no nausea, no cramps in the intestines. I try to take Unidox with cereal or something dairy, so as not to upset my stomach. And of course, never on an empty stomach.
I drink Unidox together with hypoben (instead of Hofitol, which was prescribed by the doctor).
Hypoben (German) costs 30 tablets 189 rubles, besides, it is herbal and, as the pharmacy said, absolutely not harmful. hofitol (our domestic price for 180 tablets is 500-something rupees). instead of hofitol, the pharmacy said you can also take essentialal (also Germany), but this drug is choleretic and very strong.
So if you are going to take an antibiotic, the main thing is to control the body’s reaction so that neither the liver, nor the stomach, and everything else is damaged.

Girls, how do you know if this mite lives on you or not (I went to this link, it says that there are 2 types of them - one lives on the skin, and the other lives in the follicles of the hair bulbs and in the eyelashes. Why does this happen?)? I've never heard of such a parasite before. What about Unidox - for acne? Are you all stunned here? This is a serious drug and has serious consequences - they found a large amount of ureaplasma in me, I’ve been on it for almost 5 days, but the discomfort characteristic of this infection does not go away and what do, idk. Unidox is mainly prescribed for STDs, even though it has a wide spectrum of action. What kind of dermatologists are they who prescribe this kind of medicine, because acne can also be an allergy to the medicine. I had urticaria due to urogyn.

There was just horror on my face! At the KVD, the dermatologist prescribed Unidox one tablet, Aescusan 2 tablets, wipe the face with a mash 2 times a day and Baneocin ointment also 2 times a day. 10 days have already passed - everything is slowly dragging on, and no dysbacteriosis, no nausea!

Related topics

Who knows whether Unidox Solutab helps against Group B Streptococcus or is Rulid better?

Girls, I want to share one problem.
After a trip to the sea, my friend and I simultaneously developed a rash + acne in the chin area. Six months have passed, and my friend still has a few small pimples and red spots there. So, the other day she went to the dermatologist. No subcutaneous mites were found. The doctor prescribed her to drink Unidox Solutab for 50 days. I almost fell into a precipitate. Despite the fact that there are no blood tests, etc. he didn't prescribe it for her.
I told her that drinking Unicodes for 50 days is a killer dose. But for some reason she trusts the doctor more readily. Girls, I'm just in shock. I don’t know how to dissuade my friend from taking this antibiotic in such quantities. And what kind of doctors are dermatologists now?

I completely agree, we should start not with antibiotics, but with cleansing the body and proper nutrition. The cause of many “sores,” including acne, is “polluted intestines.”

mmmm. Well, don’t blame doctors like that, they take Unidox for acne for 90 DAYS (this is a therapeutic dose) along with Flucostat and Hilak Forte))
14 days 2 tablets, 14 days. 1 tablet, 62 days. 0.5 tablets each
Compared to Roaccutane, Unidox is absolutely nothing =)))
In general, girls and boys who have few pimples and get sick for a year or two are showered with oohs and aahs))
and we, old, decrepit, pimply turtles, who have tried the entire arsenal of cosmetic and medicinal products for acne, already perceive strong drugs as the last smoldering hope))

if you are treating your face for acne, then take Unidox Solutab 1 tablet 2 times a day and along with Linex 2 times a day, 2 capsules at a time drink Unidox Solutab for 10 days then and Linex a month after ten days the microflora will worsen greatly but when you drink Linex for another 20 days, then everything will return to normal and also apply a topical antibiotic GENTALICIN OINTMENT 2 times a day on the entire face. This is what the doctor prescribed for me))) so far I started treatment yesterday.)

My husband has an unbearable skin condition. There are black dots, small subcutaneous dots that make the skin uneven, and large red dots that appear. horror! And all this is on the cheeks. He went to a dermatologist, who said that there were no problems, he should go to a cosmetologist. The cosmetologist sends me back to the dermatologist. Cleaning only makes it worse. Zenerite does not help, it only adds peeling. The skin on the cheeks is dry. In general, I learned about such a radical measure and we decided to try it. He’s been drinking them for the first day, I’ll write about the results. If this does not help, Roaccutane remains. All tests are good. No parasites, no problems with hormones, no stomach problems.

My husband has an unbearable skin condition. There are black dots, small subcutaneous dots that make the skin uneven, and large red dots that appear. horror! And all this is on the cheeks. He went to a dermatologist, who said that there were no problems, he should go to a cosmetologist. The cosmetologist sends me back to the dermatologist. Cleaning only makes it worse. Zenerite does not help, it only adds peeling. The skin on the cheeks is dry. In general, I learned about such a radical measure and we decided to try it. He’s been drinking them for the first day, I’ll write about the results. If this does not help, Roaccutane remains. All tests are good. No parasites, no problems with hormones, no stomach problems.

Colon lavage and normal nutrition. It should help.

In Tyumen, my face was so sore that there was no living space. I went to see a dermatologist, he prescribed me Unidox Solutab, 1 tablet 2 times a day, for 10 days. I also had some kind of facial lotion and went for a blood transfusion I didn’t eat anything sweet at all while I was taking the pills. Literally after 5 days my face became clear. It hasn’t been like that for 2 years. But I stopped taking the drug two weeks ago and my face starts to break out again. The doctor said that they shouldn’t be taken often. Zenerite doesn’t help. Darsenval didn’t help much either. All that remains is to try skinoren.

I was diagnosed with fulminant acne. terrible garbage, everything is so inflamed. no matter what you sing or whistle. I ran to the doctor today, he prescribed Unidox and Bion for dysbacteriosis. and zenerite per month. about the fact that it is terribly harmful nonsense. I took Unidox for 5 years, for acne, it helped a lot. only yes, for two days, excuse me, I felt terribly sick, I couldn’t get up, especially in the evening. then I got used to it. and no consequences. ttt
Tomorrow is the first day of take two I will take Unidox. I hope for a positive result))

This is not how girls need to get rid of acne. I suffered for a long time, they tormented me very much, I went to a dermatologist, he prescribed me just one talkative, everything went away. I suffered so much, it’s a pity that I didn’t go to the hospital earlier.

The more interesting thing is how long the therapeutic effect will last.

I also watched “Health” today. They probably wouldn’t show idiot doctors around, much less advise all sorts of nonsense. I’ve been struggling with Acne for 8 years now, if at the beginning I dreamed of the hope that “youthful things will go away,” then at more than 20 years old I can’t believe it anymore)) I’ve probably tried everything I can) I eat right, the tests didn’t give anything, I tried Drink the usual nutritional supplement “brewer’s yeast” once a month, which is what the doctor prescribed, the effect, although weak, was relatively better than from ointments, creams, etc. The problem still needs to be cut at the root, fought from the inside. I'll try to take this drug. I read a lot of comments..it became a bit scary)
Please advise what should be taken in parallel for the intestines and liver and in what doses, etc. Very interesting.

Unidox-solutad (water-soluble tablets) - from the tetracycline family, is used to treat acne and acne of the second severity (i.e. if you count inflammation from 10 to 40 places on your face) You need to drink it for 3 months! and without a doctor’s prescription! because it was created specifically to fight inflammation from the inside, and at the same time it is MANDATORY to treat inflammation externally! Instead of soap, it is advisable to use foams and gels. And after cleansing, apply a cream that also contains SALICYLIC ACID.

Today I watched the program Health, I was about to buy Unidox, but something became scary. I've been using it for over 4 months now. Differin cream (prescribed by the doctor), first I additionally drank and injected antibiotics + lactofiltrum. Differin helps me, but the red spots from it remain (which is why many people refuse it) and gradually go away - I use light peeling, lubricate the redness with Rescuer gel (oil-based, suitable for me because I have dry skin). Is there a result.

Like everyone else, today I watched the “Health” program (stumbled upon it by accident). After reading the comments, I became scared to buy Unidox. But I’ll tell you what. I am 32 years old, I have had acne since I was 15 years old (oily skin) I am struggling with the variable effect. I went everywhere and did everything. In adolescence, everything will pass; as you get older, it will pass when you give birth. Our doctors are so-so. The tests showed nothing. Diet, they say, will help (while many experts say that internal problems of the body affect the development of these acne only in 20% of cases). It seems like nothing, nothing and bam again. But the worst exacerbations are in the beginning of spring and mid-autumn. But not so long ago, I read about Metrogyl gel and decided to try it, firstly because it’s not expensive—our price is 79 rubles, and secondly, I remembered the effect. which was from a Metrogyl dropper - I was prescribed it for a terrible sore throat - so after it there were no rashes for 3 months. I don’t know, but the painful acne has stopped hurting and has subsided. He helped, no, I don’t know. By the way, three days later, I started taking Likopid - as prescribed by the doctor - herpes appeared on my lips. Maybe the two together gave this result? So I think 79 rubles is not so expensive to try. At least I won’t feel bad about throwing money away, as I did with Skinoren.

"Unidox.Salyutab" belongs to the doxycycline group, these are antibiotics - but not the strongest.
By the way, this drug is created from components that are active in the human stomach itself, so it does not harm the intestinal microflora. But as for the liver, it needs support. I am a dermatologist myself and I am now using this drug to improve my husband’s skin.

Like you all, I watched the “Health” program. I’ve already bought these pills, but I don’t dare take them. It's kind of scary. Acne bothers me not on my face, but on my back, summer is coming and it can’t be worse. so I think I’ll decide soon, because nothing helps. The main thing is not to harm the body.

Like many, I watched the Health program with recommendations to take Unidox, I’ve been suffering with the problem for 10 years and nothing helps: I went to dermatologists (the ointments only caused more purulent inflammation, the chatterbox didn’t solve the problem), by the way, the diagnosis was different in three different clinics : both public (clinic No. 1 at the Russian Academy of Sciences) and private - this is a question of the qualifications of dermatologists. I carefully monitor my nutrition, and my age is already far from youthful hormonal disruptions. Cosmetology, as is known, gives only a cosmetic effect and does not treat the cause. In general, at the moment the problem has only worsened - in addition to the facial area, acne has appeared in the décolleté and back area, which is very frustrating on the eve of the warm beach season. Yesterday we couldn’t find Unidox in a local pharmacy near Moscow, but there is a cheap domestic analogue - Doxycycline, cost 6 rubles 27 kopecks (1 pack contains 10 capsules), this is the same antibiotic (in terms of chemical and pharmacological properties and other parameters) just without advertising and domestic production, Yesterday was the first day of taking it together with Differin gel and thinking gel with salicylic acid - there is already a small result in the décolleté area, there is a reduction on the face, the back is still without improvement. I think we can talk about a more or less clear result in 7-10 days. Let's see.

Hello everyone)) I haven’t read all the comments about Unidox, I’m lazy) I’m taking Unidox now, there are no side symptoms, the doctor prescribed treatment for acne, it costs about 200 rubles, the normal price for these days)

I saw the appointment in the Health program on Channel 1.
1. Foam or gel for oily and problem skin with solecylic acid. Wash your face in the morning and evening.
2. Differin cream or gel at night.
3. Unidox Solutab.
The course of treatment is 3 months. Then there will be an effect.

The difference is that you take the Doxycycline tablet with water, and dissolve the Unidox tablet in water. The load (as an antibiotic) on the liver is less.

Well, yes! =) it says that you can drink Unidox with water! take 6-12 weeks! There are 10 tablets in a package, one per day! Packaging = 260 rub. those. from 1040 rub. up to 2080 rub. min. The pills will cost you! Doxycycline, however, will be more profitable:))))) True, I’ve been taking Unidox for the third day, Clean Clear gel, + Difflucan! I don’t know about you, but my face is burning hot)))) The pimples are drying out very much. much! but somehow it’s not clear. my face is burning and for some reason itching =)))

It was prescribed to me by a gynecologist for my women’s affairs. I drank for 10 days, 1 tablet. 2 times a day, and already halfway through the course the skin noticeably cleared up. I drank Linex and Hofitol with him. Women's ailments have been cured, and the skin is now much better. And even the rashes before the critical days became noticeably smaller.
But without a doctor’s prescription, JUST for the sake of the skin, I would not take it. An antibiotic, after all. Maybe it will help for a while, and then everything will come back. because the microflora must be restored very carefully after such wheels. If you violate it, it could get worse. All the imbalance inside will come out on your charming face.