A hanging mole hurts, what should I do?

The appearance of hanging moles.

Every person has moles on their body, but some are practically covered with a wide variety of moles, while others can count their nevi on one hand. In fact, moles are simple cells of our skin, which over time and over a number of factors have darkened due to the pigment accumulated in the cells. Moles most often appear during hormonal changes, i.e.:

  1. when a child grows up,
  2. if a boy or girl is going through adolescence,
  3. when a woman carries a child in her womb,
  4. during times of extreme stress, etc.

However, for the most part, many people are interested and pay attention not to simple moles, but to hanging moles. These moles are very strange - if these are skin cells, then why did they begin to “hang” over the skin, why do hanging moles appear? In fact, many people classify small hanging moles not as nevi, but as papillomas, which are also benign formations on the body. Most often they appear on the body in those places that are more mobile and more often exposed to direct sunlight. Here are some special factors that can be identified as the causes of hanging moles on the body:

  1. human papilloma virus;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. genetic predisposition;
  4. excessive sun exposure;
  5. malfunction of internal organs.

Don't be afraid that a mole has suddenly appeared for the first time, although you have never had such moles before. The peculiarity of the existence of such moles on the body is that they can disappear on their own, and you won’t notice it right away.

ATTENTION! Here's something to remember: Hanging moles are worth keeping an eye on. To do this, you can conduct regular examinations of your own body or contact a dermatologist-oncologist.

Many people decide to remove moles because they cause inconvenience and discomfort and can make one’s appearance repulsive. However, there are also medical indications for the removal of hanging moles, in which case removal is simply necessary urgently.

Is there any danger in hanging moles?

Any moles and papillomas are not dangerous, but you have the risk that one of the neoplasms will begin its terrible degeneration. Benign neoplasms degenerate into malignant tumors. As you understand, this is extremely serious and can lead to complications and big problems if the situation is not corrected in time. So you will have to visit the office of a dermatologist-oncologist so that the doctor can confirm or refute your doubts about hanging moles. But you can yourself, by daily examining the moles on your body, determine whether there are any problematic moles among all:

  1. Listen to your body - if any of the hanging moles hurt;
  2. Carefully inspect the moles externally, especially in the most dangerous places - if the hanging mole under the arm is inflamed, it means that you cut or touched it while shaving. Also examine hanging moles on other parts of the body to detect inflammation;
  3. The mole should not itch or itch, because... this is dangerous due to injury to the mole and may indicate the beginning of the process of the appearance of a malignant tumor;
  4. Inspect the area around the mole - there should not be any “halo” nearby, which may resemble a flat mole;
  5. Press on the mole - there should be no compaction or discharge. If an unknown fluid or blood is released from a mole, this is a very bad symptom.

If you identify at least one suspicious factor, you should consult a doctor, despite the fact that there are very few cases of degeneration of hanging moles, you should not risk falling into the “chosen circle”. Believe me, the consequences are extremely negative; you will have to not only remove the mole, but also all the malignant cells that have managed to increase in size, undergo a course of treatment, and much more.

Favorite places for hanging moles.

As you know, moles can appear on anyone, they can either appear on the body or disappear. However, it is possible to identify special places for hanging moles, where they prefer to appear most often:

  1. neck,
  2. back,
  3. groin area and genitals,
  4. armpit area.

Hanging moles in the groin cause the least discomfort, because... Each person monitors this area as much as possible; this area is less susceptible to friction and scratching, which means that the likelihood of touching a hanging mole in this place is low. However, this does not apply to cases where you prefer to shave hairs from the bikini area or from the entire groin area, then there is a danger of shaving off a completely hanging mole.

Hanging moles under the armpits are also dangerous - most often they are touched while shaving hairs. It is hanging moles in the armpits that are recommended to be removed first, for both women and men. Moles in this area are often at risk from the simple process of changing clothes if you wear tight-fitting clothes.

Particular attention should be paid to hanging moles on the neck. Men often shave the growing hairs in the neck area (both front and back). But if this is done using a mirror, i.e. If you can avoid problems, then what about itching? Itching in the neck area is normal; it can be caused by rubbing clothes, touching hairs, blowing wind, and other minor circumstances. For this reason, we often scratch our neck and can damage hanging moles on it.

One of the harmless hanging moles are moles on the back. They are least likely to get picked or scratched, but can be rubbed on by everyday clothing. In this case, it is recommended to either remove moles on the back, or start wearing loose clothes that do not rub when worn and do not interfere with dressing.

How to remove hanging moles.

It is worth removing hanging moles for several reasons:

  1. If hanging moles cause discomfort,
  2. If hanging moles spoil your appearance,
  3. If the doctor has prescribed removal of a hanging mole for medical reasons.

Many people doubt what to do if a hanging mole becomes inflamed or torn off. First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist or oncologist, who will check a hanging, inflamed or scraped mole. As a rule, the doctor will either give you recommendations that will help you avoid injuring hanging moles on the body, or will direct you to remove the mole. If mole removal is aimed at your healing, then you will be given:

  1. Surgical excision of a mole. The operation is anesthetized and takes no longer than an hour. During it, the surgeon cuts through the mole with a scalpel, excises dangerous cells and takes away a little of the healthy areas. Healthy cells along with malignant ones are necessary for cell examination, because After removing a mole, it must be sent for a biopsy. This method is less attractive for the patients themselves, because takes more time and leaves marks. But don’t be alarmed, you can remove the marks from this method with a plastic surgeon by resurfacing the scar.

If the doctor has not given any special medical indications, then you can use methods that are more skin-friendly. For example, one of the best ways to remove moles and papillomas:

  1. Laser removal of hanging moles. The operation is performed within a few minutes, the surgical area is preliminarily anesthetized, and during the operation itself there will be no bleeding - this is one of the advantages of this method. It is also worth noting that after laser removal of moles, no traces remain on the body after a couple of weeks, and at first a small hole from the excised area remains.

There are many more methods for removing moles, but each of them has a number of disadvantages that are not identified with either surgical or laser removal of moles.

The appearance of moles on our body does not cause us to panic, since it has long been known that moles are initially these are benign neoplasms, but it is necessary to remember about the viral component of the very origin of nevi. If your mole burns, hurts, stings, itches, or is swollen, you should not delay consulting a doctor, hoping that everything will go away on its own. necessary promptly seek help from a dermatologist or oncodermatologist.

If a mole hurts, you definitely need to be examined by a qualified specialist.

Why does a mole hurt?

The main causes of pain:

Trauma or predisposition

Most often, the pain of moles appears as a result of injury to them or with a predisposition to this. Painful conditions of nevi often lead precisely to the development of unwanted malignant tumors – melanoma (skin cancer). A mole can be injured completely by accident, for example, if the nevus is convex, then it can easily be caught by clothing or some objects, these could be scratches or cuts when shaving legs, armpits, etc.

Melanoma formation

Some moles are prone to initially degenerate into melanoma - malignant form. Under the influence of any external irritants - sunlight or negative environmental influences, this process is activated.

The disease of moles is expressed by the appearance of asymmetry in shape (uneven edges), rapid growth in diameter, change in color (blackened, reddened) and painful sensations.

Increase in size

The mole also hurts when the nevus grows. This is not a good sign, so you cannot avoid consulting a specialist. The growth of a mole most likely means its degeneration. If a mole hurts after removal, most likely this means that the tissue is healing. But if this pain becomes unbearable and painkillers do not help, need to see a doctor.

Provocateurs of pain

We must not forget that there are a number of factorsplaying the role of provocateurs. They make the process of degeneration of a nevus into a malignant formation very rapid, which is why in this case the question of what to do if a mole hurts will at least not be appropriate. Naturally, run to the hospital. First factor – prolonged exposure to the open sun. Scientists have long established that ultraviolet rays have a very unfavorable effect on the cells that make up your mole. That's why, if you have a mole on your face, wearing a hat and a baseball cap will be best on hot summer days. If the mole is located on the back, you must be very careful when sunbathing in summer and do not wear clothes with an open back.

You need to be careful about those moles that protrude above the skin. These moles are called hanging moles. If such a mole hurts, most likely you injured her under some circumstances. We very often touch our hanging mole with a washcloth or fingernail. In this case it is necessary consult a dermatologist immediately and treat the nevus with hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green to be sure that you have not contracted the infection.

Special danger A mole on the head can represent this, because these are the moles that are most at risk of injury. One incorrect, careless movement when washing your hair is enough for a mole to be injured or begin to bleed. Self-medication is not worth it, since infected blood may well cause damage to other parts of your body.

What to do if a mole hurts?

If you have a mole that hurts, you don’t need to try to relieve the pain yourself or relieve inflammation, you need to contact a specialist. Even when visiting the clinic, you should not stop only at a consultation with a dermatologist; the doctor will explain to you the reasons for this nevus condition, and after the consultation you need to take a Necessarily tests to find out the nature of the mole and prescribe a course of specific treatment, as well as explain to you the possible consequences of removing the mole.

After the examination, tests are most often carried out, then the painful mole is removed. To date there are many methods, the main ones are removal using laser, electric current or liquid nitrogen. To be completely sure that the mole will not appear again, you need to go through special course of chemotherapy, if your doctor prescribes it.

The main goal of chemotherapy – this is to ensure the complete cessation or slowdown of the growth of those cells, during the reproduction of which a tumor is formed. After all, after the procedure of removing the mole itself, unwanted cells may remain in your body. Today, the methods of our modern medicine in the fight against nevi show quite good results, since before removal it is possible to determine the depth of the mole.

If a mole hurts you need to contact certain specialists. If you observe one of the above signs, including pain in the area of ​​the mole, you should contact either dermatologist, or oncologist. The best place to start is by visiting a dermatologist. If necessary, this specialist will give you a referral for a consultation with an oncologist.

If you notice even minor changes in size, or you are alarmed by the shape and color of the mole, pain, you should not guess why the mole hurts, you need to quickly contact a specialist with your problem. This does not always mean the development of oncology, but it is better to be safe.

Most often, the moles that we have on our skin hardly change throughout our lives. But what to do if suddenly, without external influence on the mole, you discover characteristic symptoms of inflammation in its area? Redness? Soreness? Increase in size? Does this indicate that her malignant degeneration has occurred? The answers are in this article.

Structure of a mole

To understand the processes that occur when a mole becomes inflamed, you need to delve a little deeper into the structure of the skin. Why does hair grow from a mole? As we have already found out in this article, hair can grow from a mole (i.e., a pigmented nevus). This is due to the fact that, as a rule, the mole itself is located slightly above the level at which the hair follicles lie. It turns out that it is not the hair that grows on the mole, but rather the hair that grows through it and appears on the surface. She just happened to be in their way.

Why does a mole turn red, enlarge and become painful?

The fact is that inflammation can begin in the area of ​​hair follicles and sebaceous glands. As a rule, the sebaceous gland becomes inflamed, the excretory duct of which opens into the hair follicle.

In medicine, inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle is called a boil, popularly - "pimple".

This happens for a variety of reasons, from pollution and microtrauma of the skin to metabolic disorders. As you can see in the picture below, all inflammation phenomena appear in the area of ​​the mole:

Does inflammation of a mole indicate its malignancy?

Can talk. One of the signs of melanoma (No. 10) is “inflammation in the area of ​​the nevus and in the tissues surrounding it.” However, do not panic if you suddenly discover this symptom. The fact is that this may well be inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle, and not at all malignant degeneration. How to distinguish one from the other?

What to do if your mole becomes inflamed and red?

The first thing to do is to stop further independently studying the Internet on this topic. The fact is that on the Internet you can almost always find confirmation of your worst suspicions about your health. This is not what we need now.

In addition, it must be remembered that this symptom alone is extremely rarely a sign of melanoma. In the vast majority of cases, there should be other symptoms - uneven (geographic, scalloped) edge, asymmetrical shape, bleeding, etc.

Then just follow these recommendations:

  1. Wet a regular gauze pad (not sterile) with a solution in the ratio of 1 part chlorhexidine, 1 part dimexide, 2 parts water
  2. Apply the resulting compress to the area of ​​the inflamed mole for 30 minutes, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

In most cases, redness, pain, and enlargement of the mole disappear under the influence of these compresses within 5 days.

If the inflammation does not subside within 5 days, you should urgently see an oncologist. In this situation, the likelihood that these changes were caused by transformation into melanoma is very high.

Briefly about the main thing:

If your mole becomes inflamed, red, or painful without any external influence, do not panic. Apply compresses according to the above scheme and inflammation should subside within 3-5 days. If this does not happen, see an oncologist immediately.

If you don’t have the mental strength to wait 5 days, you can get my consultation online right now. There is also the opportunity to make an in-person appointment with me at the clinic in St. Petersburg (Asafieva 7/1).