Cosmetic Massage for Some Diseases of the Scalp


The result of improper hair and scalp care is dry seborrhea. With this disease, hair becomes brittle and loses its shine and silkiness. Hair loss often occurs as a consequence of dry seborrhea. Sometimes dandruff forms on the surface of the skin of the scalp, which consists of many white dry flakes.

Treatment prescribed by a medical specialist can be combined with a scalp massage.

At the preparatory stage, you should make a parting: you need to make it with a comb, gradually moving from the center of the forehead to the back of the head, and then proceed directly to massage techniques.

One of the techniques used when massaging the scalp is stroking. This technique should be performed with the pads of the four fingers of both hands. It is necessary to place your fingers on the parting and make soft stroking movements along its entire length from front to back, gradually increasing the intensity of movements slightly. Stroking must be repeated several times. This technique can be performed either with two hands or with one, or alternate between them.

Rubbing is a technique that is widely used when massaging the scalp. The fingers of your left hand should be placed on the area of ​​the scalp located next to the parting, thus fixing the skin. After this, using your index and middle fingers, you need to rub the area of ​​skin located in the parting area. Movements should be performed in a semicircular direction using spread fingers. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 3-5 times.

The next technique is kneading. Using the tips of four fingers, apply pressing movements throughout the entire parting area, and lightly stretch the skin with your thumb in different directions.

Along with the above techniques, vibration is used to massage the scalp. Light intermittent movements are made with the tips of the four fingers. Make movements throughout the parting 3-5 times.

All techniques (rubbing, kneading, vibration) should be performed in alternation with stroking.

Using all of the above techniques, it is necessary to massage the entire surface of the scalp; partings for performing movements should be done at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. First of all, the partings need to be done in the longitudinal direction, and then in the transverse direction, there should be 8-10 of them in total. At the final stage of the massage, light shifts of the scalp should be made from front to back, and then in the opposite direction. The massage is best done in combination with a neck massage. Session duration is 15-20 minutes.


For baldness, scalp massage is best done without exposing the skin. Movements should be smooth and made in the direction from the parietal area down and back, and then to the lymph nodes, which are located in the occipital part of the head.

Along with medicinal and phytotherapeutic methods of treating baldness, the following massage techniques are used: stroking; trituration; pressing; puncturing; effleurage

Stroking is performed in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head and from the parietal part to the areas of skin behind the ears. It uses the techniques of grasping superficial and deep stroking performed with both hands. In parallel with this, a rake-like stroking of the scalp is carried out, which is performed with both hands, located parallel or sequentially. Movements should be performed in the direction from the frontal part of the head to the occipital and temporal parts.

For baldness, rubbing is used, performed with the fingers spread apart in semicircular movements. Using this technique, you massage not only the entire scalp, but also the muscles of the forehead, back of the head, and ears.

The pressure is applied as follows: you need to clasp your head on both sides with your hands and apply light pressure.
