
Proband is a term used in genetics to designate the first family member to seek advice for a suspected hereditary disease. It is the starting point for carrying out genetic analysis in the family.

The proband plays an important role in identifying genetically determined diseases and determining their heredity. Testing the proband's DNA can help identify the presence of a mutation or changes in the gene responsible for the disease, as well as determine the likelihood of passing this mutation to descendants.

One example of the use of the term "proband" is family testing for hereditary breast cancer. If a woman seeks advice in connection with a diagnosis of breast cancer and she has relatives with the same disease, then she can become a proband for a family genetic study.

It is important to note that the proband is not always a patient with a hereditary disease. In some cases, the proband may be a person who has no signs of the disease but is at risk of inheriting a gene mutation responsible for the disease.

The term "proband" is closely related to the term "propositus", which refers to the first family member who sought medical help for a hereditary disease. In some cases, these terms are used interchangeably, however, in general, the term "proposit" is used in a broader context, including not only genetic testing, but also general medical consultations.

Thus, proband is an important concept in genetics, which helps to identify hereditary diseases and determine their heredity in the family. It provides a starting point for genetic testing and can help prevent the development of diseases in future generations.

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Probands The concepts of proband or “probands” appeared in legal practice relatively recently and regulate some issues of a financial nature. More than 500 representatives of law firms from the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan and other countries responded to the first conference on this issue in New York. The Russian market offers the market as a whole very modest - insignificant and secondary; over the past five years, no particularly significant cases have been noted on this issue. At the same time, this practice is becoming increasingly widespread not only in developed markets, but also in countries where until recently it did not exist at all, that is, in the so-called developing countries.


Proband is a situation where, given the equal character of the enemy, the player is forced to choose an unreliable future. For example, having two opponents in an under-23 tournament, both of whom are known for their brutality, but when asked which of the two would tease the next tournament, reluctantly conceded their right to the youngest. There is no guarantee that the one chosen will not break and, on the other hand, there is no guarantee that the next opponent will also be better. A person has a high probability of failing, and taking risks unnecessarily is a bad decision or a dangerous position.