How many days can Baneocin be used?

Sometimes in life we ​​have to deal with scratches, wounds, burns, abrasions... Children especially often need to treat such damage to the skin. But how they don’t like those products that cause a tingling sensation! These products include iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and “green stuff.”

Seeing that the mother reached into the medicine cabinet for medicine to anoint the wound, the baby begins to cry and scream, trying to run away, anticipating pain. Now, in such cases, you can use harmless means - a powder or ointment called “Baneocin”.

General information about the drug

The ointment is in aluminum tubes, packaged in 20 grams.

The active components of the ointment and powder are two effective antibiotics belonging to the group of aminoglycosides. They are called bacitracin and neomycin.

Baneocin, produced in powder form, contains an auxiliary substance – corn starch (sterilized). And in addition to antibiotics, the ointment also contains white soft paraffin and lanolin.

How the drug works

Bacitracin and neomycin give the ointment and powdered dosage form bactericidal properties. These antibiotics potentiate the action of each other, so Baneocin is able to zealously destroy harmful microorganisms present on the skin and in the wound area. Therefore, Baneocin cures infectious and inflammatory lesions of the epidermis if they are caused by pathogenic microbes sensitive to the components of the powder and ointment. The drug manages to destroy:

  1. Gram-positive bacteria - various streptococci (including hemolytic), staphylococci, clostridia, Treponema pallidum, Corynebacterium diphtheria, anthrax bacillus, Listeria.
  2. Gram-negative bacteria - Neisseria, gonorrhea pathogens, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus, Fusobacterium, Clepsiella, Enterobacteriaceae, Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Leptospira, Borrelia.
  3. Fungi - actinomycetes.

When using Baneocin, there is no fear that addiction will occur and resistant strains of bacterial cells will form to the antibiotics contained in it. Resistance does not develop in almost any cases, so Baneocin will continue to be effective. Even if blood or other biological fluids of the body come into contact with the powder or ointment, their active components continue to exhibit their bactericidal properties.

Baneocin ointment is recommended for the treatment of:

  1. abscesses, mastitis;
  2. carbuncles, boils and other pustular skin lesions;
  3. purulent infections - pyoderma, folliculitis, hidradenitis (a condition in which the lymph node is inflamed).

It can also be used to prevent the development of infectious inflammation after surgical interventions or ear piercings.

The ointment eliminates infectious agents, reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, and accelerates the healing of wound surfaces. Therefore, the ointment is indicated during the treatment of burns (boiling water, iron and other household appliances).

Baneocin powder shows its effectiveness in treating skin damage, chicken pox, herpetic rashes, eczema, ulcers, cracks, contagious impetigo, scratches, cuts. They can be used to treat postoperative sutures, injuries after childbirth (such as a perineal rupture), and a newborn’s navel. The powder can help eliminate heat rash and diaper dermatitis. Bacteria at the site of application are destroyed, which significantly accelerates the healing of injured surfaces and wounds.

ENT doctors use Baneocin to combat secondary infectious processes in the case of runny nose (acute or chronic) and otitis externa, after operations performed on the sinuses or forehead.

How to use Baneocin

The powder or ointment is applied to an adult or child only on the damaged area of ​​the skin. After applying the ointment or powder, you can cover the area with a sterile bandage. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer two or three times a day, and the powder should be used two to four times a day.

If massive burns are being treated, when more than 20% of the skin is affected, then Baneocin powder is applied once a day. This limitation is provided due to the likelihood of absorption of the drug into the bloodstream. It is worth saying that not a single case of overdose was registered during the use of Baneocin. When treating otitis externa, large cuts and large wounds that are likely to heal with the formation of scar tissue, Baneocin ointment is first applied to the turundum, which is then injected into the ear canal or into the wound. When applying Baneocin ointment, be careful not to get it into your eyes. It is impossible to treat otitis media with Baneocin for a long time, since in this case the risk of toxic lesions of the ear increases. If during treatment with Baneocin you notice manifestations of allergies, then stop using this medicine and inform your doctor about this so that he changes the treatment tactics.

Pediatricians allow the umbilical wound of newborns to be treated with Baneocin powder, starting from the first day the baby is born. In this case, the umbilical wound heals without problems within two to five days. First, this wound is washed with hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration), then dried with a cotton swab. After such actions, Baneocin powder is poured directly into the wound. Such treatments are carried out until the wound dries and heals. If the umbilical wound becomes wet, does not heal, and pus appears, then treatment with Baneocin can be carried out four to five times a day. Baneocin should not be used for more than a week.

What else can Baneocin powder be useful for? For treating cuts, scratches, skinned elbows and knees, calluses, burns (first, second and even third degree) for adults and children. The surfaces of burns are sprinkled with powder twice a day for 7-10 days, until complete epithelialization. For diaper dermatitis, Baneocin powder can be used as a powder; the skin condition improves within 4-10 days from the start of using this product. To make chickenpox blisters dry faster, you can sprinkle them with Baneocin powder. It is a good alternative to “green stuff”. Carry out the procedure twice a day. As soon as a crust has formed, you can stop sprinkling. If the blisters were deep, then to prevent the appearance of scars, you can lubricate these places with Contractubex or Solcoseryl. Baneocin will be able to cope with boils and purulent inflammations on the skin without a scalpel. It can also be used for acne, pimples on the face and other parts of the body. In such cases, dermatologists advise applying Baneocin in the form of an ointment once a day to the areas of rashes and pimples. It is best to apply the medication shortly before bedtime. In the morning, wash your face well, and to give freshness to the skin, it is advisable to use a toner. To eliminate acne, Baneocin ointment is used for a week or two. Then a break is required. If necessary, you are allowed to repeat the course later.

About side effects

Are there any contraindications

Baneocin is allowed to be used even for the treatment of newborns. But the drug also has absolute contraindications. These include:

  1. pathologies of the cochlear apparatus (located in the inner ear);
  2. violation of the integrity of the eardrum;
  3. pathologies of the vestibular apparatus;
  4. serious problems with the kidneys (especially if there is heart or kidney failure);
  5. very extensive areas of skin damage;
  6. hypersensitivity or allergy to the components of the composition;
  7. hypersensitivity or allergy in the past to antibiotics included in the aminoglycoside group (for example, Gentamicin, Streptomycin, Kanamycin, etc.).

This remedy is not used to treat eyes.

Particular care should be taken in case of acidosis, myasthenia gravis and various pathologies of the muscular or nervous system. If signs of deterioration in health are noticed, this drug should be discontinued immediately.

Is it possible to use Baneocin during pregnancy?

Baneocin (powder or ointment) contains antibiotics that can be absorbed into the bloodstream in small quantities. And if these antibiotics get into the blood, then they may well pass through the placenta to the fetus developing in the uterus, then there is a risk of developing pathology of the hearing organ. Therefore, the decision to prescribe Baneocin for topical use during pregnancy or breastfeeding is made only by a doctor. If the drug is still prescribed to a pregnant woman (or breastfeeding), then large areas of skin cannot be treated. If Baneocin is applied to the area of ​​the mammary glands, then immediately before feeding the baby, you must thoroughly wash off the medicine from the skin.

Many people who resort to the help of Baneocin then speak positively about the drug. It is especially liked by parents with small children. You can put it in your first aid kit if you are going with the whole family to the country, on a hike or on vacation.

A yellowish drug intended for external use and having a weak characteristic odor is Baneocin ointment. It has an antibacterial effect and can be used for adults and children. This medicine, which is packaged in aluminum tubes of 20 g, can be freely purchased at the pharmacy.

pharmachologic effect

The drug contains two antibiotics (neomycin and bacitracin), which have a bactericidal effect and enhance each other’s effects (synergistic effect). Neomycin has an antimicrobial effect and is active against both gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.

The action of bacitracin is directed against gram-positive microorganisms, which include clostridia, staphylococcus, diphtheria causative agent, hemolytic streptococcus, treponema pallidum, as well as some types of gram-negative microorganisms.

The instructions indicate that the use of Baneocin ointment is ineffective against pseudomonads, most fungi, and viruses.

The drug has good tissue tolerance and is available in two forms - ointment and powder. Many patients have a question: which is better Baneocin powder or ointment? You should be aware that when applying the powder, natural sweating occurs, as a result of which the treated area is subjected to a cooling effect. The choice is yours and your doctor's.

What substances does the ointment consist of?

The composition of the drug includes the main active ingredients - bacitracin And neomycin (antibiotics), as well as additional ingredients - lanolin And soft paraffin white. The presence of two antibiotics in the drug makes it possible to get rid of many skin problems.

Indications for use

What does Baneocin ointment help with? She copes well with many skin diseases. Let's consider in which areas of medicine the use of Baneocin is effective.


The use of Baneocin ointment for children, and especially infants, is carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor.. Treating the skin of babies with the drug is justified in the following cases:

  1. diaper dermatitis, which is accompanied by bacterial complications;
  2. treatment of the umbilical wound in newborns;
  3. care for chickenpox rashes.


The use of the product in dermatology has become widespread for the following skin diseases:

  1. weeping contagious impetigo;
  2. with boils;
  3. carbunculosis;
  4. folliculitis;
  5. hidradenitis;
  6. pyoderma;
  7. eczema and trophic ulcers accompanied by infection;
  8. with herpes, which occurs with complications;
  9. infectious dermatitis;
  10. herpes zoster, occurring with bacterial complications;
  11. skin ulcers with purulent discharge;
  12. with streptoderma.


Surgeons recommend using Baneocin ointment for wounds under the following circumstances:

  1. care of wound surfaces, as well as sutures after surgical operations;
  2. in order to prevent infectious complications from burns.


Women are prescribed the use of ointment mainly after childbirth and during breastfeeding in the following situations:

  1. care for wounds, cracks and sutures of the perineum formed during labor, as well as after episiotomy;
  2. for treating nipples that have cracked while feeding the baby.


The ears and nose are also often affected by infection. Baneocin ointment will become indispensable under the following circumstances:

  1. infection of the ear and nose cavities;
  2. otitis externa;
  3. secondary infections with rhinitis;
  4. as a preventive measure for the development of secondary infection after surgery on the nasal sinuses.

Important! Before using the drug, you should consult a specialist, because Baneocin is a combined antibiotic. If there are contraindications for use, unpleasant consequences may occur.


All medications have their own prohibitions on use. Let's consider what contraindications Baneocin ointment has for children and adults.

  1. Severe malfunction of the excretory organs, accompanied by the development of renal or heart failure.
  2. Very large area of ​​skin damage. If you use the ointment in this case, an ototoxic effect may develop, resulting in hearing loss.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular system.
  4. Individual immunity to the components that make up the ointment.


The drug Baneocin enters the bloodstream through the skin and is excreted by the kidneys. If the ointment is used frequently and the treated skin areas are large, the drug may accumulate in the body. When used correctly (according to the instructions), the absorption of the product is minimal.

When the ointment hits the skin, it immediately begins an intensive fight against bacteria. The inflammatory process passes much faster, and due to the drying effect, acne disappears quite quickly. The use of Baneocin ointment for acne gives excellent results.

How to use

Using the ointment is simple, however, to obtain the expected result, you should strictly follow the instructions for use:

  1. Apply the ointment in a thin layer to cleansed skin.. It is not advisable to use soap in this case, since in combination with an antiseptic drug the skin can become very dry. It is better to wipe the skin with alcohol-free lotion, then pat dry with a clean towel or napkin.
  2. Adults should use the ointment 2-3 times a day, children - 1-2 times. If necessary, the drug can be applied under a gauze bandage. This will only increase the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. The daily dose of ointment used should not exceed 1 gram, and the course of treatment lasts from 7 to 10 days. When prescribing a repeated course, the maximum permissible dose is reduced by 2 times.
  4. If the product is used for burns, and the affected skin surface occupies more than 20% of the patient’s body area, then the drug is used only once a day.
  5. When using an ointment to prevent mastitis, before feeding, a woman should carefully remove any remaining medication using sterile cotton wool or a bandage and boiled water.
  6. If it is necessary to introduce the ointment into the cavity of the ear, nose or wound surface, then the drug should be applied in a thin layer to a turunda made of bandage or cotton wool, and then injected into the affected cavity. Turundas are changed every 8-12 hours, and the duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
  7. Good results are obtained by using Baneocin ointment for the treatment of acne and pustular rashes in the facial area. In this case, the product is applied either pointwise (for a small amount of pimples) or in a thin layer (for heavy breakouts). It is enough to carry out the procedure once, at night. Usually, after 2-3 days, noticeable positive changes in the condition of the skin occur.

Advice! Before using Baneocin ointment, the microflora that caused the disease should be checked for sensitivity to the drug.

Side effects

Let's consider what side effects the use of the drug Baneocin can cause.

  1. Allergic reactions. If the ointment is used for a long time, redness, dryness of the skin, rash, and itching are possible. Allergic reactions occur as contact eczema and develop infrequently.
  2. If the area of ​​skin affected by the disease is extensive, then the drug is absorbed in large quantities, which can provoke oto- and nephrotoxic effect and neuromuscular conduction disorders.
  3. If an allergy or superinfection develops, the drug must be discontinued.

When applied topically, the ointment usually does not cause any adverse reactions and is well tolerated by patients.

Baneocin during pregnancy

Antibiotics contained in Baneocin ointment are absorbed into the blood in small quantities, but through the bloodstream they can penetrate the placenta and harm the fetus. That is why the use of this drug during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, should be extremely careful. Basically, the doctor decides to use Baneocin during such a crucial period of a woman’s life if the expected benefit is higher than the expected consequences.


There are no cheap analogues of Baneocin ointment, nor expensive drugs. Pharmacies have other ointments containing antibiotics - these are Levomekol, Tetracycline, Erythromycin and others. Although the price of all these medications corresponds to the paying ability of different segments of the population, you do not need to change the medicine yourself, but rather consult a doctor about a possible replacement of drugs.


I had a difficult period when boils appeared one after another and brought a lot of unpleasant moments. I didn’t go to the hospital right away, I was still embarrassed, but when I finally went to the doctor, he prescribed Baneocin ointment. I was treated for 10 days, I’m happy with the result.

I suffered from acne, and finally found a good specialist who advised me to use Baneocin ointment. I also read reviews on the Internet and decided to try it. I didn’t even expect such a result; now my skin is clear.

And I developed complicated herpes. How much I suffered with him! Not only can you not go anywhere with such an appearance, but the pain is constant. I went to the doctor and recommended Baneocin ointment. I had the treatment and am very pleased with the result.

All information is provided for informational purposes. And it is not an instruction for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

The description is valid on 01.04.2016

  1. Latin name: Baneocin
  2. ATX code: D06AX
  3. Active substance: Bacitracin + Neomycin
  4. Manufacturer: Sandoz GmbH (Austria)


1 gram of powder contains 5000 IU neomycin sulfate and 250 IU bacitracin zinc.

Additionally: as a sterilized powder base (corn starch containing no more than 2% magnesium oxide).

1 gram of ointment includes 5000 IU neomycin sulfate and 250 IU bacitracin zinc.

Release form

The remedy Baneocin is produced in the form of an external powder of 10 grams in polyethylene jars with a dispenser and in the form of an ointment of 20 grams in a tube.

pharmachologic effect

Local bactericidal And antibacterial (broad spectrum).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Baneocin is antimicrobial a combined medicinal product used exclusively for local (local) use and containing two antibacterial drugs, characterized by their pronounced bactericidal effect.

Neomycin represents antibiotic aminoglycoside, suppressing synthesis processes bacterial proteins. The activity of this antibacterial agent is manifested against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial microorganisms.

Bacitracin belongs to the group polypeptide antibiotics, inhibiting replication processes bacterial cell wall. The main antibacterial effect of this drug is observed against gram-positive microorganisms representing the genus staphylococci And streptococci, as well as against some gram-negative bacteria (resistance to bacitracin is formed very rarely).

The synergism (combined action) of these two antibacterial drugs leads to a significant increase in the therapeutic spectrum of action bacitracin and increasing its effectiveness in relation to a number of microorganisms, in particular staphylococci.

When using the drug locally, absorption of its active ingredients, as a rule, is not observed (even when applied to damaged skin). However, at the time of therapy, their high concentration is detected in the skin.

This drug is characterized by good tissue tolerancetew, and therefore its use on large skin areas may cause systemic absorption.

Indications for use

The use of Baneocin ointment and Baneocin powder is indicated for the purpose of local therapy of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases that were caused by microorganisms sensitive to the active ingredients of the drug, including:

  1. prevention in newborns umbilical infection;
  2. prevention of possible infectious complications after surgicaldermatological) manipulations, as an additional therapy in the postoperative period after episiotomy, cauterization, tissue excision, treatment weeping wounds, cracks And seams;
  3. treatment bacterial skin infections local prevalence, including infected trophic ulcerative lesionslower extremities, contagiousweeping impetigo, infected eczema, diaper bacterial dermatitis, including bacterial complications caused by Varicella zoster And Herpes simplex.


It is prohibited to use any of the dosage forms of the drug when:

  1. extensive skin lesions (due to the risk of formation ototoxic effect manifested hearing loss);
  2. personal increased sensitivity To neomycin, bacitracin or to others aminoglycosides;
  3. severe excretory disorders renal function(because of renal or heart failure);
  4. diagnosed pathologies cochleo-vestibular system (if systemic absorption of the active ingredients of the drug is possible);
  5. diseases of the visual organs.

Side effects

Baneocin ointment and Baneocin powder, as a rule, do not lead to any negative effects when used topically on small problem areas of the skin and mucous membranes, for which reason the ointment and powder of this drug are recommended for use specifically for treatment local infectious diseases.

With prolonged use, possible allergic manifestations, including dry skin, redness, skin rash/itching. Mostly these phenomena occur like contact eczema, in half of the cases provoked by cross allergies to others aminoglycosides and are observed quite rarely.

Allow development systemic negative effects, in most cases noted in the treatment of extensive skin lesions, when there is a high possibility of absorption of the active ingredients of the drug and its occurrence nephrotoxic And ototoxic actions, as well as disorders neuromuscular conduction.

Instructions for use of Baneocin (Method and dosage)

Baneocin powder, instructions for use

The drug in powder form is indicated for use 2-4 times a day with a thin layer of it on the affected skin areas.

In case of treatment burnsoccupying more than 20% of the patient’s body surface, the powder can be used only once every 24 hours, especially when observed in the patient decreased renal function (due to possible absorption of active ingredients into the systemic circulation).

For local use, the maximum daily dosage is neomycin can be 1 gram, which corresponds to the use of 200 grams of powder per week. A repeated therapeutic course requires reducing the weekly maximum dosage by half (up to 100 grams).

Baneocin ointment, instructions for use

The drug in the form of an ointment is allowed for use 2-3 times a day, for which Baneocin ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. You can practice applying ointment under the applied bandage.

It is possible to use the ointment in the postoperative period as an additional therapeutic agent. Applying the drug directly to bandages is preferable in case of local therapy infected wounds And cavities (including surgical scars, tightened by secondary tension and bacterial infections external auditory canal without damage eardrum).


At this time, there have been no precedents for overdose with local use of Baneocin.


If possible systemic absorption active ingredients of the drug parallel use aminoglycosides or cephalosporins increases the risk of formation nephrotoxic phenomena.

Combined use of Baneocin with Furosemide or Ethacrynic acid increases the possibility of occurrence nephrotoxic And ototoxic reactions.

With the observed systemic absorption combined use of Baneocin with muscle relaxants, anesthetics And opioid analgesics may lead to the development neuromuscular blockade.

Cases of incompatibility neomycin And bacitracin not observed with other medicinal drugs.

Terms of sale

Both manufactured dosage forms of Baneocin are approved for over-the-counter sale.

Storage conditions

The maximum storage temperature for Baneocin ointment and powder is 25°C.

Best before date

From the moment of production: 2 years for powder and 3 years for ointment.

special instructions

In the case of using Baneocin dosages significantly higher than recommended, due to the possible absorption of its active ingredients, it is necessary to pay attention to negative symptoms that may indicate ototoxic or nephrotoxic reactions.

Due to the increasing risk of toxic effects in patients with observed liver pathologies/kidney should be prescribed to them, both before the start of therapy and during treatment, urine test And blood together with audiometric studies.

If during therapy it is possible to absorption active ingredients of the drug (for extensive skin lesions), then there is a need to control the possible development of symptoms neuromuscular blockade, especially in patients with severe myasthenia gravis, others neuromuscular pathologies, and acidosis. In case of neuromuscular blockade recommend prescribing neostigmine or drugs calcium.

Long-term use of Baneocin requires monitoring for possible excessive increases in numbers resistant microorganisms, sometimes with the need to prescribe appropriate therapy.

Long-term use of Baneocin for the treatment of children with liver pathologies/kidney, as well as the use of the drug to treat large areas of skin must be previously agreed with a doctor.

Whenever superinfections or allergic manifestations Baneocin therapy should be discontinued.


Analogues of Baneocin ointment and powder are represented by medicinal products used for topical use (ointments, aerosols, creams, solutions):

Baneocin for children

The use of the drug Baneocin is allowed for the treatment of children only after prior consultation with a pediatrician. Most often I prescribe this powder and ointment for children. acne (boils, carbuncles), paronychia, purulent hidradenitis, burns and even for therapy chickenpox (chickenpox).

Baneocin for newborns

Baneocin powder for newborns is usually used to prevent the possible formation of umbilical infection and only after agreeing on such treatment with a pediatrician.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

Use of any of the dosage forms of Baneocin for therapy pregnant women or nursing women are allowed only in cases where such treatment is clearly greater for the patient, in comparison with the potential negative risk of complications for the fetus or newborn.

Reviews about Baneocin

Reviews of Baneocin ointment, as well as reviews of the powder of this remedy, are overwhelmingly positive. The use of this drug, both for the treatment of adult patients and for the treatment of children, really leads to rapid and high-quality healing infected wound skin surfaces and almost never causes any side effects.

Also, favorable reviews about Baneocin are left by young mothers who use the powder of this remedy in order to prevent possible umbilical infection in their newborn babies.

Baneocin receives a slightly less positive assessment when used from acne and in the case of treating large affected skin areas, however, in any case, the effectiveness of the drug remains high.

Baneocin price, where to buy

The ointment and powder of the drug are approximately in the same price category. The price of Baneocin ointment is about 350-400 rubles, the price of Baneocin powder ranges from 360-420 rubles.