Methods of Cosmetic Massage

The person being massaged must take a sitting, lying or reclining position, and the position of the massage therapist during the session can be any that is convenient for him.


As a preventative measure to maintain the normal condition of the hair, as well as strengthen its roots, a scalp massage is performed. It is recommended for people with normal hair type to use this massage once a week and 2-3 times for those with a different hair type.

When performing a massage, the massage therapist's fingers should be completely on the surface of the scalp. Grasping the head, the massage therapist should perform alternating strokes, starting from the forehead and gradually moving to the back of the head.

After this, you should separate your fingers and continue stroking in the same way. Stroking should be done using both hands, placing them parallel to each other. Finishing the movements from the forehead to the back of the head, you should gradually move on to performing massaging movements in the temporal areas.

After this, it is necessary to perform rubbing: with the tips of your spread fingers, you should make semicircular massaging movements over the entire surface of the scalp.

The next technique performed when massaging is pressure. It also needs to be done over the entire surface of the scalp using the pads of spread fingers. In this case, movements should be intermittent.

After this, tapping is done with the fingertips. With it, the movements should be similar to hitting the drum with drumsticks and performed alternately with all fingers.

Gradually moving to the end of the massage, you should make deep stroking with the base of the hand, moving from the temporal part of the head to the corner of the lower jaw, bypassing the auricle from above. Massaging should be performed on both sides of the head, with the hands parallel.

The final technique when performing a scalp massage is superficial stroking. It is produced by the inner parts of the palms in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head.


Before performing a massage on the frontal part of the face, it is necessary to pre-clean the skin. After this, cream should be applied to it (strictly along the skin lines).

First, stroking should be done in the forehead area, which is done with both hands using three fingers (index, middle, ring). Movements should be carried out from the bottom up to the border with the hair roots. Stroking the right half of the forehead is done with the right hand, and stroking the left side with the left.

After this, you should stroke with your palms in the direction from the center of the frontal part to the temples. Then you need to stroke again with three fingers from the eyebrows to the roots of the hair.

Then you should use a technique such as vibration. It is necessary to place your palms on your forehead and make several movements, then perform tapping in the vertical and horizontal directions.

The following technique is used to smooth out wrinkles located above the bridge of the nose. The inner surface of the wrist must be lubricated with cream (nourishing or moisturizing), then pressed to the area above the bridge of the nose and fixed in this position for 5-7 seconds.

The final technique is stroking, but to achieve maximum effectiveness after it, all of the above techniques should be repeated 2-3 times, without changing the sequence of execution.


When making massaging movements, you should be careful, because the skin of the area around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive.

When performing a massage, you need to use only light and gentle pressure.

The pre-massaged part of the skin must be lubricated with cream. Massaging movements should be performed only in the direction of the skin lines and be smooth: apply the cream with your fingertips, while at the same time performing light tapping, which should be similar to the movements of the fingers when playing music on a keyboard