Clothing that threatens women's health

Having become more solid, they still look elegant, but their legs, deformed by those same “pads,” now require comfortable, preferably flat, soles. But who and when was stopped by bitter experience! Many people still wear narrow pumps with high heels every day. To look beautiful, we put ourselves in harm's way and risk illness or serious injury. Isn't it time to think about the fact that some things that seem irreplaceable to us are a serious threat to our health?

Almost every self-respecting girl has those translucent purple, smoky or bronze glasses that became a hit not so long ago. Do such glasses protect your eyes from the destructive effects of ultraviolet rays? Experts say that the degree of protection depends not so much on the color as on the quality of the glass. But quality, as you know, costs money. As a rule, the “100% protection” sticker is absolute nonsense! No glasses are a barrier to ultraviolet radiation, even those that meet all international standards. The sun's rays will still hit from the sides and from above. One of the main disadvantages of cheap glasses is that, due to ill-conceived design, you have to strain your eyes too much, and headaches occur.

"Push-up bras"
Mammologists claim that an uncomfortable bra can injure the spine, internal organs and impede blood circulation. If it does not match the shape of the breast, sometimes irritation and even inflammation of the skin occurs. Wearing a bra that is smaller than necessary leads to unpleasant sensations in the neck and shoulders and poor posture.

Miniskirts and tops
Scientists have declared miniskirts one of the “provocateurs” of cellulite. When the legs are exposed to cold, the body quickly builds up a layer of fat in the most vulnerable areas for protection. Cold causes blood circulation to slow down and accelerates the formation of “orange peel.”

Tight pants
Studies have shown that tight pants that fit on the hips can compress the nerve endings that run on both sides of the thigh bone. There may be a burning sensation and sharp pain in the thigh area.

Briefs: thong and high
The thin membranes of popular thongs “transport” bacteria from one intimate area to another and cause irritation - these details are reported by dispassionate gynecologists. Women suffering from chronic cystitis should avoid such panties. Ladies over 40 should also be careful, since with age the level of estrogen drops, at the same time the pH balance of the vaginal microflora changes and the likelihood of inflammation increases.

High heels and platforms
Statistics say that every year more than 220 thousand people go to emergency rooms after being injured due to uncomfortable shoes. Constantly wearing heels for several years leads to chronic overstrain of muscles and tendons. In the future, this can cause back pain, since the lower back is in an unnatural position while you are walking.