Effective cream for age spots on the face

If you want to purchase a cream for age spots on the face in a specialty store or pharmacy, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the rating of the best products. The list of drugs is compiled based on the components, their safety and the time of action on melanin accumulations. When choosing a cream, be sure to consider your age and the cause of the spots.

Why do we develop pigmentation?

When a woman begins to develop light yellow to dark brown spots on her facial skin with age, she begins to fight the deficiency. The distribution of dots indicates an uneven distribution of melanin. The main reasons for this failure include:

  1. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays (visiting a solarium, tanning in the sun without protective equipment).
  2. During hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, lactation, menopause).
  3. For chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Due to stress, nervous breakdowns.
  5. Due to alcohol abuse, smoking, addiction to fatty foods.
  6. Lack of vitamins.
  7. Consequence of cosmetic procedures (removal of pigmentation or post-acne).
  8. Incorrect use of hormonal or phototoxic drugs.

Many spots on the face appear after 40 years and indicate age-related changes. To restore ideal skin, you need nutrition and proper care with special creams and ointments. Regular external exposure will help to completely get rid of stains in a few months. If the cause of pigmentation is chronic diseases, it is recommended to deal with the problem not only outside, but also inside. Therefore, be sure to contact a dermatologist and undergo the recommended tests.

How do creams against age spots work?

A whitening face cream that helps get rid of age spots acts on the coloring pigment, suppressing it. To choose a good product, pay attention to the composition of the cream or ointment. It should include the following components:

  1. Gluconic acid – whitens dark spots, enhances the effect of the product.
  2. Arbutin – recommended for sensitive skin prone to irritation.
  3. Rucinol - helps get rid of spots on the face with long-term use of the product.
  4. Kojic acid - helps effectively get rid of pigmentation, but can lead to allergies.
  5. Vitamin C – promotes healing of skin affected by whitening chemicals.
  6. Tocopherol - to prevent the appearance of new spots.
  7. Tretinol – accelerates skin regeneration.
  8. Beta-carotene – used against pigmentation on the skin of the face.
  9. Hydroquinone - corrects facial imperfections quickly, but is a toxic component.

To remove age spots on the face, extracts of plants, fruits and vegetables are added to the cream, which help whiten the skin. In professional cosmetics you will find extracts of carrots, cucumbers, aloe, lemon, and parsley. For a softer effect, oils are added to the composition.

Rating of the best drugs

If you want to choose a good cream that will get rid of pigmentation on your face, we recommend that you pay attention to the rating of the best drugs. According to dermatologists and cosmetologists, the most effective are the following:

Elure. One of the most expensive and safest drugs that permanently eliminates dark spots on the face after a three-week course. It is made on a water basis and contains an extract from a tree fungus. The cream consists of two bottles: an enzyme and an activator. Its action is aimed at destroying melanin accumulations in the upper layers of the dermis. Elure is recommended not only by cosmetologists, but also by professional plastic surgeons. In addition to the cream, they offer a cleanser and a day lotion to remove pigmentation.

L'oreal Age Re-Perfect Pro-Calium. The cream is the best remedy for eliminating age spots around the lips, eyes, and cheeks. The composition contains SPF factor, which protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. This active component not only discolors melanin accumulations, but also prevents the appearance of new spots. Women over 50 years old need special skin care: moisturizing and nutrition. After regular use of the drug, an increase in skin firmness and elasticity is observed, and brown spots on the face are completely eliminated. The course of application is up to 10 weeks.

Melanative. A good lightening cream that is water-based. It is recommended for people with sensitive skin, as well as for allergic reactions to the chemical components of other products. The drug eliminates blemishes and nourishes the skin, therefore it is recommended for people with dry skin. The active action of the components and visible results appear after a month of daily use of Melanativ. If after the course you do not notice any visible results or any changes, it is recommended to change the cream.

Vishy Idealia PRO. This cream is for removing pigment spots. For the face, it is useful not only for its brightening effect, but also for its protection against ultraviolet radiation. The drug also promotes the regeneration of dead skin cells. The composition contains components that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. After a month's course, a 30% reduction in spots is observed. After 2 months of use, the skin tone evens out, and the problem no longer bothers the woman. Contains thermal water, therefore suitable for those with sensitive skin.

Evinal. The cream contains a plant extract of parsley, calendula, and placenta. To quickly eliminate spots and produce new cells, manufacturers added vitamin C and vitamin E to the product, and corn oil to tone the skin. The product has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, so it is prescribed after laser spot removal. During use, positive dynamics are noticed already on the 3rd day. It is recommended to apply it twice a day to previously prepared skin.

DermoAntistress. The well-known brand Chicco, which provides products for pregnant women, young children and their mothers, has produced a cream for age spots. It contains natural ingredients: jojoba oil, vitamin A and vitamin E. If spots appeared during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you can eliminate them with the help of this cream. It is safe and will not harm the child. After use, the skin becomes refreshed, cleaner, tighter, and softer.

Skinoren. The best face whitening creams don't have to be expensive. The product helps eliminate uneven skin tone and structure. The composition contains azelaic acid, which acts on the upper layers of the skin and does not enter the bloodstream. It is prescribed not only against blemishes, but also during exacerbation of acne and to eliminate post-acne. This drug is effective for the complex treatment of problem skin. The course of therapy for hyperpigmentation lasts up to 3 months. Preventive treatment contains a month of daily use. It is recommended to apply UV protection on top of a thin layer of cream.

Lakshma MAXXI. The product contains oils and herbal extracts: parsley, calendula. The cream is used not only to treat pigmentation on the face, but also to eliminate dark spots on the body. Positive results from use are visible after two weeks. The drug is safe and is even prescribed to eliminate freckles or post-traumatic spots in children.

"Snow White" Biocon. When it comes to budget cosmetics, experts recommend purchasing a line of products from the Biocon company for blemishes. The cream contains active ingredients: kojic and fruit acids, vitamin C. The structure is light, absorbs well and does not leave an oily sheen, so it can be used as a base for makeup. To achieve rapid whitening and prevent the appearance of new pigmentation, the Ukrainian company produces the “Snow White” series, which includes night and day cream, scrubbing agent, washing gel, and refreshing lotion. Be sure to study the composition of the cream; some components can lead to an allergic reaction.

Achromin. The composition contains components that protect against ultraviolet rays and whiten. The cream is fast-acting, but has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, use during pregnancy, lactation, and during exacerbation of acne is not recommended. To prevent peeling, redness and rashes, consult a dermatologist before using the product. Accumulations of age spots of any complexity can be eliminated after a month of regular use.

Prodigy Age Spot Reducer. This cosmetics against age spots on the face has proven itself as a safe remedy. The cream is based on natural ingredients: caesalpenia and gentian flower extract. Therefore, in addition to whitening, a woman will be able to improve her skin, even out her tone and refresh her face. The product fights age-related skin pigmentation, therefore it is intended for women over 50 years old.

Garnier Orquid Vital. An anti-aging product aimed at evening out complexion. An orchid extract is added to the cream, which makes the structure lighter and more delicate. The active component also accelerates metabolism and skin regeneration, nourishes mature skin. The result of use occurs after two weeks.

Neoton Radiance. The composition includes the following components: glycolic and salicylic acid, propylene glycol, plant extracts. These substances promote rapid skin regeneration, exfoliation of dead cells, and elimination of melanin accumulations in the upper layers of the dermis. Used to eliminate age spots of any complexity on the skin of the face and body. The drug protects against ultraviolet rays, so it is recommended to use it in the summer. The cream must be applied in the morning; it replaces any moisturizers and makeup base.

Bielita Vitex. Many of the best face whitening creams contain chemicals that are harsh on the skin. This product has a targeted effect on the pigment, but is absolutely safe. Daily use helps to achieve lightening of spots within a month. It is recommended to begin treatment in spring or winter, when the effects of ultraviolet rays are safest.

Guerlain Orch >All of the listed drugs can be found in pharmacies or specialized cosmetics stores. If you cannot decide which cream is best, consult a dermatologist or your cosmetologist.

Important! Be sure to read the instructions for use and the composition of the product. It is better to avoid kojic acid and hydroquinone, which quickly eliminate pigmentation but disturb the upper layer of the dermis.

The best ointments for age spots, which differ from creams at an inexpensive price: liniment, salicylic, zinc, sulfur, achromiin. Some cheap pharmaceutical products help not only lighten the skin, but also eliminate acne. Daily use of a thin layer of ointment on the skin can eliminate pigmentation in just two weeks. The listed products are poorly absorbed after application and therefore require more time.

Find out an additional secret recipe on how to whiten age spots at home:

Many women strive to get clear and smooth skin without a single spot. But, unfortunately, this is sometimes extremely difficult to achieve.

Pigmentation appears for various reasons, for example after childbirth or due to prolonged exposure to the scorching sun.

An anti-age spot cream will help you cope with the phenomenon. There are many options, we will help you choose the most suitable one among budget cosmetics or luxury cosmetics.

Rating of the best anti-pigmentation creams

Today there are a huge number of creams against age spots on the market that can even out skin color. Of course, you can try to disguise them with foundation or concealers, but this is not a solution. It’s better to get rid of the problem rather than mask it.


There are dozens of cosmetics that will help get rid of different types of pigmentation:

  1. birthmarks;
  2. freckles;
  3. age spots;
  4. melasma and chloasma.

When choosing the right product, you should pay attention to several factors:

  1. skin type;
  2. compound;
  3. hypoallergenic;
  4. presence of protection against ultraviolet rays.

When choosing a cream, you should pay attention to what type of skin it is intended for. A universal product is not always suitable for everyone, so the label “for all skin types” should alert you.

The composition is no less important. Under no circumstances should it contain: parabens, dyes, harmful preservatives, sulfates, etc. Fragrances are also undesirable. It is good when the composition contains: arbutin, kojic and fruit acids.

Another point is the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Often safer and more effective products are sold in pharmacies. In addition, experts will be able to advise the most suitable cream, ointment or gel for age spots on the face.

Below is a rating of the best creams for age spots according to dermatologists and users.

The most affordable anti-pigmentation cream, known for many years. However, now the composition has been slightly changed, which makes the product even more effective. The main ingredient is licorice extract, which has soothing and anti-inflammatory effects.


Achromin is not only a cream against age spots and freckles, but also against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Used twice a day, the manufacturer promises visible results after just two weeks. It is recommended to apply some time before going outside.

The cream should not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children under 12 years of age, due to the high risk of developing an allergic reaction.

It is important to note that some manufacturers use hydroquinone as the main ingredient instead of licorice extract, which can be dangerous. Therefore, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the composition.

Another budget cream for facial pigmentation with vitamin C and UV filters. Suitable for all skin types and copes with pigmentation after pregnancy. Previously, the product contained the harmful component hydroquinone, but now the composition is safer.

The cream contains: rep extract and coconut oil, which help to effectively even out the complexion.


Apply twice a day - morning and evening and is suitable for use at any time of the year, but not during periods of active sun. After a month, it is recommended to apply once a day. If an allergic reaction occurs on the face, you must stop using it for 5 days and then continue using it again.

The whitening cream in a tube is suitable for any pocket and will not only get rid of pigmentation, but also protect against UV rays. It has a creamy structure with a rose aroma. The composition includes arbutin, known for its effectiveness. Its action is similar to hydroquinone, but is not toxic, unlike the latter.

In addition, the components also include lactic and fruit acids, as well as vitamin C.


The cream should not be used by pregnant women and children. If during use a negative reaction occurs in the form of tingling, redness or rash, you must stop using it or take a break for several days.

The ointment is antifungal and is prescribed for diagnosing skin diseases caused by fungus, for example pityriasis versicolor. The disease manifests itself in the form of colored spots. Clotrimazole will help only in the case of complex treatment with the use of other external agents.

The drug is applied in a thin layer, avoiding the mucous membranes, up to three times a day. It has a too oily texture and is practically not absorbed into the skin, which is important to take into account, because if you apply it at night, the ointment can stain your bed or clothes.


Clotrimazole should not be used during pregnancy; during lactation it is used with caution and only after permission from a doctor.

With Vichy cream, the problem of pigmentation has become even more solvable. The main ingredient is kombucha kombucha, obtained by fermenting black Ceylon tea. An ingredient that can cope not only with pigmentation spots, but also with freckles, redness and vascular age network. In addition, Vichy cream will make the skin more even and smooth.

In addition to the cream, the manufacturer offers Idealia night peeling. It contains: blueberry extract, fermented black tea, citric acid, glycolic acid, thermal water and ascorbyl glucoside, which combats uneven complexion. The consistency is liquid, similar to water.


The product is applied twice a day and can be easily combined with other skincare products.

Whitening cream from an Israeli manufacturer with an excellent composition: arbutin, kojic acid, extracts of red grapes, mulberry, saxifrage. The product can cope even with deep and old spots on the skin.

Apply to cleansed skin pointwise - directly to pigmented areas. If necessary, it can be used on large areas of the face and body. May cause redness of the skin, in which case discontinue use.


The cream has a dense texture and is used sparingly. According to consumer reviews, it copes with its function quite effectively.

Polish cream will help with age spots on the face and prevent their appearance in the future. In addition, the product has tonic, smoothing, nourishing and moisturizing properties.

The composition contains cucumber extract, avocado oil, panthenol and allantoin. The structure of the cream is similar to whipped egg white. Apply twice a day; in the morning you can use it before applying makeup. The effect will not be noticeable immediately, but at least a month after use.


The Yinni company offers to get rid of age spots on the face using the Green Tea set. The set consists of two products - for day use and night use. Already in the first week of use, the spots will begin to acquire a lighter shade, and the hardened layer of skin will begin to roll off.

Chinese creams for age spots are considered one of the best due to their price and effective action. Yinni contains: arbutin, extracts from green tea, algae and aloe, which help fight pigmentation. In addition, the products will protect against ultraviolet rays and help stimulate cellular metabolism.

Use is prohibited in several cases: pregnancy and lactation, hot and sunny seasons of the year - spring, summer. Apply twice a day to damp facial skin.


Italian effective remedy for darkening of the skin with effective components that help restore and renew the skin. The composition is based on lactic and glycolic acids with polyhydroxy acids, and also includes: shea butter and almonds, known for their moisturizing, softening and smoothing functions.

Bioline JaTo offers whitening cream, mask and emulsion. The only significant drawback of cosmetics is the high cost. However, a premium product allows you not only to lighten the skin, but also to give your face a fresh and radiant look.


The Greek cream Aphrodite Olive Oil is excellent for removing age spots. Its formula will allow you to quickly restore an even tone to your skin, as well as give it radiance and velvety. The composition includes not only olive oil, but also extracts: Siberian larch, brown seaweed, licorice, which help strengthen the skin. Also suitable for age spots.

The cream should be used in the evening after standard skincare. A small amount is applied to the skin and rubbed in with massaging movements, paying special attention to pigmented areas.

In the composition you will not find harmful components: parabens, preservatives, animal fats, dyes that are harmful.


Not everyone is calm about pigmentation, despite the fact that every year minor imperfections, such as age spots, are becoming more and more fashionable.

Fortunately for many, you can deal with darkened areas: freckles, birthmarks, age spots and more with the help of special creams.

There is a huge selection on the market; all that remains is to choose the most suitable drug depending on the price, composition, skin type or manufacturer.

You can also read about getting rid of pigmentation with peeling in this article.

Pigmentation on the body is a fairly well-known problem. Many girls turn to cosmetologists and dermatologists asking for help. Indeed, such spots on the body are abnormal and also not aesthetically pleasing. The reasons for the appearance may be different: strong exposure to ultraviolet rays - tanning appears in the form of spots, hormonal imbalances after 50 years, pregnancy, metabolic disorders, disruption of the normal functioning of the body and poor nutrition. This problem also often occurs in those with sensitive skin and in older people who are often exposed to the sun. Therefore, you need to use creams for pigmentation on the face, a list of the best of which is presented in this article.

Composition of anti-pigment face creams

Today, you can see a lot of anti-pigment creams and gels on the shelves and windows of cosmetic stores. All of them have a whitening effect, so to speak, “erasing stains.” To create this result, the lightening cream contains the following elements:

  1. kojic acid – a chemical substance that has a strong bleaching effect. Found in some types of cereals and mushrooms. May cause allergic reactions;
  2. hydrochion – a natural substance that has toxic properties. It is dangerous, but at the same time very effective - it reduces the functioning of cells and slows down the process of staining. There are side effects and restrictions on use;
  3. gluconic acid – brightens the surface layer of the epidermis and enhances the effect of all other components;
  4. vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – promotes rapid regeneration of the skin after interaction with the chemical composition of the product. Protects against strong influence on the condition of the epidermis;
  5. beta carotene – slows down the production of melatonin (a hormone that produces pigmentation);
  6. extracts of medicinal herbs and plants – soften the skin, promote accelerated recovery;
  7. grape seed oil and jojoba – easily and gently removes traces of pigmentation.

Whitening creams should be used daily. At the first contact with the skin, the components begin to affect the damaged cell structure. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, you need to use the product regularly. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage.

Tips for choosing a drug for skin pigmentation

To choose the right cream against age spots, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Before purchasing, you can determine how much oil is in the cream. To do this, you need to apply a little product on a sheet of paper. If there is a visible greasy stain, it means there is a lot of oil.
  2. Also, if a stain from this cream on paper has changed its original color, chemical dyes are present. They can cause side effects and allergic reactions.
  3. Before purchasing, you need to do a test for allergic reactions. To do this, simply apply the product to a small area of ​​skin and wait a day. If no allergens are identified, the cream is safe.
  4. You need to choose a product exclusively for your skin type.
  5. For oily skin, choose products with a mattifying effect and particles that normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands: salicylic and hyaluronic acids, talc, kaolin, glycerin, string extract, chamomile, aloe. Olive and castor oils, tea tree oil, ceramides, panthenol, citric acid, retinol and caffeine.
  6. Dry skin needs protection and hydration, so you should pay attention to products with a moisturizing effect. Ingredients: glycerin, purified thermal water, panthenol, animal fats, hyaluronic acid.
  1. For a normal type of epidermis, you need to choose creams with aloe extract, vegetable oils and antioxidants.
  2. For those with combination skin, it is better to choose creams with additional components: vitamins A, C, E, raspberry, chamomile, calendula, mint, and sage extracts. If the composition contains hyaluronic and salicylic acids, this is only better.
  3. Sensitive skin needs anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Ingredients: panthenol, chamomile extract, aloe, calendula, thermal water, vitamin A.
  4. Buy only certified product.
  5. Do not take a product that contains hydrochion at a concentration of 4% (the use of 2% of the substance is allowed).
  6. You should not take the cream if it contains hydroichon and is stored for two years.

TOP of the best effective and inexpensive means

Today, cosmetology offers a huge selection of different whitening creams. From this quantity, you need to choose a truly effective, high-quality and healthy cream. A good remedy is one that does not harm the skin, but at the same time effectively eliminates not only blemishes, but also freckles, acne, lengthigo, chloasma and pimples. Popular brands: Natura Siberica, Nivea, Avene, Vichy. Below you can see examples of their preparations.

Achromin is a good remedy against age spots. Achromin quickly and effectively brightens and protects against strong effects on the skin. Has sunscreen and antioxidant effects. Evens out the tone of the epidermis, softens and restores the surface layer. Significantly reduces the number of blackheads, open comedones, pimples and other rashes. The active ingredient is lactic acid.

  1. glycerol;
  2. thermal water;
  3. lactic acid;
  4. vitamins;
  5. wild rose and tea tree extract;
  6. lanolin.

Features of application

Apply a few hours before going outside or before bed. For prevention, use once every two weeks.

Suitable for dry and sensitive skin.

An excellent cosmetic product against the appearance of pigmentation on the body. It relieves chloasma and lengthigo well, copes with rashes and acne. Removes excess shine and mattifies. The active ingredient is salicylic acid. Creates a protective layer. Has a sun protection effect.


  1. thermal water;
  2. glycogel acid;
  3. salicylic acid;
  4. lactic acid;
  5. liquorice root;
  6. ascorbic acid;
  7. glycerol.

Features of application

Apply half an hour before going out. Do not rinse off. Before use, moisturize the skin. Made specifically for oily and combination skin. You can learn more about pharmacy creams for age spots by following the link.

May cause an allergic reaction.

Whitening cream for pigmentation, freckles, acne and more. Has an antioxidant and moisturizing effect. Does not leave greasy stains or white marks. The active component is hyaluronic acid. Creates a protective layer that reduces the influence of external environmental factors on the surface of the epidermis. Retains moisture in cells. Find out about the most effective face creams with protection from the sun and age spots here.


  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. panthenol;
  3. aloe extract;
  4. thermal water;
  5. beta-carotene;
  6. vitamin C;
  7. arbunin

Features of application

Especially for dry and dehydrated skin. Quickly absorbed. It is better to use together with moisturizing and healing creams.

Can be used during pregnancy.

A unique anti-pigmentation facial product. Clearwin cream has a sunscreen and moisturizing effect. Lightens spots, scars, scars. Fights acne, comedones, acne. Has anti-inflammatory components. Stimulates the production of moisture in the body. Restores skin, heals microcracks. Protects from environmental influences. The active component is gluconic acid.


  1. gluconic acid;
  2. turmeric;
  3. aloe vera;
  4. vaccha;
  5. sandalwood;
  6. Lodhra;
  7. vitamin E;
  8. beeswax;
  9. bhasma;
  10. beta-carotene;
  11. tocopherol

Features of application

Suitable for all skin types. The course of treatment is two months. Apply twice daily. For prevention, use once a week.

Whitening cream with antioxidant and sun protection effect. Copes well with the first signs of acne and slows down the production of melatonin. Does not leave white spots. Has a light texture. Promotes skin regeneration. Protects against strong exposure to ultraviolet rays. The active ingredient is panthenol. You can learn more about everyday sunscreens here.


  1. panthenol;
  2. glycolic acid;
  3. hyaluronic acid;
  4. arbunin;
  5. tocopherol;
  6. caffeine;
  7. glycerol;

Features of application

Suitable for all skin types. Quickly absorbed.

Store in original packaging. Prevent exposure to direct sunlight.

A good effective remedy against age spots. Takes age-related changes into account. Suitable for whitening freckles. ABOUThas a lifting effect. Returns elasticity to the skin. Eliminates pigmentation, slows down the production of melatonin. Evens out the tone. Removes excess fat and intensively nourishes. Has a lasting effect. The active component is tocopherol.


  1. tocopherol;
  2. kojic and glycogenic acids;
  3. stearic acid;
  4. glycerol;
  5. beta-carotene;
  6. vitamin C;
  7. caffeine.

Features of application

Suitable for combination and sensitive skin. Apply before bed. Do not rinse off.

May cause allergic reactions. There are restrictions.

An excellent product that will get rid of not only pigmentation, but also freckles. Quickly and effectively eliminates the problem. Intensely nourishes and moisturizes. Saturates with beneficial vitamins and minerals. Helps the epidermis recover. The active ingredient is vitamin C.


  1. vitamin C;
  2. tocopherol;
  3. chamomile extract;
  4. citrus extract;
  5. glycerol;
  6. arbunin

Features of application

Can be used as a base for makeup.

An allergic reaction to citrus extract is possible.

Revitalizing and brightening cream. Has sunscreen and antioxidant effects. Penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis. Improves the condition of damaged cells. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Evens out tone and tightens pores. Promotes rapid restoration of the epidermis, softens and nourishes. The active component is arbunin.


  1. arbunin;
  2. vitamin C;
  3. glycolic acid;
  4. glycerol;
  5. jojoba oil.

Features of application

Suitable for oily and combination skin. You can learn more about Natura Siberica whitening cream in this material.

An excellent inexpensive remedy against unwanted pigmentation. Prevents the appearance of further spots, removes freckles, dries out acne. Mattifies, moisturizes, nourishes. Has a restorative calming effect. Treats damaged upper layer of the epidermis. The active ingredient is panthenol.


  1. almond oil;
  2. panthenol;
  3. lemon acid;
  4. vitamins: A, E;
  5. rosemary;
  6. lavender;

Features of application

After application, it is advisable to use a moisturizer or sunscreen. You can find out what other most effective anti-pigmentation creams are in the article.

Vitamin-based regenerating cream. Promotes rapid regeneration of damaged cells, microcracks and the upper layer of the epidermis. Intensively cares for the skin. Nourishes, moisturizes, relieves inflammation, whitens pigmentation, dries out pimples and acne. The active ingredient is vitamins.


  1. vitamins: A, B, C, E;
  2. fruit acids;
  3. glycerol;
  4. thermal water.

Features of application

Suitable for sensitive, dry and problematic facial skin.

Effective cosmetics against the appearance of new age spots on the face and body. Gives a healthy glow to the skin, lightens pigmentation and freckles, saturates cells with essential vitamins, trace elements and minerals. Restores damaged cells. The active ingredient is lactic acid.


  1. lactic acid;
  2. glycerol;
  3. parsley and licorice root extract;
  4. lemon juice.

Features of application

Contraindicated for dry skin. After use, be sure to moisturize the skin.

Shelf life depends on storage conditions.

A good remedy for combating pigmentation. It has a light texture and is quickly absorbed. Soothes and moisturizes the skin. Quickly and permanently whitens age spots caused by the sun or age-related changes. Does not cause allergies or irritation. The active ingredient is rucinol.

Features of application

  1. rucinol;
  2. glycerol;
  3. beta-carotene;
  4. lemon acid;
  5. vitamin C;
  6. thermal water.

Features of application

Apply like a regular cream.

A good whitening agent against age spots. Effective, fast, has a lasting effect. The result is noticeable after the first month of use. Penetrates deeply into the layers of the epidermis. Moisturizes, nourishes, has a calming effect. Relieves inflammation, tightens pores. The active ingredient is caffeine.


  1. caffeine;
  2. glycohelic acid;
  3. lactic acid;
  4. hydrochion (2%);
  5. glycerol;
  6. thermal water.

Features of application

Before use, apply a moisturizing toner.

Contains hydrochion. Do not use on sensitive, dry or problematic skin.

A popular and effective cosmetic product from a series of whitening products. The active ingredient is thermal water from the spring of the same name. Gently and carefully cares for the condition of the epidermis. Quickly removes spots and freckles. Fights acne. Cost from 2000 rubles. Minimum volume – 45 ml.


  1. thermal water;
  2. rucinol;
  3. glycolic acid;
  4. lemon juice;
  5. glycerol;
  6. chamomile, calendula, mint extract.

Features of application

Especially for dry, sensitive and problematic skin. Apply several times a day.


This video talks about how to deal with age spots on the face.