Facial care for men after 30

Only in the 21st century did facial care for men cease to be considered something strange, unacceptable and even vicious. Outdated views are a thing of the past and maintaining hygiene and basic care procedures are absolutely natural for both women and men.

Of course, most often in the arsenal of the stronger sex there is not such an extensive list of cosmetic products and procedures, but even the so-called “minimum set” will allow you to maintain youth, fresh appearance and masculine charm for many years.

How is men's skin different from women's?

In cosmetology, any care procedures should begin with determining your skin type. Facial skin care for men is no exception, especially when there are a number of differences and features. The first significant difference is that the dermis layer is stronger, although the amount of fat in men is slightly less than in women.

Another feature of men's facial skin is that the blood vessels are more fragile, although the connective tissues are stronger than in women. Also, in men, the sweat and sebaceous glands work more intensively, which is also worth taking into account.

Facial skin care for men and its features

It is important to understand that facial skin care for men differs primarily in its approach. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to choose methods of care that will take the least time, but at the same time give the greatest effect. Also added to the care features is shaving, the quality of which will have a significant impact.

In caring for a man’s face, a complex effect will be most effective. It fits perfectly with the minimalist approach that most men prefer. One of the main types of care is peeling, which is complemented by regular toning and cleansing. After 30 years, a daily face and eye cream is added to the list. Usually this is enough to get an impressive result.

We advise you to watch a video by a cosmetologist about the rules of caring for men’s skin:

Before starting facial care, men need to determine their skin type. Usually the following types are distinguished:

  1. Fatty – characterized by increased fat content and shine. When palpated, an oily mark may be felt on the fingers. Pimples or blackheads often appear;
  2. Dry - the most sensitive type. Reacts quickly to frost; after washing, the skin may become tight;
  3. Combined – combines the properties of previous types. For example, the cheeks are sensitive and often dry out, and the T-zone is highly oily;
  4. Normal – the rarest type, the skin is healthy and has a matte structure. The number of pimples and comedones is minimal.

Very often, men's facial care is limited to just regular washing with soap, although in most cases this will not be enough. The skin is constantly exposed to the external environment, so you need to pay enough attention to cleanse it. It is important not only to cleanse the pores and remove the dead layer of epidermis in a timely manner, but also to choose the right products.

Cosmetologists advise washing your face with detergents and cleansers only once a day, but you can simply wash your face with water without any restrictions. It is important that the water is at room temperature (it is allowed to take it a little colder or warmer from room level). It is preferable to use filtered water.

It is also necessary to remember that when using creams or other care products, including micellar water, at the end of the day the skin must be cleansed of their traces.

To make your skin smooth and firm, exfoliation is your best choice. Men's facial skin care products can be chosen as strictly as possible without fear of injury or mechanical damage. The exception is people with dry and sensitive skin, for whom moderate scrubs are better suited.

It is important to carry out the procedure regularly to cleanse the pores of dead particles of the epidermis, dirt and dust that the skin comes into contact with daily, as well as other microparticles. Peeling will not only make the skin healthier and more vibrant, but will also significantly simplify the shaving procedure and also prevent ingrown hairs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once a week.

The right cream is not only facial care for men, but also its protection. It is not worth using it on an ongoing basis at a young age; it becomes necessary only after 40 years, but in some cases you cannot do without a cream or gel. The most common type of creams are moisturizers. They are recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and neck every time after shaving or thoroughly washing with detergents. You should not overdo it with cream, as this can lead to clogging of pores and create an unpleasant oily sheen.

10-15 minutes after applying the cream, you need to check how much it has been absorbed, and if necessary, remove all remaining product using a cotton pad.

It is important to pay attention to quality shaving, which will determine the condition of the skin. Often men's facial care products come in the form of universal creams or gels that can be used for both shaving and moisturizing. It is not only convenient, but also effective. It is also worth taking care of a high-quality razor; it is better to avoid disposable razors, as they severely injure the skin and cause irritation.

If you want to achieve a perfect dry shave, an electric razor is perfect. When choosing machines, special attention should be paid to the sharpness of the blades and shaving technology. It is also important to remember that movements should be made only along the hair growth, and use cold water for washing. Men with delicate and dry skin are better off using aftershave lotions or gels with regenerating ingredients.

Facial care for men after 30 – against the first wrinkles

If at a young age men’s skin does not require special care and it is enough to follow the basic rules of care, then with age everything begins to change significantly. Facial care for men after 30 creates a fundamental difference from those who do not go beyond using regular soap or gel. The use of moisturizing creams is becoming more recommended, and in some cases even products with anti-aging components (peptides, vitamins, etc.) will be relevant.

Also, the skin more often needs toning, so it is better to resort to this procedure not only after shaving, but also after each wash using tonics.

Facial care for men after 40 – against signs of aging

As with women, men's facial care becomes more thorough and frequent after 40. The amount of testosterone, which determines the condition and youth of the skin, decreases significantly with age, therefore, in addition to care, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and lifestyle.

The main problem is skin aging. Although men may not need to take as much care of their face as women, some procedures will become mandatory. Ultrasonic and chemical peels can be used, although it is important to follow all recommendations of cosmetologists for skin care after the procedure. Also very popular are masks that have a pronounced rejuvenating and healing effect.

Although skin care is not so popular among the stronger half of the population, we advise you to use at least a basic regimen: washing, toning, moisturizing. And be sure to watch your lips. Today you can easily find special balms for men.

The first and most important thing to remember here is that men’s skin also needs care, and therefore cosmetics. This article will explain in detail why.

  1. What are the characteristics of men's skin?
  2. Facial care steps for men
  3. How men can take care of their skin after 30
  4. How to care for men's skin after 40 years
  5. How men can take care of their skin after 50
  6. Expert recommendations
  7. Can men use women's beauty products?
  8. Review of men's skin care products

What are the characteristics of men's skin?

There is an opinion that men's cosmetics began to be produced as a result of the machinations of marketers and cosmetic companies trying to lure the strong half of the world's population into their networks. We categorically disagree with this and insist: every person has the right to take care of themselves and their skin, regardless of gender.

She's fatter. This means that you are prone to greasy shine, enlarged pores in the T-zone and the appearance of blackheads. Details here.

It's denser, and this is good, since thick skin resists negative factors better than thin skin. However, she is not so susceptible to care. This is why men's products usually have a light gel-like or watery texture.

She's more sensitive in certain areas. This is to blame for daily shaving, which, even with perfect sliding of the blade, causes microtrauma to the skin. Hence - irritation, redness, burning and rashes.

Facial care steps for men

Men approach this stage carelessly; at best, they wash themselves with soap or shower gel during their morning water procedures. But we remember that men's skin is oilier, which means it is prone to clogged pores, the appearance of comedones and an oily sheen. Therefore, it must be cleaned thoroughly, using special products that often have an exfoliating effect.

Tonics in men's lines are very rare and are the exception rather than the rule. Not every man agrees to wipe his face with a cotton pad. So aftershave lotions and gels are forced to perform a tonic function. They simultaneously refresh the skin and normalize its pH, soothing it.

Moisturizers for men overwhelmingly combine soothing aftershave care with intense hydration. So you don’t have to worry about this stage of care.

Shaving is a big part of men's skincare routine © Getty Images

How men can take care of their skin after 30

Men drag out special care until the last moment, limiting it to aftershave products. But after thirty, it’s time to purchase a product with enhanced moisturizing and protective functions. Men's skin, despite its natural endurance, can also be at risk of dehydration, which is fraught with unpleasant consequences at any age. And it doesn’t matter what caused it - bad habits, lack of care or dry air in the office.

How to care for men's skin after 40 years

Men's thicker, more elastic skin ages less noticeably than women's. But we still walk under the same sun, breathe the same (and sometimes not the cleanest) air, get nervous about deadlines, get stuck in traffic jams, and don’t get enough sleep. Result? Oxidative stress and weakened resistance to free radical attacks, which do not discriminate between genders and accelerate the aging process. We lead to the fact that after 40 years, men's skin relies on vitamins and antioxidants.

How men can take care of their skin after 50

Perhaps wrinkles do not spoil men. But a “bruised” face, uneven skin, persistent redness, dullness and a generally tired appearance are definitely not decorative.

Mold soul? Let your facial skin match too. © Getty Images

What to do? Invest in skin health, namely in men's anti-aging cream, which increases skin elasticity and improves its overall condition. A good example of such a product is the Anti-Aging Firming Serum. Force Supreme Youth Architect Serum, Biotherm.

Expert recommendations

Read carefully and remember - these tips will definitely come in handy.

“You shouldn’t shave right after a shower.”: steamed epidermis is more easily injured, and enlarged pores become dirty faster. Therefore, it is better to take up the razor either immediately before taking a shower, or 10-15 minutes after it,” recommends Elena Eliseeva, Vichy brand expert.

Stock up thermal water: it will come in handy both as a refreshing spray in the heat and as an SOS remedy if you get slightly sunburned on the beach. This is also a good way to freshen up your face in the morning if there was a long party the night before. Cool the thermal water and gently spray onto the skin from a distance of 20 cm.

Don't rub your face with a towel after shaving, just gently pat your skin.

Apply day cream to still damp skin, ideally, after sprinkling it with thermal water.

Can men use women's beauty products?

There is no clear answer here. Of course, if you don’t have a male product on hand, you can borrow a cream from a friend. But in general, men's skin requires special formulas with a certain set of components.

Review of men's skin care products

In our collection you will find everything men need for basic skin care.

Wash your face with special cosmetics and you are guaranteed to feel the difference.

Men's skin cleansers.

Product name Action Active Ingredients Mode of application
Daily cleansing “5 in 1” Men Expert Pure Power “Black Coal”, L’OrÉal Paris Helps solve the problems of young male skin (shine, blackheads, pimples and marks from them), thoroughly cleansing it. Black coal - absorbent, menthol, salicylic acid. Apply with massage movements to damp skin, focusing on the forehead, nose and chin.
Facial Fuel Sky Flyin’ Foaming Multi-Gel for Shaving & Cleansing, Kiehl’s With its help you can both wash your face and shave. Cleanses and at the same time noticeably softens the skin. Plant extracts: ginseng, sugar cane, lemon plus vitamin E and caffeine. Apply to damp face, massage and rinse.
Cleansing gel for normal skin, Cleansing Gel, Biotherm Homme Removes impurities, prepares for shaving, tones and does not dry the skin. Mineral complex: zinc, magnesium, copper. Rinse your face with water and apply the product to your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Rinse thoroughly.

After interacting with a razor, your skin needs a consolation prize. We offer three options.

Aftershave products.

Product name Action Active Ingredients Mode of application
SOOTHING AFTER SHAVE BALM SENSI BAUME, VICHY Cools, intensely moisturizes, reduces discomfort, soothes and visibly softens. Vichy thermal water, eperuline, restoring calcium. Apply immediately after shaving to dry skin.
It has a calming effect, prevents rashes and irritations caused by shaving, and moisturizes. Vitamin B3, antibacterial component. Place a small amount of lotion in your palms and pat them over your face, avoiding the eye area. It is important that the product does not get into your eyes.

Relieves the feeling of discomfort caused by shaving, is non-sticky, absorbs instantly and soothes just as quickly.

Aloe vera extract, peppermint, squalane.

Apply a little immediately after shaving, before moisturizing.

Gel, fluid or gel cream are typical representatives of moisturizing cosmetics for men's skin.

Moisturizing cosmetics for men.

The gel texture turns into a liquid upon contact with the skin, which moisturizes it for 48 hours.

Mountain spring water. Apply all over your face after cleansing.

Protects the skin during the day from negative environmental factors and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Spirulina extract, astaxanthin, olive oil.

For basic care, only three products are enough.


Cosmetologist and author of the Telegram channel “Your Personal Cosmetologist”.

Russian men often neglect cosmetics, and in vain. Due to the active work of sex hormones, men's skin produces more sebum than women's, constant shaving leads to irritation and inflammation, and wrinkles look deeper due to the overactive work of massive facial muscles. If you don't be afraid of creams, you can improve your complexion, get rid of oily shine and generally look younger.

For basic care, three products are enough: cleansing, moisturizing day and night.

The set can be supplemented with sunscreens, masks, serums and concentrates that help solve targeted problems. It is best to use professional cosmetics - it is expensive, but you can be sure that the cream will really moisturize, and there will be no redness after using the cleanser. If you want to save money, adequate analogues of expensive cosmetics can be found in the brands Clarins, Clinique and Bioderma.

Select each product strictly according to your skin type. There are three in total:

  1. Fatty — it is the owners of this type who complain about oily shine, blackheads and acne. Such skin requires thorough but gentle cleansing: it can often be sensitive and dehydrated.
  1. Normal or combined - skin with invisible pores or slightly enlarged pores in the T-zone. Sometimes there is an oily sheen in the nose and forehead area.
  1. Dry - especially thin and delicate skin with barely noticeable pores. The problems of owners of this type are peeling, irritation, and a constant feeling of tightness.

If you cannot determine your type, make an appointment with a cosmetologist. The doctor will help you choose cosmetics for home care, taking into account your individual skin characteristics.


Proper cleansing consists of two stages: first, wash with a special product, then wipe your face with tonic. The latter should not be neglected: the tonic soothes the skin and restores the acid-base balance after contact with water.

Ideally, you need to wash your face twice a day - morning and evening: this is the only way to avoid constant oiliness.


Washing with soap is a bad idea: it contains alkali, and the pH of human skin is closer to an acidic environment. Contact with soap disrupts the acid-base balance, leading to severe dryness and dehydration. Microbes also like to multiply in an alkaline environment - the causes of inflammation and acne.

Instead, oily skin should be cleansed with gel or soap-free ichthyol soap, which absorb sebum well. Choose products according to the following criteria: they should not “clean the skin until it’s squeaky clean,” but act gently, moisturize and soothe. A plus will be components that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects: vitamins C and E, zinc, tea tree oil or Peruvian balsam. But what should be contained less is surfactants - surfactants that create foam upon contact with water. A lot of foam is bad: it disrupts the water-lipid balance of the skin, dehydrates and dries it out.

What to buy:


Cleansing of normal skin should be gentle, without over-drying effect and disruption of the water-lipid mantle. Foams, soft cleansing gels and emulsions are suitable - liquid products that moisturize and cool. You can also choose any tonic, the main thing is that it does not contain alcohol.

You can choose professional brands or products that are sold in pharmacies.

What to buy:


Cosmetics of this type should both moisturize and nourish. A good product creates a film that retains moisture inside the skin, but does not clog pores.

For those with dry skin, simply wipe your face with toner, avoiding excess skin contact with water, and use a more “powerful” cleanser at night. An emulsion or wash-off milk is suitable for this.

What to buy:

Moisturizing day care

After cleansing, apply a daily moisturizer. In winter it is a cream, in summer it is a lighter consistency gel or fluid, a type of gel.

Not all men quickly get used to the whole skin care system. If you're a fan of 100-in-1 cans, pay attention to aftershave soothing products: for the first time, they can replace the cream and accustom you to constant self-care. A moisturizing and mattifying balm is just one of these, and it also perfectly soothes irritated skin. An additional advantage is its discreet and pleasant aroma.

What to buy:


The cream or emulsion should moisturize, have an anti-inflammatory effect, visually tighten pores and be light in consistency. Apply them in a thin layer until completely absorbed.

What to buy:


In autumn and winter, use a thick cream, and in spring and summer, choose lighter emulsions, fluid or gel. Regardless of the texture, the product should well moisturize the skin, have an antioxidant effect, strengthen blood vessels and improve complexion. The best products contain vitamins A, E, C and F, trace elements, shea butter or mango butter.

What to buy:


The skin becomes dry when it lacks substances that maintain water-lipid balance and perform a barrier function. Products containing proteins, moisturizing components and lipids can restore skin protection. Look for alpha lipoic acid, glutathione, idebenone, coenzyme Q10, vitamins C, E, and B3, hyaluronic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, or soybean oil on the label.

What to buy:

Night care

At night, the skin is more receptive to active ingredients; all processes of cell restoration and renewal occur at this time. The purpose of the night cream is to activate and speed up these processes. Therefore, almost all such products are more nutritious and richer in composition than daily ones. For the same reason, serums - products with a high content of valuable substances - should be applied just before bed. Night care usually does not depend on skin type - choose the one you like best.

If you just need to moisturize your skin, apply the same cream you used in the morning. If you have Napoleonic plans - to even out your skin tone, improve your complexion or slow down the aging process, you should purchase a cream with a more effective composition. A good night product should contain AHA-BHA acids: glycolic, lactic or malic, which help restore smoothness to the skin. Another ally in the fight for an even complexion is retinol, which reduces the depth of wrinkles and saves from acne. One thing: retinol increases skin sensitivity to sunlight, so it is better not to use products with it in summer and late spring.

The night remedy should be applied before bed, but if you often get up in the morning with swelling, use the cream an hour before bed. In this case, it is better to choose moisturizing rather than nutritious products - the latter also provoke swelling.

What to buy:

Additional care


When we talk about skin aging, it is important to distinguish between biological and photoaging associated with sun exposure. With photoaging, the face becomes yellowish, pigment spots appear, and the skin becomes rough, rough and flabby. The skin of an older person who has rarely been exposed to the sun appears better than that of someone the same age with photodamage. To avoid the aggressive effects of sunlight, you should take a closer look at products with SPF - sun protection factor. It helps to tan without redness and burns.

In sunny weather, be sure to apply sunscreen to your skin. If you are in the city, products with SPF from 20 to 50 are sufficient, depending on the sensitivity of your skin. For a trip to the sea, you should choose a cream with SPF of at least 50.

What to buy:


When a pimple appears on your face, you can resort to a home first aid kit. Salicylic acid, ichthyol ointment, zinc or sulfur paste will save you from acne - for an anti-inflammatory effect, some of them can be applied to the irritated area. You can also purchase a professional serum or corrector that will speed up the fight to remove redness.

What to buy:


Even if you have made friends with cream and emulsion, from time to time the skin will still need additional cleansing and moisturizing - masks will take on this task. For oily skin, masks based on white clay with an anti-inflammatory effect are suitable - apply it no more than once a week so as not to dry out your facial skin.

For everyone else, we recommend moisturizers that can be used once or twice a week. The texture is not important: both cream and gel will work equally well. For a change, be sure to try a fabric one. Cleanse your skin before applying the mask, then spread the cloth over your face and wait 15-20 minutes. After removing the mask, do not wash your face: just apply the cream on top and wait for absorption.

What to buy:


Serums saturate the skin with essential active substances in large doses. Typically, such products contain from two to four components. Why so few? As a rule, a concentrate solves a specific problem, so its composition is aimed only at that problem. This could be emergency hydration, powerful anti-aging effect or antioxidant effect. High-quality serums are sold in bottles with a dispenser, which protects the product from unnecessary contact with oxygen.

It is best to use the serum in a course and do two or three courses a year. The products are applied before bedtime with a patting motion to ensure better absorption.