Fillers for glabellar wrinkles

Girls, tell me which fillers are best to inject into the wrinkles between the eyebrows. botox didn't help experts

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site

Boyko Inessa Borisovna

Psychologist, Online consultant. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

quit drinking and smoking too, and you will be happy!

which one the doctor will advise you. and for the first week he doesn’t wrinkle

quit drinking and smoking too, and you will be happy!

which one the doctor will advise you. and for the first week he doesn’t wrinkle

Well, what kind of hyaluronic acid, there are many names of drugs, in fact they are the same thing, only denser or thinner.

What kind of fillers? Botox or Dysport. How is it that it didn’t help? Change your cosmetologist.

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Author, don't listen to these fools)))
You have decided correctly - in the area between the eyebrows, Botox does not last very long. I injected Teosyal between the eyebrows. 1.5 years have already passed and it doesn’t even appear anymore. And the effect is amazing - my face looks 10 years younger. I can recommend Deltaclinic 499-917-92-92

Teoseal does not last long, less than certified. better others

What kind of fillers? Botox or Dysport. How is it that it didn’t help? Change your cosmetologist.

Author, don't listen to these fools)))
You have decided correctly - in the area between the eyebrows, Botox does not last very long. I injected Teosyal between the eyebrows. 1.5 years have already passed and it doesn’t even appear anymore. And the effect is amazing - my face looks 10 years younger. I can recommend Deltaclinic 499-917-92-92

better “soft” gels such as Juvederm Ultra 2 or 3

Girls, tell me which fillers are best to inject into the wrinkles between the eyebrows. botox didn't help

Thank you. I'm going for the same procedure today

If you do Botox as expected, there will be an effect if the belotero gel is very deep at the beginning, I advise, Discounts for the holidays 89261808469

Girls, tell me which fillers are best to inject into the wrinkles between the eyebrows. botox didn't help

The cosmetologist also tells me that filler is not allowed there. I don't want Botox

The cosmetologist also tells me that filler is not allowed there. I don't want Botox

The cosmetologist also tells me that filler is not allowed there. I don't want Botox

I don’t know.. for some reason I’m very afraid. allergies. or something will fall down. but I know that many are happy. but I just can’t mature yet

I don’t know.. for some reason I’m very afraid. allergies. or something will fall down. but I know that many are happy. but I just can’t mature yet

Who knows... not ready yet. thank you.
I’m still thinking about it..most likely I’ll mature)

Well, Botox won’t cope with an existing wrinkle, that’s a fact. and a smart doctor will immediately tell you about this) it’s more like prevention and combating “kink”, moreover, it may not be tolerated individually. I was injected with Juvederm Ultra, done by Vischipanova. if necessary, I can give the coordinates and phone number of the clinic

I'm sorry, but what is Vishchipanova?

quit drinking and smoking too, and you will be happy!

I advise you to change your cosmetologist. I have been injecting Botox for several years now, and I have never encountered a woman for whom the injections did not help. There are simply only two options: that your cosmetologist, sorry, his hands do not grow from there, and the second, that the drug is expired, so it did not work. In other cases it always seizes. How long has it been since your procedure? Were you shown the packaging before the procedure itself? Have you checked the expiration date? You definitely need to monitor this moment yourself. Not even so much the cosmetologist himself, but the cosmetologist must show the packaging so that it is clear that the drug is new and unopened. So you can see its expiration dates. I've been going to the same cosmetologist for many years, and she shows me the packaging every time. Although I understand perfectly well that we have known each other for so many years that she definitely won’t do anything bad to me. Moreover, the clinic speaks for itself. But at the same time, if there are rules that a cosmetologist must follow in any case. I've been doing Botox for 6 years now. he has never let me down. I can’t say that my wrinkles are deep, but they still exist. I'm almost 40 years old. By heredity, it so happened that wrinkles appeared early, so I have been familiar with all cosmetic procedures for a long time. If you have any doubts, it is better to contact another cosmetologist. I can advise you, don’t take this as advertising, but just if you really need a specialist, then my doctor works at the Balance clinic (Moscow, Rublevskoye Highway). My name is Ivanova Natalya. Or Svetlana Shokolova works there. Both are great for any injection. I constantly poke them in the nasolabial area with Juvederm Voluma. To avoid crow's feet, use Belotero Soft. All drugs work great. I always leave the cosmetologist's office and see the result. It’s especially nice that you can see right away - wrinkles are smoothed out, skin is well-groomed. I like to take care of myself and always look at my best. I'm a woman, and that says it all.

Girls, tell me which fillers are best to inject into the wrinkles between the eyebrows. botox didn't help

True, comments are written by everyone who is not too lazy, and by those who really do not have such a problem. I also have two wrinkles between the eyebrows, I put on Dysport, it holds up perfectly and for a long time, I don’t wrinkle anymore, but the wrinkle that already exists won’t smooth out on its own, and only filler really helped here. My advice is based on personal experience, first Dysport or Botox, if the skin is young, then the wrinkles will smooth out on its own, if there are already wrinkles, then another filler.


What is correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers, what is the price of the procedure? Its description and features, benefits, indications and contraindications. Progress, results and feedback.

The glabellar wrinkle is a skin fold that is one of the first to appear in a person. It can be a consequence of both age-related changes and active facial expressions. Its presence on the face greatly spoils its expression and ages it. Such furrows give it a serious, sometimes even angry appearance. One of the safest, simplest and most affordable ways to correct this cosmetic defect is contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid.

Price for correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers

The cost of the procedure varies depending on the amount of hyaluronic acid used. Usually it requires at least 0.5 ml, but the more pronounced the wrinkles, the greater this amount should be.

In Ukraine, you can correct an eyebrow wrinkle for an average of 750 hryvnia.

A drug Volume, ml Price, UAH.
Belotero Intense 1 300-450
Belotero Balance 1 7000-7500
Evanthia 20 medium 1,2 4500
Evanthia 25 superior 1,2 4900
Juvederm 2 0,55 4300
Juvederm 3 1 6500
Juvederm 4 1 7000
Juvederm Volift 0,55 5000
Neuramis Light 1 3800
Neuramis Volume 1 4700
Using a cannula 450

In Russia, the minimum price for correcting eyebrow wrinkles with fillers is about 2,000 rubles.

A drug Volume, ml price, rub.
Belotero Intense 1 800-1000
Belotero Balance 1 16000-17500
Evanthia 20 medium 1,2 10000-11000
Evanthia 25 superior 1,2 12000-13000
Juvederm 2 0,55 9000-10000
Juvederm 3 1 15000-16000
Juvederm 4 1 16000-17000
Juvederm Volift 0,55 11000-13000
Neuramis Light 1 8000-9000
Neuramis Volume 1 10500-12000
Using a cannula 1200-1500

The price for correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers consists of the cost of a sterile cannula and a certain volume of hyaluronic acid. The services of a cosmetologist are most often paid separately, as for a consultation with a specialist.

Description of the procedure for correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers


Correction of glabellar wrinkles involves the use of preparations based on hyaluronic acid. This component can be of both plant and animal origin. The filler is sold in syringes of 0.5-1.5 ml, and you can purchase it directly from a cosmetologist or in a pharmacy or online store.

This correction is called contour plastic surgery and is suitable for people of any age, starting from 18 years old. It can be performed by both women and men.

Most often, one visit to a cosmetologist is enough to get the desired result, but in some cases you may need to undergo a course of 2-3 procedures with an interval of several days.

The drugs used have a short-term effect; they dissolve 3-12 months after injection under the skin. The procedure lasts about half an hour and is performed in any large cosmetology center. This does not require hospitalization; an outpatient clinic is sufficient. It is considered completely safe, painless and atraumatic.

The benefits of correcting glabellar wrinkles with fillers


After 25 years, the skin begins to fade due to a decrease in the content of substances such as elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the tissues. As a result, unsightly wrinkles appear on the face, and first of all they form on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Injecting fillers into the skin can tighten sagging areas and make the skin firmer and smoother.

The benefits of fillers are as follows:

  1. Skin hydration. Hyaluronic acid fills it with moisture, preventing it from drying out, becoming irritated and flaking. This makes it easier to care for, simplifies the selection of cosmetics and reduces the number of necessary procedures. As a result, a person’s face looks younger, more beautiful and healthier.
  2. Stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. These are one of the main components of the human skin; they must be present in the tissues. Without them, it cannot be sufficiently elastic and smooth, and quickly fades during the aging process.
  3. Accelerate tissue healing. Thanks to this effect, wounds on the face caused, for example, by scratching acne, heal faster. This occurs due to increased production of collagen and elastin, which make the skin more resistant to the negative effects of the environment.
  4. Cell restoration. Thanks to correction with fillers, this process occurs in a shorter time, which allows you to rejuvenate the skin. This is possible due to the penetration of hyaluronic acid into the tissue, which has antioxidant and regenerating properties.
  5. Detoxification. Fillers help cleanse tissue from them, which has a beneficial effect on appearance. As a result, the number of wrinkles on the face decreases, they smooth out and become less deep.
  6. Change in complexion. It takes on a natural, healthy, beige or pinkish tint. The person no longer looks tired and sick.

Contraindications for correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers


Before removing the eyebrow wrinkle, you need to find out all the contraindications to this. Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to undergo the procedure, even if there is a pronounced fold. It is not advisable to carry it out during menstruation, since the body is more sensitive to injections at this time and there is a possibility of severe pain.

Absolute contraindications that you should know about before getting rid of glabellar wrinkles with fillers include:

  1. Pregnancy. It is not recommended to administer hyaluronate at any stage; it can negatively affect the development of the fetus and the health of the mother both in the first, second and third trimester. In this case, the likelihood of an allergy to the components of the drug increases.
  2. Lactation. Failure to delay correction with fillers can lead to the baby refusing breast milk and prematurely stopping breastfeeding. In turn, problems with women’s health (mastopathy) and difficulties for the baby with gaining body weight will become possible.
  3. Impaired blood clotting. This disease is called hemophilia and is not very common. But if it occurs, then when fillers are introduced into the skin, bleeding may occur. In this case, it will be quite difficult to stop it without the help of specialists, which can create a threatening situation for health.
  4. Diabetes. This contraindication is associated with poor tissue healing in people with high blood glucose levels. To a greater extent, it concerns patients with the first type of diabetes, that is, insulin-dependent, although in some cases it is also relevant for the second type. The disease is very common among both young and old people. If you have such a problem, there is a possibility of scars appearing on your face, which can only be removed with laser therapy.
  5. Acute dermatological diseases. Among them it is necessary to highlight eczema, urticaria, psoriasis, dermatitis. If they are present, contouring of the glabellar wrinkle with fillers can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and overall health.
  6. Heat. This procedure cannot be performed for any type of fever, especially if it is caused by influenza, hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and other infectious viral diseases.
  7. Serious illnesses. First of all, we are talking about oncology - tumors affecting internal organs: liver, stomach, intestines, etc. In this case, the growth of the tumor may accelerate, which will lead to an aggravation of the situation.

Relative contraindications include treatment with antibiotics and other drugs.

All possible contraindications should be identified at an appointment with a doctor, after consultation with him. Health problems should be reported to the doctor in advance; to confirm the patient’s readiness for the procedure, it may be necessary to undergo an allergy test for filler components.

How are glabellar wrinkles corrected with fillers?


Since this procedure is painless, a light local anesthesia is quite sufficient for its implementation. In total, it lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the depth of the wrinkle between the eyebrows. It is carried out on the couch, with the patient in a supine position. The head may be raised. The doctor works with sterile instruments and gloves to avoid infection.

Here is an approximate procedure:

  1. The doctor consults the patient, examines the problem area, the size and depth of the wrinkle.
  2. At this stage, points are placed in the area where the drug needs to be administered.
  3. The patient is put on a plastic cap, gown and shoe covers.
  4. The face in the affected area is lubricated with anesthetic cream.
  5. The skin is treated with antiseptic agents to eliminate the possibility of infection.
  6. Filler is drawn into a syringe and carefully injected under the skin.
  7. The doctor evaluates the result and injects the remaining drug.
  8. After filling the fold with gel, apply it with your fingers to smooth the skin.

Finally, the cosmetologist advises the patient on facial care, after which you can go home. If necessary, after a few days you may need to contact a specialist to evaluate the result of filling the eyebrow wrinkle with fillers and to reintroduce them if the result is unsatisfactory.

Results of correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers


The effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure is completed, the skin fold between the eyebrows is smoothed out, becomes invisible to others and no longer spoils the face with its unaestheticness. This result lasts on average 3-12 months. This period can be increased by proper facial care, giving up smoking and alcohol, and eating healthy food with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs.

Rehabilitation after correction of eyebrow wrinkles occurs quite quickly, within a maximum of 5 days. At this time, a slight tingling sensation and redness may be disturbing, but burning, inflammation and swelling indicate complications.

Side effects after contouring of the glabellar space are extremely rare. They mainly occur in cases of incompetence and inexperience of the doctor. In this situation, you need to immediately contact specialists for help.

Reviews on the use of fillers to correct glabellar wrinkles


For the most part, reviews about the correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers are positive. It is extremely rare to come across negative statements regarding this procedure; they are mainly associated with turning to non-professionals and cheap clinics, as well as the desire to save money.

Elizaveta, 39 years old

After giving birth, I suddenly aged dramatically, a lot of wrinkles appeared on my face, and one fold actually drove me crazy - between the eyebrows, it was so deep that I finally decided to do contouring of this area with hyaluronic acid. The procedure was painless and lasted no more than 30 minutes. For correction, I went to a large cosmetology center, and an experienced doctor worked with me. There was no rehabilitation as such after the correction, no side effects arose. The result lasted for about a year, after which I injected hyaluronic acid one more time. Having looked at the photo of my face before and after correction of the eyebrow wrinkle, I can say that the result is excellent.

Inna, 41 years old

Compared to Botox, I like filling the eyebrow wrinkles with hyuloronate-based filler much more. The injections are not painful, the fold is smoothed out almost completely and for a long time. I didn’t have a very large one, so the consumption of the gel turned out to be small, it’s good that I managed to save money on its purchase. The doctor coped with his task quickly, there are no complaints against him. But after the end of the procedure, slight swelling appeared, which disappeared in just 2-3 days. Overall, I'm happy with the result, but it's a pity that it won't last forever; soon I'll have to do it all over again.

Victoria, 52 years old

Before the procedure, my eyebrow wrinkle was very visible, but after correction its depth decreased. True, this required several injections of an expensive drug. Thank God he helped fix the problem the first time. I didn’t need any special preparation for visiting a cosmetologist; I just refused other similar procedures. But in facial care, after I managed to fill the eyebrow wrinkle, I had to make some adjustments, but I don’t see anything critical in this.

Photos before and after correction of glabellar wrinkles with fillers




How to correct eyebrow wrinkles with fillers - watch the video:

There is nothing difficult about removing eyebrow wrinkles with hyaluronic acid. The only question here is the cost of services, since the drugs for this correction are quite expensive. If you choose a good specialist, the result will please you for a long time and will exceed all expectations.


Not every woman over 30 can boast of young and smooth skin. But it is the ugly folds on the forehead and wrinkles between the eyebrows that reveal a woman’s age, and sometimes even add to it.

Aesthetic medicine offers many anti-aging procedures, one of which is filling wrinkles with fillers. This article will discuss how fillers are used to correct the forehead.

What is it and what is it used for?

Also, preparations based on hyaluronic acid effectively fill wrinkles and make them invisible. Most often, fillers are used to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

The use of fillers began in the mid-twentieth century and were used only to enhance cheekbones and lips. The drugs were synthetic and insoluble. Being a foreign body, they caused inflammatory reactions and allergies. But then new safe fillers, capable of completely dissolving in tissues, were created. For now absolutely all fillers used in aesthetic medicine are safe.

We invite you to watch a video about what fillers are:

Comparison with Botox


Fillers are often confused with Botox. Despite the fact that these procedures have the same goal, their operating principles are completely different. Botulinum toxin is a protein of natural origin, which is injected into the facial muscles to relax them.

In this way, the effect of smoothing out facial wrinkles is achieved. Fillers, in turn, are injected into the subcutaneous space in certain areas of the face. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the drug, fills wrinkles with its volume and provides a lifting effect.

Which is better: Botox or forehead fillers - there is no answer to this question as such. The procedure is selected by a competent cosmetologist based on the patient’s age, the condition of her skin, the number and depth of wrinkles. The main thing you need to understand: Botox eliminates the cause of expression lines on the forehead, and fillers fill them in.

We invite you to watch a video about how fillers differ from Botox:

Where do they inject?

There are several main areas that need correction with fillers.

Here you need to understand: a fold between the eyebrows appears when a woman frowns, or is it a wrinkle that occurs as a result of the manifestation of emotions. Eyebrow wrinkles, also called glabellar wrinkles, give a person a dissatisfied and painful appearance, which is in no way associated with youth and freshness. In such a situation, a placeholder comes to the rescue. The procedure involves filling the eyebrow wrinkles, which smoothes the skin..


Eyebrow contouring is designed to “raise” its tip. This allows you to make your look more fresh and open.

The doctor performing this procedure must be highly qualified and experienced so as not to damage the supraorbital and frontal blood vessels.

The procedure involves sequentially introducing filler into the eyebrow area in small quantities from the tip to the middle. Then the master carefully forms a new bend with his fingers.

Correction of horizontal frontal wrinkles requires an integrated approach, since the anatomical features of this area of ​​the face limit the effectiveness of the filler contouring method.

The price of facial contouring procedures depends on the quality and quantity of filler introduced. So in Moscow, for the injection of 1 ml of high-quality filler, you will have to pay from 12,000 rubles. In St. Petersburg - from 9,300 rubles.

Preparation for the procedure

There are basic rules for preparing for the procedure:

  1. 2-3 weeks before the injection of fillers, it is necessary to take a course of drugs to strengthen blood vessels. Also, 3-4 days before contouring, it is necessary to treat the intended puncture sites with a special gel 2 times a day to strengthen blood vessels and small capillaries. These measures will greatly reduce the likelihood of bruising.

  2. fillery-dlya-mezhbrovnyh-mGggi.webp

    It is necessary to analyze the monthly cycle and not prescribe the procedure for the first 4 days. During this period, blood has weak clotting, which can lead to hematomas and bruises.
  3. Also, you should not perform forehead contouring 5-7 days before the start of the cycle, since during this period the woman’s body tends to accumulate fluid, which will cause severe swelling at the puncture sites.
  4. The day before the proposed procedure, you should not take general painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs.
  5. You should tell your doctor about any allergies or medical conditions you have to prevent serious side effects.

How does the process itself happen?

The main stages of forehead contouring:

  1. the patient’s face is treated with an antiseptic and anesthetic cream;
  2. the woman is placed in a lying position and the drug is injected in small portions directly into the area of ​​wrinkles, then the face is again treated with an antiseptic;
  3. Apply an ice pack to the injection site for 5-10 minutes to prevent bruising and severe swelling.

The procedure lasts from 30 minutes to an hour.


After forehead contouring, experts advise:

  1. apply ice wrapped in cloth to the puncture sites;
  2. apply the cream very carefully, without massaging the skin or moving it;
  3. If there are seals, after consultation with a cosmetologist, you can do self-massage to eliminate them.

When can I expect results?

The first results are visible in the cosmetologist’s office. The main effect will be noticeable after 2 weeks, when the swelling disappears. The main and most important effect of the injection of filler is the restoration of elasticity to the skin and the smoothing of wrinkles on the forehead. Usually the effect lasts from six months to a year - it depends on the quality and composition of the filler. After the drug is absorbed, the skin returns to its original state. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, to maintain the rejuvenating effect, the procedure can be repeated after 4-7 months.

Photos before and after

You will see a photo of the result of forehead correction:






What can and cannot be done after correction?

After injection of fillers, you cannot:

  1. take spicy and hot foods so as not to increase swelling;
  2. visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium for 10-14 days;
  3. engage in any sport for 1-2 weeks;
  4. do facial massage;
  5. drink alcoholic beverages;
  6. show strong emotions on the face;
  7. take blood thinning medications.

Contrary to popular belief, After the injection of fillers, the patient is not prohibited from flying on an airplane.

We invite you to watch a video on how to care for your skin after the filler procedure:

Possible complications


Possible unpleasant complications of forehead and eyebrow contouring:

  1. nodules or spots, which is a direct indicator of improper introduction of the filler;
  2. allergic reaction in the form of excessive swelling and red spots on the skin;
  3. severe, prolonged pain at the puncture site;
  4. large bruises and hematomas appear as a result of vascular injury;
  5. in rare cases, bacterial infection occurs, which indicates that the doctor does not comply with the rules for disinfecting the patient’s hands, instruments and skin.

We invite you to watch a video about what complications are possible after the filler injection procedure:


There are a large number of filler manufacturers on the market. The most popular of them:

  1. Princess Filler – Austrian manufacturer of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Has a more natural and long-lasting rejuvenation effect. The products of this company are suitable for women of any age, are absolutely safe and compatible with products from other cosmetic companies.
  2. Juvederm – fillers made with hyaluronic acid of plant origin. Production is located in France.



Filler injections under the skin are a manipulation that has a number of contraindications:

  1. period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. infectious diseases;
  4. problems with blood clotting;
  5. inflammatory processes at the sites of proposed injections;
  6. tendency to form scars;
  7. oncological diseases.

We invite you to watch a video about contraindications for the procedure:


Facial contouring is often used in combination with Botox injections.. Filler injections should not be done earlier than 2 weeks after Botox injections in the same area, for example, in the longitudinal wrinkles of the forehead.

Injecting fillers based on hyaluronic acid under the skin is one of the safest anti-aging procedures, providing a long-lasting effect of smoothing wrinkles on the forehead. When performed correctly, forehead contouring has a minimum of side effects and a maximum of results, which has a positive effect on the popularity of this procedure throughout the world.