Facial exercises for nasolabial folds video

Nasolabial folds appear due to loose skin, overstrain in the jaw, and age. You can cope with this with exercise.

Pros and cons, technology

The direct benefits of exercise have not been proven by medicine, but you can do it occasionally as a preventive measure. Combine exercise with a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Advantages of massage: accessibility, natural results, savings, long-lasting results. Disadvantages of massage: long-lasting results, regularity of performance, possibility of deterioration of skin condition after discontinuation of exercises.

Before the massage, warm up your skin and cleanse your hands. Do exercises in front of a mirror. Don't do them lying down. After each exercise, relax your face. It should not be used for skin diseases, diseases of the facial nerve, ulcers, or active rosacea.

Take air into your cheeks and then release it sharply. Repeat 10 times. Curl your lips and repeat “a”, “o”, “i”, “u” 20 times. Move and retract your lower jaw. After exercise, you can make a face mask. Read more about the technology below.

Why do nasolabial folds appear?

The causes of nasolabial folds are different for all people. Sometimes the appearance of unwanted creases is caused by a lack of skin elasticity and relaxation of the cheek muscles. In other cases, folds appear due to overstrain in the jaws (the bad habit of clenching teeth often and for a long time is affected) - anti-wrinkle exercises are not needed here, but other means should be used.

The most important recommendation for problems in the nasolabial triangle area is to try to keep the lower part of the face in a relaxed state. This natural position looks like this: the lips can be closed (but without tension) or slightly open, and there is a gap between the teeth of the upper and lower jaw, the tongue is slightly pressed to the palate.

Nasolabial folds appear more often and are more pronounced in women with poor posture and the habit of retracting their necks. For such ladies, facial correction using exercises begins with exercises that straighten the back and neck.

Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds with exercises?

There have been no medical studies on the benefits of gymnastics for the face. However, cosmetologists recommend mastering at least a few basic exercises for daily use. Gymnastics will help relax overstrained facial muscles, increase blood circulation and saturate the skin with oxygen.

The most popular facial techniques today are: facial gymnastics, Carol Maggio exercises, Shiatsu massage and Asahi massage. Grieg Childers breathing exercises and Indian massage also help in the fight against wrinkles.

Too active facial expressions cause premature appearance of nasolabial folds and creases

Exercises against nasolabial folds have the greatest effect in combination with daily high-quality skin care, a balanced diet and adherence to a drinking regime.

All cosmetic products used should be tailored to your skin's needs. Sebum-regulating and moisturizing products are suitable for oily skin, and nourishing and fortified products for dry and dehydrated skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of exercises for eliminating nasolabial depressions is their simplicity and the minimum amount of time spent on their implementation. Among the other advantages of gymnastics are the following:

  1. accessibility and ability to do it yourself at home;
  2. achieving results in a natural way, without surgical or other methods;
  3. profitability, since it does not require any financial expenses;
  4. the ability to choose any convenient time and place for gymnastics;
  5. relative speed of obtaining results, depending on the initial state;
  6. manifestation of the result not only in the form of smoothing wrinkles, but also improving the overall condition of the skin in the area of ​​treatment;
  7. stability and duration of results with regular implementation.

With a large number of advantages of this method of rejuvenation, gymnastics has much fewer disadvantages:

  1. the need to be patient, since achieving results does not happen instantly;
  2. daily requirement;
  3. the possibility of re-increasing wrinkles if gymnastics is stopped;
  4. the need to adhere to the correct technique for performing exercises.

The main thing that needs to be observed when performing exercises to reduce wrinkles in the lower areas of the face is regularity. Daily training of facial muscles and effective relaxation of this area will restore tone in a short period of time.

Gymnastics allows you to strengthen all the muscles of the nasolabial area and reduce wrinkles

Rules for performing exercises

To get rid of nasolabial folds, you should perform certain exercises that you can do at home. Before you start classes, you need to consider some rules:

  1. Before exercise, you need to wash your hands and thoroughly cleanse your face.
  2. When doing exercises, you should straighten your back. You must be in a standing or sitting position.
  3. It is recommended to practice in front of a mirror. In this way you can protect yourself from additional creases.
  4. At the end of each exercise, the facial muscles should be in a relaxed state. At the end of the session, lightly pat the skin of your face with your fingertips.
  5. To better notice the result, it is recommended to photograph yourself every week.
  6. It is necessary to refuse exercises if there are contraindications. Classes are prohibited in case of viral skin pathologies, inflammation of the facial nerve, the appearance of pustules, an allergic reaction, or active rosacea.

Warming up

Before performing face-building exercises, let's warm up the facial muscles. We inhale through our nose, suck in our cheeks, as we exhale, fill our cheeks with air and blow it out through our lips, folded into a tube.

We repeat this movement 15-20 times. After this, the muscles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds are ready to work!

Facial exercises at home

Even young girls look older if they have deep nasolabial folds on their faces. Therefore, the desire to get rid of them arises naturally. This is where special sets of exercises for the face come to our aid.

For them to bring results, you need to do the exercises regularly! Also, do not forget to follow the recommendations for the particular technique used.

They help increase skin elasticity, remove nasolabial folds, and activate collagen synthesis. Thanks to the complex, even active facial expressions will not provoke the appearance of characteristic creases.

  1. Draw as much air into your cheeks as possible, then quickly release. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Stretch your lips in front of you, forming a tube. Stay in this position for a few seconds, feeling the tension in the area of ​​your sunken cheeks. Do 10 approaches.
  3. The index fingers are fixed at the corners of the lips. Pull them up, overcoming resistance, trying to lift the apples of your cheeks. Hold for a few seconds and repeat at least 40 times.
  4. Fold your lips into a tube and extend them in front of you. From this position, repeat the letters “a”, “o”, “i”, “u”, each 20 times.
  5. Move your lower jaw forward and purse your lips intensely. A strong tension is felt in the corners of the mouth, repeat at least 10 times.
  6. Take air into your cheeks, play a ball, intensively massaging the walls from the inside. Perform for a minute.
  7. The index and middle fingers are placed in the cheekbones, above the corners of the mouth. Gradually raise the corners of your smile, overcoming resistance. Hold at maximum tension for 5 seconds. Repeat at least 10 times.
  8. Teeth clenched, hold a teaspoon with your lips. From this position, raise the corners of your lips in a smile, do 10 approaches. Strength exercise with a spoon will increase muscle elasticity and prevent the aging process.
  9. Place your palms on your cheeks and your little fingers in the nasolabial folds. Press lightly with your little fingers and release, repeat 10 times.

In the fight for youth, face-building gymnastics has proven itself well.

By performing exercises for nasolabial folds using this method, you can also tighten the oval of your face and raise your cheekbones:

  1. Sponges are placed in the pipe, and as you exhale, the sound “u” is drawn out with intensification. Without returning to the original, the sound “u” is transformed into a drawn-out “o”. Rolling sounds with a characteristic tension of the lips should be repeated up to 20 times.
  2. Air is drawn into the oral cavity, which is distilled from one cheek to the other, straining the nasolabial area to the limit. Within 5 minutes, the cheek muscles should be tense.
  3. On the cheeks, the index and thumb grab the skin, which is stretched into a forced smile, feeling the tension in the cheekbones. Repeated up to 20 times.
  4. The palms hug the cheeks, and the little fingers are located on the nasolabial cavities, on which pushing pressure is applied for up to 2 minutes. Local massage of the folds stimulates muscle activity.
  5. Active articulation helps to engage numerous muscle fibers when pronouncing vowel sounds in any order: a, e, u, i, s, o. Begin performing at a slow pace, clearly pronouncing each of the sounds, fixing the position of the lips when pronouncing. The speed gradually increases, but the clarity of each spoken sound is required.
  6. Having drawn the maximum amount of air into your mouth, you need to distribute it over your cheeks and upper lip. Holding in this position for 5 seconds, you need to sharply push out the air and relax your cheeks. Repeat up to 5 times in 5 approaches after rest.
  7. By opening your mouth as wide as possible, your lips are given a beautiful, wrinkle-free “o” shape. The position of the lips is fixed for 25 seconds, after which the muscles relax. This is done in 3 approaches. ATTENTION! For those with sunken cheeks, this exercise is contraindicated, because getting rid of nasolabial folds can worsen the existing defect.
  8. We strongly pull the cheeks inside the mouth, done in 2 approaches.
  9. Circular rolling of air in a circle. Inflating one cheek, a balloon wanders through the upper lip, then the second cheek and lower lip, straining the muscles from the inside. 10 approaches.
  10. Having drawn air into the cheeks, the air is released from the mouth in measured doses with force.
  11. Face building for nasolabial folds involves intensively smoothing the problem area with the tongue from the inside. With effort, the tongue moves to the wings of the nose from the corners of the mouth.

There are effective strength exercises against nasolabial folds. Gymnastics with a bottle allows you to work out muscle fibers and increase their elasticity. You can increase efficiency by combining it with a stretching routine and massage.

  1. To complete this you will need a plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5–1 liter. Fill it with 150–170 ml of water and screw the lid on tightly.
  2. Place the bottle on a flat surface (floor, table), wrap your lips around it and lift it up. The mistake is to hold it with your teeth; only the muscles of the lips and nasolabial triangle work.
  3. Take any empty 1-2 liter plastic bottle. As you exhale, close your teeth and wrap your lips around the neck. After taking a deep breath, the walls of the bottle will begin to shrink, hold for 5-10 seconds. Remove the bottle and exhale. Repeat until you feel tired.
  4. Produce heat in the muscles. Then massage the inner area of ​​the nasolabial triangle with your tongue.

Galina Dubinina is a famous yoga trainer. She developed exercises against nasolabial folds to increase tone and smooth out wrinkles in a short time:

  1. We place the thumbs of both hands behind the cheeks along the upper teeth, the pads should “look” outward. We try to close our lips 8-10 times.
  2. We place the thumb of the left hand to the lower gum with a pad near the canine so that it is in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. Press it with your lips to your teeth 10 times, change sides.
  3. The thumbs are fixed on the line of contact of the closed teeth, the palms are located in front of the face, forming a “house”. We suck in our cheeks 8-10 times.
  4. With your index finger, press a point in the center of your upper lip to your teeth, closing your lips tightly. We smile 8 times without opening them. We repeat 8 times, alternating the speed of execution - first at a slow pace, then at a fast pace.

The complex includes several exercises that are performed sequentially.

You should rest for a few seconds between doses.

  1. Open your mouth as wide as possible and pronounce the vowels of the alphabet one by one in any order that comes to mind. Try to perform the movements energetically, clearly and loudly.
  2. Hold a pencil between your jaws. Holding the pencil, extend your jaw and draw imaginary circles with it. Complete 8-9 figures in total.
  3. Open your mouth to form a large "O". Pressing your upper lip onto your teeth, tighten your lips and stretch them into an oval shape. Distribute the load more on the lower jaw. At the same time, in the mirror you can see how the nasolabial depressions disappear.
  4. Keeping two index fingers on the sides next to the wings of the nose, slide your fingers up almost to the upper eyelid. After this, perform similar downward movements. Number of movements - 5 times.

After completing the complex, relax, then do it again. It is recommended to do 5 repetitions in one session. During the execution, the area of ​​the nose and jaw, and the muscles of the mouth are effectively worked out. The last exercise, which smoothes and lifts the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, is considered especially effective.

Kremlin gymnastics is a simple technique that will take approximately 15 minutes.

Exercise with a pencil helps reduce nasolabial folds

The author's technique is based on a special breathing technique. This is a sacred method of performing facial gymnastics to accumulate vital energy.

The most effective exercises for nasolabial folds also remove jowls and double chin. But you need to master the technique gradually; intensive implementation can be dangerous. The main feature is holding your breath after inhaling. You need to start the delay with 5 seconds, gradually increasing to 10, but no more.

Exercise for sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds:

  1. grab the upper lip from the inside with your thumbs, and from the outside with your index fingers;
  2. pull down 5 mm;
  3. from this position, take a deep breath, pull the corners of your mouth to the sides and up as if in a smile;
  4. hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale smoothly;
  5. repeat 3 times.

Created by Natalya Osminina, who devoted 20 years of her life to studying the issue of biological rejuvenation of all body structures in the shortest possible time and developed more than 20 hardware and manual techniques for effective rejuvenation, these techniques have proven themselves to be the best in the fight against age-related changes in the face.

Exercises from Revitonics and Osmionics help tighten the oval of the face and remove nasolabial wrinkles. The best exercises against nasolabial folds in these techniques are as follows:

  1. Relaxing the muscles around the nostrils

One of the first signs of aging is the appearance of pronounced wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle. Over the years, muscle fibers become thinner and weaker. The cheeks move downwards, forming characteristic creases. Exercises for nasolabial folds will help tighten the facial frame, increase skin elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles.

Anatomical features

Nasolabial folds are longitudinal grooves located from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. They belong to the deep type of wrinkles and appear quite early. In youth, due to the elasticity of the skin, folds are invisible. But with the loss of elasticity, creases begin to actively appear. A whole group of muscles is responsible for the formation of nasolabial folds. These are the wing parts of the nose and upper lip, the major, zygomatic, buccal, and triangular muscles.


The degree of severity is not always a consequence of age-related processes. A great dependence can be seen in facial movements, as well as in the emotionality of facial expressions. The final formation of nasolabial folds occurs by 30–35 years.

Causes of premature wrinkles:

  1. bad habits, smoking, alcohol;
  2. sudden changes in weight - weight loss;
  3. pathology of the skull bones;
  4. heredity;
  5. rachiocampsis;
  6. lack or insufficient cosmetic care;
  7. malocclusion.

Features of exercises for the nasolabial triangle

Facial gymnastics against nasolabial folds is performed in a comprehensive manner. The frontal muscles also need to be worked. During the aging process, the upper part of the face loses its elasticity, then the lower part also shifts. These basic exercises make you look younger and improve skin elasticity.

Effective exercises for nasolabial folds help:

  1. smooth out wrinkles;
  2. get rid of jowls;
  3. form a line of cheekbones;
  4. restore the elasticity of the integument;
  5. restore elasticity in the mouth area.

Attention! Before you start face building, it is important to study the recommendations to achieve the desired effect. They are universal for all complexes and will help you avoid common mistakes made when practicing on your own.



  1. Before you start doing exercises against nasolabial folds, you need to wash your hands. Also cleanse your face using soft, gentle cosmetics.
  2. You can additionally apply a light moisturizer, but it should be completely absorbed during exercise.
  3. Should be performed sitting or standing. It is important to maintain correct posture to avoid the formation of new creases. Only one muscle group works, the rest are in a calm, relaxed state.
  4. The technique is honed in front of a mirror. Only after several months of training can you practice without it.
  5. After the procedure, it is recommended to perform a finger shower. Perform light tapping movements with the pads.
  6. To quickly reduce nasolabial wrinkles, each exercise is accompanied by maximum tension and subsequent relaxation. To recover, exhale slowly through relaxed lips.
  7. The best time for facial exercises for nasolabial folds is considered to be early in the morning, half an hour before applying makeup. But you can also exercise in the evening, no later than an hour before bedtime.

Set of exercises

There are several effective gymnastics for nasolabial folds. Which exercises to choose depends on individual preferences. It is important to exercise regularly, gradually increasing the intensity.

They help increase skin elasticity, remove nasolabial folds, and activate collagen synthesis. Thanks to the complex, even active facial expressions will not provoke the appearance of characteristic creases.


  1. Draw as much air into your cheeks as possible, then quickly release. Repeat at least 10 times.
  2. Stretch your lips in front of you, forming a tube. Stay in this position for a few seconds, feeling the tension in the area of ​​your sunken cheeks. Do 10 approaches.
  3. The index fingers are fixed at the corners of the lips. Pull them up, overcoming resistance, trying to lift the apples of your cheeks. Hold for a few seconds and repeat at least 40 times.
  4. Fold your lips into a tube and extend them in front of you. From this position, repeat the letters “a”, “o”, “i”, “u”, each 20 times.
  5. Move your lower jaw forward and purse your lips intensely. A strong tension is felt in the corners of the mouth, repeat at least 10 times.
  6. Take air into your cheeks, play a ball, intensively massaging the walls from the inside. Perform for a minute.
  7. The index and middle fingers are placed in the cheekbones, above the corners of the mouth. Gradually raise the corners of your smile, overcoming resistance. Hold at maximum tension for 5 seconds. Repeat at least 10 times.
  8. Teeth clenched, hold a teaspoon with your lips. From this position, raise the corners of your lips in a smile, do 10 approaches. Strength exercise with a spoon will increase muscle elasticity and prevent the aging process.
  9. Place your palms on your cheeks and your little fingers in the nasolabial folds. Press lightly with your little fingers and release, repeat 10 times.


There are effective strength exercises against nasolabial folds. Gymnastics with a bottle allows you to work out muscle fibers and increase their elasticity. You can increase efficiency by combining it with a stretching routine and massage.


  1. To complete this you will need a plastic bottle with a volume of 0.5–1 liter. Fill it with 150–170 ml of water and screw the lid on tightly.
  2. Place the bottle on a flat surface (floor, table), wrap your lips around it and lift it up. The mistake is to hold it with your teeth; only the muscles of the lips and nasolabial triangle work.
  3. Take any empty 1-2 liter plastic bottle. As you exhale, close your teeth and wrap your lips around the neck. After taking a deep breath, the walls of the bottle will begin to shrink, hold for 5-10 seconds. Remove the bottle and exhale. Repeat until you feel tired.
  4. Produce heat in the muscles. Then massage the inner area of ​​the nasolabial triangle with your tongue.


An effective complex helps to cope with jowls, cheek displacement and nasolabial wrinkles. Application restores the elasticity of muscle fibers and increases their density. Repeat each exercise 5-10 times, then take a break, thus performing 5 approaches.

Exercises for cheeks and nasolabial folds:

  1. The lower jaw, together with the lip, moves left and right with maximum amplitude. The upper jaw remains motionless.
  2. Stick out your tongue, pull down, trying to touch your chin. Stay in this position for 3 seconds, relax.
  3. Hide your lips under your teeth to create a thin strip instead of a mouth. Pull the muscles above the upper lip down, while simultaneously lifting the corners of the mouth up. Hold for 5 seconds.
  4. Cheeks in a relaxed state, grimace in front of the mirror with your lips. With force, pull to the left, right, up, down, the cheeks can be fixed with your palms.
  5. Pull your lips forward in the shape of a large oval or circle. Feel the maximum tension, hold for 5 seconds.
  6. Fix the pencil with your teeth, while the lower jaw moves forward. Draw circles and “8” in the air, 10 repetitions for each element.
  7. Place your index fingers near the wings of your noses. Move with light pressure on the point 1 cm up, then 1 cm down. And so 5 times, that is, the end points will be located 5 cm above and below the wings of the nose.


The author's technique is based on a special breathing technique. This is a sacred method of performing facial gymnastics to accumulate vital energy. The most effective exercises for nasolabial folds also remove jowls and double chin. But you need to master the technique gradually; intensive implementation can be dangerous. The main feature is holding your breath after inhaling. You need to start the delay with 5 seconds, gradually increasing to 10, but no more.

Exercise for sagging cheeks and nasolabial folds:

  1. grab the upper lip from the inside with your thumbs, and from the outside with your index fingers;
  2. pull down 5 mm;
  3. from this position, take a deep breath, pull the corners of your mouth to the sides and up as if in a smile;
  4. hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale smoothly;
  5. repeat 3 times.

Video: facial gymnastics with Lourdes Duplito.

The author of the popular facelift complex, developed effective exercises for nasolabial wrinkles:

  1. press your lips tightly to your teeth;
  2. mentally imagine 2 central points above the upper and below the lower lip;
  3. open your mouth wide, forming an oval, the points should be parallel;
  4. use your index fingers to intensively smooth out the nasolabial folds, moving up and down, continue until a burning sensation appears;
  5. then tap with your fingertips along the line of the nasolabial folds;
  6. exhale smoothly through relaxed lips with the sound “pfft”.

Video: how to do exercises for nasolabial wrinkles using Carol Maggio’s method.

Nasolabial sweetness is a type of facial wrinkles, which are furrows from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose. There are many reasons for their appearance: overly active facial expressions, lack of necessary skin care, bad habits, genetic predisposition, etc. On young and elastic skin, nasolabial folds can only be seen at the moment of a smile. With age, this problem worsens and becomes more noticeable. To stop the aging process and prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds, cosmetologists have developed various exercises and gymnastics complexes for the face.

Is it possible to remove nasolabial folds with exercises?

There have been no medical studies on the benefits of gymnastics for the face. However, cosmetologists recommend mastering at least a few basic exercises for daily use. Gymnastics will help relax overstrained facial muscles, increase blood circulation and saturate the skin with oxygen.

The most popular facial techniques today are: facial gymnastics, Carol Maggio exercises, Shiatsu massage and Asahi massage. Grieg Childers breathing exercises and Indian massage also help in the fight against wrinkles.


Exercises against nasolabial folds have the greatest effect in combination with daily high-quality skin care, a balanced diet and adherence to a drinking regime.

All cosmetic products used should be tailored to your skin's needs. Sebum-regulating and moisturizing products are suitable for oily skin, and nourishing and fortified products for dry and dehydrated skin.

Rules for performing gymnastics for the face

Careless movements while performing facial exercises can lead to the appearance of unwanted wrinkles and creases, as well as damage to muscle fibers. To avoid common mistakes and not harm your skin, follow the rules:

  1. Before starting classes, ventilate the room: fresh air will speed up blood circulation, saturate the cells with oxygen, and also give you strength.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly and cleanse your face.
  3. Apply a thick layer of nourishing cream to your eyelids, and a light base oil or cream to the rest of your face.
  4. Watch your posture and head alignment.
  5. While tensing the muscles in the mouth area, try to relax the remaining areas.
  6. Monitor the process using a mirror.
  7. Make the exercises more difficult gradually.

At the end of the procedure, wash your face with cool water and apply a moisturizing or anti-aging mask.

Facial muscles respond quickly to any exercise. To avoid over-inflating or weakening them, do gymnastics regularly. The best option is 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

Facial exercises at home

Even young girls look older if they have deep nasolabial folds on their faces. Therefore, the desire to get rid of them arises naturally. This is where special sets of exercises for the face come to our aid. For them to bring results, you need to do the exercises regularly! Also, do not forget to follow the recommendations for the particular technique used.

Comprehensive care suggests that every morning you should start by washing your face with an ice cube. To do this, first freeze a herbal decoction in a special mold (chamomile, St. John's wort and sage are suitable) or even plain water mixed with parsley juice. After washing your face, immediately proceed to performing gymnastics for the problem area:

  1. Draw out your lips with a tube. Hold the position for 5 seconds and relax your muscles.
  2. Open your mouth in an "O" shape. Fix your lips for 5 seconds and relax.
  3. Puff out your cheeks strongly and relax after 2-3 seconds.

Repeat each exercise at least 20 times. Then prepare a compress: dip a cotton pad in freshly brewed warm green tea. Apply to the fold for 20 minutes.

To enhance the effect of the compress, do not let it cool. Re-dab the cotton pad every 5 minutes.


To complete this complex, apply a mask made from natural fresh ingredients to your face. Method of its preparation:

  1. Pour 50 ml of clean cold water over 15 medium bay leaves. Bring to a boil.
  2. Boil the broth for 5 minutes and remove from heat. Strain the broth.
  3. Separate 5 quail egg yolks and beat.
  4. Mix eggs with 2 tbsp. l. cold-pressed olive oil and 10 g of burnt alum.
  5. Add 2 tbsp to the egg-butter mixture. l. bay decoction. Stir.
  6. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and apply to the problem area. Secure with adhesive tape.
  7. After half an hour, wash with warm water.

The procedure must be carried out within three days. Then, to allow your skin to rest, take a break for 4-5 days, during which you simply wipe your face with an ice cube and continue the exercises.

Video: exercises against nasolabial folds

Famous Hollywood cosmetologist Carol Maggio has developed a whole range of unique facial exercises. One of them is aimed at eliminating nasolabial folds. The effect can be compared to plastic surgery. The technique is as follows:

  1. Mentally mark the center of the upper and lower lip lines.
  2. Open your mouth, keeping the points in one line. The shape of a regular oval will help you maintain the position.
  3. Using two fingers of each hand, massage the folds from bottom to top and vice versa.
  4. Once the burning sensation occurs, apply a few patting movements to soothe the skin.

Repeat the exercise daily in front of the mirror. If possible, do it in the morning and evening.

To avoid stretching the skin, lubricate the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with a small amount of any base oil.

Video: Facebook building at home

Shiatsu massage is one of the ways to tone your facial muscles. It is recommended to perform it in the morning after waking up and 20-30 minutes before bedtime. Technique:

  1. Place the pads of your index fingers on the corners of your mouth. Massage for half a minute.
  2. Gradually move your fingers to the center of your lower lip and back.
  3. Apply the cream to the nasolabial folds and massage for 40 seconds from bottom to top and back.

If desired, you can massage several times during the day. The main thing is to remember to clean your hands and face before the procedure! Dust or infection getting into the pores can cause acne, allergies or irritation.

Video: face fitness against nasolabial wrinkles

The breathing exercise technique was invented by the American Greer Childers when her weight exceeded 90 kg. It helped keep facial muscles toned and prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds during weight loss. One of the most effective mouth exercises:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Bend over and rest your hands on the area above your kneecaps.
  3. Take a deep breath and exhale. Repeat 2 times.
  4. Hold your breath. Open your mouth as much as possible, squeezing your lips tightly together.
  5. Stick out the tip of your tongue. Hold the position for 15 seconds. Relax your muscles.

Repeat the action at least 5 times in a row. You can do 3-4 approaches a day.

Video: exercises against nasolabial folds from Greer Childers

Properly distributed load during facial gymnastics will ensure youth, beauty and health of your skin. Follow the article's recommendations, but don't overdo it! Remember that exercises are prohibited after Botox injections, plastic surgery, or pathologies of the facial nerve. If you have at least one of the listed indications, consult your doctor and cosmetologist.