Filler recommendations after the procedure

Nasolabial wrinkles cause a lot of discomfort. Sometimes it is enough to smooth out just them to “throw off” 5–8 years. Modern cosmetology offers painless rejuvenation procedures by introducing fillers, the results of which will not take long to arrive.

Injection of fillers into the area of ​​nasolabial wrinkles to smooth the skin

Nasolabial folds first appear on the sides of the nose, then extend to the lips, and then fall below the corners of the mouth, creating “sagging cheeks.” The last stage of “nasolabial folds” is observed after 50 years, when flabby facial muscles are unable to fix stretched skin that has lost its elasticity. In addition, wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle can appear before the age of 30. They cause great discomfort, because because of them, extra age is “added”, and the facial expression becomes gloomy and dissatisfied.

To solve problems with nasolabial folds, modern contour plastic surgery offers filler injections.

Filler is literally translated from English as “filler”. This is a gel substance that is injected under the skin through a needle.


Contour plastic surgery is a non-surgical rejuvenation method, that is, it does not require general anesthesia.

The procedure goes as follows:

  1. The face is cleansed with an antibacterial agent.
  2. A local anesthetic is applied, most often an analgesic cream (for example, Emla). Some patients tolerate the procedure well even without pain relief.
  3. The doctor opens the package with a disposable syringe and a bottle of filler immediately before use.
  4. Injections are given in the nasolabial area, their number depends on the severity of wrinkles. The drug slowly fills the space under the skin, leveling and smoothing it.
  5. After resting for a couple of minutes, the patient can go home.


You must inform your cosmetologist about all medications you are taking at the consultation stage.

Video: correction of nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid filler

Since the first fillers were invented in the USA in the 40s of the 20th century, their variety has increased significantly.

The following preparations for the nasolabial area are used in cosmetology:

  1. constant exposure, which are synthetic and semi-synthetic;
  2. from your own adipose tissue;
  3. temporary action:
  1. collagen;
  2. from hyaluronic acid;
  3. from lactate polymers.

Permanent fillers

Permanent fillers include drugs whose injection effect can last for years. The basis for their production are:

  1. synthetic (permanent) fillers. They remain under the skin in their original form. These include liquid silicone and polymer gel. But since injections of these fillers have many side effects, they are increasingly being abandoned.
  2. semi-synthetic or biosynthetic fillers. They are modified substances of biological origin. The result of using a filler with a biosynthetic filler lasts quite a long time: after several procedures, wrinkles do not appear until 10 years until it resolves. These drugs also have many side effects.

Preparations from cells of own adipose tissue

Lipofilling or lipografting are injections of the patient's own adipose tissue. WITHA severe allergy to all other fillers forces one to resort to lipofilling, the effect of which does not last so long. Specially processed human subcutaneous fat, injected into the “nasolabial”, dissolves over time, and with severe weight loss, this process accelerates.


Temporary drugs

Created from absorbable and biocompatible components, temporary fillers have become very popular due to their safety. Their basis is substances that take root well in the body. Most often these are proteins and acids.

  1. based on collagen - a protein from the connective tissue of the body. Perform the functions of retaining moisture and maintaining elasticity. It is because of the slow production of collagen that skin aging and wrinkles appear. For injections, donor, own or animal collagen is used.
  2. based on polymers of lactic acid, which belongs to fruit acids. The duration of action of such fillers is almost twice as long as collagen fillers, but the effect of the procedure can only appear after 1–3 months, and up to four sessions are required to achieve the result.
  3. based on hyaluronate. Hyaluronic acid is a component that is part of the tissues of the human body. Due to its deficiency, the skin loses its elasticity. During injection, hyaluronate with water molecules fills wrinkles. This helps maintain the necessary level of skin moisture, as well as relieve irritation and flaking. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are divided into:
  1. monophasic gel dermofiller. It is elastic, so the cosmetologist can distribute the drug under the skin after injection. Gel molecules are easily introduced into the epidermis, increasing the overall tone of the skin. The result is noticeable at the end of the first session.
  2. two-phase (biphasic) gel filler. Solves problems with the most pronounced wrinkles, but is less susceptible to correction. The density of the biphasic filler is higher than that of the monophasic filler, which complicates the insertion process. But the result can last up to a year.

Depending on the type of filler, the duration of the effect in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds may vary:

  1. with the introduction of hyaluronic acid, wrinkles are smoothed out immediately, that is, the result is visible already when leaving the beauty salon. Over time, the effect increases;
  2. the effect after collagen injection is noticeable after 2–4 days, since slight swelling may appear at first;
  3. when using synthetic fillers, the effect is visible the next day, if there are no bruises or swelling left, and the material has taken root successfully, which is rare;
  4. After lipofilling, in some patients, swelling causes asymmetry or changes in the oval of the face, so you have to wait 1–3 weeks for the results of the procedure.


Benefits of beauty injections:

  1. procedures are performed without surgical intervention;
  2. long-term rehabilitation, hospital stay and constant monitoring by doctors are not required;
  3. in the absence of swelling, the effect can be enjoyed immediately;
  4. biocompatible drugs are hypoallergenic and are eliminated from the body over time;
  5. It is possible to correct the mistakes of the previous one during a second session of beauty injections (this does not apply to artificial fillers);
  6. facial expressions and mobility are not limited;
  7. injections are carried out all year round;
  8. dermofillers with hyaluronate or collagen heal the skin and saturate it with useful substances.
  1. fillers - except silicone ones - are short-lived, so procedures are carried out repeatedly to maintain the effect;
  2. To remove permanent (artificial) fillers, the help of a surgeon is required;
  3. the result depends on the literacy and experience of the cosmetologist.


Indications and contraindications

Like any other intervention in the natural functioning of the body, injections of fillers into nasolabial wrinkles are contraindicated in some cases. These include:

  1. diseases of the immune system;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. herpes rash;
  4. the presence of an allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug;
  5. increased body temperature;
  6. blood clotting disorder;
  7. pregnancy and lactation;
  8. recent mechanical or chemical peelings, as well as hair removal in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  9. difficult healing of scars after operations.

Indications for injections in the nasolabial area:

  1. excessive pigmentation or persistent acne marks;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. increased dryness, dehydration of the skin.

Possible complications after the procedure

The introduction of drugs under the skin is mostly successful, but there are also cases with side effects. They can occur after an incorrectly performed procedure by a doctor with insufficient qualifications.

Possible consequences of injection of fillers:

  1. artificial fillers can become crumpled or change their location over time, and a rejection reaction often occurs;
  2. all fillers can cause swelling in the injection area;
  3. soreness in the places where the needles were inserted;
  4. translucency of the drug can be observed when injected into the upper layers of the skin, which is a serious mistake by a cosmetologist;
  5. whitening of the skin and pain at the injection site are associated with blockage of the vessel;
  6. redness and slight bruising that disappear over time.

Complications that do not go away for more than seven days are a reason to visit a doctor, because this may be a signal of an infection that has entered the body or a severe allergy.


Recommendations for successful rehabilitation

The severity of side effects can be reduced by following care and lifestyle recommendations for 7–10 days after administration of the drug. This will also help the results last longer.

After the procedure you cannot:

  1. lie down - the face should be higher than the body - for four hours;
  2. strain your facial muscles and play sports;
  3. stay in direct sunlight and visit the solarium and swimming pool until the swelling subsides;
  4. do makeup for 4–5 days;
  5. allow touching the injection sites on the day of manipulation;
  6. take blood thinners for 7-10 days.

It is safest to wait until swelling and bruising have completely disappeared before applying cosmetics or performing any manipulations on the face. It is also useful to use special ointments or gels for bruises for a speedy recovery.


Photo gallery: patients before and after filler injections in the nasolabial area

Reviews from patients and doctors

I had nasolabial fillers done for the first time. The cosmetologist said that for three days you should not make strong facial expressions, smile, etc. And that the final result will be visible in 2 weeks. I hardly smiled, twice, I tried to control my facial expressions. How much will this really affect the result, because even when you eat, your muscles work? One side of me seems to have gotten better, but the other either hasn’t improved or isn’t visible. Could it be that 2 days after the procedure the result is not very visible, but by the end of the second week it will take effect? Or is it not like Botox, which can be injected. I had some weak creases, I thought they would straighten out completely, but no. What is this - poor quality work or still waiting for the result?

thinKO ***

Restylane fillers - If I could go back, I wouldn't do it again. Amazing, girls! I’m writing a review for the second time, and the second time I’m alone with a negative impression... I just don’t understand now, all the reviews can’t be false and corrupt. My story: I spent a long time choosing both a clinic and a cosmetologist. I consulted with friends who have ever resorted to this procedure... These injections were supported by the fact that some 20-year-old girls, without any emerging skin problems, still use Restylane to enlarge their lips. That is, their motivation is not to restore the skin from emerging wrinkles, but simply to play around with their appearance - to make plump lips, which they can easily live without. I thought to myself: “Well, is the temptation to have plump (sometimes clearly unnatural) lips stronger than the dangers that lie in wait after using the gel?” And I concluded for myself that if there was a minimal risk in these injections, a 20-year-old person would not take risks and spoil her appearance, and what’s more, her health. Therefore, most likely, the injections are indeed safe. As a result, I decided to try to help my skin (I read that the sooner you help it, the longer the youthfulness of your face will remain, rather than if you wait for the skin to wither and then resort to correcting the consequences...) After a careful search, I settled on a state clinic and a dermatologist - a highly qualified cosmetologist who finally convinced me of the safety of the procedure and said that there were 8 syringes in her face. I was given only 1. The certificates and the drug itself did not arouse any suspicion in me. Injections were made into the nasolabial and bridge of the nose. A day has passed. Today the bridge of my nose and some places in my nasolabial lips are very sore. An elongated bump formed on the bridge of the nose, along the course of the needle, but even slightly longer than the needle itself. This lump is very painful and noticeable. Although I asked the doctor about possible side effects, as well as about possible fibrosis or compaction. She said that I was talking nonsense and that I did not understand the drug. She squeezed a little bit of this gel onto my hand and said, look how it can harm? As a result, now I am in a panic, trying to find on the Internet who had similar consequences, but nothing is written about it! Simply amazing. I made an appointment with the doctor on Monday. I don't know what he will say. But I no longer really believe her and her assurances that everything will be great... I also want to say that I also didn’t notice the expected effect of straightening out the creases on my cheeks, even the relief of my face became more contrasting, which made everything seem even worse than it was. Not that it’s worse, but it’s unnatural, uneven. Later I will try to take and add photos of my cheeks. See for yourself. So, girls, deciding to Still assess the risks. It is better to walk with wrinkles than with fibrosis. Wrinkles are small indentations and look natural, but tubercles are bulges and look, to put it mildly, unnatural, and not to mention that they are


I am a cosmetologist with 5 years of experience. I tried everything on myself. I started with Juvederm and didn’t change it for 2 years. But it went away quickly, just like with my clients. This is a 2nd generation filler. Outdated HA crosslinking. It’s just heavily advertised and expensive because of it. Lasts 2-3 times less than promised. I like Surzhik and Style. Although the swelling lasts for 5-7 days, it lasts for more than a year.

Tatyana Aleksandrova

How often can filler injections be repeated? Andrey Fedorov, lecturer at the Department of Dermatovenereology, Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogova: “It is advisable to repeat the procedures after complete resorption of the previously administered product, that is, on average after 10-12 months.” Aisulu Tokaeva - dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist: “Depends on the density of the drug, habits, lifestyle and health of the patient. My personal observations: with chronic rheumatoid arthritis, filler consumption occurs faster. If we talk about average guidelines, it could be like this: lips - once every 6 months; cheekbones - once every 8-12 months; contour plastic surgery - once every 6-18 months.”

Marina Syutaeva–14-voprosov-pro-fillery-vse-chto-vy-hoteli-znat-no-stesnjalis-sprosit/

The area of ​​the face around the nose and lips is very vulnerable to the appearance of wrinkles: active facial expressions provoke the appearance of skin creases. The invention of fillers has made the fight against them painless and quick. But you need to know that fillers can be different: permanent, dissolving over time, or consisting of the patient’s own fat tissue. The doctor approaches the selection of a suitable filler individually. There are also indications and contraindications for injections into the nasolabial area, which must be taken into account so that the result does not bring disappointment and does not turn out to be a waste of money.

It has long been common practice to correct facial defects, but few people know about the limitations after contouring, which leads to considerable problems and complications. A good cosmetologist is simply obliged to give all recommendations for further care, but, as practice shows, not all specialists are in a hurry to do this. The results are easy to predict - a spoiled mood, money down the drain and a lot of new defects on the face. We will try to figure out what can be done and what cannot be done in order to avoid troubles after contouring.

Indications and limitations for contour plastic surgery

Many ladies mistakenly believe that contouring is recommended only in one case - to rejuvenate the skin. You should not think that hyaluronic acid injections have such limited capabilities. The procedure is indicated for many facial defects that can ruin not only your mood, but even your life, because it is almost impossible to hide them with cosmetics. When should you go to a cosmetologist?

There can be many reasons to visit a beauty salon and undergo simple contouring procedures:

  1. wrinkles in the area around the eyes;
  2. poorly defined lip contours;
  3. correction of defects near the lips and nose (usually small folds and grooves);
  4. sagging earlobes;
  5. folds on the forehead.

Gels for contouring are considered completely harmless, but, nevertheless, not all women can use such a simple method and correct flaws in their appearance. The process of contouring has a number of limitations:

  1. inflammatory processes occurring on the skin of the face;
  2. period of breastfeeding, pregnancy;
  3. serious illnesses;
  4. blood clotting disorders;
  5. problems with the immune system;
  6. any recent salon procedures (deep cleaning, polishing, all types of peeling);
  7. silicone, injected shortly before contouring.

It is also impossible to smooth out wrinkles in the nasolabial folds in case of viral or infectious diseases; they must first be completely cured.

Important! The procedure can be especially dangerous for people with mental disorders or epilepsy. In case of such diseases, contour plastic surgery is strictly prohibited - if a seizure occurs during the administration of the drug, the specialist may accidentally injure the skin.

How to prepare for contour plastic surgery?

Preparation for contour plastic surgery is simple and does not have any special restrictions or requirements. You should not indulge in alcoholic beverages or aggressive pharmaceutical drugs that can interfere with blood clotting for several days. There is no need to use decorative cosmetics that cause irritation to the skin.

You can take a course of antiviral medications - after the procedure, herpes especially actively tries to settle on the lips. There is no need to visit a sauna or solarium for about a week, especially for ladies with very sensitive skin. If you prepare for contouring correctly, unpleasant excesses or complications usually occur extremely rarely.

Recommendations after contouring

The effect after the introduction of fillers largely depends on how carefully and diligently the requirements are met, which the specialist who performed the procedure simply must describe in detail. There is no need to be afraid that the recommendations after contouring will cause a lot of trouble or introduce changes into the measured rhythm of life - there is nothing like that in them.

If a woman is used to constantly taking care of herself and implementing the basic rules of care regularly, she will not even notice that she had to change anything in her daily routine. We will now try to analyze in detail what can and cannot be done after facial contouring.

Caring for the skin after contouring is slightly different from what every woman is used to doing every day. The first thing you need to focus your efforts on is to try to relieve the swelling that appears in most cases. This can be easily done with pharmaceutical preparations, which should first be checked with a cosmetologist, or with home remedies.

A mask based on bee honey and aloe will help perfectly here. It’s easy to prepare the product:

  1. squeeze juice from several aloe leaves;
  2. add 15 ml of honey to the liquid (the bee product must be fresh and of high quality);
  3. stir the mixture.

Apply the prepared composition to cleansed skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. Be sure to rinse off the honey mixture with cool water without adding detergents.

Care tips after contouring include not only the use of products to remove tumors; it is much more important at this time not to introduce an infection or cause irritation at the injection sites. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-based preparations to cleanse the skin - this will inevitably result in the appearance of spots or dots.

Important! To cleanse your face, it is better to use mild herbal preparations or home remedies. Be sure to first consult with a specialist, who will advise the most effective composition for a particular skin.

Even if you properly care for your facial skin and use only ingredients recommended by your cosmetologist, you may be disappointed with the results of the procedure. Why is this happening? Usually women themselves are to blame for this, not taking into account that the rehabilitation period includes many “dos” and “don’ts.” If you listen to the advice of the master, you won’t have to find out the causes of pimples, dots, and tiny spots.

One of the main restrictions applies to alcoholic beverages and alcohol - contour plastic surgery cannot be combined with them in any way. This is why you will have to refrain from noisy parties with lots of alcohol or cozy get-togethers with girlfriends over a glass of tea for several weeks.

Limitations that should not be taken lightly:

  1. do not take coagulants, aspirin;
  2. do not engage in active sports;
  3. do not go to the sauna until half a month;
  4. avoid hot procedures (sauna, bath);
  5. do not go to the solarium for up to 2 weeks;
  6. avoid direct sunlight - ultraviolet radiation is no less harmful than hot procedures;
  7. try not to wince or smile widely for several days - this will prevent the filler from spreading throughout the epidermal tissues;
  8. do not touch the skin with hands (even sterile clean ones);
  9. Do not actively massage the parts of the face where fillers were injected.

When caring for your lips after contouring, you must not forget that decorative cosmetics, especially lipstick, may contain aggressive substances. To avoid complications, it is better to avoid makeup for several weeks.

Women planning contour plastic surgery should understand that much depends not only on the skills of the cosmetologist, but also on how well they prepare for the procedure and follow the recommendations after the injection of fillers. Only this guarantees that the face will truly look young and radiant with health.

Bruises and redness may form at the puncture sites, and slight swelling may persist for the first couple of days. But all these side effects are considered normal and go away on their own within a few days.

In order to quickly get back into shape after the procedure and maintain the results for as long as possible, you need to do Recommendations for care in the first days after filler injection:

  1. Handle the treated area as carefully as possible. You can't touch your face.
  2. Do not wash your face or use aggressive, alkaline products.
  3. You cannot massage or use active facial expressions so that the filler does not move and the position of the substance in the subcutaneous layers is not disturbed.
  4. You are allowed to use only those drugs and cosmetics that are approved by a cosmetologist. The usual means need to be put aside for now.
  5. It is prohibited to carry out procedures involving high temperatures. You cannot go to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium or sunbathe on the beach.
  6. To avoid infection, you should not visit a pool or other open body of water until the puncture sites heal.
  7. Physical activity will have to be postponed for a couple of weeks.
  8. Also, for the first couple of days you will have to stay at home so as not to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation, especially if the fillers were introduced in the summer.
  9. In order not to increase swelling, you should not drink a lot of water or eat salty or spicy foods for several days.

Injecting filler into the cheekbones

Neglecting these simple rules can lead to skin damage, infection, and other complications.. As a result, the rehabilitation period will greatly shift. Plus, the consequences of complications will have to be treated additionally.

Skin care after filler also includes a special diet. For 3-5 days, you should eat lighter and lower-calorie foods. After the injection of fillers, it is recommended to refrain from alcohol and tonic drinks, such as tea and coffee, and energy drinks. It is better to drink plain, non-carbonated and non-mineral water.

Special masks during care after fillers help you get back into shape.. They will require:

  1. Gel Troxevasin or Troxerutin, since it relieves swelling, soothes blood vessels and eliminates hyperemia.
  2. Chlorhexidine. This is an antiseptic that disinfects the skin and micro-wounds.
  3. Aloe extract accelerates healing and relieves irritation.
  4. Traumeel-S.

In a non-metallic bowl, mix a teaspoon of Troxevasin with 1 ml of Chlorhexidine and half an ampoule of aloe juice, as well as Traumeel-S gel. The result is a cream that is thoroughly mixed until smooth.

The mask should be applied to dry facial skin. For a better effect, it is secured with film. Keep the compress for 10-15 minutes, then remove with cotton pads containing Chlorhexidine. But you don’t have to wash it off if you don’t have to go outside.

The compress is applied every day for a week. The mask accelerates healing, eliminates bruises and hematomas, removes redness and reduces pain.

Lip care after filler injection includes:

  1. During the week you should not eat rough, hard foods. Nuts, fruits and vegetables are prohibited. Any strong facial expressions and activity with the lips leads to damage to the filler and skin.
  2. You cannot be exposed to UV rays for 14 days or stay at temperatures below 0 degrees. Sudden changes in cold and heat are also poorly reflected.
  3. You should not use cosmetics, lipsticks or lip glosses for two weeks.
  4. You only need to sleep on your back.
  5. You should not bite your lips or pinch them so that the filler does not release. In addition, you will have to avoid kissing during the rehabilitation period.

Injecting filler into the lips

Care after injection of fillers into the nasolabial folds includes the following recommendations:

  1. After the procedure, you must maintain a vertical position for 5-6 hours.
  2. In the first 2 days, puncture sites can be treated only with Chlohexidine or Miramistin.
  3. To relieve swelling, apply cold compresses for 10-15 minutes every hour.
  4. After a week, you can go outside only after applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to your skin. You will have to use sunscreens for 3 months, since ultraviolet radiation destroys the substances introduced.
  5. You will have to abandon such cosmetic procedures as microcurrents, massage, phonophoresis and electromyostimulation.
  6. Ketonal, Ketonov and Nise in tablets will help reduce pain.
  7. Vitamin C or Ascorutin will help get rid of bruises faster, as they strengthen the walls of the capillaries.
  8. To avoid viral infection, you need to take Acyclovir or Valtrex. The risk of exacerbation of herpes, which will negate all efforts, will be significantly reduced.

If, two weeks after all the swelling has gone, you are not satisfied with the appearance, you can always consult the doctor who performed the procedure. He will develop a correction plan.

Facial care after fillers includes tips:

  1. The puncture sites should not be touched with your hands.
  2. You must maintain an upright position for 5-6 hours after the procedure. At night you can only sleep on your back.
  3. You should not drink a lot of water at night for a couple of weeks to avoid swelling.
  4. It is forbidden to massage the face or use various hardware techniques to smooth out wrinkles and bruises.
  5. Physical activity should be kept to a minimum for the next two weeks.
  6. Taking vitamin K will help reduce bruising and swelling. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and restores them. Cold compresses applied after treating the skin with Chlorhexidine will help remove swelling.

Read more in our article about care after fillers.

Read more in this article

Recommendations before the procedure to reduce possible complications

With age, the contour and volume of the face changes. The lips become thinner, nasolacrimal grooves appear, and wrinkles deepen. In some cases, the situation can only be corrected with the help of fillers. They fill the space inside the layers of the skin and seem to push out wrinkles. To minimize side effects and prolong the results, special care is required after the injection of fillers.

Bruises and redness may form at the puncture sites, and slight swelling may persist for the first couple of days. But all these side effects are considered normal and go away on their own within a few days. The final effect becomes noticeable after a couple of weeks.

The quality of the result is influenced by the preparatory stage. Although there are no specific requirements, there are a few things the patient should be aware of. The doctor conducts a preliminary consultation in advance. During the conversation, it is necessary to find out contraindications, determine the goals and final result of the correction. The doctor talks in detail about the upcoming procedure. He should also explain how to behave before the injection of fillers, and what care will be required after.

The doctor must warn you that in case of exacerbation of diseases and infections, the procedure will have to be rescheduled. Also, even minor damage to the skin should not be allowed. The doctor warns that three days before the procedure you must stop taking:

  1. anticoagulants;
  2. drugs that cause capillary fragility;
  3. Dietary supplements with ginseng and ginkgo bilobo, which dilate blood vessels and lead to bleeding.

Cosmetology expert

One day before the injection of fillers, you should not drink alcoholic beverages, strong tea or coffee, or eat spicy or salty foods. You should also avoid visiting the solarium and the beach in advance, since ultraviolet rays dehydrate the skin, increase blood circulation, and therefore accelerate tissue metabolism and the removal of incoming substances.

Features of care after facial fillers

To quickly get back into shape after the procedure and maintain the results for as long as possible, It is necessary to follow the care recommendations in the first days after filler injection:

  1. The treated area should be handled with the utmost care. Do not touch your face with your hands.
  2. Do not wash your face or use aggressive, alkaline products.
  3. You cannot massage or use active facial expressions so that the filler does not move and the position of the substance in the subcutaneous layers is not disturbed.
  4. You are allowed to use only those drugs and cosmetics that are approved by a cosmetologist. The usual means need to be put aside for now.
  5. It is prohibited to carry out procedures involving high temperatures. You cannot go to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium or sunbathe on the beach.
  6. To avoid infection, you should not visit a pool or other open body of water until the puncture sites heal.
  7. Physical activity will have to be postponed for a couple of weeks.
  8. Also, for the first couple of days you will have to stay at home so as not to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation, especially if the fillers were introduced in the summer.
  9. In order not to increase swelling, you should not drink a lot of water or eat salty or spicy foods for several days.

The doctor will give recommendations on the choice of cosmetics for the care and restoration of facial skin

Neglecting these simple rules can lead to skin damage, infection, and other complications. As a result, the rehabilitation period will greatly shift. Plus, the consequences of complications will have to be treated additionally.

Skin care after filler also includes a special diet. Within 3-5 days you will have to review your usual menu. You should eat lighter, lower-calorie foods.

The body's main forces will be devoted to restoration, so digestion should not take a lot of energy. Just as before the procedure, after the injection of fillers it is recommended to refrain from alcohol and tonic drinks, such as tea and coffee, and energy drinks. It is better to drink plain, still and non-mineral water.

Special masks during care after fillers help you get back into shape. They are made from light products with a calming effect. The following ingredients will be required:

  1. Gel Troxevasin or Troxerutin, since it relieves swelling, soothes blood vessels and eliminates hyperemia.
  2. Chlorhexidine. This is an antiseptic that disinfects the skin and micro-wounds.
  3. Aloe extract accelerates healing and relieves irritation.
  4. Traumeel-S.

In a non-metallic bowl, mix a teaspoon of Troxevasin with 1 ml of Chlorhexidine and half an ampoule of aloe juice, as well as Traumeel-S gel. The result is a cream that is thoroughly mixed until smooth.

The mask should be applied to dry facial skin. For a better effect, it is secured with film. The compress is kept for 10-15 minutes, then removed with cotton pads containing Chlorhexidine. But you don’t have to wash it off if you don’t have to go outside. The compress is applied every day for a week. The mask accelerates healing, eliminates bruises and hematomas, removes redness and reduces pain.

All these rules are general. But depending on the place where fillers are used, there are nuances in post-procedure care.

Watch this video on how to care for your face after filler injections:

This is the most popular part of the body that is adjusted. Most often, clients want to make their lips more voluminous and sensual, smooth out wrinkles and folds on the skin and around the mouth.

But correction with fillers on this part of the face must be done very carefully, as there is a high risk of overdoing it and getting an unpleasant result. Therefore, you should only contact trusted specialists who have real reviews from their clients and examples of work. It is also important to clearly discuss with your doctor in advance what specific effect you want to achieve.

A couple of weeks after the procedure, you need to visit the doctor again to determine the quality of the result and the need for additional correction.

Lip care after filler injection includes the following:

  1. During the week you should not eat rough, hard foods. It is prohibited to chew nuts, fruits and vegetables. Any strong facial expressions and activity with the lips leads to damage to the filler and skin.
  2. You cannot be exposed to UV rays for 14 days or stay at temperatures below 0 degrees. Sudden changes in cold and heat are also poorly reflected.
  3. You should not use cosmetics, lipsticks or lip glosses for two weeks.
  4. You only need to sleep on your back.
  5. You should not bite your lips or pinch them so that the filler does not release. In addition, you will have to avoid kissing during the rehabilitation period.

Only by following all these rules can you get the expected result.

Watch this video on how to care for your lips after lip augmentation with fillers:

Nasolabial folds are a sign of age-related changes. Therefore, getting rid of them immediately allows you to visually lose several years.

In addition to the general rules, care after injection of fillers into the nasolabial folds includes the following features:

  1. After the procedure, you must maintain a vertical position for 5-6 hours.
  2. In the first two days, puncture sites can only be treated with Chlohexidine or Miramistin.
  3. To relieve swelling in this area, apply cold compresses for 10-15 minutes every hour.
  4. After a week, you can go outside only after applying sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to your skin. You will have to use sunscreens for 3 months, since ultraviolet radiation destroys the substances introduced.
  5. You will have to abandon such cosmetic procedures as microcurrents, massage, phonophoresis and electromyostimulation.
  6. Ketonal, Ketonov and Nise will help reduce pain. All drugs are used in tablets.
  7. Vitamin C or Ascorutin will help get rid of bruises faster, as they strengthen the walls of the capillaries.
  8. To avoid viral infection, you need to take Acyclovir or Valtrex. The risk of exacerbation of herpes, which will negate all efforts, will be significantly reduced.

If, two weeks after all the swelling has gone, you are not satisfied with the appearance, you can always consult the doctor who performed the procedure. He will develop a correction plan.

Bruising in the nasolacrimal trough adds age and creates a more tired appearance. For many people, they are caused by the structure of the face, so even with proper nutrition and good sleep, it is quite difficult to get rid of them. Injecting fillers under the eyes solves this problem.

In addition, thanks to contour plastic surgery of this area, it is possible to:

  1. eliminate swelling;
  2. accelerate cell renewal;
  3. smooth out creases;
  4. increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  5. lighten pigment spots and hyperemia.

This area is very sensitive and delicate, so it should only be trusted by qualified doctors.

After the injection of fillers, slight swelling and bruising will form at the puncture sites. All this goes away on its own without external intervention. There may be soreness under the eyes.

Proper facial care after fillers will help maintain the results:

  1. The puncture sites should not be touched with your hands.
  2. You must maintain an upright position for 5-6 hours after the procedure. At night you can only sleep on your back.
  3. You should not drink a lot of water at night for a couple of weeks, so as not to provoke the appearance of edema.
  4. It is forbidden to massage the face or use various hardware techniques to smooth out wrinkles and bruises.
  5. Physical activity should be kept to a minimum for the next two weeks.
  6. Taking vitamin K will help reduce bruising and swelling. Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and restores them. Cold compresses applied after treating the skin with Chlorhexidine will help remove swelling.

And here is more information about the effect of alcohol after mesotherapy on the rehabilitation process.

To get the desired result after injection of fillers, you need to follow the recommendations before and after the procedure. The final effect largely depends on the quality of the rehabilitation period. With a reasonable approach, it is possible to avoid problems and complications.

Although biorevitalization is almost completely safe, the doctor decides how often it should be done and how much it is needed. For example, it can be done from the age of 25 with hyaluronic acid for the face; it is necessary for ladies after forty as well, but with a larger number of procedures.

Papules almost always appear after biorevitalization. If they are red and itchy, this may indicate an allergy. How long they last is affected by the composition of the cocktails, age and even the time of year. When do they pass normally? How to remove if they haven’t resolved?

Cosmetologists categorically do not recommend massage after biorevitalization, as it can nullify all the results. When can you do a massage after biorevitalization?

Biorevitalization after Botox is acceptable. It can and even should be done, but when and after how long will be decided by the cosmetologist. Ideally, you can inject Botox after biorevitalization after 2-3 weeks, but if you do the opposite, then the break will be 2-3 months.

Proper care after mesotherapy will ensure a minimum of negative consequences. In general, it is almost the same for fractional, injection and non-injection procedures, however, after the first two, it is necessary to additionally treat facial skin punctures at home.