How stars do on the pole: Rihanna, Vodonaeva and others

The art of pole dancing has been conquering the world for several years now. Hundreds of thousands of girls around the world spin around the pole, and even celebrities do not refuse to try themselves in this direction. Stars, both Western and ours, do not remain aloof from this graceful and physically demanding discipline. Among those who strive to “tame” the pole, such famous personalities as Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Shakira, Alena Vodonaeva, Glukoza (Natalia Ionova) and others were noticed. Some of them practice pole dancing for roles in films and spectacular shows, while others simply enjoy this type of activity.

One of the most prominent representatives of the star world who practices pole dancing is Carmen Electra. Despite the fact that she is already in her early 40s, she looks amazing thanks to her pole training. In addition, she even sells various devices and accessories for pole dancing under her own name.

People often confuse pole dancing with striptease because both types of dance involve the use of a pole. However, it is important to understand the difference between them. Striptease is the art of beautiful undressing. Strip plastic, in turn, is a broader concept that combines gymnastics, ballet and erotic movements.

Pole dancing, on the other hand, is a more athletic direction, a subtype of fitness, where artistic gymnastics is combined with plastic elements. This discipline helps strengthen muscles, makes the body slim and fit. However, achieving such results requires a lot of work. It can be very difficult for unprepared women in the beginning and they need to prepare for bruising and sprains.

If you want to see what pole tricks the stars can perform, here's a small selection:

  1. Rihanna: A video of Rihanna doing pole dancing has generated huge interest on the internet. In it, she demonstrated her strength, flexibility and grace while performing difficult tricks on the pole.

  2. Alena Vodonaeva: The famous Russian TV presenter and model also did not remain aloof from the popularity of pole dance. In her performances, she demonstrates not only physical strength, but also choreographic skill.

  3. Katy Perry: Katy Perry, the world famous singer, has also shown interest in pole dancing. In one of her music videos, she incorporated elements of this dance, showing off her flexibility and strength.

  4. Shakira: Colombian singer Shakira is known for her amazing dancing skills and she also hasn't missed the opportunity to incorporate pole dancing into her performances. Her energetic and acrobatic moves on the pole impress the audience.

  5. Glucose (Natalia Ionova): Russian singer Glucose is also known for her dancing talent. She is actively involved in pole dancing and has demonstrated her skills more than once at concerts and shows.

These celebrities are an example of the fact that pole dancing is not only a sport, but also an art that can be embodied in the performances of stars. They show that with training and perseverance you can achieve impressive results and overcome your own limits.

In conclusion, pole dancing continues to gain popularity among both ordinary people and celebrities. This activity combines physical strength, flexibility and dance skills to help women develop their fitness and self-expression. Whether it's for professional purposes or just for fun, celebrities are showing that pole dancing is a great way to express yourself and stay in shape.