
Hyperchilia, or hyperchiliosis (from the Latin hyperchylium - hyperchilia) is a disease characterized by a disorder of lipid metabolism, accompanied by an increase in the amount of chylous fats in the blood. This can lead to serious complications, including insulin-dependent diabetes, liver cholesterosis, atheromatosis and other hyperchilia.

Hyperchilia causes digestive difficulties, particularly in the case of functional dyspepsia. It may be one of the main factors provoking the development of helicobacteriosis.

To avoid the appearance of hyperchilia in the body, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is advisable to reduce the amount of fatty, fried and sweet foods you consume. You need to monitor your diet, include more vegetables, fruits, protein foods, and cereals. Sleep and rest patterns are also important. Avoid stressful situations and physical activity. Establish a drinking regime - you need to drink 2 liters of water per day.

The best solution for hyperchilia is to consult a doctor, because this disease cannot be cured on your own. The doctor will prescribe adequate treatment, tell you which foods you can eat and which ones are best avoided. During the treatment process, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. After treatment, a person will know how to prevent the recurrence of hyperchilia and how to behave in the future. If a person has already begun to show symptoms of hyperchilia, he should not self-medicate. Some traditional methods can only increase unpleasant symptoms. It is best to contact your doctor to get professional help.