How to deal with sagging cheeks

Slow aging has become an inevitable physiological feature of the human body. The wear and tear of the body manifests itself in each part of the body in its own way; this is evidenced on the face by sagging cheeks, otherwise known as “bulldog jowls.” Sagging is difficult to miss, especially when the phenomenon occurs in women.

The appearance of the face immediately deteriorates, the woman looks older than her age, and when walking quickly, if you look carefully, you can often see how sagging cheeks are shaking. The spectacle is ugly, and the question naturally arises of how to remove sagging cheeks and return the face to its former oval and beautiful shape.

The main causes of sagging cheeks, or “bulldog jowls”

Plunging into the problem, each person first wants to know why exactly this phenomenon happened to him, because many at that age do not even think about the fact that their cheeks can sag. Ptosis of the soft tissue of the cheeks is caused by aging; at this stage of age-related changes, a lack of collagen occurs. The next reason for this is a hereditary factor, when the parents also had a “floating outline” on their face and body. Dramatic weight loss.

Cosmetic procedures

It is impossible to eliminate “bulldog jowls” on your own; ordinary cosmetics will not help; it is impossible to paint over or disguise a sagging body. Modern technologies come to the rescue, allowing you to change the contour of the face and perform a facelift.

Contour plastic

Facial contouring has become a widespread technology. The technology of the procedure is unique, made possible by introducing special gel-like preparations into the problem area of ​​one’s own fats obtained through liposuction. Before insertion and immediately after collection, a natural implant undergoes special treatment and cleaning. Injection under the skin can be done in stages. The face remains beautiful, the shape of the cheeks is correct from two to four years. After the procedure, the skin becomes tighter and the face becomes younger. The procedure lasts about 40 minutes.


You can tighten the skin from the inside without surgery using a bioreinforcement procedure. The bottom line is that a special substance is injected into problem areas, which allows you to even out the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Performing injections in a certain area allows you to strengthen, tighten, and return the correct oval to the face.

The main substance of bioreinforcement was hyaluronic acid, which after a certain time simply dissolves and is spontaneously excreted. The only drawback of the method is that after the effect of hyaluronic acid ends, after it is removed from the body, sometimes an enhanced aging process begins. Therefore, under the age of 40, such procedures are considered contraindicated.

The drug is administered in three sessions, at first light blisters remain, after which they dissolve and are evenly distributed over the cheeks. This procedure can make you look younger by five, or even eight years.


Closer to forty years, it is possible to perform a lipofilling procedure. The procedure is considered safe. It is a plastic surgery during which specialists perform manipulations with a person’s own fat. For example, if there is too much fat in the abdominal area, it is pumped out and moved to the sagging area of ​​the cheeks, injected into the desired area.

Sagging is eliminated, the oval of the face becomes correct. Among the complications that are very rare are the subsequent occurrence of facial asymmetry, which can only appear in the event of a medical error - uneven injection of fat into symmetrical areas.


An aesthetic procedure that allows you to rejuvenate your face by tightening sagging contours. The essence of the procedure is the use of infrared or radio frequency radiation that affects different layers of the skin. The procedure has virtually no contraindications or side effects. It is performed painlessly. It is extremely popular. It is highly efficient. Repeat the procedure several times, treating small areas lasts about 20 minutes.

Thermolifting can be: RF lifting, Bipolar, Tripolar, Laser, Infrared rays and Monopolar. The type of procedure differs in the strength of the effect on the skin, the method of execution, and the effectiveness. Some procedures, in addition to rejuvenation, perform the function of cleansing, removing harmful substances and toxins from the skin.

Cosmetological methods

Correction of ptosis at a professional level is recommended from the age of 35 to 40. Cheeks are corrected using hyaluronic acid and fillers. Liquid implants are administered through injections and fill sagging areas from the inside. Maintaining the form lasts about a year. The skin tightens, the volume of the cheeks increases. Instead of hyaluronic acid, silicone and polylactic acid are often introduced, in which case the shape can be preserved for up to three years.

Microcurrent therapy

The rejuvenation procedure of microcurrent therapy is based on the use of electricity. Pulse currents of low voltage (up to 14 volts) gently affect the skin of sagging cheeks, delving into all layers, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, affecting thin vascular elements. The procedure is highly effective, ideally emphasizes the lost contour of the face, and rejuvenates.

Lifting with threads

Special threads made from absorbable and non-absorbable materials are placed inside soft tissue. The skin is naturally tightened and elasticity increases. The structure of the threads and the material itself promotes additional production of collagen and elastin. Effectiveness lasts from one to five years.

How to remove sagging cheeks on your face at home

Those who are not supporters of cosmetic procedures can remove not too sagging cheeks on their own, at home. Of course, if the phenomenon is neglected, then only plastic surgery can cope with it. However, this technique helps many people.


Today, a lot of exercises have been developed aimed at tightening and toning the muscles of the face and neck. It is quite possible to choose a certain complex for yourself and perform it daily, spending 10 minutes.


Every day, the sagging part of the face should be massaged, performing circular movements, patting, stroking. Massage can be performed in parallel with applying masks, as if rubbing in nutrients.

Face masks

Particularly effective are various face masks prepared on the basis of eggs, cow's milk, honey, sour cream and other “homemade” ingredients. For example, on sagging areas of the cheeks and chin area, you can apply the following ointment: beat chicken protein with a mixer until white, add a tablespoon of liquid honey and oatmeal, and stir. After leaving for 10 minutes, the egg-honey mask is removed with warm water, the face is washed, and a nourishing cream is applied. It is recommended to use this mask for bulldog jowls up to three times a week.

How to remove cheeks in 1 day with massage - practical recommendations from a specialist:

Thanks to special gymnastics and diet, I managed to get rid of sagging cheeks, tighten the contours of my face and show off my cheekbones. Now I look attractive.

First of all, you need to go on a diet, and then, if there is no effect, then everything else - procedures, creams and exercises))
