How to get rid of blue bags under eyes

Getting up early, a busy work day, sitting at the computer or documents for long periods of time. After which all signs of fatigue soon appear on the face, especially in the area around the eyes. Sometimes the cause of dark circles can be disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

If the results of an examination of the body have dispelled all doubts about the disease, then this problem can be solved with simple and accessible methods that will help reduce bags and bruises under the eyes. How to eliminate such common signs of fatigue?

Tea compress

When brewing morning tea, you can leave a small amount for the procedure. You need to let the infusion cool, soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the dark area under the eyes. Thanks to tea brewing, the skin is toned and looks healthier. A similar eye compress is also prepared from green tea, herbal decoction or cucumber juice. The procedure will take only 15 minutes. After the compress, it is recommended to move a piece of ice in a circular motion in the eye area. This can be frozen purified water or a herbal decoction. After the morning procedures, you can start applying cosmetics.

Herbal compress

In the evening, bags and bruises under the eyes are especially noticeable. How to remove them, as well as relieve the tension that has accumulated throughout the day? The easiest way is to apply chilled cucumber rings, lie down and relax as much as possible. The juice will gently lighten dark spots under the eyes, and the cold will relieve swelling and tension. Before going to bed, you can prepare a decoction of sage - add 2 teaspoons of herb to a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and pour out half. Heat the remaining part, cool the second. Soak two cotton pads in each liquid and alternately apply a good warm and cold compress to the eyes. Upon completion of the procedure, apply a moisturizing gel or cream.

Industrial products. How to choose

On store shelves you can find a large number of products that promise to relieve signs of fatigue around the eyes. Of course, it is better to use natural infusions and masks prepared at home. But sometimes this is not possible. For example, on the road or on a trip. In such a case, it is better to stock up on ready-made cosmetics from a store or pharmacy. What should you pay attention to when choosing?

Remedies for bags under the eyes should have the most natural composition possible. It’s good if it contains mint infusion or extract. It has an excellent cooling effect, will help relieve muscle tension and soothe the skin.

Caffeine-based fluids and gels have gained great popularity. This component acts instantly, tones well and relieves swelling. There are cosmetic tonics and emulsions on sale that contain cucumber juice. With their help, you can quickly reduce bags and dark circles under the eyes. How to remove swelling in this way? Very simple. A small amount of the product should be cooled to a comfortable temperature, soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the problem area. Leave for about a quarter of an hour. This procedure helps reduce puffiness due to the effect of coolness, cucumber juice in the composition refreshes and gently whitens dark areas of the skin, and moisturizing components saturate with moisture.

Ice cubes

Ice cubes with cranberries are often used as a folk remedy. This small berry is a record holder for the content of vitamins, the most of which are ascorbic acid and antioxidants. They are the main means to combat the first signs of skin withering and aging, to which the delicate area around the eyes is more susceptible. Frozen berries or their juice are excellent natural remedies for bags under the eyes.

It’s easy and simple to prepare a variety of masks at home that will help reduce the appearance of bruises and swelling. All the necessary components can always be found in the kitchen.

Potato mask

For example, an excellent mask for dark circles under the eyes is made from raw grated potatoes. The required amount is 1 teaspoon, to which the same amount of finely chopped cabbage is added. To give the desired consistency, it is better to add cosmetic clay. The resulting mixture should be applied to the problem area and held for 5-7 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water. The procedure should be completed by wiping the skin with ice.

Parsley mask

Another simple and effective product that can remove puffiness under the eyes is fresh parsley. It must be crushed, or even better, ground in a mortar. You will need approximately 2 teaspoons of gruel. Then you need to collect the greens (along with the released juice) and distribute them evenly on two small pieces of gauze. Fold the soaked cloth several times and place it on the swollen area. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then wipe the skin with ice and apply cream.

Another good mask

A mask of honey, pumpkin and cucumber will help eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. How to remove them using such simple products? It is necessary to grind the vegetables to a homogeneous consistency. Honey needs to be heated in a water bath until warm and liquid. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to bags under the eyes. This procedure is best performed immediately before bedtime. Exposure time – 15 minutes.

Gymnastics will help

The cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes is often sagging muscles as a result of age-related changes or facial expressions. In this case, it is recommended to do facial gymnastics, which is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. Some useful exercises:

  1. Use your fingertips to fix the inner and outer corners of the eye, apply light pressure, and roll your eyes up. The correctness of the movement can be determined by the appearance of a pleasant tension in the area under the lower eyelid.
  2. Place your fingers under the eyelash line below and feel the facial bone. Lightly press the skin and roll your eyes upward until tension appears.

The complex must be performed daily, starting from 3-5 times and reaching up to 10. At the end of the gymnastics, massage the problem area with light tapping movements of your fingers. It will immediately become noticeable how the blood circulation of the trained muscles improves. This is the best time to apply care products, as they will be absorbed instantly.

Useful tips

Ladies who have regular swelling after sleep are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  1. the amount of fluid consumed, starting in the afternoon, should be gradually reduced;
  2. limit pickles and marinades, as they retain moisture in the body;
  3. reduce the amount of sugar in the diet, it can cause thirst;
  4. masks for the skin around the eyes can be applied no more than 2 times a week;
  5. Compresses can be done daily or as needed;
  6. cosmetics for the eye area must be selected individually; it must have a light consistency, since the skin in these areas is very thin and delicate;
  7. after consultation with a doctor, you can try a special lymphatic drainage facial massage, performed only by professional cosmetologists;
  8. the temperature in the room during sleep should be as comfortable as possible;
  9. the room must be ventilated frequently;
  10. You should make it a habit to exercise regularly, during which excess moisture is released in the form of sweat.


It happens that even following all cosmetic recommendations to combat this problem does not help, and bags under the eyes still remain obvious and noticeable. Treatment in this case can only be prescribed by a doctor.

When wondering how to remove bags under the eyes (edema), you should start by cleansing the body of toxins. Also useful:

  1. cold and hot compresses;
  2. special cosmetics;
  3. natural masks;
  4. different types of facial massage;
  5. lymphatic drainage massage;
  6. exercises to strengthen the muscles around the eyes.

If home remedies do not bring improvement, professional procedures are recommended. For example, this could be mesotherapy.

The appearance of bags, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes can indicate two different problems or ailments. However, such symptoms often occur in tandem with each other. Treat them with full attention.

Perhaps this is just a sign of chronic lack of sleep, overwork and an unhealthy diet. But such a phenomenon may indicate that the body has begun to fight some serious illness. Let's look at ways to get rid of the problem.

How to remove bags under eyes with dark circles

Identify and remove the root cause

What is the cause of darkening of the skin on the eyelids, which often accompanies bag-like formations under the eyes, and is popularly called “circles”? The appearance of “bruises” is most often associated with uneven skin pigmentation, thin skin around the eyes (through which blood vessels are visible), capillary fragility, and an excess amount of iron ions (according to scientists).

If dark circles with swelling appear periodically and are a temporary phenomenon, they may be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Your face may show:

  1. periodic lack of sleep;
  2. untimely rest;
  3. lack of activity;
  4. physical or mental fatigue;
  5. eating disorder;
  6. taking excessive amounts of liquid (see water consumption rates depending on weight and load);
  7. abuse of solarium;
  8. long bathing in hot water;
  9. excessive smoking;
  10. alcohol abuse.

Give up unhealthy habits

Can I fix the problem myself? What exactly needs to be done?

To begin with, stop tormenting your body with the consequences of your unhealthy habits. Want to look good? Do not abuse alcohol, stop smoking, and maintain a regimen of sufficient physical activity. Unfortunately, you have to pay for everything.

The skin of the face needs proper circulation of lymph and blood, so do not make it difficult for the body to solve this problem. As soon as you get rid of the listed causes of the problem, your face will acquire a blooming and healthy appearance.

Cold can quickly remove bags under the eyes

How to remove puffiness under the eyes? There are proven ways and means to get rid of the problem. And first of all it is cold. Exposure to low temperatures helps tighten lymphatic and blood vessels, which helps get rid of excess fluid in facial tissues.

Take advantage of an unexpected method, tested by our grandmothers and recommended by the doctors of the program “About the Most Important Thing.”

  1. Place 4 teaspoons in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator and wait until they are cold enough (but not frozen).
  2. Take 2 of them and apply them to your eyelids.
  3. When the spoons are warm, exchange them for cooled ones.

The therapeutic effect and detailed execution of the procedure are shown in the video.

Cold compresses for puffy eyes

People consider potatoes and cucumber to be the most effective home remedies. Chilled vegetables are cut into slices and placed on problem areas. Potatoes contain a lot of starch and potassium. These ingredients reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes in tissues, reducing swelling.

In the evening, apply a cold sea salt solution to your lower eyelids (a pinch of salt dissolves in a quarter glass of water). Dip pieces of cotton wool (or cotton napkins) into the solution, squeeze out a little, and hold on eyelids for 15 minutes.

Another valuable component of cold fabric compressors can be a water infusion of fresh parsley, taken in any quantity.

Alternating cold and hot compresses

  1. To prepare them, sage leaves or herbs with yarrow flowers are brewed in a thermos for half an hour (a teaspoon of plants in 1/2 cup of boiling water).
  2. After straining and squeezing the raw material, half of the solution is cooled.
  3. The procedure is done shortly before bedtime.
  4. Alternately, hot or cold compresses are applied to the bags several times (finish with cold).
  5. Lubricate your skin with one of the creams described below.

Ice cubes for swelling

Another easy to use SOS remedy for puffiness and bags. Medicinal plants used in the recipe:

  1. mint leaves;
  2. chamomile flowers;
  3. thyme herb;
  4. linden inflorescences;
  5. eyebright;
  6. rosemary;
  7. succession flowers and others.
  1. Steam a small handful of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let it sit until cooled.
  3. Strain the liquid by squeezing out the herbal material.
  4. Pour into freezer molds - you can use one from a fridge set, or plastic liners from chocolate boxes.
  5. Freeze and store in the freezer until needed.
  6. Use for morning wiping of the under-eye area, or as needed.

Eye masks

1. Beat the separated egg white into a foam and spread a thick layer on the swelling for 15 minutes. After rinsing, be sure to massage the moisturizing eyelid cream into the skin (with light movements of your fingertips), as the protein dries them out.

2. Add a third of a spoonful of finely ground coffee to half an egg white (you can use coffee grounds after brewing). Spread the mixture in a thick layer over the swollen areas. Rinse off after 15 minutes. The mask will tighten the skin well, removing swelling.

3. Finely chop the parsley, mix with cold sour cream, apply the mask under the eyes for 15 minutes.

4. Juice with aloe pulp will remove puffiness well, at the same time smoothing out wrinkles and lightening the blue discoloration on the eyelids. It’s easy to use: apply it to problem areas, and wash off after drying.

To increase the effect, you can add a little cucumber juice to the mask with aloe pulp and leave it overnight.

Use special cosmetics for swelling

Even if you have not yet encountered a problem, already at the age of 20 it makes sense to take care of gentle care of the skin around the eyes using an appropriate cream. Such prevention will certainly pay off in the future, guaranteeing you a good appearance.

It is recommended to use hypoallergenic preparations with a light texture and composition that suits your age and skin needs. Such cosmetics are also ideal as a base for makeup.

It will be useful to use eye creams that tighten blood vessels, stimulate blood and lymph flow, and stimulate metabolism in skin cells. It is best if their formula does not contain fat. The most effective products are those containing:

  1. vitamins K and C;
  2. retinol;
  3. caffeine;
  4. ivy extract;
  5. parsley;
  6. arnica;
  7. cornflower.

They should be applied to the skin pointwise, without unnecessary tension.

If a product is truly effective, it must contain the following three key ingredients:

  1. Hyaluronic acid microspheres that improve skin hydration.
  2. Hesperidin is a bioflavonoid that promotes better blood microcirculation.
  3. Lactoferrin is an ingredient whose ions are responsible for removing darkening of the skin.

From a cosmetic point of view, to hide the puffiness of the eyelids, you can use a corrector that matches the color.

Enterosgel paste

Traditionally used to detox the body. But it has proven itself perfectly as a decongestant, especially after a stormy night with unpleasant consequences on the face.

To remove bags and circles, rub a teaspoon of paste in a small amount of water. Apply under your eyes and go get some sleep. And in the morning, be surprised at the results obtained.

Heparin ointment

This inexpensive product belongs to the category of Beauty from the pharmacy. It is used to improve blood circulation in tissues. And as a means of unusual use, it is used to quickly remove swelling under the eyes.

To do this, apply a thin layer of ointment under the lower eyelids to the swelling twice a day.

Attention! The ointment may cause an allergic reaction. Its contact with mucous membranes is also prohibited.

Can hemorrhoid cream remove bags?

The question is now being vigorously discussed on the Internet: is it effective to use hemorrhoid cream to dissolve hemorrhoids, following the example of Hollywood stars? Let's listen to the opinion of experts on this matter and see the result of their experiment.


The appearance of bags may be caused by overstrain of the orbicularis oculi muscles, or by the onset of the natural aging process of the body, as a result of which the elasticity and firmness of the muscles and skin decreases. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend very simple daily exercises that help maintain the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids, tone them, and smooth out wrinkles.

At the same time, the spasm from the circular muscles is relieved and the bags disappear, causing the eyes to become expressive and return to their natural size (increase). The complex takes less than 10 minutes and is performed while sitting. The exercises are done very slowly, without tension or pain. Each is repeated three times.

Exercise 1. Open your eyes wide and close tightly at intervals of 20 seconds. If, at the same time as your eyes, your eyebrows also tend to rise, place your fingers over them and hold them in place.

Exercise 2.

  1. Move your eyes horizontally (fairly slowly) towards each ear, as if trying to look behind it.
  2. Hold your gaze in the extreme position for a couple of seconds.
  3. Do all movements with your eyes closed.

Exercise 3. The eyeballs move from the lower corners to the upper ones, alternately in each direction. After each movement, blink your eyelashes lightly and quickly to relax your muscles.

Exercise 4.

  1. Move your eyeballs to the highest possible position, imagining that you see the top of your head.
  2. Then - to the lower position, as if looking under the chin.
  3. Repeat the same with your eyes closed.

Look at other exercises for face lifting - they improve blood circulation and also help.

Lymphatic drainage massage

One of the most popular and effective home procedures against swelling of the lower eyelids is lymphatic drainage massage. It revitalizes the circulation of blood and lymph in the subcutaneous tissues, removing blue circles with hanging bags.

It is performed softly, using just the pads of your fingers. It is best to do this while applying the cream.

Get enough sleep

Insufficient sleep affects not only weakness throughout the body, but also disfigures the appearance of the face. Is it pleasant to see in the mirror in the morning a narrow-eyed creature with bluish circles, like a panda? Therefore, ensure that you get adequate sleep.

Never sleep on your stomach or lie face down for a long time, which will cause your skin to sag and become filled with stagnant fluid.

If you have a problem with the accumulation of fluid in the tissues with stagnation, sleep with your head held high on a large pillow. Then you will stop waking up with a swollen face - the fluid will go down overnight.

Possible diseases

If the sac-like formations persist permanently, despite the elimination of the above factors, then the cause may be serious diseases:

  1. kidney problems;
  2. thyroid gland;
  3. heart, accompanied by the formation of edema;
  4. It is also worth considering the likelihood of diabetes;
  5. anemia;
  6. infectious diseases;
  7. allergies.

Solution to the problem. In all cases, correct medical diagnosis with adequate treatment is important. See treatment with soda and peroxide according to Neumyvakin.

Use natural diuretics

When dealing with swelling on the face, it is important to pay attention to cleansing the intestines of toxins, introducing into the daily diet foods that stimulate cellular metabolism, and removing excess water from the body.

Natural diuretics include:

In pharmacies you can find nutritional supplements that remove excess water from tissues. They contain, for example, extracts of nettle, dandelion, green tea, and grape seeds.

Eat less salt

It is known for certain that excess salt in food retains water in the body, contributing to swelling of tissues, including facial tissues. Therefore, after over-salted food, drink more plain water, which will remove excess salt from the body along with accompanying toxins.


Are there foods that we should eat to avoid problems?

Nutritionists say that vitamin C is important in this case because it improves the microcirculation of fluids in the tissues of the whole body. So load up on oranges, kiwis, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, and other goodies that contain a lot of this vitamin.

Cosmetological treatment methods

Is there a connection between age and bags? Do body fat increase as you get older?

In most cases, bags are a matter of heredity and constitution, but age also plays an important role. Due to the weakening of the muscle fibers of the upper and lower eyelids, the skin begins to hang in folds. Over time, they fill with fat (fatty hernias) and sag. Such defects can only be eliminated by specialists in cosmetology establishments.

Is a surgical procedure called "eyelid correction" the only solution for removing bags? Eyelid correction is certainly a good way to get rid of the problem, but only as a last resort.

Professional removal methods include:

  1. Mesotherapy.
  2. Laser lipolysis.
  3. Injection lipolysis.
  4. Blepharoplasty.

The fractional laser method can help against dark skin discoloration, but is not very effective against fatty deposits.

To summarize: I hope you got answers to your questions. Using the simple home procedures, cosmetics, and modern professional treatment described in the article will certainly help reduce or completely remove bags under the eyes and swelling with accompanying dark circles. Dr. Shishonin’s neck exercises will also help with a long-term solution to the problem.

Bags and dark circles under the eyes are a problem familiar to women of all ages. How dark spots form, is it possible to finally get rid of them, how to do this and whether eye cream will help in this situation - we are looking for answers to all questions in this article.

  1. Causes of dark circles under the eyes
  2. What does the color of circles under the eyes mean?
  3. How to prevent dark circles
  4. How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes
  5. Eliminating the problem with cosmetics

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

It is generally accepted that circles under the eyes appear due to lack of sleep and fatigue, which means that all that is needed to eliminate the problem is proper sleep and rest. In fact, the nature of the origin of blue can be different, let's consider the possible reasons.

Age-related changes

After 30 years, collagen production in the body begins to decrease, as a result of which the skin around the eyes, initially thinner than in other areas of the face, loses density. Due to the fact that the skin becomes thinner, dark circles under the eyes appear even in those who did not encounter this problem in their youth.

Lack of sleep and overwork

It's no secret that after sleepless nights, dark circles become clearer and more noticeable. This is due to a disruption in the functioning of blood vessels.


Whatever one may say, dark circles under the eyes in most cases are a matter of genetics. From your mother and grandmother you can get:

thin transparent skin;

tendency to hyperpigmentation - for example, Easterners often synthesize melanin at a faster rate than Europeans.


Problems with the skin around the eyes may be the body's reaction to the release of the hormone histamine, a neurotransmitter. When interacting with an allergen from food or cosmetics, it is activated, resulting in irritation and swelling.

What does the color of circles under the eyes mean?

Under-eye circles come in almost every color of the rainbow. Let's figure out what's what.

Blue and purple

Usually the cause of circles of this shade is lack of sleep and/or aging - with age, blood vessels become more fragile.

The mechanism for the formation of such circles is as follows: the breakdown products of hemoglobin exit through the vascular wall into the surrounding tissues and stain them blue.

Products with caffeine and vitamin C will help alleviate the situation.

Yellow or brown

The reason for their formation is the active production of melanin in the area around the eyes. It is produced in increased quantities due to:

genetic characteristics of the skin;

In this case, cosmetics containing vitamin C, retinoids, eperulin and procysteine ​​are effective.


Red circles under the eyes may mean:

release of histamine into the general bloodstream;

increased blood supply to blood vessels as a result of blood stagnation.

In the first case, the cause of the formation of circles will be an allergy, in the second - eye strain, for example, from working at the computer for a long time.

To prevent red circles under the eyes, products with vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) are suitable, and cosmetics with eperulin, allantoin and panthenol will help soothe the skin after an allergic reaction.

Bags under the eyes

Genetics, again, is mainly responsible for the tendency to edema. But eating chips at night or drinking a cup of tea before bed can trigger the appearance of bags under the eyes in the morning. If puffiness is your problem, try to avoid drinks and salty and spicy foods a few hours before bed.

Caffeine has a pronounced drainage property, so cosmetics containing it should appear in the arsenal of everyone who knows first-hand what swelling and bags under the eyes are.

How to prevent dark circles

All the recommendations listed below are simple and universal; they are suitable for people of any age and all skin types.

Get enough sleep

This advice will not help in all cases, but if your “bruises” are caused by lack of sleep, their appearance will be prevented by that very “beauty sleep” from 10 pm to 4.00 am - at this time the production of the sleep hormone melatonin is maximum. A full night's sleep improves tissue oxygenation and increases the outflow of dark venous blood. It is better to sleep in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 18–20 degrees.

Don't drink too much tea or coffee at night

These drinks retain moisture in the body, preventing normal microcirculation, which will certainly manifest itself in dark circles and puffiness in the morning. If you like to drink tea in the evening, it is better to do it two to three hours before bedtime.

Don't have a salty snack before bed

Salt also retains water in the body and impairs blood circulation. As a result, the eyelids swell, and blood vessels begin to show through through the thinned, stretched tissues.

Moisturize your skin

Moisturized skin retains a high level of renewal longer, which means that all age-related changes slow down. Dark circles under the eyes will also get a reprieve.

Wear glasses and contact lenses

Constantly squinting will not only give you early wrinkles around your eyes, but will also give you red circles under your eyes. And there’s no need to even talk about how dangerous it is for your eyesight to neglect glasses or contact lenses.

Apply eye cream correctly

Do not apply it too close to the mucous membrane - not all components of the formula can interact well with it, some can cause irritation.

Distribute the cream with your ring finger over the orbital bone, as if drawing a circle from the inner corner, with slightly patting movements. With this scheme, the skin around the eyes is less stretched and is not injured.

The fewer wrinkles there are on the skin, the lighter the texture of the product should be: at 25 years old, you don’t need a thick anti-aging balm.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

And yet, is it possible to get rid of dark circles for good? The bad news: blue discoloration caused by genetic characteristics cannot be completely removed or prevented. The good news is that we have some recommendations to help you.

General recommendations

Is it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home? Completely - no, but something can be done.

Choose your cosmetics wisely. In the list of eye cream ingredients, look for:

extracts with a draining effect, such as seaweed or horse chestnut.

All these components accelerate blood flow, improving the removal of dark venous blood from the capillaries. Products with vitamins C and A will help lighten yellow pigmentation, and proper hydration and stimulation of the synthesis of natural proteins (collagen and elastin) is necessary for every skin type.

Protect your skin from the sun. UV rays not only promote the appearance of unwanted pigmentation in the eye area, but also release free radicals, which leads to the breakdown of collagen and elastin molecules in skin cells.

To protect your skin and prevent its condition from worsening, do not forget about sunglasses and creams with SPF.

Salon treatments

Since dark circles under the eyes are one of the most common problems, beauty salons offer a wide range of services to help solve them.

Lipofilling - filling the voids around the eyes with your own fat. First, fat is removed from the patient using lipoaspiration, usually from the hips and knees, then it is cleaned, prepared for transplantation, and injected into problem areas using needles. This method is suitable for those whose problem is thin skin under the eyes. But it is worth considering that fat is prone to resorption over time.

Dermotonia - massage using vacuum. This procedure has a draining effect and can reduce swelling of the eyelids, as well as accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the lack of which can cause age-related dark circles around the eyes.

Mesotherapy — it uses individually selected cocktails based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, which are injected under the skin. This way they work much more effectively than in cream. This procedure is quite well tolerated and has a short recovery period.

Eliminating the problem with cosmetics

Below in the table are several cosmetics recommended for use in the eyelid area.