Urine with blood

As for urination with pure blood, sometimes this blood is sent from organs located above the urinary organs, that is, the kidneys and bladder, for example, from the liver or from the whole body, or due to extreme overflow, causing a disruption of continuity in the blood vessels by the three known ways, either due to the cessation of the usual flow of blood, injury to an organ and other reasons, as you have already learned, or due to a crisis, cleansing the body of excess, a bruise, a jump, a fall or a blow that disturbed the blood, or something similar, but this happens in the rarest of cases. Or bleeding from the area of ​​the urinary organs occurs either due to the rupture and opening of the vessel, or due to its splitting due to a fall, winds or cold, which splits the vessel, thickening the juices, as well as due to corrosion of the organ. Often bleeding is caused by severe muscle tension or chilling shock. Sometimes a type of urination with blood occurs due to the melting of the fleshy part of the body, turning into liquid blood, or due to the large liquid blood in the body; if this coincides with the presence of considerable force in the kidneys, then a lot of blood is drawn into the urinary organs. In the first case, bleeding is facilitated by two contributing circumstances: the fact that there is a kind of excess of blood here and the fact that it is devoid of thickness that allows it to resist flow, and in the second case, only one reason contributes to this, and when the kidneys forcefully attract moisture, they drive it away into the bubble.

As for the excretion of urine like slop, it arises either from the weakness of the digestive and excretory forces in the kidneys, or from the weakness of these two forces in the liver.

If urination occurs with blood mixed with thick juices, then most often it occurs due to weakness of the kidneys. The same thing happens if something like hair comes out when urinating; sometimes the cause is weakness of the digestive power of the kidneys, and sometimes the cause is weakness of the digestive power of the blood vessels. The hair-like threads can be very long - about two spans; sometimes they are whitish, sometimes reddish. These threads are long because they are formed in the convolutions of the blood vessels of the kidneys or other organs. They also originate from coarse foods, milk and grains like fava beans and the like. Their excretion is dangerous not to the extent that they frighten and frighten the heart when they come out in urine. Urination with purulent matter or with blood mixed with purulent matter sometimes occurs as a result of the opening of abscesses in the overlying organs - in the lungs, in the chest and in the liver, as you already learned all this in your place, and sometimes due to the breakthrough of a tumor in the urinary organs or due to ulcers in them, itchy and non-itchy. As for the secretion of thick urine, it comes out either due to cleansing of the body, crisis and expulsion of excess, followed by relief, or from an abundance of thick juices with weak digestive power, and oily, easily flowing urine indicates the melting of fat. For other details please refer to our discussion of urine. Hippocrates says: “If they urinate with blood without pain and the urine comes out little by little, from time to time, then this is not a problem; if this continues for a long time, then sometimes fever begins and the discharge of urine with purulent matter.”

Signs. If the excretion of urine with pure blood is due to overflow and related reasons, then this is indicated by the causes of overflow, and you already know the signs of these causes. When the cause is the opening or rupture of a vessel, the blood comes out without pain and is pure and unalloyed, but when the vessel opens, blood oozes out little by little, and when there is a break or crack there is a lot of it. In the bladder there is no opening or breakthrough, giving a lot of blood, as happens in the kidneys, because the watery part of the blood comes into the bladder filtered out, and it takes blood for nutrition from small vessels; it goes into the bladder only to nourish it, so there is no abundant blood in it. And a lot of blood with aqueous humor goes to the kidneys, and the moisture is filtered out near the kidneys. Large blood vessels approach the kidneys, from which they take blood and other organs, and therefore the kidneys end up with more blood than they need, and it is abundant there. The blood-vessels of the kidneys are precarious and poorly and unevenly placed, while the blood-vessels of the bladder are protected and, due to their position, are not in danger of splitting and opening.

When there is blood from ulcers, urination occurs with some pain, and if there is corrosion, then the blood oozes out little by little; it is blackish and often emits a stench. Most often it is released after illness, and often with such blood comes out films and pus, and sometimes pus and ichor; all this is interspersed with the release of pure blood, as you already know from the information about the signs of ulcers and the signs of what flows from them. As for bloody urine when the body melts, the reason for this is indicated by melting. The blood released is liquid and almost burnt; It's like barbecue juice. If the blood in the urine comes out because of the fluid of the blood in the body, then this is only indicated by the fact that when bloodletting comes out very thin blood; no other sign can be detected. The place where blood and pus come out is recognized by pain, if there is pain, or by signs of diseases - in which organ they arose; These are signs of tumors, ulcers, ulcers or overflow. This place is also recognized by the degree of mixing: the higher it is located, the greater the admixture of blood in the urine, the lower it is, the purer the urine.

Blood from causes close to the urinary canal is ahead of the urine output, and for causes far from the canal, it sometimes lags behind the urine, and sometimes is heavily mixed with it. As for urine in the form of slop, indicating weakness of the kidneys or liver, then with weakness of the kidneys, the urine is more colorless and thick, and with weakness of the liver, it is rather reddish; it is thinner and more like blood. The cause of such urine is determined by a tumor by these signs and by the pus in the urine, as well as by the signs of a tumor known for each organ, and constant fever. The pus in the urine coming out of the burst tumor is immediately released profusely, without causing abrasions, suppuration, ulceration or damage, and the pus from the ulcers is scanty and comes out intermittently; often its passage and the purulent matter contained in it causes decay. Those of these eruptions that are crises are accompanied by a feeling of relief and occur all at once. When the discharge depends on overflow, cessation of exercise, or a cut in an organ, it sometimes occurs periodically.

Treatment. As for bloody urine, which depends on overflow and the reasons mentioned, you already know about the treatment of this from the general principles of treatment and the following paragraphs. If the disease arose due to ulcers, then it is known that the treatment consists of treating ulcers and corroding the organ, and we have already explained all this to you in our place. On the treatment of weakness of the digestive power of the kidneys and liver, as well as melting

body and liquefaction of juices, you also know everything. You also know that urination with blood associated with a crisis and similar excretion of excess should not be delayed; if bloodletting is required, then the jugular vein is better than basil. It is necessary to lighten the diet after bloodletting and should not take astringent foods, such as soup with sumac, until the urinary indicates that the body is clean inside. The fact is that astringents cause blood clots to harden and narrow the pathways, so that aqueous humor sometimes returns, and this is dangerous. Sour foods work the same way. As for the loss of hair in urine, thinning and tearing diuretics, as well as anti-stone agents, should be used, and the food should be richly moisturizing.

Now we must mention methods of treatment when pure blood is passed out in the urine due to disruption of continuity in the blood vessels. The measures of treatment common to kidney- and bladder-dependent disease are cooling and binding with drugs, most of which we mention in the paragraph on uncontrollable bleeding during menstruation, and also diuretics to promote the passage of the drug; first we divert the blood in the other direction with the help of cupping and thin, minor bloodletting from basil. Food should be taken that thickens and cools the blood. Rest, rest, and bandaging the end organs are also helpful. You should completely abstain from intercourse. You should take baths from a decoction of such astringents as hulled lentils, pomegranate peel, quince, pear, galls, “shepherd’s staff” and the like. Strong medicines that retain blood during urination are Tribulus, jujube wood sawdust, centaury root and peony seeds. Among the ointments, wherever the source of bleeding is, is an ointment made from buckthorn roots, Nabataean horns and “horns with thorns,” sumac, wild plum root and pomegranate peels; from all this an ointment is prepared with rhubarb juice, unripe grape juice or squeezed rose juice. Tenacious, taken by itself, is a good ointment, especially its root, with tragacanth and some astringent squeezed juices. Mudcakes for the back and pubis include myrrh, vitriol, galls, burning papyrus paper and acacia. Among the drinking remedies, cakes made from pomegranate flower with dragon's blood are good, and among the strong remedies needed for bloody urination, which depends on the bladder, are cakes of the following composition: take Yemenite alum, pomegranate flower and dragon's blood - each dirham, tragacanth - two dirhams and gum - half a dirham; All this is drunk with sweet tart wine with squeezed purslane juice.

One of the less powerful and safer medicines is this: take tragacanth or soporific poppy seeds, printed clay, squeezed salsify juice, black plum gum and amber - in equal parts; drink up to two or three dirhams at a time. They also take tenacious root and amber - one part each, bloodstone - half a part, alum - a sixth part and Armenian clay - one and a half parts; at a time they drink up to one and a half bowls with some astringent squeezed juices. Sometimes numbing agents are added to medicines, for example, according to the following recipe: take saffron, harmala seeds, wild mallow seeds and opium - two dirhams each, peeled almonds - three and a half pieces; They drink one jillavza at a time. Also: take the bark of baked mandrake root, toasted anise and toasted celery seed - three dirhams each, black poppy - twelve dirhams. All this is bound with grape must and taken at a time for a dirham. Also: powders are prepared from burnt deer antler and tragacanth - in equal parts and taken with thickly brewed myrtle juice.

A good medicine, praised by the ancients. They take thirty pieces of selected mugas seeds, twelve pieces of pine nuts, nine pieces of peeled almonds and three dirhams of wild mallow seeds; drink two dirhams at a time on an empty stomach.

As for special remedies for the bladder, drinking medicines for it should be stronger and diuretics should also be stronger. Bandages made from a sponge soaked in vinegar, which are applied to the bladder area, as well as to the ureters and other places, also help. It is also useful to use medicines in the form of injections with squeezed juices, for example, with squeezed plantain juice, squeezed bird buckwheat juice or squeezed purslane juice. Medicines also include dill cakes, cakes made from the mentioned numbing agents, as well as from burnt deer horn, amber, bloodstone, gum, tragacanth, galls, squeezed salsify juice, pomegranate flower, a small amount of alum, washed burnt lead and a little substance causing numbness - opium and henbane.

One way to stop bleeding from the bladder is to use cupping, which is placed in the groins, thighs and pubic area; this actually stops the blood. Then they take measures against blood clots, in accordance with what was said above.

Good food options include crumbled bread, as well as stews with pomegranate and sumac. If the patient’s strength is weak, then the decoctions of astringents are strengthened with minced meat and the patient is fed kirdanakomkh from steppe and mountain partridges and wood pigeons, acidified juice of unripe grapes and pomegranate seeds, as well as boiled milk and similar dishes. If it is impossible to do without wine due to loss of strength or the patient’s great desire, then let it be tart, thick black wine. When a patient who has passed urine containing blood or pus recovers, let him drink diluted wine to cleanse the diseased organs and expel the urine. And let him not retain urine at all, because then the disease will return.