Wrinkled hands at a young age

good evening everyone)
The problem is this: until I was 20, I neglected hand cream (either I forget, or I’m lazy), and generally didn’t pay attention to them. I recently began to notice that my hands have become somewhat wrinkled (on the folds, where the phalanges of the fingers are, it’s a nightmare, it looks like some kind of chicken feet, damn it), it seems that this is too much for 20 years, so what will it be at 40. I remembered about the hand cream, now I apply it regularly))
Who knows, maybe the situation can be improved somehow? There are all kinds of masks, wraps or something else) thanks in advance)

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I should have thought before I was already old

Take care of your dress again, and your hands from a young age. It's too late now.

Smear your hands every day, for example, before going to bed. In a month you won’t remember your problems.

Well, since childhood, the skin on my hands was not very good. I remember at the age of 17 I met a guy, he looked at my hands and said, you must be very economical (but I didn’t lift a finger). I also have bulging veins in my arms. On the subway, a drunk man once noticed my veins and said, oh, you must be seriously ill ((I don’t care, everything else is very good =)

cream every day is a must, not only at night, but also during the day. do everything around the house ONLY with gloves, and wash dishes too (I personally even peel vegetables with gloves). Once a week at night, scrub your hands (you can use coffee with vegetable oil, or any ready-made scrub), spread with heated vegetable oil (olive, castor, jojoba), put on cosmetic cotton gloves, if you can sleep in them, it’s ideal to leave them on all night, I really I rarely do this, my husband gets mad when I go to bed wearing gloves)). As for the cream, I use lemon-glycerin from Nevskaya cosmetics (precisely Nevskaya cosmetics, the rest is garbage) it’s cheap, but the effect is excellent, the garnet in a red tube is also not bad, I buy it for the cold season.

and one more thing: in cold weather, don’t go outside without gloves, your hands suffer terribly from the cold.

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If it’s really terrible, then see a dermatologist. I’m 35, I’ve never used hand cream in my life, but my hands are completely normal. But I never wash dishes by hand, do laundry by hand, or do wet cleaning. If you do all this, do it with gloves.

You can buy cream at a pet store that is used to smear the nipples of cows))
Read reviews on the Internet, girls wash their hair with horse shampoo and smear their hands with this cream. Who is to blame for making better cosmetics for animals?

Yes Yes! Cream "Zorka" for cow's udder! Great item, but the smell is not very good. My husband and I are hooked on it, he rubs it on his legs and says where is our boob cream :))))

Buy yourself gloves soaked in cream and put them on your hands at night and during the day with hand cream and massage your phalanges))

Where can you buy mysterious gloves soaked in cream?
I hope the cream in them contains no glycerin?

Look for only natural creams! Without pababens, PEGs and other ***, and then add this to all the toxic effects from detergents and washing powders. And before nourishing procedures, you must first cleanse the skin well so that toxins are not absorbed inside along with the oils. Go to the Ecomania online store - the biocontrol there is very strict.

This body care complex includes hand cream with silk extract - I really like it >

Use MINERAL HAND CREAM and NATURAL ALOE √ SOFTENING MASK (Galan-Cosmetics Company). Everything will be alright! We will deliver from an exclusive distributor.

Where can you buy mysterious gloves soaked in cream?
I hope the cream in them contains no glycerin?

good evening everyone) the problem is this: until I was 20, I neglected hand cream (either I forget, or I’m too lazy), and generally didn’t pay attention to them. I recently began to notice that my hands have become somewhat wrinkled (on the folds, where the phalanges of the fingers are, it’s a nightmare, it looks like some kind of chicken feet, damn it), it seems that this is too much for 20 years, so what will it be at 40. I remembered about the hand cream, now I apply it regularly)) who knows, maybe I can somehow improve the situation? There are all kinds of masks, wraps or something else) thanks in advance)

hello)) I’m 14 years old and I have the same problem and I want to help you))) in short, smear your hands with cream for the udder of cows and there’s nothing wrong with that and Emolium cream and aloe oil and in a month your hands will be normal

scrub -> nourishing hand cream -> and all this in paraffin and under gloves (warm) for 15-20 minutes, the effect is super!

Smear your hands every day, for example, before going to bed. In a month you won’t remember your problems.

I have it genetically. Back in the second grade, the teacher noticed that her hands were like those of an old woman. No, my parents didn’t torture me in gardening or washing dishes. The only thing that saves me is Creme de la Mer (given as a gift) and so I ran to look for boob cream for cows.

I have it genetically. Back in the second grade, the teacher noticed that her hands were like those of an old woman. No, my parents didn’t torture me in gardening or washing dishes. The only thing that saves me is Creme de la Mer (given as a gift) and so I ran to look for boob cream for cows.

I also had a large layer of nourishing hand cream on my hands in a bag at night in the morning, I take off the bags that are not absorbed, wash them off with warm water without soap and apply any baby oil, it’s better to do it during the day too

scrub -> nourishing hand cream -> and all this in paraffin and under gloves (warm) for 15-20 minutes, the effect is super!


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It’s not just the wrinkles on the face that reveal a woman’s age. Hands are also a visible and open part of the body that is in plain sight. But most ladies take care of their faces, but ignore their hands. As a result, wrinkles and folds appear, the skin dries out and ages quickly. How to get your hands back to normal? What will help get rid of wrinkles on the skin of your hands? Let's ask the opinion of cosmetologists.

Why do wrinkles appear on the hands?

It is noticeable to the naked eye that the skin on the outside of the hands is thin. It is equipped with a small number of sebaceous glands. Regular exposure to the sun and water causes the skin to become even thinner and dry. Moreover, it may peel off, red spots appear on it, not to mention wrinkles.

If we are constantly in contact with household chemicals and do not protect our hands, then skin aging occurs at an accelerated pace. That is, insufficient care combined with exposure to negative factors leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin of the hands. Wrinkles and cracks appear on them. Some women do not take basic care of their hands, ignoring wearing gloves in the cold season. And when working with kitchen, bath, and toilet cleaners, do not use rubber gloves. They also work in the garden.

So it turns out that the hands betray their inattentive owner, who simply does not take care of them.

About getting rid of wrinkles

Hands require constant hydration and nutrition. A good cream will no longer help get rid of wrinkles. It is necessary to enhance cell regeneration by performing special procedures. The beauty salon will offer you a whole series of them. Paraffin therapy is a popular treatment for aging hand skin. Original paraffin “gloves” will make the skin of your hands softer, smoother, and more pleasant to the touch. Several such procedures need to be done to achieve a visible effect. By the way, you can do them at home by purchasing cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy. It is heated, cooled slightly so that the temperature is no more than 40 degrees, and immersed in the composition of the brush. Keep the “gloves” on your hands until they cool down. They are easy to remove. 6-8 such procedures need to be performed for noticeable skin rejuvenation. Do them daily.

Special masks will also help. Oil based ones give a good effect. It is necessary to mix jojoba, avocado and peach oils in equal proportions. They are heated in a water bath, applied generously to pre-washed hands and immediately put on cotton gloves. They promote deeper penetration of oil components into the skin. You need to keep your hands in gloves for 30-40 minutes. Excess oil is then removed. No need to wash it off. The result of this procedure will be smoothness of the skin, its softness, and reduction of wrinkles.

It is also recommended to make a creamy hand mask. Prepare high fat cream. Half a glass will be enough. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to them, heat them in a water bath and apply generously to your hands. Wear gloves. After 30 minutes, remove the remaining mask and rinse with warm water.

You can do this procedure at night. Mix one chicken egg yolk, one tablespoon of peach or grape seed oil, the same amount of honey and 3-4 capsules of vitamin E. When warm, this composition should be applied to previously cleaned hands and put on gloves. The mask lasts all night, in the morning you need to wash it off and immediately lubricate your hands with cream. The composition eliminates excessive dryness of hands, cracks, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes.

Another option for eliminating wrinkles is based on the use of glycerin. Mix three tablespoons of the product with corn flour, add a little mineral water, and heat in a water bath. The composition should have a creamy consistency. This mask should be applied every evening to cleansed hands. Keep for 20-25 minutes.

In summer you can rejuvenate your skin with berry masks. You need to turn a handful of berries into puree, mix with 50 grams of homemade sour cream and make a mask, insulate it with gloves. Sour cream nourishes and softens hands well, strengthens nails. Berries perfectly moisturize them. The procedures must be daily and for a visible effect they must be performed at least ten times.

After the above anti-aging masks, make it a rule to always protect your hands, pamper them daily with cream and vegetable oils.

People say that eyes are the mirror of the soul, and hands are a reflection of a woman’s self-esteem. Hands can tell about social status and position, the degree of self-respect, the level of cultural development, many habits and even the character of a woman. The most interesting thing is that it is not only the manicure that is indicative here, but the condition of the hands from the fingers to the very shoulders.

This is why it is so important to have soft, smooth and well-groomed hands. But often women neglect hand care, believing that just a manicure is enough to make a good impression.

Or, with the onset of aging, they concentrate their attention only on the condition of the face, leaving the already weak skin of the hands, devoid of any natural protection, without any care at all. Meanwhile, she begins to grow old and after some time, quite contrastingly and treacherously, against the background of her youthful face, she reveals all the information about her age that is so carefully hidden by the hostess.

How does the skin of your hand age?

This happens because the skin of the hands is very thin; it, as, for example, around the eyes and on the neck, is almost devoid of a layer of subcutaneous tissue, which produces (in more favorable areas) a sufficient layer of fatty film that protects the skin from numerous destructive external factors. In addition, such a film prevents moisture loss, which becomes a natural protection against the appearance of wrinkles. the destructive effects of external factors and protects it from moisture loss.

Further, by the age of 25-27, the aging process begins, which significantly announces itself with wrinkles not only on the face, but also with fine mesh on the hands. Just at this time, skin renewal processes in the body begin to slow down, and the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for elasticity, decreases. At the same time, blood circulation throughout the body slows down, which causes difficulty in skin “breathing” and its nutrition. The production of melanin is also disrupted, which is why various age spots begin to appear.

If on the face these processes proceed rather slowly and consistently, then the epithelium of the hands becomes thinner and dries out much earlier than in other areas. As a result, even at a fairly young age, a fine network of wrinkles, pigment spots begins to appear here, and sometimes even venous nodes begin to appear ahead of time.

Premature aging of hand skin: causes

But in addition to the fact that we do not provide the skin with proper care due to its fine structure, we in every possible way accelerate the manifestation of signs of aging of the hands, exposing it to the destructive effects of many external factors:

Washing powders, toxic cleaners and detergents corrode the skin and disrupt its moisture balance, which leads to premature aging of the hands due to the constant degreasing of its surface;

Firstly, gloves need to be worn when it is still +70 outside, because due to frost and wind, blood circulation and its flow to the extremities are disrupted, which leads to decreased tone, peeling, cracking and dryness. In summer, every time you go out into the sun, you must always apply sunscreen with UVA filters;

against the backdrop of accelerating aging processes, starting from the age of 45, the level of estrogen in a woman’s body decreases, which leads to a noticeable decrease in the reserves of collagen, elastin and fat. On the skin of the hands this is manifested by a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the hands, “drying out”, the appearance of pronounced venous nodes and increased pigmentation.

Aging hand skin: recommendations to help prevent premature aging

  1. moisturize and nourish the skin of your hands regularly with creams

. from the fingers to the shoulders. Use special moisturizing hand creams for these purposes and add a few drops of base or essential oils to them; these can also be oil solutions of vitamins E, A;

  1. Exfoliate your hands twice a week.

Recipe: Take 1 tsp. ground coffee or sugar and add a little shower gel or face wash. Then rub the mixture thoroughly over your hands and rinse off with warm water. After peeling, be sure to moisturize them with cream. You will immediately feel the effect - your hands will become soft and smooth.

  1. In winter, be sure to wear gloves, and in summer, protect your hands with creams with UVA filters.

Also take note of an effective way to well moisturize and nourish your hands, make them softer and more tender after the first “session”: at night, apply a nourishing cream to your hands in a thick layer and put on cotton gloves (you can find them in any cosmetic store). In the morning, when you take off your gloves, the redness will subside, your hands will be smoother, and your skin will be softer and smoother;

  1. in older age, use antioxidant products that restore the skin of your hands.

Their composition must include elastin, collagen and vitamins A, B and E;

Traditional recipes for aging hand skin

Do hand baths and masks at least 2-3 times a week - this will help you not only prevent, but also slow down the aging process of your hands. Here you can add decoctions of herbs such as sage, calendula, mint, chamomile, coltsfoot - they are famous for their rejuvenating effect. You can also add a few drops of base or essential oil. It is better to choose oils that also prevent aging (grape seed oil, sandalwood, almond, rosemary, olive).

The decoction is prepared as follows: take 2-3 tablespoons of herb per 250 ml of water. Cook the broth covered for 15-20 minutes. Wait for it to cool and add 5-7 drops of oil. Keep your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes, then apply moisturizer.

Mask based on eggs and honey against aging hand skin

Recipe: 1.5 tsp. mix melted honey with 1 egg white and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and a whisper of flour (oatmeal or barley) to the mixture. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed. Hold the mixture on your hands for 7-10 minutes. Then rinse off the residue with water and apply moisturizer.