Myths about thrush

Thrush is a common disease among women, which is often accompanied by myths and misconceptions. Let's look at the most common of them.

Myth 1. Any discharge is thrush.

In fact, the discharge from thrush has a characteristic appearance - thick, curdled, white or gray. Itching and burning also occur. However, the final diagnosis is made only after tests.

Myth 2. DNA diagnostics is the best method for detecting thrush.

In fact, DNA diagnostics is not suitable, since it detects any amount of fungus, but it is present in the body normally. For diagnosis, it is important to determine the number of fungal colonies, which is done by smear microscopy and culture.

Myth 3. It is not important to determine the type of Candida fungus.

In fact, the type of fungus is important, since not all are treated the same. If treatment does not help, a Candida species test is performed.

Myth 4. The causes of thrush are tight underwear and sweets.

The main reason is hormonal changes during pregnancy, taking hormonal medications, and antibiotics. Tight underwear and sweets only contribute.

Myth 5. Intimate hygiene products prevent thrush.

On the contrary, they disrupt the normal microflora and contribute to thrush. Regular water is enough.

Myth 6. You can always use one treatment method.

In fact, the fungus gets used to the drug and the treatment stops helping. We need to change the schemes.

Myth 7. The best products are disposable.

Disposable ones are convenient, but treatment must be comprehensive to prevent relapses.

Myth 8. Both partners need to be treated.

First you need to check if your partner has thrush. Without a diagnosis, treatment is pointless.