Tibia fracture

When the tibia breaks, a strong, strong traction is required, and then it is leveled and placed in its natural position, which is always characteristic of it in a healthy state, when it is convex on the outside and slightly concave on the inside. In case of a fracture in the middle or at the upper or lower end, the rules for applying bandages mentioned in the paragraph on the forearm are followed and pulled upward so that the fusion is maintained. They say that when the tibia breaks, it rotates anteriorly and outward, and the fact here is that it is naturally wide on this side, it is straightened by hands, bandages and various traction methods used to straighten the bone. If the fracture is in the middle, then one of the bandages is applied above the fracture, and the other below the fracture, and if the fracture deviates from the middle and occurs near the hip joint, then take a belt, wrap it in the middle with wool so that it does not cut into the meat, and place it in the middle on pubis, and its ends rise towards the head; these ends are given to the assistant and he pulls them down. If the fracture occurs near the knee, then we apply a bandage above the fracture and give the ends to the person who pulls them upward; we also strengthen the knee with a bandage that we wrap around it. When straightening this organ, the patient lies face down and his lower leg is extended. If there are piercing bones, then, as we have said many times, they should be straightened, and those that protrude should be removed. As for the rest of the regimen, let it be as we said in the paragraph on the treatment of the humerus.

The tibia is strengthened in fifty nights. And now we will tell you what the position of this bone should be after treatment of the lower leg is added to its treatment. Then a piece of wood or something of the like should be placed between the thighs in order to maintain the position given to the bones when straightened, and the shin should be fused in the generally known manner, making sure that no swelling or itching appears. When a tumor appears on the thigh, it is a strong tumor, and it forms on the thigh quickly. In this case, you need to untie the bandage as soon as possible so that the tumor spreads and falls off. You already know the special treatments for this.

As for the pads and grooves - and these are large boards that run along the leg and are slightly concave so that they fit well on the turns of the bandages - then if they are short, so that they do not cover the shins and break off earlier, they do not have the desired benefit, and if They are too long, and the patient gets tired of them. However, even if they are short, they still tire, and the benefit of long grooves is that they also prevent the healthy part of the leg from moving, since movements of this part cause harm in case of a fracture, especially movements due to absent-mindedness or in sleep. The need for such devices arises only with very large fractures, and besides, they can only be used before the leg swells, because the swelling does not allow the use of anything like that. In general, such grooves are a burden, a disaster and a burden, and one should not strive to use them while they can be dispensed with using other methods. As for the position of the fused hip, it should be the same as it usually is in a healthy state, that is, constantly bent or extended, for the most part it is extended.

Know also that when a fracture of the tibia or femur is fractured, the case rarely goes without curvature after it is healed. If muscle extensions are torn, they first relax and then contract again.