Finger pads sweat

What fear seizes a man when he wants to touch the woman he loves, but his palms sweat excessively! It is unpleasant to shake hands with such a person - wet fingers cause discomfort and disgust among colleagues and acquaintances. What are the causes of excessive sweating in men, how to get rid of it - this remains to be understood.

Causes of profuse sweating in men

Thermoregulation is one of the most important functions of the body. It helps maintain fluid balance, maintain body temperature, moisturize, and protect the skin. When the process is disrupted, excessive sweating occurs - hyperhidrosis. The disease can cover the entire body or be local, appearing in a completely healthy person. Causes of increased sweating in men include:

  1. an increase in the number of sweat glands at a young age;
  2. physical activity;
  3. hot weather;
  4. emotional stress;
  5. sports training;
  6. stuffiness;
  7. mental activity.


Heavy sweating in men can have secondary causes - various pathologies that cause disruptions in thermoregulation. Among them are:

  1. disorders in the endocrine system;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. overweight;
  4. heart pathologies;
  5. diabetes;
  6. ARVI;
  7. diseases of the central nervous system;
  8. drug addiction;
  9. lack of vitamins;
  10. alcohol abuse.

What makes your palms sweat?

Sweaty palms often occur in men with increased emotional arousal. The reason is the ever-increasing production of adrenaline in this situation, which activates sweating. The influence of such factors cannot be excluded:

  1. hormonal disorders in adulthood during andropause;
  2. psychological tension;
  3. genetic inheritance;
  4. intense work;
  5. dissatisfaction with life;
  6. depression.

If your palms sweat, the causes in young men are associated with puberty. At such times you may experience:

  1. hormonal storms;
  2. problems with the cardiovascular system;
  3. lack of vitamins;
  4. presence of parasites;
  5. overdose of antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  6. increase in the number of sweat glands;
  7. nervous excitability;
  8. active work of the endocrine system.


Palms sweat a lot

There are a number of reasons why men’s hands sweat a lot, related to the functioning of body systems. The situation is affected by a malfunction:

  1. the autonomic nervous system, responsible for growth, movement, and functioning of internal organs;
  2. the pituitary gland, which activates endocrine processes and the action of the sweat glands;
  3. adrenal glands, which regulate the body’s activity during stress;
  4. the thyroid gland, responsible for metabolism;
  5. the cardiovascular system, which organizes the proper functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Palms constantly sweat

Neoplasms in the adrenal glands, intestines, and leukemia can create a situation in which the palms of men become wet. The following reasons cannot be excluded:

  1. condition after surgery, injury;
  2. illness with influenza, sore throat, AIDS;
  3. urinary retention caused by taking insulin, aspirin;
  4. renal failure;
  5. stroke;
  6. thyrotoxicosis;
  7. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  8. tuberculosis;
  9. malaria.

What to do if your hands are constantly sweating? In this case, in order to reduce unpleasant symptoms and bring the situation back to normal, you need to consult a doctor who:

  1. will prescribe an examination to find out the reason why your palms sweat;
  2. will suggest maintaining hygiene, starting to eat right;
  3. will treat the underlying disease;
  4. will recommend injections into the palms to block the functioning of nerve endings;
  5. will write out a referral for physiotherapy;
  6. in a severe situation, he will suggest surgical intervention - removal of the nerves responsible for sweating.

The palms of your hands often sweat

Household causes play an important role in the appearance of wet palms in men. These include an incorrect diet - eating a lot of spices, salty, spicy foods, coffee. Why do your hands sweat? Constant wetness of the palms can be caused by:

  1. reaction to external stimuli - dust, dirt;
  2. synthetic clothing;
  3. intense physical activity;
  4. active training;
  5. high room temperature;
  6. antibiotic treatment that disrupts intestinal microflora;
  7. taking cortisone, salicylic acid.


Why do men's hands often sweat? Wet palms can be caused by:

  1. a feeling of fear in communicating with people when the palms sweat, which causes an increase in symptoms;
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. using synthetic bedding while sleeping;
  4. parasite infection;
  5. unfavorable environment;
  6. decreased immunity;
  7. psychological pressure from others.

Fingers sweat

What leads to a situation where your fingers sweat? The cause of wet palms may be a psychological factor. A man experiences a fear of sweating when communicating with his boss, women, strangers, when handshakes and touches are necessary. At the same time, he begins to get very nervous, his heart beats faster, and his blood pressure rises. All this leads to increased sweating - the circle closes. To break it, you need to:

  1. work on yourself;
  2. gain confidence;
  3. learn to remain calm.

Hands are always cold and sweaty

When a man has poor blood circulation in his hands, vascular spasm is observed, his hands are always cold and sweaty. This situation is provoked by:

  1. injuries;
  2. lack of weight;
  3. hypothermia;
  4. emotional stress;
  5. smoking;
  6. intestinal pathologies;
  7. magnesium deficiency;
  8. overwhelming emotions;
  9. lack of iron, which impairs heat production;
  10. hypotension with slow blood flow;
  11. stressful situations;
  12. lack of vitamins;
  13. nervousness;
  14. thyroid diseases.


Sticky sweat on the palms

If thermoregulation is impaired, a situation may arise in which sticky sweat appears on the palms. The functioning of the glands becomes difficult, waste and toxins are not removed from the body, overheating and heat stroke are possible. The causes of wet, sticky palms in men are:

  1. food and drug poisoning;
  2. alcohol intoxication;
  3. drug overdose;
  4. allergies;
  5. migraine;
  6. severe stress;
  7. metabolic disease;
  8. radiation exposure;
  9. infectious diseases.

smartphone and tablet - your fingers seem to stick and do not slip. They slide very tightly, it seems that the glass is about to move or come off! It's like I have glue on my finger or I'm Spider-Man. How can you solve this problem of sweaty fingers? It's nerves? Outwardly I look calm and not nervous, but maybe I just don’t notice?

What can eliminate this sweating? The fingers are not very wet, but they become somewhat sticky. Do not write advice to wash your hands. I wash it regularly, if possible.

I emphasize that in a home environment this problem most often does not exist.


Excessive sweating causes a lot of trouble not only for the person suffering from it, but also for everyone around him. Surely you yourself understand how repulsive constantly sweaty palms can seem. It’s difficult to say unequivocally why your hands sweat. There are quite a lot of factors contributing to this problem. Only a specialist can make a reliable diagnosis, and then only after a comprehensive examination.

Why are your fingers cold and constantly sweating?

In medicine, this phenomenon is usually called hyperhidrosis. The disease can be localized or general. The latter is diagnosed in patients whose palms become wet during stressful situations or illnesses, after heavy physical exertion or in the heat. In principle, almost the entire population of the planet can be included in this category.

The main difference between localized hyperhidrosis is that during the disease, not only the palms, but also the feet become wet in patients.

One of the most common reasons why hands and feet may sweat a lot is disturbances in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. They are caused by chronic or aggravated diseases, emotional overstrain and severe stress, overwork, and hormonal imbalances.

  1. Diseases of the endocrine system can lead to hyperhidrosis.
  2. Not only excessive physical, but also mental stress has a negative impact on the body.
  3. Another reason why your hands constantly sweat is infection. Fortunately, infectious hyperhidrosis is dealt with by specialists


    happens infrequently.
  4. Sometimes an excess or, conversely, a lack of vitamins leads to illness. It is for this reason that hyperhidrosis begins to develop in many women who are pregnant or on a strict diet.
  5. In older patients, the disease may begin to manifest itself against the background of progressive menopause.
  6. Diabetics, as well as those people who suffer from oncology, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and hyperthyroidism are also at risk.
  7. We cannot discount the unfavorable state of the environment, as well as the abuse of bad habits.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Before choosing a therapy, you need to understand why your hands often sweat. This will help not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also prevent their occurrence in the future. In the meantime, you can neutralize sweating with the help of hand creams.