Scientists have determined the happiest age of a person

What age is the happiest in life? This question worries many people. Recent research conducted in London has attempted to answer this question. And as it turns out, the happiest years in a person’s life are 23 and 69 years old.

Scientists explain that in their early 20s, people have more hope and strength to achieve their goals. They have not yet encountered serious failures, mistakes and disappointments, and therefore they feel as if they are ready to move mountains. Also at this age, people usually have many friends, an interesting job and a lot of free time for hobbies and travel.

But when a person is already over 60, he begins to evaluate his life differently. He no longer regrets the past and receives satisfaction and peace from it. At this age, people often have grandchildren, which means they have the opportunity to enjoy moments that they missed in their youth.

However, research shows that the ages from 17 to 85 years are a generally positive period in life. The most difficult age for people is the period after 50 years, when they begin to realize that they are no longer young and are faced with limitations that they did not previously feel. They are visited by thoughts of unfulfilled hopes and regret about the years they have lived.

In addition, research shows that people born in more favorable times tend to live happier lives than those born in more difficult periods. This can be explained by the fact that people born in more favorable times have more opportunities to achieve success in life.

However, we should not forget that happiness is influenced by many factors, such as excellent physical condition, personal life and a successful career. It is also important to have friends and good relationships with loved ones, do what you love and find time for relaxation and entertainment.

In general, age is not the main factor that determines happiness in life. Each person has his own path and his own problems, but it is important to remember that a happy life is possible at any age if we pay attention to those things that really matter to us.