Sexy Kung Fu (Part 2)

Taoist sexual exercises are widely used in the practice of “second treasure”. You will learn many of them and after some time you will begin to admire them, for Taoist sexual secrets are perhaps the most sophisticated in the world.

Lessons begin with detailed instructions for the entire week. They are mainly associated with the practice of “pair development”. There are special Taoist exercises with the participation of both partners. When performing these exercises, it becomes possible to perform sensual and prolonged sexual intercourse. As in many other cases, the secrets of Taoist sexual kung fu were for a long time not available to Western readers. I hope you enjoy the learning process greatly. You'll learn to prolong sexual intercourse with exercises such as the front gate lock, breathy breath, and sacral screwing.

To study the “pair development” technique, you need to know the basics of sexual alchemy. This knowledge will help you direct your sexual energy along your partner's meridians and combine it with his sexual potential. They will teach you how to run the “yin-yang water mill,” a long-kept secret of sexual alchemy. You do not need a partner to perform this exercise. It is designed to develop internal sexual energy in the main energy centers of the body. Men are offered various types of sexual massage to strengthen and enlarge the testicles, scrotum and penis. Women will learn breast massage, which helps fill the mammary glands and genitals with sexual energy.
Finally, I will talk about how the interaction between “god and goddess” (yang and yin), the two fundamental sexual principles of the universe, occurs. This will help you realize the integrity of everything that exists.
Historically, internal alchemy has been largely associated with the “third treasure” exercises.

Some Taoist schools attach great importance to the interaction of breathing, sexual secrets and the secrets of the “third treasure,” but there are also those that bashfully turn a blind eye to sexual issues. The same sexual puritanism is inherent in some ancient treatises. These limitations are characteristic of schools whose conceptual basis is based on a compilative Buddhist-Taoist theory. However, a comprehensive study of various religious movements in Ancient China was commonplace.
(To this day, a Chinese person can profess several religions at the same time. For example, he can be a convinced Confucian, believe in the truth of the ideas of Tao and go to mass in a Christian temple.)

A thousand years ago in China, everything related to sexuality was strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, issues of gender were discussed behind closed doors, sexual treatises were kept in private libraries, and the secrets of sexual interaction were orally transmitted by Taoist masters to their students.
In modern China it is unlikely that one will be able to find information about sexual art. The books on qigong published there recently are limited to mentioning sex. Therefore, thank fate that we can freely and openly discuss issues of sexuality.

The ancient Taoists considered sexual energy to be the most powerful force possessed by all living beings. They also considered it as a basic human function, without which the very existence of life on the planet would not be possible.
Living in harmony with nature is one of the priorities of Taoism. The Taoists firmly believed that the process of achieving sexual perfection in no way contradicts the natural course of things and corresponds to the laws of nature.