Somat- (Somat-)

Somat is a prefix that denotes body and somatic. It is used in medicine to refer to various types of tissues and organs. For example, somatectomy is the removal of a part of the body, and somatic is related to the body.

Physical diseases are diseases related to the body, such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc. They can be caused by various factors such as genetics, lifestyle, environment, etc.

Various methods are used to treat physical diseases, such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc. However, not all treatments are effective for all types of diseases. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and treat somatic diseases at an early stage in order to reduce the risk of complications and improve the quality of life of patients.

In conclusion, physical diseases are a major public health problem worldwide. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent and treat these diseases in order to improve the quality of life of people and reduce mortality from them.

Somat is a prefix that denotes body and somatic. It is used in various fields of science and technology, such as biology, medicine, physics and others.

In biology and medicine, somat- is used to refer to the body of a person or animal. For example, a somatic tumor is a tumor that grows in the human body. Also somatic can be a disease that affects the human body, for example, somatic depression.

In physics, somat- can be used to refer to physical bodies that are not electromagnetic waves. For example, in quantum mechanics, somatic states are states in which particles have a certain energy and momentum, but do not have a certain localization.

Thus, somat- is an important prefix in various fields of knowledge, which allows you to more accurately describe physical objects and phenomena.

Article on the topic: **Soma**t- for the article: **"Soma"**

Somat is an international accreditation and educational group that provides professional training and certification to fitness industry professionals around the world. In Russia, the company’s representative office is the Somat National Fitness Club, which provides the following services:

* individual financial management, selection of training programs; * conducting trainings and webinars for specialists and managers of fitness clubs; * organizing on-site seminars for fitness industry specialists from different regions of the country and neighboring countries;

What is **SOMAT?**

The prefix SOMAT is part of the word SOMAT - Somatism - lat. soma - body + -ism