
Massage is one of the most ancient and effective methods of treatment and relaxation, used by man for many centuries. The system of mechanical manipulations carried out using hands can be carried out either by a professional massage therapist or independently.

The main purpose of massage is to improve blood circulation and reduce muscle tension. Massage helps reduce swelling and prevents tissue adhesion after injury. In addition, it can improve muscle tone and reduce muscle spasms, which can be especially beneficial for people suffering from pain syndromes.

There are several different types of massage, each of which has its own characteristics and is used for different purposes. For example, stroking (effleurage) is a soft and light movement that is used to begin and end a massage procedure. Kneading (petrissage) is a more intense movement that is used to warm up the muscles and improve blood circulation. Tapotement is a faster, more rhythmic movement that can help improve muscle tone and reduce muscle spasms.

Massage can be performed both as a preventative measure and as a treatment for various diseases. Additionally, it can help reduce stress and improve your mood. However, you should consult your doctor before undergoing a massage, especially if you have any medical problems.

Overall, massage is a great way to improve your health and mood, especially if done regularly. It can be performed either by a professional massage therapist or independently at home.

Massage is not just a body care procedure. This is a whole complex of sessions in which the main emphasis is on relaxing and relieving tension from the muscle corset, increasing its tone, generally improving well-being, suppressing pain, tidying up the cardiovascular system, and improving metabolism. Who can benefit from massage? Any massage procedure is intended for people of any age and gender. For young or mature people, massages can bring a number of invaluable benefits:

General relaxation. After a hard day at work or sports training, many simply dream of relaxation and the opportunity to forget about accumulated stress. It should be noted that general relaxation is achieved precisely through massage procedures. The latter relax a person and make him forget about all the problems of the day. That is, it is at this moment that he has that very pillow for relaxation that one can only dream of;

Relieving fatigue and pain. Each massage procedure helps to cope with pain and relieve tension. Regular visits to massage treatments help normalize the physical activity of the body, leading to the harmonization of blood vessels and improving the functioning of even the nervous system;

Elimination of pain syndromes and improvement of the cervical and lumbar spine. Often back pain is a real headache.

Massage is a procedure that is popular all over the world. This is a system of massage techniques that can improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, prevent tissue adhesion after injury and even improve muscle tone. At first glance, this technique seems simple, but at the same time very effective. How does it work and

Massage is one of the most ancient methods of treating diseases. Today, this procedure is becoming increasingly popular in the world due to its effectiveness and ease of implementation. The essence of massage is the use of special techniques - rubbing, stroking, blows - to influence the soft tissues of the human body. Massage helps improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, prevent tissue adhesion after injury, relieve muscle spasms and increase muscle tone. It can also help you relax, reduce stress, and relieve pain in various parts of the body. There are different types of massage such as classical massage, therapeutic massage, sports massage and many others. Each type has its own advantages and is suitable for solving different problems.

Massage (lat. massājo - I rub, from massa - lump, dough; massage or massage) is a physiological process that results in an impact on the human body from extraneous energy sources or factors. In traditional Chinese medicine, massage is included in the section “Ju-therapy” and is performed mainly with the help of thin metal and other objects introduced into the body that have a certain thermal reaction, or from a combination of traditional massage movements, Ju-therapy and special manual pressure therapy on active muscles. body points (acupressure). Massage can be called either a separate effect on one or another part of the body, or a complex of such effects aimed at comprehensively solving a wide range of problems in the field of medicine and physiology. The closest term to massage in Russian is the word “surgery” and some other special terms. There are different types of massage that can help in different situations. One type of massage is hands. This type of massage is called “corrective”; its main purpose is to correct the consequences of tissue injuries. This type of massage uses special techniques aimed at