Laser removal of mesh on face


Vascular networks on the face and body are a pressing problem for many women.

Networks of dilated red and blue capillaries form on the wings of the nose, cheeks, chin, and sometimes on the skin of the legs. Standing out sharply against the background of healthy skin, they cause serious aesthetic discomfort.

In the fight for beautiful skin

The reason for the appearance of rosacea (this is the name of this vascular disease) lies in poor circulation in the skin. Couperosis on the face and its treatment is a very labor-intensive and painstaking process, so we advise you to entrust this work to professionals.

In recent years, the cosmetics industry has made a real breakthrough. Along with methods such as cavitation and ultrasonic peeling, a completely new way of dealing with dilated capillaries has begun to gain popularity - laser removal of blood vessels.

It is precisely this innovative, painless and non-marking method of combating spider veins that modern cosmetologists offer to all their patients.

Circulatory disorders lead to expansion of subcutaneous capillaries. Spider veins and stars (rosacea) appear on the face. Laser is used to remove cosmetic defects. The process is highly effective and painless.

Indications for the procedure

Stars on the face are evidence of pathologies of the circulatory system. To find out the cause of the disorders and subsequent treatment, you need to visit a phlebologist. Removing blood vessels on the face with a laser is a cosmetic procedure that eliminates only external manifestations.

Indications for performance:

  1. point and linear defects localized on the cheeks, wings of the nose, chin;
  2. arterial formations are reddish in color;
  3. blue veiny stars and cobwebs on the face;
  4. interweaving of capillaries;
  5. burst blood vessels.


Advantages and disadvantages of laser capillary removal

During the procedure, blood cells are affected, while the skin and vascular tissues are not damaged. The results of the correction are clearly visible if you compare the photos before and after the treatment. Positive aspects of treating spider veins:

  1. Removal is performed on an outpatient basis.
  2. Side effects rarely occur.
  3. After the procedure there are no scars or scars.
  4. The process is painless and does not cause burns.
  5. No long recovery required.
  6. The procedure does not take much time (up to 30 minutes).
  7. Point impact is possible.

Removing vascular tissue on the face has disadvantages:

  1. Treatment cannot be carried out in summer due to the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin at the site of laser treatment.
  2. For large lesions or the presence of large vessels, several sessions are necessary.
  3. The course of procedures requires significant financial costs.
  4. Individual complications (redness, swelling, peeling) cannot be excluded.

Preparation for the procedure

Before laser removal of spider veins, the cosmetologist determines the presence of contraindications. There are requirements when preparing for the procedure:

  1. Avoid sunbathing or tanning for 14 days. Penicillin antibiotics should not be used. It is unacceptable to perform chemical peeling of the facial skin.
  1. Stop drinking alcohol within three days. Do not visit the bathhouse or sauna. Do not wipe your skin with products containing alcohol.

What laser removes dilated blood vessels on the face?

Several types of equipment are used in cosmetic clinics and salons:

  1. Neodymium laser. Effective in removing large and small vessels. The built-in cooling system prevents burns.
  2. Diode installation. Shows the best results when removing spider veins. Up to 7 procedures are required with a monthly break.
  3. American system. Produces flashes of a laser beam. Has excellent reviews on the effectiveness of treatment.


How does laser removal of blood vessels on the face occur?

  1. When exposed to the high temperature of the beam, blood cells heat up and coagulate (clotting).
  2. The dilated walls of the capillaries stick together, and after a month the vessel resolves.
  3. The cosmetologist selects laser modes (power and operating time) individually, taking into account the size of the stars, the area of ​​the problem area, and the depth of the vessels.
  4. The duration of the procedure is up to half an hour.

Laser coagulation of blood vessels is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The skin is treated with an anesthetic.
  2. The cosmetologist and the patient wear protective glasses to avoid damaging their vision.
  3. If there is no cooling system in the laser, a special spray is applied to the skin.
  4. The impact begins with a thin section of the vessel.
  5. The session is stopped when a clot appears under the skin.
  6. To prevent hematomas, ice is applied to the treated area.

Rehabilitation after laser coagulation

After the procedure, redness of the skin remains, which disappears after a few days. Recommendations to speed up healing:

  1. Lubricate the areas where spider veins are treated 5 times a day with Panthenol and Bepanten.
  2. Use antibacterial ointments Levomekol, Baneocin (as prescribed by a doctor).
  3. Do not remove the resulting crust.
  4. Take vitamins K, C, R.
  5. Do not treat your skin with cosmetics containing alcohol for a week.

To prevent adverse reactions you should:

  1. Do not wet the skin in the laser treatment area for 4 days;
  2. when going outside, use sunscreen cosmetics with a filter of 20 SPF or more;
  3. Do not visit the sauna or bathhouse for three weeks after treatment;
  4. limit sun exposure;
  5. Avoid heavy physical activity for a month;
  6. reduce salty, spicy foods in your diet;
  7. limit alcohol and coffee consumption;
  8. wash with warm water;
  9. moisturize the skin with aloe cream or juice.



Laser removal of spider veins in rare cases causes complications:

  1. Increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(37.5).
  2. Reduced skin sensitivity. Does not require treatment, goes away on its own.
  3. Swelling due to the high temperature of the laser. It is recommended to drink an antihistamine (Suprastin, Tavegil) and apply a cold compress.
  4. Hyperpigmentation. Perform the next session only after the symptom has been eliminated.

When removing spider veins on the face, there may be consequences that disappear within a few days:

  1. hematomas (bruises) after treatment of large vessels;
  2. blood crust;
  3. blood clots that are painful to touch;
  4. blisters;
  5. suppuration due to infection (requires treatment).

Where to remove spider veins

The cosmetic procedure can be performed in clinics and medical centers in Moscow. The price depends on the status of the institution, the type of laser, the qualifications of the staff, the number of stars, and the area being treated. The Armida Aesthetic Medicine Center offers the removal of vascular defects at the following prices in rubles:

  1. face – 8500;
  2. wings of the nose - 2900;
  3. removal of spider veins (up to 10 pieces) – 500;
  4. more than 10 points – 300 (per one).

You can remove vascular formations in other medical institutions in Moscow at the following prices:

  1. Clinic "Medicine and Beauty". Nasolabial triangle – 5000 rubles, cheeks – 4000 rubles.
  2. Center "Laser Doctor". Facial skin area 1 cm 2 – 1100 rub.
  3. Salon "The Mystery of Amalfi Beauty". Chin or nose – 3500 rub.
  4. Medical Center "Health Laboratory". Skin area 1 cm 2 – 1000 rub.
  5. Laser cosmetology clinic Delete. Face – 19,000 rubles, chin – 2800, wings of the nose – 4600 rubles.


Contraindications of the method

Removing capillaries on the face is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications for treatment:

  1. malignant tumors;
  2. pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  3. diabetes;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. pregnancy;
  6. recent operations to remove tumors;
  7. heart rhythm disturbances.

Removal of blood vessels on the nose and cheeks cannot be performed if:

  1. bacterial and viral infections in acute form;
  2. connective tissue diseases;
  3. low blood clotting;
  4. mental pathologies;
  5. arterial hypertension;
  6. dermatitis in the area of ​​treatment;
  7. tendency to tissue scarring;
  8. epilepsy;
  9. photodermatosis;
  10. exacerbation of herpes;
  11. chronic diseases in an advanced stage.

Spider veins (telangiectasia, or TAE for short) are noticeable clusters of purple or red blood vessels (“webs”) under the skin. Most often they appear on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks and wings of the nose, on the legs and neck.

They can take different forms - cobwebs, stars, meshes, etc. The reason for their formation is the expansion of superficial vessels.

Vascular mesh is not dangerous to health, but it looks aesthetically unattractive, so many people want to get rid of this defect and remove the vessels.

Laser removal allows you to solve this problem quickly, effectively and painlessly thanks to modern advances in medicine.


Spider veins appear for a number of reasons. Their presence on the skin of the body and face should be a signal for the patient to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor, and not just to remove this cosmetic defect.

So, the most common causes of telangiectasia are:

  1. Vein diseases.
  2. Chronic venous insufficiency.
  3. Endocrine pathologies.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Pregnancy, abortion.
  6. Taking OCs with a high estrogen content.
  7. Cardiovascular disorders.
  8. Passive lifestyle.
  9. Connective tissue failure.
  10. Lack of vitamin C (hypovitaminosis).
  11. Liver diseases with impaired excretion of metabolites.

Today, many beauty salons offer to remove capillary mesh, but it is not recommended to carry out this manipulation without consulting a phlebologist or vascular surgeon. It is better to solve the problem in a clinic under the supervision of qualified doctors.

About the procedure

Even in advanced cases, laser removal (coagulation) of dilated vessels gives a good result. The technique is considered one of the most effective in medicine and cosmetology.

With laser therapy, the effect is carried out only on hemoglobin cells, of which there are a large number in dilated vessels, while the skin and adjacent tissues remain intact. There is no risk of burns due to the special cooling system.

Laser vessel removal technology is based on photothermolysis selection. The laser device emits waves of a certain length, which causes heating of blood cells, coagulation and gluing of the walls of the dilated vessel. After this, the treated vessel resolves after 3-4 weeks.

As a result of the procedure:

  1. The skin is visually cleared of vascular formations.
  2. After exposure there is no pigmentation, scars or scars left.
  3. There is no risk of erosion, swelling or irritation.
  4. Immediately after removal, slight redness of the epidermis may persist, which goes away on its own after a few hours.

The whole process takes about 15-20 minutes.


Treatment of spider veins on the face and body using laser coagulation is indicated for small and medium-sized vessels. The procedure is optimal for fair-skinned people.

This method allows you to remove:

  1. Couperosis on the face.
  2. Spider veins.
  3. Venous networks.
  4. Point elements.

There are no restrictions before performing the procedure; there is no need to prepare the patient either. Laser removal of the vascular network can be performed at any age, even in young children.


Laser removal of blood vessels is not performed in the following conditions:

  1. Diabetes mellitus.
  2. Acute viral and infectious diseases.
  3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. Oncology.
  5. Risk of keloid scar formation
  6. Chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation.
  7. Connective tissue pathologies.
  8. The presence of dermatitis in the affected area.
  9. Acute inflammation.
  10. Epilepsy.

Advantages of the method

Laser removal has a number of valuable advantages:

  1. Conducted on a 1st day basis, does not require going to the hospital. Immediately after the procedure, you can go about your business or go home.
  2. Speed ​​of implementation – treatment of rosacea on the face takes no more than 30 minutes.
  3. Suitable for removing spider veins on any part of the body.
  4. In most cases, it does not cause adverse reactions or consequences.
  5. Does not require anesthesia.
  6. Does not cause pain or burns.

There are special laser machines that allow therapy to be carried out in the summer and for people with dark skin color.

The effectiveness of the technique has been proven by numerous clinical studies conducted in France, Russia and Spain, so you can be 100% confident in the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

Which laser is better?

The following types of lasers are used to remove blood vessels:

  1. Diode – applicable for blue venous vessels, less often – for removing red arteries. Treatment with this laser requires from 3 to 7 sessions with a break of a month between procedures.
  2. Neodymium is the best type of laser, the most effective in eliminating telangiectasia. It is used to remove small, medium and large vessels on any area of ​​the body. A course of neodymium laser therapy consists of 2-6 procedures with an interval of 1 month.
  3. American system – a device in which pathological vessels are exposed to flashes. Best for treating spider veins on the face, good for port wine stains and rosacea. For complete removal you need from 2 to 6 exposure sessions.

Recovery period

After removing blood vessels with a laser, you must follow the following medical recommendations:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, apply ice to the treatment site.
  2. The affected area should not be wetted for 2-4 days.
  3. For 4-5 days after treatment, use an antibacterial ointment prescribed by a specialist.
  4. To speed up the tissue healing process, Bepanten or Panthenol should be used up to 5 times a day.
  5. For 2-3 months after removal, the skin must be protected from UV radiation using special sunscreens. Solarium is prohibited during this period.
  6. For the first 2-3 weeks you cannot go to the bathhouse or sauna.
  7. Do not remove the resulting crust.
  8. Postpone heavy physical activity for a month or as recommended by a specialist.
  9. If the procedure was performed on the legs, after treatment it is recommended to wear compression stockings or a bandage within the period specified by the specialist.

Consequences of removing the vascular network

Usually, after laser therapy, no complications arise - the risk of crust formation, extensive hematomas, scars and scars is minimal.

Light redness of the skin in the treatment area usually goes away within 30-60 minutes after treatment.

In rare cases, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  1. The appearance of a crust
  2. Blue discoloration of fabrics
  3. Swelling,
  4. Redness.

For such symptoms, specialists usually prescribe treatment of the affected areas with Bepanten or Panthenol. Thanks to this, the skin should recover in up to 2 weeks.

In conclusion, it must be said that complete removal of the vascular pattern on the skin cannot be guaranteed. After laser photocoagulation, the mesh will become paler and less noticeable.

Video - laser removal of blood vessels in the clinic

It is also important to understand that the capillary web is a symptom of other diseases, without treatment of which the fight against it is ineffective. Therefore, when removing stars from the face and body, you should first of all understand the root cause of their formation.

Patient reviews


I went to the clinic with a diagnosis of rosacea. After the first treatment, my complexion became more even. I thought that I would be at work the next day with a red face, but all traces of the operation disappeared in just a couple of hours. I'm glad I decided!


I paid 1800 rubles to remove blood vessels on my face. The procedure was painless. Immediately after exposure, the skin was slightly swollen and small dots remained from the laser. The result became noticeable within a month. I recommend it to anyone who wants a beautiful and net-free face.


I paid almost 2 thousand rubles for the removal course. They said that the effect would last for at least six months, and then the stars might appear again. Let's see what happens, I hope the result lasts longer.


My 4-year-old daughter has a red spot on her face made of blood vessels the size of a penny. At the local clinic we were refused therapy; they told us that such operations are not performed until the age of 18.


No laser helped me remove rosacea on my face. Then I did electrocoagulation - the result was much better. It hasn’t completely disappeared, but the difference between these manipulations is noticeable.