Hair care basic rules

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Hair is a real gift of nature that can beautify your appearance. Healthy and beautiful hair is the dream of every woman. To achieve this you need to follow certain hair care rules.

Not all women are happy with the condition of their hair. They become damaged, become brittle, lose their shine and volume due to improper care. In order for your reflection in the mirror to please you, you need to carefully take care of the health of your hair and its appearance. Even if they are naturally luxurious, do not forget the basic rules of hair and scalp care.

There are certain rules, following which you will achieve an amazing effect. Using modern cosmetics or folk recipes, you can restore damaged hair without much effort.

Home hair care - 8 basic rules

Brush them several times a day. Massage movements of the scalp promote blood flow to the hair follicles. This stimulates them to intensive growth, since oxygen and nutrients are supplied to them with the blood. The scalp must be massaged every day for 10 minutes. This benefits your hair and allows you to enjoy and relax. As a result of combing, the secretion of the skin glands is distributed evenly throughout the hair, making it moisturized and shiny.

Do not comb them wet, as this will damage their structure. Use a soft brush with rubber balls on the ends, or wooden combs. Comb short hair from top to bottom, and long hair from bottom to top, starting from the ends.

Do not over-wash your hair. For dry and normal hair, it is enough to wash it a couple of times a week. If they are prone to grease, then they should be washed as they become dirty. Washing too often leads to leaching of keratin, a substance that gives hair strength and shine. It is best to use cool water for washing, as it stimulates the skin.

General rules suggest using certain shampoos for different hair types. And of course, the best thing is 100% natural, organic. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to find them on sale, but we can recommend powder shampoos - for example soap nut powder, which also happens in combination with Amloy, Shikakai, Bhringaraj (it’s also not often found in regular stores, but you can order it online).

Shampoos for oily hair types prevent the formation of excess secretion from the sebaceous glands, which causes them to become dirty so quickly. If you use this shampoo to wash dry hair, the scalp will become very dry, itching and dandruff will appear.

Shampoo for dry type contains vitamins and nutrients, as well as substances that retain moisture (do not forget to look at the composition, how many nutrients are contained, it may turn out to be a drop of them on a tank of harmful synthetics). If you use it to wash oily hair, it will become dirty even faster and will look untidy.


Do not use a hair dryer to dry dry hair. They should dry naturally. If your hair has a normal or oily texture, you can use a hair dryer, but the air should not be hot. Ideally dry with cold air. It may take longer, but this way they are less damaged and become straighter.

In this article you can learn more about hair cosmetics and what you need to pay attention to when purchasing.

Do not use chemical curling agents or dyes. It is better to use 100% henna/basma with herbs for coloring, which also contribute to healthy hair.

If you still decide to make changes, then it is best to turn to a professional. He will be able to choose for you the best option that will least injure their structure.

If you dye your hair, you must use a special line designed to care for colored hair. Such products will help preserve the beauty of colored hair longer and protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays and hard tap water.

Excessive hair tension can lead to excessive breakage. Don't pull it into a ponytail or make your hair tight, especially if you're going to walk with her all day. Don't overload them with stilettos and bobby pins.

By observing the rules of personal hygiene every day, hair care is not limited to just washing it. After the hair is washed, a special balm or mask should be applied to it. These products smooth out the scales that make up the hair, covering them. They become more obedient, smooth and shiny.

Special products are not applied to the roots and scalp. They can clog pores and impair skin respiration. This will cause your hair to break and be unruly. They should be applied in a small amount, starting from the ends and ending with the middle of the hair.

It would be a good idea to use products that contain protection against ultraviolet radiation (for example, the now popular coconut oil), since they negatively affect the structure of the hair, contribute to the fading of hair pigment and the evaporation of moisture from it.

In winter, don't forget about your hat. It will protect your hair from low temperatures and cold winds.

If you lead an unhealthy lifestyle, eat poorly and smoke, then no rules will help you. Bad habits, diseases, poor ecology affect their structure. They become dull, brittle, lifeless. Also, all of the above factors can lead to baldness.

Basic hygiene rules boil down to the fact that simple washing is not enough. It is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to the issue and remember that not only the hair itself needs care, but also the scalp.

How to care for hair extensions?


The rules for caring for hair extensions have a number of features. The main problem that owners of thick hair extensions have to face is washing their hair. Failure to follow the rules will lead to undesirable consequences - they will become so tangled that it will be impossible to comb them.

To prevent this from happening, remember:

  1. Before washing your hair, you need to comb your hair thoroughly;
  2. When washing, you must not tilt or raise your head; you must use the shower. In this case, the stream of water will not whip up the curls and will not confuse them;
  3. Do not use moisturizing shampoos and balms. Products with a neutral pH balance are suitable.
  4. thick shampoo should be diluted with water;
  5. apply the products gently and carefully, do not rub too hard into the skin and do not foam the shampoo excessively;
  6. After washing, do not curl your hair with a towel;
  7. do not comb them wet and do not go to bed with wet hair, otherwise they will become tangled and impossible to untangle;
  8. You can comb your hair extensions only with a wide-toothed brush without plastic tips;
  9. start combing from the ends, first gathering them into a ponytail with your hand;
  10. comb your hair more than four times a day.

The condition of the hair depends entirely on what we eat, so rules for external care alone are sometimes not enough. In order for them to grow strong, shiny, and not break or split, you must follow the principles of proper nutrition and add the following foods to your diet (or exclude some):

  1. lean varieties of meat and poultry are the main source of proteins - the main builders of our body. Thanks to them, the structure of the hair is also built. It is recommended to eat meat 3 times a week. You should also not overuse meat, because... in excess it can significantly pollute the body. Meat protein can also be successfully replaced with legumes and beans.
  2. fish is a source of essential fatty acids. If the body suffers from a lack of them, this is reflected in the scalp. A deficiency can cause hair loss, the scalp will become dry and dandruff will appear. It is best to eat steamed fish, this allows you to preserve as much as possible all the vitamins and nutritional elements of this product;
  3. fresh greens are a source of iron, micro and macro elements and vitamins. All these substances affect the functioning of the endocrine glands, which produce sebum. It is a natural conditioner that leaves hair moisturized and soft;
  4. dairy products and eggs are a source of calcium and phosphorus. They play a big role in strengthening hair follicles and promoting hair growth;
  5. cereals and bran are a source of fiber. By eating these foods daily, you help strengthen your hair;
  6. seasonal vegetables and root vegetables are a source of vitamins and microelements that make hair strong and healthy.


Also watch this video, which covers hair care rules and common mistakes to avoid.

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The basis of hair care is daily procedures

The basis of hair care is not expensive, complex and time-consuming procedures, but a daily routine. While a personalized approach that takes into account your hair type, texture, lifestyle, weather conditions and environment can help you achieve impressive results faster, it's a good idea to start with the basics. In our article you will find some useful hair care tips.


Hair care: wash your hair correctly

How could there be any difficulties with such a simple procedure that fits into three words of instructions - “lather, rinse, repeat”? Yes, because there are important rules that relate to:

  1. water temperature;
  2. the required amount of shampoo;
  3. correct application of detergents and care products.

You will have to adjust the water temperature while washing your hair twice: at the beginning of the procedure and before the final rinse. Hair is protected by an outer layer of cells called the cuticle. It consists of keratinized scales, tightly adjacent to each other. Warm water is needed to force these plates to lift up and allow the shampoo and conditioner to do their work. In order for the scales to “close their ranks” again, seal in moisture and nutrients, and make the hair smooth, silky and shiny, cold is needed. Therefore, start washing your hair with hot water and finish rinsing with cool water.

Some people mistakenly believe that the more shampoo applied to the head, the more foam, the cleaner the hair will be. But the thick and voluminous foam is washed off with a large amount of water and after this procedure of washing the hair, the skin remains too dry, devoid of natural protection and begins to produce sebum more intensively, which means that clean hair becomes dirty at an alarming rate and it’s time to shower again. Too frequent washing - every day or every other day - leads to the fact that the care products invented by nature, produced by the body taking into account its needs, natural oils, do not have time to fulfill their mission, they do not have time to penetrate deep into the hair structure. To remove dirt, dust, dead skin, and styling products from your hair and scalp, a drop of shampoo the size of a ten-ruble coin is enough.

Hair shampoo does not need to be poured on your head; it is better to foam it in your palms and distribute the already formed foam with light stroking movements over the scalp and hair roots. Shampoo should not be applied to the entire length of the curls; it is enough to cover the hair to the middle. Don’t worry, the ends won’t remain dirty, because the foam itself will “slide off” along with the dirt when you rinse your hair. Massage movements used to apply shampoo harm the hair. Near the roots, where the hair is young, it is healthier and more elastic, and can withstand soaping more easily, but closer to the ends, the hair is “old,” dry and fragile, sensitive to microtrauma, and should be protected. Due to these same characteristics of hair, conditioner should be applied in reverse, starting from the ends of the hair, and stopping before reaching the scalp. Natural oils take care of your hair at the roots; you shouldn’t duplicate their work. To help the hair conditioner absorb better, lightly pat your hair with a towel before applying, removing moisture, the excess of which will not allow the product to penetrate the hair shaft and provide the necessary care.

How to dry your hair correctly

The basic rules for effective home hair care include how to dry your hair. First you need to choose a suitable towel. You may be surprised, but it doesn’t come down to taking clean and voluminous. A terry towel that serves you well by removing excess moisture from your body may be too rough or rough for your hair. You don’t want to injure the cuticle and tangle your carefully washed hair. Then grab a microfiber towel or even a simple, soft cotton T-shirt, as Western hair care gurus recommend. Gently pat your hair dry with a cloth, without massaging it at all. Do not wrap the towel around your head like a turban, leaving it to absorb water. This increases the load on fragile hair, and unnecessary folds and creases remain on the curls when drying.

Comb hair that has been deprived of most of its moisture using a sparse comb or combs from The Wet Brush, Tangle Teezer and the like that are specially designed for combing wet, tangled hair. You should start from the ends, so the hair shaft is as gentle as possible.

You should only blow dry your hair as a last resort, for example, if you urgently need to leave the house in the cold. Wet hair is defenseless against the aggressive, damaging effects of heat. Their scales have not yet had time to cling to each other sufficiently and “seal” the necessary moisture. Style almost dry hair using brushes with natural or nylon bristles, curling irons and stylers with ceramic or tourmaline coating. Avoid devices and combs with metal parts, which quickly heat up and begin to practically “melt” the cuticle.

Healthy eating - healthy hair

Even careful and expensive hair care and hair treatments will be ineffective if you don't eat right. Hair health comes from the inside, which is why hair problems are often the body’s first warning signal about a lack of protein in the diet - the main building material for the hair body, vitamins or minerals. Here is a list of priority hair products:

  1. Cashews, pistachios, almonds, pine, walnuts and Brazil nuts are a source of selenium, a deficiency of which will cause hair to become dull, dry, slow down its growth and increase hair loss. Nuts also contain alpha-linolenic acid, a subtype of omega-3 fatty acid that stimulates hair growth and prevents dandruff;
  2. eggs - chicken, quail, goose and duck - will provide hair with biotin, as well as vital vitamin B12. The lack of these vitamins in the diet leads to hair becoming weak, thinning, and brittle. If these elements are contained in the diet in sufficient quantities, the regeneration and reproduction of hair is accelerated, the curls look shiny, elastic and thick;
  3. Whole grains are rich in zinc, B vitamins and iron. It is worth saying that low ferritin, a protein that serves as a kind of “depot” for the accumulation of iron, is one of the most common causes of hair loss. Sometimes it is enough to establish the “delivery” of this element by including it in the diet in sufficient quantities to get thick hair again after a while;
  4. fish from the salmon family (trout, salmon, salmon, pink salmon) contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron and protein;
  5. dark green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini) are a source of vitamins C and A, important for maintaining healthy hair and scalp, calcium and iron;
  6. Legumes are a good source of protein; they will also provide hair with the biotin, zinc and iron necessary for normal growth.


Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the pride of any girl. To keep your curls healthy, it is important to follow simple rules for caring for them. A special washing, drying and styling technique will help prevent split ends, breakage, and add shine to your hair. It is also important not to forget about the scalp, because the type of strands also depends on its health. If you take proper care of your hair, you can grow it long enough.

Read in this article

Hair care rules

No fashionable look will look good if your hair is unkempt. You need to take care of your hair at all stages: cleansing, drying, styling. Experts recommend some important care rules.

First of all, it is important to find out your curl type. Hair can be normal, oily, dry or combination. Each of them has features that will help improve their condition.

Normally, they remain clean for several days after washing, are shiny, easy to comb, and do not have split ends. Oily ones are dull and without shine, within a day they become dirty, greasy, and form icicles. Dry ones also lack shine, constantly break, get into tufts, are difficult to comb, and often split.

The mixed type includes hair that is quite long. The ends are not lubricated with sebum in sufficient quantities. That's why they dry out. Thus, the mixed type is oily, only on long hair.

Hair type determination

The hygienic stage of care is the most important, because it also has a cosmetic purpose. For washing to be beneficial, it is important to follow the rules:

  1. You need to cleanse your hair as it gets dirty. How often to wash them is decided individually, it can be from one day to 10. But there is no need to wait a week and walk around with dirty hair. It won't bring any benefit. This will not make them any less fatty. Especially if styling products are used, daily washing is simply necessary, since all this negatively affects the condition.
  1. You need to wash your hair with warm water, steam should not come from it. The ideal temperature would be 36 - 45 degrees. Moreover, the oilier the hair, the cooler the water should be. You should also first apply the shampoo onto the palm of your hand, lather it, and then massage it into the skin. The curls themselves should be washed only with foam, and you should not rub them like laundry. This damages the scales, structure and follicle.

You also need to lather 2-3 times. In the first one, only the top part of the dirt, dust and sebum is washed off; the therapeutic effect appears only after 2 or 3 washes. And finally, it is important to rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, until it squeaks. There should be no soap residue left on the hair, this will make it dull and get greasy even faster.

  1. To wash your hair, you need to use only special products, not soap. It destroys the protective film on the hair and skin, which makes them dry or oilier, dull and sluggish. Shampoos have a slightly acidic environment, which is similar to the skin.

You need to select shampoo only according to your hair type. For oily people, the composition contains substances that regulate sebum production. These include plant extracts, zinc, vitamins. Dry shampoos contain oils for moisturizing. And for normal ones they do not include a large amount of vitamins, nutritional and moisturizing components. It is also important to use special lines for colored hair so that the dye does not wash out.

By the way, It is not recommended to use baby shampoos as it has become fashionable. They do not wash adult hair and do not match the acidity level. A properly selected shampoo also does not need to be changed, as is commonly believed. This can only be done if the hair has changed its condition.

  1. After washing, be sure to use balms and conditioners. They smooth out scales, neutralize the effects of hard water, and remove static electricity. It is important not to apply balms and masks to the roots and skin. They create a breeding ground for germs, clog pores and increase hair fragility and hair loss. You only need to smear the ends, maximum to the middle of the length.

Apply the balm every time after washing, but it’s better to use masks no more than a couple times a week.

  1. Comb wet hair gently, it is better to do this with combs with sparse teeth made of wood or plastic.

A lot of damage often occurs at this stage, so care must be taken. First of all, you should not dry your hair with a towel by rubbing it. You need to squeeze them out and, if they get in the way, wrap them for a few minutes.

But you shouldn’t walk around for half an hour with a turban on your head. This breaks the hair, disrupts blood circulation, which means the nutrition of the bulbs, which leads to a poor supply of nutrients and slow growth. And if you still rub them, the scales are damaged, the ends begin to split, and the shine is lost.

It's best to let your hair dry naturally. But for many, this option is not suitable, since it requires styling. In this case, the hair dryer cannot be turned on at full power. To dry your hair, 15-20 seconds at maximum power is enough, and then switch to cooler air. With this regime, they better acquire the desired shape and retain it longer.

It is also important to treat your hair with heat-protective products before drying, for example, spray, cream, foam and others. And to make combing easier and maintain the level of moisture, a special serum will not hurt.

Another method of gentle drying is the correct direction of the air of the hair dryer. To keep hair smooth and shiny, the stream should be directed in the direction of hair growth. Thus, again, the scales will not rise and the curls will not fluff.

For some, this stage coincides with the previous one, for others it is a separate point. But in any case, it is important to use heat protectants. They can be used on both wet and dry hair.

Don't be afraid to use varnish. So that it does not stick together, and they look as natural as possible, a product with medium hold is suitable. You can check the varnish as follows: you need to pass your fingers through the curls, if they pass easily, then this is a suitable product.

To ensure that your hairstyle has volume and does not lose its shape throughout the day, it is advisable to use foam, mousse, gel or styling cream. However, it is important to remember about your hair type, so for oily hair you need to choose products without silicones. They will not weigh them down, and for dry and sensitive ones they are suitable without fragrances, possibly with caring vitamins and oils.

Today there are also styling products with keratins and other useful components, they further strengthen the structure.

To make the styling beautiful and even, you need to structure the strands in stages. You should start from the bottom and sides, moving up and back. In this case, the rest of the hair must be secured with special clips. By the way, professional hairdressers at fashion weeks use a piece of fabric or paper under the clamp. This allows you to avoid kinks in your hair.

And finally, after styling, you need to let it cool and get into shape. They will settle a little and take their final form, then you can correct something. You can’t put a headdress on freshly styled hair, as it will wrinkle.

For basic hair care rules, watch this video:

Often, after drying or styling, the hair is pulled back into an updo. Depending on the situation, it can be quite simple, such as a ponytail, bun, braid, or something more complex.

Experts do not recommend doing complicated hairstyles every day. Firstly, it looks strange, and secondly, the hair should rest. Complex hairstyles require a lot of hair clips, pins, elastic bands and styling products. But even when creating simple options, you don’t need to overdo it and tighten them too tightly. This disrupts blood circulation, leading to fragility and damage to the bulbs and follicles.

It is also important to let your hair down before going to bed. You should never go to bed with your hair tightly tied or braided.

The quality of nutrition has a positive effect on the condition of hair. To keep your curls healthy and strong, the menu should include:

  1. Fish, it contains proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D.
  2. Walnuts contain vitamin E, which protects the scalp, as well as copper, essential for maintaining color and shine.
  3. Chicken eggs containing selenium, zinc, sulfur and iron. All this prevents hair loss.
  4. Spinach is rich in vitamin C and folic acid. These are nutrients for hair follicles.
  5. Lean meat and poultry are sources of protein, B vitamins, zinc and iron.
  6. Fermented milk products supply the body with pantothenic acid and vitamin D. They promote healthy hair growth and help resist ultraviolet radiation.

Another way to improve blood circulation and nourish the bulbs is massage. It is possible to do it yourself.

You can massage with your hands, starting from the neck and moving up to the crown. There are also special tools. Literally five minutes a day can significantly improve the condition of your hair. Massage relieves tension, improves mood, eliminates stress.

For information about healthy foods for hair, watch this video:

By the way, it is important to wear hats both in winter and summer. In the first case, the hat protects the hair from bad weather (snow, cold, rain, wind). The rod is not damaged. And in the second - from ultraviolet rays, overheating of the head and fading. Failure to comply with this rule leads to damage to the hair structure, split ends, dehydration and fragility.

Basic recommendations for scalp care

It is also important to take care of your skin. After all, it is in it that the bulbs are located. To make your hair delight you with its beauty, you must follow the rules:

  1. Properly moisturize. It is the lack of moisture that provokes increased secretion of sebum. However, you do not need to use balms or hair masks for this. They will only clog the pores and worsen the condition. For this, there are special leave-in lotions for the scalp based on red grapes, oligosaccharides, rice proteins, and cinchona extract. You can find them in professional lines of trichological brands.

Moisturizing lotions for scalp

  1. Exfoliate periodically. Hair styling products, sebum and dust form a kind of “shell” on the skin, through which oxygen and nutrients do not pass. Regular shampoo won't help. For this, experts recommend ready-made professional peelings.

But scrubs are not so effective, since they only remove the upper stratum corneum. They do not affect traffic jams. But it won’t hurt as a preventative measure. It is also important to remember that professional peels should be lactic acid based so as not to disturb the pH of the head.

Scalp peelings

  1. Detoxify before washing. In this case, we mean special products containing extracts of medicinal plants. They help normalize tissue metabolism, sebum secretion, and improve blood circulation. It is better not to use homemade products, as they can disrupt the acid balance of the scalp.
  2. It is important to get a good night's sleep and not to be nervous. This will give your skin time to recover overnight.
  3. Massage your head regularly. You just need to do it before washing, because this involves using various products and also increases sebum secretion. To enhance the effect, you can use a special scalp serum, burdock oil and other recovery products. Massage should be done with your fingertips. It can last from 5 to 15 minutes.
  4. When washing your hair, do not scrub your skin. You need to wash it carefully, massaging again with your fingertips.

Proper care of your hair and scalp will make it healthy, beautiful and help you avoid age-related changes longer. If you regularly monitor the condition of your curls, you can eliminate many problems. It is equally important to use high-quality care and styling products.

Useful video

Watch this video about scalp peeling: