Breast care cream


The question of whether it is necessary to fill the entire bathroom space with tubes and jars separately for each part of the body is asked by thousands of women. Why, for example, can’t you just use body cream or balm for your breasts?

Most likely, this is just a trick by cosmetic companies and simply pumping out money - this is what many people think. But there are several nuances, learning about which will change your opinion about these funds. And, most likely, you will still add to your collection in the bathroom.

Our seven good creams for breast tightening will help you with this. These effective products will make the skin elastic and restore a flabby bust.

Do you really need creams for the décolleté area?

The secret is that the use of some special equipment is really necessary. And this is due to the fact that the skin differs in different parts of the body. This depends on the internal characteristics and functions of certain skin integuments, as well as external factors affecting them.


For example, internal mechanisms include:

  1. thickness of adipose tissue;
  2. condition of muscles and small vessels;
  3. individual pore size;
  4. hormonal balance, and as a consequence of its violation - consequences for the skin (rashes, acne, acne, etc.);
  5. functional density and permeability (for example, under the eyes and on the elbows the skin differs significantly - it has different purposes).

External mechanisms include:

  1. influence of temperatures (sun and frost);
  2. physical influences and stress (for example, the skin on the neckline is more stretched by large breasts, and the neck is constantly wrinkled under the influence of numerous and varied movements);
  3. covering with clothes (the skin of the bust dries out more in the cold season due to wearing warm clothes, and, for example, the head, on the contrary, becomes more greasy from wearing hats).

The décolleté area can be called suffering area, especially when it starts to sag due to:

  1. age characteristics;
  2. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  3. gravitational influences;
  4. bad habits, in particular smoking;
  5. reduction in breast volume due to sudden weight loss or its increase due to weight gain;
  6. permanent poor posture.


To maintain beauty and elasticity, the epidermis of the décolleté area simply needs creams containing vitamin E and fatty acids, kernel oils, placental DNA complexes, stimulating components, and peptides.

A good nourishing cream is useful when you are young, and a stimulating one after 40. Applying the product should be preceded by gentle peeling.

Most ladies who do not take care of their skin get clearly defined wrinkles by the age of Balzac. Therefore, you need to start taking care of your skin as early as possible., and after 25 years, start using separate special products for different areas of the body.

Proper breast care can ensure skin elasticity, which will visually tighten the breasts. And if you choose a product with phytoestrogens (natural extracts of some plants), then you can increase its volume by about a size.

How to choose the right option?

There are a few things to pay attention to:


  1. If you are holding a face cream that says that it is also recommended for use on the décolleté, this is not your story. This option will not work.
  2. The note must specifically indicate: "For the neck and décolleté area." It is these products that support the work of connective tissue cells in this area, helping them produce collagen and elastin for skin elasticity.
  3. Such creams are multifunctional and have a super-light texture, nourishing, moisturizing, tightening and restoring the skin, and blocking the path of free radicals that accelerate aging to cells and thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Therefore, they often contain collagen, elastin, oils rich in antioxidant vitamin E and fluid-retaining hyaluronic acid.
  4. Breast care products are sold in specialized stores or pharmacies. They must have certificates that can only be obtained by passing serious testing.

Attention! Before applying the cream on the décolleté, it would be good to do a soap massage. It should be done in the shower using solid baby soap. Lather your palms with it so that they glide well, and, without pressing too much, move along your arms from the elbows and shoulders to the chest, and also from the center of the bust to the collarbones. This will help cleanse the skin, open pores and improve blood circulation.

Top 7 creams for breast firmness

We offer a short review of creams for the bust and décolleté, which have received the most positive reviews.


Guam Duo is an Italian firming and restoring breast cream, produced in 150 ml tubes. The manufacturer positions it as a biocomplex that moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the bust, fights the signs of aging, stimulates the active growth of fat cells, and in addition has a cooling effect.

The composition includes extracts of brown algae, walnut, Asian centella, as well as menthol, sea water and oils - rice, safflower, shea, etc. At the same time, the cream is light, does not leave greasy stains on clothes, and is absorbed in a couple of minutes. The manufacturer recommends using it twice a day and emphasizes that it is suitable for all skin types.

Among the negative properties, reviews indicate that Guam DUO rolls off when applied. However, this may be due to the fact that the skin was not scrubbed beforehand and dead cells were rolled off.

Peculiarity! Don't forget: any cream is applied to the chest with light circular movements from the center up, to the shoulders, collarbones and armpits. Any product is distributed over the bust, excluding the nipples and areolas around them.


Breast tightening cream-gel from the Russian brand “Organic Shop Rus” is available in black 100 ml jars. Among the natural components included in its composition are: Noteworthy are royal orchid extract and jojoba oil.

These components help tighten and lift the skin of the mammary glands, normalize the metabolic processes occurring in it, moisturize and prevent the aging of epidermal tissue. The skin becomes smooth, soft and toned.

The negative aspects of “Anti-gravity” include: somewhat heavy texture. Because of this, the skin of the décolleté area of ​​those with small pores may react with isolated rashes. In this case, you should add a few drops of geranium oil, which has a drying effect, to the cream gel.


Pregnacare cream is a product of the English cosmetic line Vitabiotics, intended for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks during pregnancy and after breastfeeding, as well as to restore breast elasticity. It is sold in 100 ml tubes and has a consistency similar to thick cream.

Promotes skin regeneration and renewal (thanks to primrose oil and allantoin), stimulates the production of collagen and elastin (lemon oil), neutralizes free radicals (vitamins E and C, soy glycine and calendula extract), nourishes the skin (aloe vera) and retains moisture in it , relieving itching and irritation (panthenol).

To get the expected result - tightened skin without stretch marks (striae), the product must be used after a shower, applied to the abdomen and chest throughout the entire period of gestation and lactation. Visible effect occurs after two weeks of use. In those places where the product was applied throughout the specified period, starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, stretch marks do not occur.

The advantages include economical consumption: The tube lasts for several months if used once a week. A minor inconvenience is the cream drying out around the opening of the tube.


Cream for body and firm breasts “Beauty Lift” was developed by Belarusian cosmetologists of JV “Belita” LLC. Includes an innovative component - Bio-Bustyl oligopeptide concentrate, which gives tone to the bust and creates an ideal bust contour.

The classic elements of lifting creams - shea butter and wheat germ, collagen and elastin - nourish, saturate with moisture and restore elasticity to the epidermis, tightening the breast tissue. It is also used to reduce stretch marks on the chest and prevent the appearance of new ones. Apply to the entire décolleté area.

A good bust care product at a very affordable price. The disadvantages include a dense consistency (but it is completely absorbed and does not leave greasy stains) and a minimum of natural substances in the formula.


Elite-class night cream for the neck and chest with a lifting effect “Kanebo Sensai” is a gift from Japanese cosmetologists. It is marked 40+, and its purpose is to fight the first signs of wilting. However, fairly young ladies also use it, because breast decline is not necessarily related to age.

The key ingredients of the cream stimulate a long-lasting tightening effect due to their maximum concentration, activate collagen synthesis and lipolysis. The skin on the décolleté area looks young and well-groomed, its texture is strengthened and the silhouette is visually improved.

Negative sensations include a decrease in skin sensitivity in the first 2-3 days from the start of use, during the period of active accumulation of the active components of the cream in the chest - as if a tooth is frozen. Then everything is restored, the result is elastic, full and silky skin.


Firming breast gel “Bust Beautifying Toning Gel” from the French brand “Decleor” is light and refreshing. Combines the benefits of eight natural essential oils and the Phyto-Firm care complex.

Returns vitality to the top layer of skin, eliminates the causes and consequences of loss of skin tone, moisturizes and nourishes, evens out and provides a beautiful appearance.
The disadvantage is the high price.


Body cream "Burenka" is a cosmetic product of the company "Horse Power". Suitable for arms, body and heels, but also great for combating sagging breasts.

The basis was taken from a veterinary cream for cow udders, adapted and supplemented with the “Fitofloran” complex - a new word of Italian scientists in the science of beauty.

The complex includes oils and extracts of more than 30 medicinal herbs; there are no synthetic preservatives. An effective product for the care of problematic and aging skin, saturating it with vitamins and increasing elasticity. The skin becomes velvety and soft.

For maximum benefit

Do not rush to “pounce” on the cream and use it 2 times a day. The optimal program is:

  1. the first 2 weeks – once every three days;
  2. second 2 weeks – 1 time per week;
  3. third 2 weeks 1 time during this time;
  4. further – 1 time per month.

Look at the result, your characteristics and do not forget to monitor the cosmetics market - it does not stand still. Good luck and beautiful cleavages!

Every woman would like to keep her breasts toned, firm and beautiful for as long as possible, and to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on them during pregnancy and lactation. The skin in the décolleté area is very delicate and therefore needs special care. In order for the breasts to remain attractive, care for them must be started in advance, since in this case, as elsewhere, the problem is easier to prevent than to solve. The most effective is an integrated approach, including training the muscles that support the breasts and the use of products to cleanse, nourish and improve skin tone in the décolleté area.


  1. Daily care
  1. Chest exercises
  2. Massage
  3. Homemade recipes for breast care
Precautionary measures


Daily care

Not all women have naturally large breasts, but with the right approach, everyone can make their bust attractive and well-groomed, despite its size. To prevent loss of firmness and shape, breast care should be systematic and regular. The skin in the décolleté area, like the skin on the face, needs cleansing, moisturizing and additional nutrition.

Daily breast care includes:

  1. cleansing the skin with water and shower gels;
  2. periodic exfoliation using mild exfoliants;
  3. wearing a bra that is correctly selected during the day, taking into account the shape and size of the breast, and does not cause a feeling of discomfort;
  4. performing a special set of exercises;
  5. the use of creams and masks that improve skin condition.

Important: Under the influence of sunlight, the aging process of the skin on the chest is accelerated, therefore, in order to preserve its youth and prevent the appearance of age spots, women are highly discouraged from exposing their breasts in the sun. It is advisable to use sunscreen for the décolleté area.


The mammary glands do not have their own muscles; they are supported only by the muscular frame of the chest. It is very important to start exercising these muscles before your breasts begin to lose their shape. It is recommended to do them 2-3 times a week after warming up the muscles and stretching. The most effective of them include:

  1. Bend your elbows at chest level and clasp your palms. Press your palms against each other, straining your chest muscles. Repeat 15-20 times. Then raise your arms above your head and repeat the exercise in this position.
  2. While on your knees, do push-ups with your hands from a chair or the edge of the sofa. Increase the number of push-ups gradually, up to 15 times. When they become easy to perform, you can move on to push-ups.
  3. Lying on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Tightening the muscles of your arms, while inhaling, slightly lift your chest off the floor. Return to starting position. Repeat 15 times.
  4. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately and simultaneously perform rotational movements with your arms forward and backward. To increase the load, use dumbbells.
  5. Lying on the floor with your knees bent, raise your straightened arms with dumbbells up, inhale and slowly spread them to the sides without lowering them to the floor. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.
  6. Clasp your hands at the back of your head and try to connect your elbows. Repeat 20 times.

It is advisable to wear a special sports bra while exercising and playing sports. It fixes the breast well, reduces its vibrations and prevents stretching of the connective tissue. Swimming and tennis will be very useful for chest development.

In addition to performing exercises, breast care involves constant monitoring of correct posture. Shoulders should be straightened, back straight, stomach pulled in.

Advice: To maintain the shape and beautiful appearance of your breasts, it is important to avoid sudden changes in body weight. With rapid weight loss, breasts may sag due to the disappearance of the fat layer, and with intense weight gain, stretch marks appear on the skin.

The simplest and safest type of breast massage is hydromassage and contrast shower. They help increase the elasticity, firmness and tone of the skin, improve blood circulation, and activate metabolism in tissues. Hydromassage should be carried out with slightly warm or cool water, moving a regular shower head in a circular motion across the entire chest. The water stream should be directed from bottom to top. It is recommended to perform this procedure daily for a few minutes while taking a shower.

The breasts are a very sensitive and delicate area, so any massage in this area should be done with caution. When performing it, it is unacceptable to make kneading, tapping and pulling movements. It is best to entrust this procedure to specialists.


Breast products prepared at home include exclusively natural ingredients: vegetable and essential oils, dairy products (cream, cottage cheese, milk), honey, fresh fruits and vegetables. They are applied to cleansed skin from bottom to top with light patting movements.

Oil-based tightening mask

Macadamia, rosehip, hazelnut or green coffee oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Essential oils of ylang-ylang, frankincense, orange, juniper, sandalwood or fennel - 2-3 drops.

Mix the selected vegetable and essential oil and heat slightly in a water bath. Apply the oil mixture evenly to the skin of the chest and wrap it with cling film on top. After 25-40 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and apply moisturizer.

Breast toner

Chamomile decoction – 2 cups
Rose water – 50 ml
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 15 ml

Beat the yolk, add chamomile infusion, rose water, lemon juice. To stir thoroughly. Wipe the chest area with the resulting mixture every day. The prepared product lasts for a long time. To prevent it from spoiling, it should be stored in the refrigerator.


Refreshing lotion

Green tea – 3 tsp.
Lemon, grapefruit, orange or lime juice – 2-3 tbsp. l.

Pour boiling water over green tea and let it brew well. Then strain and add citrus juice. Wipe the skin in the décolleté area with the resulting solution.

Nourishing mask with fruits for breasts

Banana (or melon, apricots, juicy pear, persimmon) – 1 pc.
Liquid honey – 1 tbsp. l.

Mash banana or other selected fruits to a paste. Mix the resulting mass (3 tablespoons) with honey and apply a thick layer to the décolleté and chest, wrap with cling film on top. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Gelatin breast mask

Gelatin powder (2 tsp) pour 70 ml of cold water. Leave the mixture for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Then heat and melt it in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Allow to cool slightly and apply to the chest, wrap with cling film, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. The mask is effective for loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin in the décolleté area. If desired, you can add yolk, cream, milk, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, fruit pulp, honey.

Vegetable breast mask

Zucchini – 1 pc.
Eggplant – 1 pc.
Olive, corn, almond, apricot or walnut oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Peel the vegetables and grind them into pulp with a blender or grate them on a fine grater. To 2 tbsp. l. Add oil to the resulting mass and mix. Distribute the product over the chest and décolleté area. Leave for 20-40 minutes, then rinse with water.

Precautionary measures

Before applying various masks, creams or lotions to the skin of the chest, you should conduct an allergy test. To do this, you first need to apply a very small amount of product and observe the reaction of the skin.

You need to be especially careful when performing breast massage, as if performed incorrectly, you can injure the mammary glands and cause the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. It is contraindicated in the case of:

  1. presence of lumps in the breast;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. high blood pressure;
  4. after liposuction.

Massage is especially dangerous for women if they have tumors in the breast, since improving blood supply and tissue nutrition will cause the growth of pathological tumors. Before carrying out any breast care procedures, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist or mammologist.

It is generally accepted that age is revealed by the hands and neck. Experts add to the list another area of ​​the body that is clearly visible under certain circumstances - the décolleté. The skin here requires special care. Now we’ll tell you which one.

  1. Aging skin in the décolleté area
  2. How to keep your décolleté skin young
  3. Stages of breast and décolleté skin care
  4. Features of décolleté skin care at different ages
  5. Prevention of aging of décolleté skin
  6. Tools Overview

Aging skin in the décolleté area

Taking care of the skin of the chest and décolleté is often forgotten. In everyday life, this area of ​​the body is not often exposed. But once you buy an evening dress with a deep neckline, the need for care becomes more than obvious. Wrinkles have appeared near the collarbones, a fold has appeared in the hollow of the chest, and the skin itself is not distinguished by its radiance and good tone.

The skin of the décolleté is very vulnerable and prone to premature aging. Here, signs of age may appear a little earlier than in other parts of the body, due to some anatomical and physiological features.

The only muscle that supports the skin in this area is the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, which, by the way, quickly weakens without proper physical activity.

The bust is not supported by any muscles.

The condition of the breast skin is affected by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and lactation.

Weight gain or, conversely, sudden weight loss also noticeably affects her appearance.

The skin of the chest and décolleté is prone to early aging © L’Oreal

How to keep your décolleté skin young

Let's list some habits that you should give up in order to wear low-cut outfits without any complexes.

It’s not like there are Puritans gathered on our site. But we never tire of repeating to our readers that sunbathing is harmful. And especially if you expose the most vulnerable part of the body to the scorching sun.

Of course, not everyone decides to move closer to nature in order to keep their skin fresh and youthful. But even in the city it is possible to resist unfavorable ecology. One way is cosmetics with antioxidants:

vitamins C and E;

grape and green tea extracts;

polyphenols and coenzyme Q10.

Antioxidant products will help the skin fight free radicals and neutralize the effects of oxidative stress caused by them.

Please note that stress is not only oxidative, but also quite everyday. Lack of sleep, a nervous situation in the family and at work, a depressed emotional state 24/7 are first reflected on the skin, and the décolleté area is no exception. Remember this and master meditation techniques.

We learned from childhood that movement is life. But we were not told how this relates to the condition of the skin. In fact, everything is simple, an active lifestyle allows you to:

saturate skin cells with oxygen;

improve cellular metabolism;

Aging factors for décolleté skin – topless tanning, stress and a sedentary lifestyle © L’Oreal

You've probably already heard about "wine", "sugar" and "milk" faces - types of appearance that can be achieved if you overuse the corresponding products. This also applies to décolleté skin.

Sugar causes glycation - gluing of collagen fibers responsible for skin elasticity.

Wine rightly blamed for the appearance of dehydration and swelling.

Milk - in provoking inflammatory processes in the body.

Adjust your diet so that it is dominated by fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, dairy products and fatty fish.

Stages of breast and décolleté skin care

In order for the skin in this area to remain smooth and elastic for as long as possible, care should be no less thorough than for facial skin.

Everything is simple here: take a shower and cleanse the skin of your décolleté. For this purpose, choose non-aggressive gels and foams that do not dry out the skin.

Exfoliate regularly: the fewer dead skin particles, the fresher and smoother the skin will remain. Any soft scrub will do, preferably oil-based. Apply it with smoothing circular movements, use 1-2 times a week.

Use the same toner as for your face. It will complete the cleansing process, refresh, and facilitate the penetration of cream components.

Many brands produce special products designed for the bust. Don't overlook them: their textures are light, and their formulas are designed with this delicate area in mind. They smooth out the skin texture and make it more elastic.

The main product you will need to care for your décolleté area is moisturizer or milk. It can be a product for the face or body, the main thing is the composition and functionality.

Many brands produce products specifically for breast skin care © L’Oreal

The moisturizer should:

absorb quickly so that you can get dressed immediately after application;

do not leave greasy stains on clothes;

take care of your skin.

Features of décolleté skin care at different ages

When you start taking care of your décolleté skin, consider your age.

The aging process will not make itself felt for quite some time, so focus on cleansing and moisturizing. Your choice during this period is light milk and fluid cream textures, formulas with moisturizing ingredients.

A decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin has already manifested itself, the first signs of sagging appear, and after a night's sleep (especially on the side), folds appear on the skin. They, of course, smooth out a couple of hours after waking up, but tonic care products will not hurt. Pay attention to creams with modeling and lifting effects.

In the composition look for:

hyaluronic acid to moisturize and smooth out wrinkles;

vitamin C for elasticity;

peptides as an anti-aging ingredient;

oils and plant extracts.

In addition to the reduction in the speed of renewal and restoration processes, a condition of the body such as menopause is added. An imbalance of hormones causes the skin to become loose, dry, and thin. For the décolleté area, already vulnerable, this is a fatal blow. To smooth out its consequences, enhanced care will be required.

Include special products labeled “during menopause” into your care process; these are available, for example, in the Vichy range.

Prevention of aging of décolleté skin

The natural aging process cannot be stopped, but its signs can be delayed. In addition to cosmetics, some preventive measures will help you.

One of the methods for preventing aging of breast skin is a contrast shower © L’Oreal

Just don’t immediately throw yourself under the jets of scalding hot and extremely cold water. Start small: direct the shower stream to the chest area and massage, as if drawing a figure eight. Change the temperature gently: from warm water to cool, without sudden changes. Session time is 5–10 minutes.

Sometimes décolleté care is included in facial treatments: the skin is cleansed, massaged with cream or oil, and a mask is applied. The salons also have special breast skin care programs. Ideally, you visit a cosmetologist’s office 1–2 times a week for a month, and then repeat the course every six months.

It is very simple to massage the décolleté area yourself: look at the illustrations below and remember the movements.

The most famous and effective exercise for breast skin.

Place your palms in front of you at chest level, elbows apart.

Press your palms firmly against each other.

Hold your palms in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Repeat 10 times.

This exercise will help strengthen the very only muscle that keeps the breasts from sagging, and the skin in this area from losing tone.

Review of breast and décolleté skin care products

Soothing shower gel Lipikar Gel Lavant, La Roche-Posay

The gel, without fragrances and parabens, is suitable even for sensitive skin; it gently cleanses without causing irritation or peeling.

Nourishing body scrub “Precious Beauty Scrub”, Garnier

Formulated with precious oils and natural exfoliating particles, it gently removes dead skin cells from the skin's surface, leaving you hydrated and radiant.

Bust Tense-in-Serum, Biotherm

In just 4 weeks of use, it makes the breast skin more toned, restores tone, firmness and elasticity.

Melting body milk with mango butter, Garnier

The velvety texture is instantly absorbed and moisturizes the skin for up to 7 days, the formula with bifido complex and mango butter softens and protects.

Intensive restorative nourishing body milk Nutrix Royal Body, Lancôme

The formula based on peptides and hazelnut extract increases the skin's protective barrier, nourishes and saturates it with lipids. Instantly eliminates the feeling of tightness and softens.

Firming gel for face and body Aroma Solutions, Decléor

The product with a light texture penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, smoothing the skin. Suitable for strengthening the décolleté area, inner thighs and arms, and abdomen.

Spray Sublime Sun, SPF 50, L’Oréal Paris

Green tea extract protects against free radicals, aloe extract provides hydration, and a high sun protection factor prevents photoaging. The product has a non-sticky, weightless texture.

Body milk Soleil Bronzer Lait-En-Brume, SPF 30, Lancôme

Formula with Mexoryl filter system protects against UV rays type A and B; argan, musk rose and monoi oils nourish and help restore after sun exposure.