Facial skin care for men

Men need to pay no less attention and care to their skin than women. The guys, of course, think it's funny. Therefore, they neglect cosmetics that have long been produced specifically for men. They use pre-shave and after-shave products the old fashioned way. And they don’t know that the skin is negatively affected by many reasons: polluted air in big cities, poor diet and even shaving machines. Many factors influence a man's face. A man's facial skin needs special care. Here, too, you must follow a few simple requirements.

Rules of care

We invite men to use several useful tips to keep their facial skin young and healthy for as long as possible.

— You need to wash your face daily with filtered water (chlorinated water greatly irritates even rough men’s skin). This simple rule will give an amazing effect after 5-6 days.

— It’s better to neglect the towel. The longer the water droplets remain on the face, the better the skin will be moisturized.

— You can’t overheat the skin, much less squeeze out pimples. Both severely damage the upper layers of the skin and impair the functioning of small blood vessels. Squeezing pimples can lead to infection, which is often difficult to cure.

— Taking care of men’s facial skin also means using products from the same brand and when purchasing, make sure that cosmetic products are intended only for men’s skin (women’s skin is very different from it and, accordingly, the products are too).


There are very few rules. The main thing is to comply with them.

Let's talk about cleansing men's skin

Cleansing is a necessary daily procedure. Clogged pores do not allow the skin to breathe, which leads to its rapid withering. Therefore, the first product for cleansing the skin is a daily wash gel. It's easy to use. Lather a few drops on your palms and wash your face in a circular motion. Then rinse well with lukewarm running water. Modern cleansers are very effective. Therefore, you don’t need to apply a lot of gel to your face. It would be ideal to wash your face with the gel twice a day.


After washing, move on to toner. You need to wipe your face with a cotton pad with a small amount of product. Regular use of toner will help rejuvenate a man's facial skin. Now you can apply the cream.


- hairs stop growing in after shaving;

— blackheads disappear irrevocably;

— deep pores are cleansed;

- the top layer of skin is freed from dead cells;

- blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer is restored.

Should you moisturize your skin?

Men's skin needs hydration much more than women's. The shaving process damages or even destroys the thin top layer. In addition, an alcohol-based product gets on the skin, which is a serious mistake. The choice of such cosmetics must be taken seriously. One of the main such products is aftershave lotion. It is already clear that alcohol-based products cause the skin on men’s faces to peel. The delicate top layer becomes thinner, which causes redness, which is very difficult to get rid of.


Structure and care: male characteristics

Men's skin (a long-known fact) is much thicker than women's. It is endowed with a large number of sebaceous glands. And therefore very fatty. And this, in turn, is fraught with acne, clogged pores, oily shine and an unpleasant appearance.

Problems for such skin are added by low water consumption, lack of sleep, frequent stress, bad habits, and, possibly, heredity. Also poor nutrition, in particular, a passion for sweet foods and dry foods.

Oily facial skin in men is characterized by an unhealthy shine and an abundance of acne. This is caused by the active work of the sebaceous glands, enhanced by male sex hormones.

Oily skin is the most common among guys. And, accordingly, it requires special care. Often the face of a company is the face of a man. The facial skin of a man who holds a managerial position should look fresh and youthful. Experts believe that fat helps its owner look younger than their biological age. This is due to the sebaceous glands, which with their secretions help the skin maintain smoothness and elasticity. And only by the age of thirty these glands reduce their work. Then the skin becomes normal. But until then, you need to take good care of her. Three important rules for caring for oily skin: daily cleansing, special moisturizing and necessary procedures that inhibit the functioning of the sebaceous glands.



Please note that shaving gel is ideal for oily skin as it easily picks up oil from the surface. Therefore, you only need to shave with gel. But soap and foam are not suitable for oily skin.

Scrubs and acne treatments for oily skin

How to clean a man's face? A man's facial skin should be exfoliated regularly. Scrubs or cleansing and drying clay masks are suitable for this. A special one can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetic stores. With its help, the skin will dry out after several procedures. And the conspicuous oily sheen will disappear.

Advice that the stronger half of humanity ignores is not to squeeze pimples. Bacteria after such a procedure spread with lightning speed. And then, in addition to acne, you will also have to treat skin infections. For a long time they have been producing cosmetics that relieve acne on a man’s face. A man's facial skin with an oily sheen can be cleaned well with a special lotion for this type.



Cosmetology specialists advise men to discard all prejudices, go to a cosmetic store or pharmacy (you can even take your beloved woman) and start taking care of your facial skin in order to stay young and fresh as long as possible.

Only in the 21st century did facial care for men cease to be considered something strange, unacceptable and even vicious. Outdated views are a thing of the past and maintaining hygiene and basic care procedures are absolutely natural for both women and men.

Of course, most often in the arsenal of the stronger sex there is not such an extensive list of cosmetic products and procedures, but even the so-called “minimum set” will allow you to maintain youth, fresh appearance and masculine charm for many years.

How is men's skin different from women's?

In cosmetology, any care procedures should begin with determining your skin type. Facial skin care for men is no exception, especially when there are a number of differences and features. The first significant difference is that the dermis layer is stronger, although the amount of fat in men is slightly less than in women.

Another feature of men's facial skin is that the blood vessels are more fragile, although the connective tissues are stronger than in women. Also, in men, the sweat and sebaceous glands work more intensively, which is also worth taking into account.

Facial skin care for men and its features

It is important to understand that facial skin care for men differs primarily in its approach. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer to choose methods of care that will take the least time, but at the same time give the greatest effect. Also added to the care features is shaving, the quality of which will have a significant impact.

In caring for a man’s face, a complex effect will be most effective. It fits perfectly with the minimalist approach that most men prefer. One of the main types of care is peeling, which is complemented by regular toning and cleansing. After 30 years, a daily face and eye cream is added to the list. Usually this is enough to get an impressive result.

We advise you to watch a video by a cosmetologist about the rules of caring for men’s skin:

Before starting facial care, men need to determine their skin type. Usually the following types are distinguished:

  1. Fatty – characterized by increased fat content and shine. When palpated, an oily mark may be felt on the fingers. Pimples or blackheads often appear;
  2. Dry - the most sensitive type. Reacts quickly to frost; after washing, the skin may become tight;
  3. Combined – combines the properties of previous types. For example, the cheeks are sensitive and often dry out, and the T-zone is highly oily;
  4. Normal – the rarest type, the skin is healthy and has a matte structure. The number of pimples and comedones is minimal.

Very often, men's facial care is limited to just regular washing with soap, although in most cases this will not be enough. The skin is constantly exposed to the external environment, so you need to pay enough attention to cleanse it. It is important not only to cleanse the pores and remove the dead layer of epidermis in a timely manner, but also to choose the right products.

Cosmetologists advise washing your face with detergents and cleansers only once a day, but you can simply wash your face with water without any restrictions. It is important that the water is at room temperature (it is allowed to take it a little colder or warmer from room level). It is preferable to use filtered water.

It is also necessary to remember that when using creams or other care products, including micellar water, at the end of the day the skin must be cleansed of their traces.

To make your skin smooth and firm, exfoliation is your best choice. Men's facial skin care products can be chosen as strictly as possible without fear of injury or mechanical damage. The exception is people with dry and sensitive skin, for whom moderate scrubs are better suited.

It is important to carry out the procedure regularly to cleanse the pores of dead particles of the epidermis, dirt and dust that the skin comes into contact with daily, as well as other microparticles. Peeling will not only make the skin healthier and more vibrant, but will also significantly simplify the shaving procedure and also prevent ingrown hairs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once a week.

The right cream is not only facial care for men, but also its protection. It is not worth using it on an ongoing basis at a young age; it becomes necessary only after 40 years, but in some cases you cannot do without a cream or gel. The most common type of creams are moisturizers. They are recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and neck every time after shaving or thoroughly washing with detergents. You should not overdo it with cream, as this can lead to clogging of pores and create an unpleasant oily sheen.

10-15 minutes after applying the cream, you need to check how much it has been absorbed, and if necessary, remove all remaining product using a cotton pad.

It is important to pay attention to quality shaving, which will determine the condition of the skin. Often men's facial care products come in the form of universal creams or gels that can be used for both shaving and moisturizing. It is not only convenient, but also effective. It is also worth taking care of a high-quality razor; it is better to avoid disposable razors, as they severely injure the skin and cause irritation.

If you want to achieve a perfect dry shave, an electric razor is perfect. When choosing machines, special attention should be paid to the sharpness of the blades and shaving technology. It is also important to remember that movements should be made only along the hair growth, and use cold water for washing. Men with delicate and dry skin are better off using aftershave lotions or gels with regenerating ingredients.

Facial care for men after 30 – against the first wrinkles

If at a young age men’s skin does not require special care and it is enough to follow the basic rules of care, then with age everything begins to change significantly. Facial care for men after 30 creates a fundamental difference from those who do not go beyond using regular soap or gel. The use of moisturizing creams is becoming more recommended, and in some cases even products with anti-aging components (peptides, vitamins, etc.) will be relevant.

Also, the skin more often needs toning, so it is better to resort to this procedure not only after shaving, but also after each wash using tonics.

Facial care for men after 40 – against signs of aging

As with women, men's facial care becomes more thorough and frequent after 40. The amount of testosterone, which determines the condition and youth of the skin, decreases significantly with age, therefore, in addition to care, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and lifestyle.

The main problem is skin aging. Although men may not need to take as much care of their face as women, some procedures will become mandatory. Ultrasonic and chemical peels can be used, although it is important to follow all recommendations of cosmetologists for skin care after the procedure. Also very popular are masks that have a pronounced rejuvenating and healing effect.

Although skin care is not so popular among the stronger half of the population, we advise you to use at least a basic regimen: washing, toning, moisturizing. And be sure to watch your lips. Today you can easily find special balms for men.

In the civilized world, you rarely see men who cover cuts after shaving with pieces of newsprint or wash themselves with laundry soap. However, not everyone knows what a facial care system for the stronger sex should actually look like.

Features of men's skin

The skin is a hormone-dependent organ. As a rule, men's masculinity is dense and oily. It is more resistant to wind and sun, frost and heat. But the disadvantage of such skin is increased oiliness and a tendency to rashes, which is most often a concern at a young age. Of course, there are exceptions. Sometimes men have dry, thin, sensitive skin. In this case, a special approach is required.

Typically, men are minimalists when it comes to skin care. They don’t like it when there are a lot of jars in the bathroom, and they don’t understand why so many cosmetic products need to be used. In reality, caring for men's skin does not take much time. These procedures do not require extremely complex efforts. The main thing is step-by-step compliance with the following recommendations.

Basic recommendations

As a result of the accumulation of sebum, as well as increased sweating, the pores become clogged. Therefore, men often experience inflammation on the skin and various blackheads. Therefore, the facial skin is initially cleaned. To do this, use warm water and a special cleansing gel or foam for washing. The procedure is repeated upon awakening and before bedtime. It will remove impurities and oil from the skin. When the procedure is completed, the face must be wiped with a cotton pad previously moistened with tonic or lotion.

True, foams and gels for washing only clean the top layer of skin. Therefore, the next procedure is peeling. In this case, use a facial scrub. The procedure is performed once a week. Solid abrasive particles will allow you to remove the stratum corneum of the skin and make it soft. The scrub will also greatly simplify the shaving procedure. It will lift the bristles slightly. As a result, it will be possible to shave them off to the very root. Moreover, peeling will allow the skin to better absorb all the beneficial components of the cosmetics used.

Hydration plays an important role. This procedure will prolong the youth of the skin. To avoid premature wrinkles on your face, it is important to use healing moisture. After all, shaving opens the pores of the skin. As a result, moisture is lost. To replenish it, you need a moisturizer. It is also used for the skin around the eyes.

Some men do not know how to choose cosmetics, because they believe that such products were originally created for women. In fact, the moisturizing, as well as nourishing, properties of such products are equally manifested on the skin of representatives of different sexes. Therefore, it is necessary to choose tonics or creams based on the composition, as well as indications for use (for normal, oily, dry, combination skin).

The ideal solution when choosing cosmetics for a man’s face is organic. It will bring beauty and health to the skin. Of course, such cosmetics are not advertised at every turn. However, organics are known to many people. It affects the skin at the cellular level, activating biochemical processes. Moreover, organics consist exclusively of components that are harmless to health. Certification to high standards also plays an important role. Simply put, organic cosmetics are an extremely high-quality and safe product that will be an impeccable solution for men's skin.

It should be summarized that men's skin is approximately 20% rougher than women's. They have more elastin and collagen. Therefore, men develop wrinkles later, and exposure to ultraviolet radiation is not so harmful to the skin. But due to the tendency to become oily due to the large number of sebaceous glands, increased blood circulation and large pores, the skin of the stronger sex also needs systematic care.

The face must be cleansed every morning and in the evening with special products. After cleansing, the skin should be toned using toners. Then it is important to apply moisturizers. Before going to bed, applying night cream to the skin of your face will be beneficial. You should also use special scrubs or masks at least four to five times throughout the month. By following the list of these rules, every man will be able to maintain his skin in a beautiful, healthy state.