Facial skin care for rosacea

You need to take special care of skin prone to rosacea. And choose appropriate care products. Preferably - after consultation with a cosmetologist.

  1. Features of skin with rosacea
  2. Composition of care products
  3. Rules for caring for sensitive skin with rosacea
  4. Review of cosmetics for skin care with rosacea
  5. Homemade recipes for rosacea care products
  6. Precautionary measures

Features of skin with rosacea

Spider veins are a sure sign of rosacea. © Getty Images

Externally, rosacea manifests itself in the form of a network of blood vessels, which is clearly visible through the skin. And this does not cause the most pleasant emotions. According to statistics, women suffer more often from vascular problems than men. And those with thin, light skin are more susceptible to rosacea. Dark skin is denser and better able to resist negative external influences.

Skin prone to rosacea often has increased sensitivity, which manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant burning sensation.

Couperosis occurs for various reasons. The vascular wall loses its elasticity; under blood pressure, the vessels dilate, but cannot return to their previous state. Remaining expanded, they become noticeable on the face.

Cuperosis can be triggered by:

love of coffee in the morning and a glass of wine in the evening;

taking hormonal pills;

sudden changes in temperature;

stress and even a conversation in a raised voice, during which blood pressure rises.

Composition of care products

When choosing cosmetics for skin care, make sure that it contains ingredients that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Remember just three letters: C, K, R. These three vitamins are vital for skin with rosacea.

Vitamin PP reduces capillary fragility.

Vitamin K seals the walls of blood vessels.

Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis.

Rutin (rutoside) reduces capillary permeability.

Escin reduces the fragility of capillaries and restores their permeability.

Betulin makes blood vessels more elastic, improves blood flow and reduces swelling.

Panthenol (provitamin B5) heals, stimulates skin renewal, fights inflammation, and nourishes.

Potassium reduces the permeability of blood vessels and increases the density of their walls.

Rules for caring for sensitive skin with rosacea

Drinks that are too hot are not suitable for skin with rosacea. © Getty Images

If you have rosacea, the following is not recommended for care:

cleanse the skin with gels and foams, use aggressive scrubs;

wash your face with too hot or too cold water;

use tonics and other cosmetics containing alcohol;

do mechanical and chemical peeling in the salon;

use creams with fruit acids, menthol, honey and aloe - they sharply stimulate blood circulation, which is dangerous for fragile blood vessels;

do a classic facial massage (for skin with rosacea, only plastic massage is acceptable);

sunbathe a lot (it is better to avoid the sun altogether).

All you need is to regularly care for your face using special products for skin with fragile capillaries. They help protect against negative external influences that make capillaries more fragile. Ingredients that have the property of strengthening blood vessels will also not be superfluous.

You can only wash your face with warm water, and after washing it is better to let the skin dry on its own or pat your face dry with a thin paper napkin.

For intensive cleansing, use gentle scrubs with round synthetic granules. Apply them with your fingertips, not with a brush or sponge.

“Avoid harsh cleansers to avoid drying out your skin. Choose cosmetics designed to care for skin prone to redness. Micellar water for sensitive skin can be a cleansing product. To wash your face, use water at room temperature; hot water causes dilation of blood vessels and stagnation of blood, and cold water causes spasm, which increases their fragility.”

Since skin with rosacea most often needs special care, the recommendation to use a tonic or lotion becomes even more relevant than in other cases.

You can and should use creams that strengthen the skin and regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks. The skin with fragile blood vessels is very thin, and facial wrinkles appear on it early.

Choose creams with oils, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids to restore the skin's lipid mantle.

Review of cosmetics for skin care with rosacea

If you know that your skin is prone to rosacea, try to minimize the external influences that provoke it and use well-chosen cosmetics.

The complex of vitamins CG and PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels and soothes reactive skin. More about the product

The product is designed specifically for skin prone to redness. Contains vitamin E, camellia and almond oils. The effect is hydration and a feeling of comfort. More about the product

Saffron flower extract solves several important problems at once: protects the skin thanks to its antioxidant effect, soothes, evens out the complexion. More about the product

Soothes and strengthens the skin thanks to the thermal plankton extract included in the composition. More about the product

Relieves redness, eliminates discomfort, moisturizes the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid and glycerin. More about the product

Homemade recipes for rosacea care products

Everything you need to know: couperose skin doesn't like experiments. Just take it for granted and don’t test its strength with homemade masks. Still don't believe me? Let us present the arguments.

The shelf life of many handmade products does not exceed 1–2 days. It is irrational to prepare a cream for one-time use, so there is always a temptation to use it longer than is safe for the skin.

Homemade cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator, and using cold products for rosacea is dangerous.

If the homemade cream has too thick a texture and contains a lot of oils, then the thermoregulation of the skin may be disrupted. This stimulates blood circulation, which is undesirable for rosacea.

If it is vital for you to use homemade cosmetics, do not look on the Internet for recipes for masks against rosacea (they will only worsen the situation). Better focus your efforts on moisturizing - here are some masks suitable for this.

Skin with rosacea requires professional care. © Getty Images


several blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries (5–20 pieces, depending on size);

1 teaspoon starch.

How to prepare and use:

grind the berries into puree;

apply a thick layer of the mask;

after 15 minutes, rinse with water;

apply moisturizer.


a handful of chamomile inflorescences;

gauze for compress.

How to prepare and use:

brew chamomile with boiling water;

let the broth brew;

drain the inflorescences in a colander;

soak the gauze with the broth;

Place a compress (not hot!) on cleansed skin for 15 minutes.


1 raw potato tuber;

1 tablespoon olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

grate the potatoes on a fine grater;

apply a layer of mask, let it dry a little and apply the remaining mixture;

after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Precautionary measures

To avoid exacerbation and weakening of the walls of blood vessels, it is worth reviewing your diet and lifestyle.

Avoid spicy and too hot foods and alcohol.

Cosmetologists also do not recommend fatty dairy products (sour cream and cheese), chocolate, pickled vegetables, citrus fruits and legumes.

Forget about the bathhouse and sauna. Any overheating, like hypothermia, aggravates the fragility of blood vessels.

Those with sensitive skin often face a problem in which dilated superficial vessels appear on the face, looking like purple-red stars. They are difficult to disguise with cosmetics. They appear mainly in the area of ​​the cheekbones and nose. This is not a cosmetic defect, but a skin pathology that must be treated. Proper facial skin care helps prevent the development of unwanted complications.


Features of skin with rosacea

What is rosacea? This is a phenomenon in which fragility of small vessels that nourish the dermis and epidermis is formed. Their damage leads to disruption of blood microcirculation. Because of this, the skin does not receive enough nutrition and oxygen. Therefore, it loses its healthy shine, becomes gray and thin. All this leads to premature aging. Various factors can provoke such a pathology:

  1. lack of vitamins;
  2. alcohol and smoking abuse;
  3. excessive love for baths and saunas;
  4. frequent hypothermia.


Cuperosis is often an indirect symptom indicating a disruption of the vascular system as a whole and the development of liver dysfunction. There is no point in treating spider veins on the face without eliminating the causes. That’s why it’s so important to contact a specialist if you notice any characteristic signs. Properly selected therapy and special care for skin with rosacea will quickly improve the condition of the face, maintain health and youth.

At the first stage, it is important to make the correct diagnosis, to differentiate the symptoms of vascular pathology from other diseases that have a similar clinical picture. Common symptoms include rosacea and rosacea. These are completely different diseases, so the principles of skin care should also be different. There are diagnostic criteria that make it possible to distinguish the course of diseases by their manifestations. They are shown in the following table:

Diagnostic evaluation criteria Cuperosis Rosacea
Localization Mainly on the cheekbones, along the entire surface of the lower part of the nose Diagonal central part of the face: cheeks, nose wings
Features of the flow Clinical manifestations develop gradually; over time, the disease progresses and does not disappear on its own. It can only be eliminated with the help of hardware cosmetology. Proper skin care in the absence of radical treatment has no therapeutic effect The course is chronic, relapsing. Attacks of exacerbation are replaced by prolonged remissions. Clinical manifestations can be controlled with drug therapy
Epidemiology It occurs with equal frequency in both men and women. In the presence of provoking factors, the disease can develop at both 20 and 60 years of age. More often diagnosed in women aged thirty to forty years, the pathology almost never occurs in children and people over sixty years of age
Causes A prerequisite is a hereditary predisposition in combination with the influence of internal and external factors provocateurs. Among them:

· diseases of the liver and endocrine system;

Smoking and prolonged drinking of alcohol;

Excessive use of cosmetics;

· constant stress

Scientists tend to assume that the disease develops as a result of gastrointestinal dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, the course of parasitic infestations or neuroses. The disease can be provoked by:

· prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;

Frequent consumption of spicy and bitter foods;

chapping of the face

Clinic There is no change in stages in the development of pathology. It is detected already at the stage of the appearance of telangiectasia. Gradually, spider veins become more noticeable, their number increases. Only after this the skin becomes flabby and dry. A pattern is clearly visible in the development of the disease: first, in the first stages, redness of the face occurs, the inflamed tissues become swollen. Then telangiectasias appear on the skin. Their formation causes severe itching (it is absent in rosacea). As a result of this, a papular rash appears, which gives impetus to purulent processes. With acne, they subside over time, but rosacea continues to progress. At the final stage, the inflamed skin becomes rough and hypertrophied


When studying the data given in the table, it becomes obvious that both diseases have a period when the pathologies can be confused. These are the initial stages of rosacea and rosacea that has gained strength. But in general, an experienced dermatologist is able to note differences in other external manifestations and make an accurate diagnosis. Based on it, it is possible to develop effective tactics to combat existing manifestations.

Treatment options

You can fight acne in a cosmetologist's office; it is better to treat rosacea in specialized clinics, where there are hardware cosmetology facilities. Laser therapy is considered one of the most effective procedures for effectively eliminating spider veins on the face. Irradiation with a beam seals the dilated capillaries, after which they independently resolve and disappear. Laser therapy is performed under local anesthesia. Reviews from patients indicate the high effectiveness of the procedure. To maintain the results obtained, it is necessary to properly care for your face so that there are no relapses.


General rules for caring for skin with rosacea

Skin prone to pathological changes becomes very sensitive. You need to take care of it with great diligence, taking into account the type of cover. There are general rules that all those who have already encountered the described problem should take note of.

  1. You cannot use cosmetics that contain aggressive components. For patients with rosacea, alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, products with extracts of aloe, mint, eucalyptus, and healing blue clay are strictly contraindicated. Only that which should not irritate the skin or injure its upper layers is allowed.
  2. Before using a new cosmetic product, it is useful to check your skin's reaction. To do this, experts recommend applying a small amount of cream or lotion to the wrist area and wait ten to fifteen minutes. If there is no redness, the product is suitable.
  3. Apply masks and creams to the face only with light massaging movements, acting gently, without pressure.
  4. It is not advisable to rub your face with a terry towel after washing; it is better to lightly blot the skin with it or use paper towels to remove excess moisture.
  5. You should refuse procedures that require the use of brushes, massagers, or rollers. Any load can lead to an increase in the localization of blue-red spider veins. For the same reason, mechanical facial cleansing is contraindicated for patients with rosacea.


If your facial skin is prone to rosacea, it is useful to avoid visiting baths, saunas, and other places with high temperatures. It is important to try not to overcool the skin during the treatment and recovery period. Masks with a high collagen content and taking multivitamin complexes help maintain the therapeutic effect.

What cosmetic products should you prefer if you have couperose skin?

In patients with rosacea, the skin is prone to irritation, so the choice of cosmetics must be approached very carefully. All of it should be specialized and hypoallergenic; it is better to choose the one that can have a therapeutic effect. For these purposes you can use:

  1. Nourishing masks with a light texture that wash off the skin without much effort. It is useful to use those that contain collagen. Such products will help avoid premature skin aging. Film masks and products with a clay structure are prohibited.
  2. Mild peeling products with a slight peeling effect.
  3. Tonics and lotions designed to care for sensitive skin (these are sold in pharmacies).
  4. Cleansing milk, which contains vitamins P, C, K.
  5. Moisturizing tonics based on juniper, chestnut and cypress extracts.


There are specialized cosmetics, the use of which does not have a therapeutic effect. The most popular remedy for rosacea is Troxevasin cream. It contains ascorbic acid and rutin - components that can strengthen the walls of capillaries and venules and make blood vessels more elastic. In addition, Troxevasin has an anti-inflammatory effect. It should be applied only to the affected areas.

The drug “Ascorutin” is also widely used. It has the same composition as Troxevasin, but all components are collected in different proportions. Available in tablet form, you need to take them three times a day. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician.

Patients with rosacea should not use a contrast shower or do lifting with tonic ice cubes prepared from herbal infusions. Do not use decorative cosmetics with a large amount of abrasive substances in their composition; do not steam your face. If possible, it is useful to replace purchased cosmetic creams and masks with folk recipes.


Homemade Skin Care Remedies

The most popular products that help care for facial skin with rosacea include the following recipes:

  1. Compresses made from medicinal chamomile infusion. To prepare it, you need to take twenty grams of flowers and brew them with a glass of boiling water, and then leave for two hours. After the infusion has cooled completely, you need to strain it, moisten gauze folded in several layers in it, squeeze it lightly and apply it to your face for half an hour.
  2. Fresh berry masks. It is better to take raspberries or strawberries. A puree is first prepared from them, then a teaspoon of starch is added to it for viscosity. The resulting mass is applied to the face, and then washed off with cold water after fifteen minutes.
  3. Masks made from grated potatoes. The root vegetable is turned into a pulp using a blender. It is applied only to problem areas for ten minutes, and then washed off with running water.

When using these products, it is important to understand that they will be effective only when they are part of complex therapy and used in combination with laser treatment and salon procedures. Proper care will preserve the beauty and youth of sensitive skin for a long time.

Is it possible to sunbathe with rosacea?

It has been noticed that rosacea most often affects women with white skin. Tanning can mask many problems, but if you have spider veins on your face, you should not expose yourself to direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation is an irritating factor; its exposure can increase irritation. Therefore, dermatologists and cosmetologists advise their patients not to visit the solarium or sunbathe on the beach during periods of active sun. If you have rosacea, you must protect yourself from it by using creams and lotions with an ultraviolet filter.


In one of the comments to your Instagram post, you asked us to prepare an article on the topic of caring for skin suffering from rosacea. We have not touched on this problem yet, so we are happy to fulfill your request!

So, how to care for skin with rosacea? What should be done to make the network of blood vessels less noticeable? What is absolutely forbidden to do? Our article will be about all this.

What is rosacea?

Cuperosis is a violation of blood microcirculation in the skin due to the expansion and fragility of small vessels. The result of such improper blood circulation is the appearance of a red, burgundy or even bluish network of blood vessels on the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. Couperosis usually occurs against the background of hypersensitive dry skin.

As rosacea develops, the vascular network becomes more and more noticeable and also begins to be accompanied by constant redness of the skin. In addition, without proper care, skin suffering from rosacea ages faster due to lack of nutrients and oxygen.

The appearance of rosacea can be influenced by many reasons - from genetic predisposition to diseases of internal organs. It has been proven that the risk of developing rosacea increases many times over from exposure to a number of external factors that impair blood flow in the capillaries, cause blood stagnation and fragility of blood vessels. These include:

  1. sudden changes in temperature;
  2. too spicy or hot food;
  3. smoking and alcohol;
  4. ultraviolet radiation, in other words, exposure to the open sun;
  5. coffee and chocolate;
  6. stress.


How to care for skin with rosacea?

We offer 5 tips for caring for skin with rosacea:

Tip 1. Gentle cleansing

Skin with rosacea suffers from dehydration. Therefore, it must be cleaned with products intended for dry and sensitive skin. Forget about soap and other aggressive degreasing cleansing gels that tighten the skin.

If you use foundation (BB, CC creams, cushions), the first step in cleansing should be the use of hydrophilic oil. The cleansing oil will completely, but at the same time gently, dissolve decorative cosmetics, and also moisturize and soften the skin without any discomfort.

We recommend paying attention to the following options for hydrophilic oils:


The second step of cleansing is using a water-based product. In our case, a soft moisturizing foam. The foam will remove makeup residues and other impurities, as well as dead skin particles. The composition of the foam should be enriched with nourishing and moisturizing components so that the product does not dry out the skin.

The following options for cleansing foams are perfect:

Tip 2. Toning

No matter how gentle the cleansing is, it still disrupts the natural hydrolipidic and pH balance of the skin. To normalize them, immediately after washing, use a moisturizing toner (Toner, Skin). Toners, unlike toners, have the consistency of thick water and are applied with your fingers, literally instantly moisturizing and soothing the skin.

Pay attention to these toner options:

Tip 3. Intensive nutrition and hydration

Deep nutrition and moisturizing of the skin is the most important component of caring for skin with rosacea. To deeply hydrate your skin, we recommend using a serum first. Due to the high concentration of active components, the serum acts in a targeted manner, quickly restoring the hydrolipid balance of the skin:


After applying the serum, it’s time for the cream. To moisturize and nourish, choose creams that contain components that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. These can be: vitamins K, P, C, E, allantoin, panthenol, extracts of grapes, chamomile, calendula, cornflower, seaweed, etc.

We suggest you pay attention to the following cream options:

Tip 4. Useful components

Let’s take a closer look at 4 active ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the condition of skin with rosacea:

Vitamin P – the name of a complex of natural substances – flavonoids. They increase stability, reduce permeability and fragility of capillaries.

Vitamin K – reduces vascular permeability and increases the density of vascular walls.

Vitamin C – stimulates the formation of collagen, which has the ability to strengthen vascular walls. In addition, vitamin C promotes vasoconstriction.

Vitamin E - has antioxidant potential, preventing oxidation processes and protecting the skin from the negative effects of the environment, accelerates cell regeneration, and has rejuvenating properties.

Tip 5. Sun protection

Be sure to protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation! Ultraviolet radiation leads to thinning of the epidermis, dehydration, destruction of the natural protective film on the skin, premature aging and also increases the fragility and fragility of blood vessels.


One of our previous articles was devoted to the topic of choosing a sunscreen.

As a sunscreen option, we recommend:

What should you not do if you have rosacea?

We found out that skin with rosacea needs to be protected, that is, protected from all kinds of stress that can lead to increased blood circulation.

Therefore, it is not recommended:

  1. products with high alcohol content;
  2. fruit acids in summer;
  3. film masks;
  4. scrubs and peelings with hard particles;
  5. warming masks;
  6. use thick clay masks;
  7. visit the sauna;
  8. wipe your face with an ice cube, contrast washes;
  9. be in the open sun without sunscreen.

It is impossible to give any one universal advice. After all, sensitivity and rosacea can be only one of many skin features. But we tried to identify the main guidelines that will help you create an optimal care program and improve your skin condition!

Love yourself and be beautiful!