Evening makeup for green eyes photo step by step

Happy owners of rare green eyes always want to emphasize this advantage, how to do this? Let's talk about 10 makeup ideas for green eyes with step-by-step photos for different occasions.

1. Delicate haze

Smokey eye makeup is more suitable for an evening out. It’s not at all difficult to do, following the step-by-step photos, you will emphasize the beauty of green eyes. First step: lightly powder the area around the eyes to remove oiliness. Next, carefully draw an arrow along the edge of the upper eyelashes with a blue pencil. We shade it, then use blue shadows to create a darkening in the corner of the eyelid, stretching the gradient to a very light shade at the bridge of the nose. Blend with a brush to get a soft transition.

Next step: using a blue pencil, again draw a clear arrow on the upper eyelid. Apply blue shadows to the corner of the lower eyelid, and also gently blend them from the temple to the nose. Next, use a white pencil to draw the inner part of the eyelash edge of the lower eyelid to open the eye. Finally, coat the eyelashes with velvet black mascara. Makeup in blue-green tones is well suited for girls of a cold color type and those with light brown hair.

2. Study in orange and gold tones

Despite the bright colors of the shadows, this makeup is suitable for both day and evening. Orange color creates a winning contrast for green eyes and is ideal for girls with reddish and dark copper hair. First you need to apply orange shadows with a brush, gently blending the pigment over the entire moving part of the upper eyelid. The crease of the eyelid should be worked out with brown-chocolate shadows. Next, use orange shadows to paint the area of ​​the lower eyelashes.

Next step: paint the lower eyelash area with chocolate shadows with golden glitter, drawing an arrow and extending the eye towards the temples. Using thin eyeliner we draw the ciliary space of the upper eyelid, carefully outline the part of the eye at the bridge of the nose. Lightly paint the lower eyelash area with golden shadows. The last stage of makeup: applying mascara.

3. Peppermint tea

Mint-colored makeup will help highlight the beauty of green eyes. It is suitable for fair-skinned young ladies with light brown or red hair. By repeating all the steps presented in the photo, you will get exquisite daytime makeup. In the first step, use mint-colored shadows with a golden sheen to paint the corner at the bridge of the nose. Then we apply matte shadows to the center and begin to stretch the color towards the temple.

Using a flat brush, apply mint-colored eyeshadow to the skin under the lower eyelashes. Then, using dark beige shadows, we draw a fold on the border of the upper eyelid, create a darkening in the temporal part with dark beige shadows, and shade the entire line along the fold. We paint the lower eyelash area with the same color. The most crucial moment: on the upper eyelid, draw a thin arrow with gold liquid eyeliner. Final stage: applying mascara.

4. Tenderness: gold + turquoise

Green-eyed girls can afford daytime makeup in soft spring tones, which will emphasize the green tint and reddish hair. First, cover the upper eyelid with light powder. Then we paint the entire upper eyelid with turquoise shadows, so that the most intense color is in the outer corner, and the lightest in the inner corner. Next, apply golden shadows to the moving part of the eyelid, blending the color from the middle to the edges. Using gel eyeliner, we draw a thin line along the upper eyelash edge, and work the lower edge with dark shadows, slightly shading the line. The last step is to apply mascara.

5. Sophisticated elegance

Wine-colored makeup is quite suitable for brunettes with green eyes. The complex contrast of wine and green will very advantageously emphasize the color of the eyes. Despite the shade, the makeup will be appropriate for daytime looks. Step one: apply wine-colored shadows to the center of the upper eyelid, then shade them a little, the greatest intensity should be concentrated closer to the temples. Then we use graphite shadows to decorate the corner of the eyes at the temple to create a softly shaded shadow. Using eyeliner, draw a thin line along the upper eyelashes. At the last stage, apply mascara.

6. Cat eyes

For an evening out, expressive makeup in the cat eye style is suitable. A step-by-step makeup photo shows in detail the transformation of green eyes. At the first stage, we paint the upper eyelid with sand-colored shadows, intensifying the color in the outer corner. Apply white shadows near the nose. We darken the temple corner with golden brown shadows. We apply the same under the lower eyelashes, slightly shading. Using gel eyeliner and a pencil, draw a line on the upper eyelid and in the corner of the lower eyelid to create a “cat” line. We complete the make-up by applying black mascara.

7. Charming almonds

Makeup in natural tones will give your eyes a beautiful almond shape; this make-up is suitable for every day. We start by drawing a line in the corner of the eye with a soft brown pencil, continuing the direction given by the eyelashes. From below and above we draw the outer corner of the eye, creating an tonsil. Use a pencil or shadows to match the corner, gently shading the middle of the eye from below and above. Next step: using eyeliner or a black pencil, draw an arrow along the row of upper eyelashes, and also make a small arrow on the lower, outer corner. All that remains is to apply makeup on your eyelashes.

8. Mysterious shadows

Smoky makeup will be appropriate in evening looks; it will perfectly emphasize the depth of green eyes. Makeup is created in several stages. First, we apply sandy beige shadows to the temporal part of the upper eyelid, then apply smoky brown shadows to the moving part, so that the darker gradient goes to the outer corner, and it becomes lighter towards the inner corner. Using a flat brush, apply the same shadows along the lower eyelash edge. Then we strengthen the outer corner with darker shadows, which are applied with blending movements.

At the next stage, use a pencil to draw an arrow along the upper and lower eyelids, which slightly lengthens the eyelash line towards the temple. Then, using a brush, place small spots of white eyeshadow under the arch of the eyebrows and near the nose. Now you need to apply mascara to your eyelashes.

9. Warm look

Makeup in warm natural shades is perfect for a daytime look. It is especially recommended for red-haired girls. In the first step, draw an arrow on the upper eyelid with a pencil. Then use dark chocolate shadows to create a shadow in the outer corner of the eye. Next, we cover the entire moving part of the eyelid with sandy beige shadows. Next step: using a flat brush, draw a line along the bottom of the eyelid using chocolate eyeshadow. Apply a spot of white shadow near the bridge of the nose. Now a small layer of golden shadow is applied over the entire moving eyelid.

10. Open look

Makeup in silver tones is suitable for both daytime and evening outings. It allows you to hide drooping eyelids, open your eyes and emphasize the effectiveness of the green shade. First step: apply snow-white shadows under the arch of the eyebrows. Then use beige shadows to highlight the area of ​​the eyelid at the temple, then use gray-blue dark shadows to draw a corner in the outer corner, capturing the fold of the moving eyelid. Cover the surface of the eyelid with silver shadows. Using a flat brush, apply dark shadow along the lower eyelashes. Shade the surface a little. Now you need to paint your eyelashes.

In what colors and shades would you like to see makeup for green eyes with step-by-step photos? Leave your wishes, and we will additionally publish a step-by-step photo of applying makeup.

Since ancient times, green eyes have been considered magically beautiful and equated with magic. They charmed and bewitched almost anyone. Almost all fortune tellers had this exact eye shade and were able to influence their interlocutor. Such eyes can be the most unique and chic, and the right evening makeup for green eyes will only embellish them.

Although makeup in any case has its own characteristics, there are no such strict stereotypes for green-eyed beauties. A fairly large palette of green will allow you to accurately match the color scheme of your future makeup to the shade of your iris. There is also no need to exclude skin and hair tone from attention in order to avoid irreparable mistakes in the resulting appearance. A person’s lifestyle, his general image, is also very important.

Features of creating makeup

To make evening makeup for green eyes really look beautiful or even gorgeous, you need to be careful when choosing colors. Moreover, special attention should be paid to the color of the skin and hair and not to forget about the overall image that needs to be achieved in the end. First of all, let's look at the shades of the iris, what they are and what palette they combine with.

  1. Gray-green. They go well with light shadows or just eyeliner as a pencil. In this case, the eyelashes must be emphasized. When the eye makeup is created, it is allowed to place the main emphasis on the lips. To do this you will need a rich lip gloss. It is better to avoid shadows of a dark palette altogether.
  2. Green with a blue rim. This combination is extremely rare in nature. They have a “chameleon” feature - in the sun they can look completely blue. Such eyes go well with light tones; a cool palette of blue and sea green will be simply charming and charming on them. To create arrows, you need to give preference to blue pencils or eyeliner.
  3. Green with a yellow tint. They are often called catlike because of the bright yellow rim around the edges of the pupil. The main tone here will be the entire palette of yellow. It is important to remember that the chosen shadows should not interrupt the natural color of the eyes. Dark colors are suitable only for attracting attention, and only in small quantities at the far corner of the eye.
  4. Emerald eyes are the purest, deepest and most attractive. They are easy to work with, as you can choose from absolutely the entire palette of colors. To get a stunning look, it is better to use dark brown and graphite shades.

Evening make-up to match the eyes and hair

If you want to create an unforgettable image, then you need to take into account all the nuances. It is especially important to take into account the color of your skin and curls, because this is what determines how you will look in the end. Let's look at each case.

  1. Evening makeup for brunettes with green eyes and white skin type It is allowed to paint in shades of gold and silver. With their help, the look will be expressive and the eyes will become more open. Silver accents go well with cool skin types and look luxurious on it. This color will look good with lilac or purple.
  2. Dark-skinned women with dark hair Warm colors such as peach, brown and beige are suitable. Shadows that match the iris will be charming. Cosmetics with a green palette perfectly complement brown. Experts do not recommend painting with flashy green paints. Because because of this, you can lose the natural charm of your look in evening makeup.

You can complement your makeup look with black or brown long-lasting mascara. Eyeliner wouldn't hurt either: gold, silver or black. It is also assumed that there will be pink blush in the look. You should apply caramel or beige lipstick on your lips. To maintain a natural look, you need to avoid bronzing products.

  1. To create evening makeup for blondes with green eyes The following shades should be preferred: olive, gold, dark green and brown.

For the evening, owners of green eyes mainly use shades of plum. As an addition, make black arrows and shade them carefully - this way there will be no sharp transitions between colors. Close attention should be paid to the eyebrows: their shape and appearance are corrected using a pencil, the tone of which should be close to the tone of the hair. For cooler shades of hair, you should give preference to a light palette, and brown pigments are suitable for warm shades of hair.

If you choose blush, then options with pink and beige accents will look beautiful. And when creating a summer make-up, it is better to give preference to darker blushes, as they perfectly accentuate the tan. Apply red, beige or pink lipstick or gloss to your lips.

  1. Red-haired representatives of the fair sex with green eyes they look simply charming. This is a very unusual combination; it attracts attention with its special brightness and richness. However, in this case, you can do a fairly simple evening makeup. This will require the presence of green in makeup, accessories or clothing. Moreover, it is beneficial to combine it with bronze, plum, copper or brown tones.

In this case, eyebrows should be made lighter than curls. Apply black or brown mascara. To create a truly spectacular and chic look, you need to try hard when choosing the right shades in cosmetics. After all, the right combination will highlight the natural shine of the eyes and give them playfulness.

The cheeks should not attract much attention, so it is better to apply light brown blush to them. Such delicate outlines will help correct the oval of the face and give it a fresh look. In lipstick, you should give preference to dark accents, for example: brown or red.

  1. Evening makeup for brown-haired women with green eyes It will look great with delicate turquoise or brown shades. Experts advise avoiding blue and pink paints. Since with them the appearance can take on a rough note.

In addition to the above shadows, green ones are also allowed. Use a liner or pencil of the same shade as eyeliner. Moreover, with the help of the first one you can quickly and evenly draw a thin line. In the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, with a slight upward movement.

When choosing mascara, you can use either black or the same as your hair. It is worth noting that the second option will be more effective. Eyebrows should exactly match the color of your hair. Cover the lips with ruby ​​or cherry pigments. The main thing is that attention should not be focused on them, because it should be directed to charming eyes.

It's great to use a light beige blush on your cheeks. They will perfectly complement the resulting picture. In addition to the lipstick already listed, you can use other, completely different tones. So, for example: pink, peach, rich red or violet. With such a palette, your image will definitely be noticed.

Evening makeup for green eyes: makeup options

Let's consider several types of evening makeup in accordance with the shade of the eyes.

So, for a brown-green pupil, the whole range of purple, green and gold shades would be an excellent choice. Arrows must be drawn in thin and clear lines, i.e. draw them several times.

For this case, consider a smoky makeup look with glitter. It is practiced during the cold season, on holidays.

  1. We highlight the entire area of ​​the upper eyelid with a peach tone.
  2. Draw a line with a pencil near the eyelashes on the upper eyelid., then shade it - it will be the basis for applying shadows.
  3. Now, using gentle movements, place matte shadows of dark green color on top, exclusively on the moving area. We also distribute them with a thin brush on the lower eyelid, along the lash line. Place a dark brown tone on the crease and blend. Place light, creamy shadows on the corner near the bridge of the nose. Apply a gold accent to one third of the inner corner.
  4. Draw thin black arrows near the eyelashes, And on top you need to apply green eyeliner with glitter.
  5. When finished, apply mascara to your eyelashes.

To get beautiful evening makeup for gray-green eyes, use delicate shades.

  1. Let's take matte shadows, which will almost match your skin color. Let's paint the upper eyelid with them. Beyond the moving part of the eyelid we spread warm bronze shadows, which will not be much different from the previous ones.
  2. The next step is to shade it, and make an arrow using eyeliner with a helium texture. We move the tip slightly upward and extend it a centimeter beyond the eye.
  3. Next, using dark brown shadows, highlight the lower eyelid, near the eyelashes. By analogy with the arrow, draw the tip from below, pointing upward. There should be a small space left in the corner, which is filled with a light tone.
  4. Apply two or three layers of black mascara to the eyelashes.

A rather light and chic look is obtained using the following technique for performing evening makeup for green eyes.

  1. First, carefully highlight the eyebrows using a pencil, which we then shade with a brush.
  2. Cover the area of ​​the upper movable eyelid with a dark burgundy range of shadows, with cream texture. On the outer upper corner we apply burgundy with golden tints. In the center we place dark golden shadows. Afterwards, carefully paint the bottom fold with a bronze color. We shade the corner near the bridge of the nose with pale gold.
  3. Next, use a black eyeliner to draw an arrow along the top.
  4. Now we finish the make-up with our favorite mascara.

An example of creating a make-up

In this section we will talk about a detailed step-by-step technique for performing evening makeup for green eyes.

  1. First of all, it should be noted that artificial evening light from lamps is somewhat different from natural, sunlight. In this regard, all the flaws on the face become visible, so you should take good care of the perfectly even and fresh color of the skin. To do this, you need to use a primer as a base for cosmetics. And if there is any redness or pimples, cover them with concealer. Gently distribute the foundation on top, using massage movements, it will make the skin uniform. It is recommended to use powder on top - this way you can hide the effect of oily shine. It usually appears after four to five hours.
  2. Before going out to an evening meeting, blush is a must-have attribute in your makeup routine. If you can refuse them during the day, then in the evening you can’t. Shades of pink, peach and apricot will be preferred. They need to be applied with light movements on the cheekbones or slightly below, it all depends on the shape of the oval of the face. Afterwards you need to blend it well.
  3. Now let's move on to a step-by-step scheme for performing evening eye makeup. We have already decided on the shades that suit green eyes above. First, apply primer for the delicate skin of the eyelids; it should be completely absorbed. Now you can cover the entire upper part under the eyebrow with the lightest shade you selected. We will have three in total. The medium-dark color should be present throughout the entire area of ​​the eyelid. Do not paint it only on the corner located near the bridge of the nose; it should be light. The darkest tone is usually used for the outer corner and top fold. After each application, you will need to use shading. This way you can achieve the effect that one color flows from another. It is allowed to use sparkles or shimmering particles.
  4. As soon as we are done with the shadows, we proceed to the eyeliner.Arrows need to be drawn neatly, evenly and beautifully.
  5. First curl your eyelashes using a curler. and then apply mascara in several layers. It is better to choose one with a lengthening effect.
  6. Apply lipstick to lipsand apply a thin layer of gloss on top.

In addition to those described above, there is a huge variety of possible options. They also need to be selected in accordance with individual appearance characteristics. Not every standard look or favorite make-up from a magazine may be right for you.

My friends and I were talking about beautiful makeup for green eyes, and I thought - why not write a guide? After all, I even once took courses for makeup artists, and I can explain many issues more or less professionally. In general, if you have green eyes and want to learn how to color them, read on.

Eye color and secrets

Let's first go over the theory - what colors can makeup be used for green eyes? Some will say that it is easiest to use green, and... and will be wrong. Because if you are not sure that you have an amazing sense of color and you have chosen exactly the shade that will make your eyes charming and not kill them, it is better to stay away from green.

By and large, you can use almost any color - the shades and their temperature scale are important. There are cold pink and warm brown, it’s better to know such nuances.

I advise every girl to sort through her makeup bag and take hundreds of swatches - in normal daylight, in artificial light and in direct sunlight - so you can figure out exactly what temperature characteristics your cosmetics have.

Surely everyone has seen unsuccessful makeup, which when going out looks simply terrible - and so, its owner simply did not take this nuance into account.

The next important point that all owners of green eyes need to take into account is the tonal saturation of certain shades. When I say that you can do makeup for gray-green eyes in any shade, I am not saying something - it all depends on your needs, on what impression you want to make.

Do you want to make your look dark, a little mysterious and magical? Learn smokey eye makeup for green eyes using blue and purple shades; even the Mariana Trench will envy the depth of your eyes.

Do you want to look like a boring teacher? It couldn't be simpler, take an inexpensive satin eyeshadow and highlight the corners of your eyes with light gray-earth shades. Your eyes won't look green, but they will look gorgeous.

Get several different concealers - this way you can keep your skin perfect. And if possible, buy a couple of bronzers for your face and body - there is nothing more beautiful than bright green eyes, shaded with a golden tan.

Choosing cosmetics

How to choose cosmetics? The easiest option is to go to a good store where a stylist or makeup artist is present for consultations, and ask them to try out several types of different makeup on you, and then purchase the colors and shades that were used in the process. However, this is only suitable for residents of large cities - such luxury is difficult to find in small cities.

Another option that will cost you is to visit a makeup artist privately and ask them to give you a good makeover, or better yet, two. A competent specialist will not only select the ideal combinations, but will also be able to recommend brands of cosmetics and individual names of certain products. The downside of this option is that the makeup artist needs to pay for the consultation.

And the last option that I like is to regularly review makeup for green eyes, photos and videos with shade analysis. You can learn a lot this way. And:

  1. you will find interesting lessons that you will want to repeat;
  2. you will become much better versed in modern trends;
  3. you can easily navigate the world of cosmetics;
  4. As a result, you will build your own collection of makeup products that suit you.

What should you pay attention to when choosing cosmetics? For quality and color. With quality, everything is simple - if you doubt your ability to choose good inexpensive cosmetics, then try to bribe a little and buy a good eyeshadow palette from any luxury brand. Believe me, you will never regret it.

With flowers everything is a little more complicated. Are you unsure about your choice? Ask for advice from a consultant, or even better, several. Swatch it on your wrist and apply the color to your eye to see how the tone will look next to your beautiful eyes.

Consider your color type - naturally, makeup for brown-green eyes for a blonde and a brunette will be completely different and done with different means.

Be sure to get a beige eyeshadow palette - preferably satin or even matte. This will be a so-called workhorse - if the shadows are of good enough quality, and there are at least 3 shades in the palette from light to dark, you can do several different makeup looks and not look monotonous.

Buy one doublet with a bright color combination. Pink-blue, yellow-blue, turquoise and peach, gold and brown, mint and chocolate - these combinations will never go out of style, and you will always have the opportunity to add a little color to your makeup, making it brighter and more interesting.
Be sure to use all modern beauty products that will help you improve your make-up, namely:

  1. correctors and concealers - to make your skin perfect;
  2. tints and pigments - for applying bright colors;
  3. black and white kajals - for an open and open look;
  4. combinations of shadows with different finishes - for texturing.

How to make an everyday version

Watch a simple tutorial on how to do daytime makeup for green eyes in natural tones. I would like to remind you that following the order of actions, as in the photograph, is very important. The fact is that different layers of makeup must have time to adhere well to the skin, and therefore make-up must be done consistently and in strict accordance with the instructions.

Try daytime makeup for green eyes in a pin-up style - all you need is a good black kajal, absolutely any light shadow and that mascara that gives triple volume.

First, prepare your skin by applying an eyeshadow base. Then draw the arrows. By the way, if you are not sure that you can draw a straight line, use a credit card instead of a ruler. Cover the moving part of the eyelid with shadows, and then paint the arrow a second time. Add a few highlights - for example, under the eyebrow and near the inner corner of the eye using a highlighter. Apply mascara and your makeup is ready.

Life hacks for a chic evening option

Do you want to learn how to do stylish makeup for green eyes step by step at home? See how you can do your makeup step by step in just a couple of minutes.