Types of makeup bases

Women tend to want to improve their appearance with the help of decorative cosmetics, and this desire is quite natural. Unfortunately, carelessness and haste in working with cosmetics often only aggravate the situation. And you don’t have to choose any toning products anyhow: you take into account the complexion, the intensity of the fat glands, and the conditions in which this makeup will be worn - many products “float” in the heat, the face looks sloppy and unkempt.

Makeup base - the basis for the perfect make-up

Do you want to always feel confident and beautiful? Take a closer look at the makeup base (also called a primer or makeup base): cosmetics will fall more evenly on prepared skin, and the base will ensure the durability of the makeup. Previously, only professional stylists used make-up bases, but now ordinary women have the opportunity to make their faces flawlessly even and smooth.

It is better not to skimp on makeup base - a cheap product will not provide the desired effect, especially if your facial skin has imperfections

Why do you need a makeup base?

Any makeup base includes relief-evening silicones and pigments for the ideal skin tone. Additionally, branded products often include caring components that provide nutrition, hydration, and SPF protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Makeup base is used for:

  1. smoothing the skin texture - filling wrinkles, enlarged pores;
  2. masking imperfections - pigmentation, acne, spider veins, peeling;
  3. fixing the applied makeup and ensuring its durability.

You should choose a primer carefully: it must be suitable for the corresponding area of ​​the face, since the composition of such products varies.

The result of using a makeup base

Types of makeup base

Skin characteristics vary even within the same face - on the eyelids and in the eye area, for example, the skin is thin and sensitive, the cheeks and forehead are more prone to rashes, and the lips are prone to dryness. There is no universal makeup base that would be suitable for eyelids, lips, and facial skin. Specialized products are produced that have different purposes and perform different functions.

The following types of primers are distinguished:

  1. face makeup base:
  1. base for facial skin evens out and mattifies the skin, eliminates oily shine, and visually makes imperfections invisible;
  2. the eyelid base will make the shade of the shadows evener and more saturated, fix the shadows, and will not allow them to roll in the folds of the moving eyelid and crumble;
  3. lip primer will smooth them out and, by filling in wrinkles, make them visually fuller. Such lips look well-groomed, lipstick and glosses lay down in an even layer, look brighter and do not “eat up”, and are generally more stable to wear. During the cold season, lip base is also a high-quality protection against low temperatures and chapping;

Using lip primer

  1. specialized eyebrow primers, fixing the shape;
  2. eyelash base lengthens eyelashes, ensures even application of mascara, without lumps or shedding, and forms a stable volume.

For each area of ​​the face, use your own makeup base - each product performs its own functions, and you can’t get by with just one.

Classification of makeup base by texture

Makeup base is not only the usual creamy consistency; different products are produced for different skin types:

  1. gel base has the lightest, easily spreadable texture. Usually not pigmented. This is the texture that is recommended for those with oily skin, as it effectively masks enlarged pores and mattifies;
  2. makeup fluid base A little denser than gel ones, it ensures matteness and durability of makeup, but is not suitable for skin with serious problems. Recommended with minimal deficiencies;

Makeup fluid

  1. the next densest category includes creamy bases with the addition of pigments and powder - perfectly mask imperfections and mattify;
  2. mineral makeup bases are produced in the form of a compact dense base in a plastic container;
  3. for eyelids and lips, primers are usually produced in the form of pencils and sticks.

Honestly assess the condition of your skin: for good, smooth skin, choose light bases, for problematic skin, choose dense textures. Thick primers are more difficult to apply and distribute; removing them from the skin often requires the use of special products.

The more noticeable skin imperfections are, the denser the foundation will be needed to correct them.

Recommendations for choosing a makeup base

First of all, decide on the circumstances of “wearing” your makeup. Alas, few women pay attention to the seasonality of use, but in the hot season, dense primers are inappropriate, just as light ones are not suitable for winter. Remember:

  1. gels and fluids - for warm spring and summer;
  2. mineral bases - for the cold season;
  3. Creamy textures are considered more universal, but their use should be adjusted by the condition of the skin, the desired result of the makeup, and external conditions.

For long-lasting, flawless makeup (an image for an evening out, a portrait photo shoot, a holiday celebration), use a cream base or a mineral foundation. For everyday use, a gel primer or fluid base is ideal. A base with reflective particles is more effective than a regular one in leveling the relief, but products with mother-of-pearl must be applied especially carefully and in doses. A little too much - and the face is no longer fresh and radiant, but defiantly shiny.

Makeup base with reflective particles

Next point - base color. Makeup bases are available in light and dark, with pink or yellow-beige undertones. The white base is designed to brighten and visually refresh the skin, effectively masking pigmentation.

Specialized primers produced to correct complex problems have unusually rich, sometimes even unexpected colors:

  1. violet – eliminates jaundiced complexion, corrects too dark tan;
  2. yellow – will get rid of “bruises” under the eyes and make traces of insect bites and cosmetic injections invisible;
  3. green – eliminates redness, inflammation, disguises spider veins;
  4. blue – use to eliminate age spots and freckles;
  5. pink – will revive tired, grayish skin, lighten circles under the eyes.

Face before and after using corrective primer

Color bases are not intended to effectively disguise pimples and unevenness - they only work with facial tone. The texture of such products is usually creamy and not very dense; when applied to problem areas of the skin, colored primers acquire a natural shade - this is the result of their work.

All women have heard at least once about such a wonderful cosmetic product that allows you to make the color and texture of your face uniform. To get perfectly smooth skin you need a makeup base. What is it and how to use this miracle product? Now we'll figure it out.

Makeup base, also known as base, is a product that eliminates visible skin defects. Thanks to this effect, the surface of the face becomes prepared for the subsequent application of decorative cosmetics. It should be noted that some brands call the base a primer. You can often see the inscription Makeup Prime on a tube of foundation.

Tasks of makeup foundation

Manufacturers of cosmetic bases set the following tasks for their products:

  1. improve your complexion as much as possible;
  2. make the skin tone and its relief uniform;
  3. increase the durability of decorative cosmetics;
  4. hide visual defects: reduce enlarged pores, remove shine, disguise redness, scars and acne spots.

Now we have learned what functions a makeup base performs, what it is and whether it should take its rightful place in our cosmetic bag.

Types of makeup bases

The basic tool is multifunctional. Its presence on the skin of the face significantly improves the overall appearance of makeup. The foundation also allows you to gently blend blush, bronzer and eye shadow.

Depending on the consistency, the following types of bases are distinguished:

What base consistency should I choose?

Liquid foundation gives the lightest coverage. It makes the skin incredibly smooth and matte. The product is ideal for women with minor defects.

A hard base gives the most dense coverage. It can be used by those with problem skin to hide acne spots and scars.

The creamy base is richly pigmented and powdery. The cosmetic product makes it possible to disguise age spots, blue circles under the eyes and rosacea.

Next comes the gel base for makeup. What it is? This product is recommended for use for oily and combination skin with enlarged pores. Foundations applied on top of such a base apply smoothly and evenly.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight this type of makeup base as an emulsion. It contains an abundance of tiny pearlescent particles. The shimmering product perfectly reflects light, making the skin glow from the inside and look fresh.

Advantages and disadvantages of makeup foundations

Young, clear skin

Doesn't emphasize wrinkles

Must be applied quickly as it dries instantly

Dry, mature skin, and skin with uneven texture

Provides uniform coverage (medium to dense); perfectly moisturizes the skin; hides wrinkles

Hard to use on oily skin types; requires careful shading

Contains no alcohol; products have a wide range of shades

Does not hide imperfections in problematic skin with inflammation; dries quickly

Normal, combination and oily skin

Has the properties of powder; You can create a light and dense coating

If shaded poorly, it creates a “mask” effect on the face.

Oily and combination skin

Provides matte, even coverage

Not suitable for dry skin

Mattifying cream pencil

Dry and normal skin

Suitable for hiding imperfections in certain areas; disguises spots; easy to use

Too oily consistency for combination T-zone

Mattifying foundation for makeup and its types

A foundation with a mattifying effect allows you to give your skin a more well-groomed, healthy look. The product is selected according to the woman’s color type, based on the presence of skin imperfections, as well as depending on the expected effect. Mattifying makeup base comes in the following types:

  1. liquid;
  2. Foundation;
  3. compact.

Liquid foundation is suitable for those with healthy skin. This cosmetic base has good durability. It will last throughout the day, keeping your makeup fresh and beautiful. It is convenient to apply and spread over the skin. The product contains components that can absorb excess sebum.

Mattifying cream base for makeup has the properties of a moisturizer and concealer. The formula of the nourishing cosmetic product contains natural oils. These natural components take especially good care of dry skin, nourishing it and protecting it from the aggressive effects of external factors. When applied correctly, foundation perfectly hides skin imperfections. After applying it, the skin becomes velvety and sleek in appearance.

The compact foundation is great for normal skin types and those prone to dryness. It has good durability. Most often, the product can be found in the form of a corrector pencil. This foundation will hide minor imperfections, including wrinkles, freckles and blood vessels.

Maybelline New York Baby Skin Pore Eraser

Baby Skin cosmetic product from the American brand Maybelline New York is one of the bases that is very popular among women. The makeup base is made using the latest Insta-Blur technology. It is ideal for skin with enlarged pores. After applying the product, the skin becomes smooth and its color is uniform. Baby Skin is a makeup base, reviews of which say that it perfectly masks pores, delicately smoothing them out. As a result of use, the face looks well-groomed and rested.

The foundation is easy to apply. Even beginners can use it and achieve professional results. The product is very economical. Just one drop is enough to even out the skin of the entire face. Many women tend to think that this is the best makeup base.

Silicone base

Separately, I would like to dwell on such a product as a silicone makeup base. Manufacturers position this product as multifunctional. You can use it on its own or mixed with foundation.

The gel elastic texture product is used very economically. The high cost of a small tube is well worth it. Just a drop of base, when applied correctly, will cover the entire face and perfectly hide unevenness.

Dimethicone and cyclomethicone can often be seen in the silicone base. These substances prevent skin dehydration and give it a delicate glow. Meanwhile, experts recommend that those with problem skin be very careful with silicones. Some of the products are often comedogenic. By clogging pores, they can cause new inflammations to appear. Now you know if you need a silicone makeup base, what it is.

Rules for choosing a makeup base

  1. The cosmetic product must be suitable for your skin type. Women with dry to normal skin will benefit from a foundation with a creamy consistency. Those with sensitive and problematic skin should opt for fluids and emulsions. Oily skin will look great with a powder-based base that normalizes sebum production and mattifies for a long time. Also suitable for this skin type is a smoothing base for makeup.
  2. If after reading the reviews you still doubt whether the base is right for you, then don’t rush to buy its full-size version. The best option is to purchase a sample or try the product at a cosmetic store. You should see how the base looks and how the skin reacts to it.

Corrective Basics

Each foundation is designed to relieve the skin of a specific problem and prepare it for the subsequent application of decorative cosmetics. One of the main advantages of the product is a significant improvement and evenness of facial tone. Let's consider the features of choosing corrective foundations.

A white foundation does a great job of hiding minor imperfections and evening out skin tone. A pink base will give your face a porcelain glow. Products with a green tint will remove redness and hide rosacea and minor inflammation as much as possible. To disguise blue circles under the eyes, you need to choose a yellow base.

Painful yellowness of the skin will be eliminated by purple and lilac cosmetic products. Also, a blue makeup base, reviews of which are mostly positive, effectively copes with this task. It also gives the skin a healthy inner glow.

How to apply makeup foundation correctly?

Before using a makeup base, experts recommend moisturizing the skin with a regular cream. Once the product has been completely absorbed, you can begin applying the foundation. To do this, use a cosmetic sponge or brush. If there are no tools, then the product can be spread with your fingertips. Apply the base in a thin, even layer along the massage lines of the face. After a few minutes, the foundation will “sit” on your face. Then you can continue with makeup.

If your skin is oily, then you should not apply foundation over the foundation. It is enough to use powder. During the day, you can blot your face with special mattifying wipes to get rid of oily shine.

Tips from cosmetologists

  1. Although the primer base for makeup is a magical product, it can give the skin a healthy and even color only with proper care. Cosmetologists recommend regularly cleansing, toning and moisturizing your facial skin.
  2. During the cold season, experts advise choosing bases that have a dense, rich texture. They will not only make your skin smooth, but will also perfectly protect it from external factors.
  3. Cosmetologists also advise purchasing products with SPF protection. They minimize the effect of ultraviolet rays on the skin, protect against unwanted pigmentation and other signs of premature aging.

Thus, the right makeup base will play an important role in creating beautiful and long-lasting makeup. Conventional foundations cannot even out the color and texture of the skin so well or disguise small flaws. With a cosmetic base, makeup looks natural and your face becomes well-groomed.

Types of makeup bases

A makeup base is multifunctional; it allows you to avoid smudges when blending eye shadow, blush or bronzer, facilitates the process of applying cosmetics, and also significantly improves the overall appearance of your makeup.

There are several types of bases:

  1. The liquid transparent base provides light coverage, making the skin more matte and smooth. Designed for representatives of the fair sex with minor skin defects.

A gel base is a salvation for oily and porous skin, as it does not allow powder and foundation to accumulate in enlarged pores.

The creamy product is marked by the presence of a large amount of pigments and powder. This base allows you to hide age spots, rosacea, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

The shimmering emulsion makes the skin look more radiant and fresh thanks to the content of pearlescent and shimmering particles.

The solid base gives full coverage and helps cover up blemishes and scars.

Mattifying base

The mattifying base is designed to give the skin a well-groomed appearance. This product is not so easy to choose, since its selection takes into account the complexion of the face, the desired effect, the presence of skin defects and other nuances.

There are several options for matte foundations, including:

Liquid foundation. This product is sold in many cosmetic stores and is suitable for all women and girls with healthy skin. The base stays well on the face throughout the day, is easy to apply and can contain moisturizing components or those that are aimed at absorbing excess skin oil.

Compact base. Helps disguise fine wrinkles, spider veins, freckles and other minor skin imperfections. Some manufacturers produce such a makeup base in the form of a corrective pencil. The compact foundation is suitable for dry and normal skin and has good staying power.

Concealer. It is considered a universal remedy, as it combines the properties of decorative cosmetics and cream. Particularly suitable for dry skin, because it contains natural oils that can care for the skin, protecting it from the negative effects of the environment. Foundation, being a base for makeup, allows you to hide skin defects as much as possible.

Silicone makeup base

The silicone base is multifunctional; it can be used as a stand-alone makeup product or as an additive to foundation. In the second option, the foundation will be easier to apply to the skin. Silicones also look good on the lips.

If you see a small tube of silicone makeup smoothing foundation for a relatively large amount of money, don't be put off by the price; in fact, the product will last a long time. Even a small pea of ​​elastic structure can stretch evenly across the face, hiding unevenness.

Cyclomethicone and dimethicone are often added to silicone bases. The first component gives a smooth surface and also creates the effect of a slight glow from the inside. The second ingredient prevents moisture loss. To achieve the desired skin smoothing effect, you can layer one layer on top of another.

Moisturizing base

The main task of any makeup base is to visually smooth out wrinkles, make pores less noticeable, and make the skin surface smoother and more even. There is also a moisturizing foundation that actively combats dryness and flaking of the skin and protects the face from the negative effects of the environment. This product is often made with the addition of vitamins A and E, mineral salts, green tea extract, and silk.

Despite the fact that the moisturizing base contains many components that are aimed at softening the stratum corneum, such a product cannot completely replace the use of a regular daytime moisturizer. It is also worth noting that the makeup base will not lie beautifully on unkempt skin, so exfoliation, cleansing, and toning are mandatory stages of facial care.

Best makeup base

A good base for makeup makes the face more well-groomed and the makeup lasts. Among the large abundance of products presented in stores, the following products can be distinguished:

  1. Base with reflective particles
NEGLIGE - a base of gel-like texture in a wide range of colors, visually hiding skin unevenness, facial wrinkles, as well as redness, giving the skin a natural tone with an unobtrusive illuminating effect. The foundation can be used as a stand-alone product or with foundation. Volume - 20 ml, price - 524 rubles.

GIVENCHY Actimine - a makeup base that gives the skin smoothness, radiance and an even surface. The product is available in several color palettes. If you need to hide redness, the shade of the product Kiwi is suitable, yellowness is Plum. The product Peach has a neutral shade, Milk will help lighten the skin a little, Strawberry will give the skin a slight blush, and a base with a Mango shade is intended for tanned skin. Volume - 30 ml, price - 1656 rubles.

GIVENCHY MISTER MAT — mattifying makeup base containing minerals, vitamins and plant extracts. The product gives the face a slight glow, and also evens out skin tone and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Volume - 25 ml, cost - 1626 rubles.

ARTDECO Skin Perfecting Make-up Base - a leveling base for makeup that gives the skin a smooth surface, tightens pores, improves skin color, visually reducing expression wrinkles. The product contains vitamin E and a complex of minerals. Volume - 15 ml, cost - 580 rubles.

Maybelline New York Baby Skin Foundation - a creamy base that masks pores. The foundation can be used both on its own and under makeup. Volume - 22 ml, price - 455 rubles.

How to choose the right foundation

To choose a foundation and not make a mistake in choosing, the purchased product must match your skin type, complexion, and also lie evenly on the skin. For dry skin, a creamy structure enriched with various vegetable oils and vitamins is suitable, which is very beneficial for the skin. As for foundations with a mattifying effect, those with oily faces will need them more.

If your skin seems healthy to you, you can purchase a liquid texture base, special gels or mousses that will slightly refresh your face, while looking completely natural on the skin.

There is an eye makeup base that aims to absorb the oil secreted by the skin. With this product, the shadows will not roll off, thereby maintaining the overall appearance of the makeup. Some foundations can cover up dark circles under the eyes.

Don't rush to buy a base if you doubt whether it's right for you. The best option is to apply a sample of the product available in a cosmetic store to your face and check how well the applied product looks on your skin throughout the day. Give the base time to react to sebum. Its tone should match the tone of your face.

The corrective foundation allows you to disguise red pimples, severe rosacea, allergies in the form of red spots, freckles, age spots, bruises and other skin defects. The main thing is to choose the right not only a high-quality cosmetic product, but also its shade. A purple makeup base helps to cope with yellowness, a green one helps to hide redness of the skin, a yellow one masks areas with a bluish tint, and as for a peach base, it is perfect for representatives of dark skin. Pale-faced women can choose a pink shade to give their skin a glow. Those who have overdone their self-tanning should think about buying a blue foundation. There is also a brightening version of the product, in which the skin can be compared to porcelain, and a reflective one.

Using a makeup base

Just because you managed to choose a good foundation does not mean that your makeup will look flawless. It is necessary to learn how to correctly apply the base for decorative cosmetics, only then will it be possible to talk about any changes for the better. Not only that, but the overall look of your makeup largely depends on your skills, tastes, and how regularly you take care of your skin.

Rules for applying makeup base

The product, which visually smoothes the surface of the skin, can be applied in two ways. Some representatives of the fair sex mix the base with foundation in equal parts, thereby avoiding the mask effect, in which a line is visible between the face covered with foundation and the neck. But most often the base is used as an independent product.

Before applying makeup under makeup, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and apply a moisturizing day cream. Start applying foundation only 20 minutes after applying the cream. You shouldn’t take too much base to achieve your goals; one or two “peas” are enough. A large amount of product applied can make makeup heavier, making it sloppy, clog pores, and cause pimples and blackheads.

The base is applied with a special brush or with your fingertips, which saves product consumption. Distribute the cosmetic product evenly and wait literally 10 minutes for the emulsion to adhere well to the skin, otherwise the makeup will “float.” Keep in mind that products of different composition and consistency when mixed can result in adverse consequences. For enlarged pores, do not rub the foundation, but apply it with light patting movements. Have you decided to use a sponge as a tool for applying foundation? Then it is better to give preference to a silicone rubber sponge. Do not forget to slightly moisten the sponge before using the base, otherwise a lot of product will be absorbed into it.

It is not recommended to use foundations every day, as such products can clog pores. And even if the foundation contains vitamin complexes, it does not replace facial care.

What functions does a makeup base perform?

The makeup base fills in the unevenness of the skin, visually smoothes out wrinkles and makes the skin more well-groomed and silky. The foundation corrects the complexion, masking inflammation, pimples, spider veins, acne, freckles, age spots, bruises and other blemishes. Makeup bases can refresh and highlight the face, especially if they contain shining pearlescent particles.

The base for decorative cosmetics is suitable for women and girls who want their skin to look smoother in texture, as well as fresh and healthy. This product perfectly hides enlarged pores.

Video tips on how to choose and apply makeup base: