What do we know about the most terrible disease for women?

Any woman can get breast cancer, but some are at high risk and others are at low risk. Men are not without this risk, but over 99% of all patients with breast cancer are women. On January 17, 2005, the annual All-Ukrainian Day against Breast Cancer was introduced on October 20.

Factors that increase the risk of disease:

  1. age over 40 years;
  2. hereditary and family tendency;
  3. late menopause;
  4. early onset of menstruation (up to 12 years);
  5. late first birth (over 30 years of age) or absence thereof;
  6. abortion;
  7. fibrocystic mastopathy;
  8. obesity and smoking.

As throughout the world, the incidence of breast cancer in Ukraine is growing - on average by 1-2% per year - and currently breast cancer occupies one of the first places in the structure of oncopathology of women. Every 30 minutes a new case of breast cancer is discovered in the country, and every hour one woman dies from it. In general, every year this terrible disease takes the lives of almost 7.5 thousand women throughout Ukraine.

Not the least role in late visits to doctors is played by the lack of awareness of society about the current state of the problem of breast cancer, the spontaneous flourishing of self-promotion of “folk healers”, incompetent and usually dishonest people, and not professional doctors, uncontrolled by the state. Due to improper treatment, patients waste time, and the disease gains momentum.

The main methods that allow timely detection of this disease are breast self-examination, clinical examination and mammography. In order to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may also prescribe some other examinations.

Do not forget that the prognosis of the disease depends on how timely the disease was diagnosed!