Video tutorial: leg exercises from Victoria's Secret model

How to get slender and toned legs like model Victoria s Secret? Этот вопрос задают себе многие женщины, которые мечтают о красивой фигуре. Сегодня мы рассмотрим комплекс упражнений для ног, который показывает Алессандра Амбросио, один из самых популярных ангелов бренда Victoria s Secret, вместе со своим тренером.

To perform these exercises you will need a fitness band. This device will help increase the load on your leg muscles and make your workout more effective. Do not forget that during the exercises it is important to keep your back straight and your upper body practically motionless.

The first exercise we will look at is leg abduction. Place the band around your legs, just above your ankles, and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. Step your left leg out to the side and then return it to the starting position. After this, repeat the exercise with your right leg. Repeat each exercise 12-15 times on one leg.

The second exercise is to move the leg back. Get on all fours, bend your left leg and lift it back. Keep your leg straight without bending your knee. Then lift your leg up and lower it all the way. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

The third exercise is raising your leg in front of you. Stand on your left leg and extend your right leg back. Slowly lift your right leg up in front of you, bending it at the knee. The higher you can raise your knee, the more effective the exercise will be. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.

The fourth exercise is one-leg squats. Stand on your left leg and put your right leg back. Start doing squats on your left leg. During exercises, the lower knee should not touch the floor. Then change legs and repeat the exercise on your right leg.

Stretch your muscles every five minutes to avoid injury and relieve muscle tension. This set of exercises will help you strengthen your leg muscles and get a beautiful shape, like a Victoria's Secret model. If you perform these exercises regularly, you will be able to notice results within a few weeks. Do not forget that a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise are the key to a beautiful and healthy figure.