Gangrenous ulcer

**Gangrenous ulcer** is a pathological process in which necrosis (death) of tissues and surrounding vessels occurs in the area of ​​the fundus of the stomach or duodenal bulb. This condition is characterized by rapid development, severe pain and severe intoxication of the body with toxins secreted by bacteria. To treat an ulcer, you must contact a gastroenterologist and strictly follow his recommendations. In some cases, surgery may be required.

It all starts with chronic gastritis. As a result of prolonged irritation of the mucous membrane and infection with the bacterium H. pylori, the mucous membrane and submucosal layer become inflamed and begin to die. A deep defect occurs - an ulcer. All symptoms appear abruptly and soon reach maximum severity. Gastritis, erosions and gastric ulcers are observed with greater or lesser consistency in children, young people and the elderly. However, most often ulcers are discovered over the age of 50 years. Taking this into account, among all types of peptic ulcers, the proportion of gastric ulcers is estimated at 70-80%. Damage to the duodenum is noted somewhat less frequently and mainly to its bulbs. Two thirds of all ulcers occur along the lesser curvature of the stomach, one third - along the greater curvature.

The clinical picture is very characteristic: a “hungry” period occurs - at night or early in the morning on an empty stomach. The entire area becomes irritated: pain occurs until the stool darkens due to the presence of blood in it. The pain is deep, “spread” throughout the epigastric region and does not depend on food intake. These pains are getting worse