Breakout control targeted blemish spot treatment

A sudden pimple shouldn't ruin your mood or ruin your plans for the evening. Special means can help you deal with it quickly. Let's tell you more about them.

  1. Why do acne appear?
  2. Myths about getting rid of acne
  3. How to camouflage a pimple
  4. 3 cosmetic SOS remedies for acne
  5. Acne on the body: how to deal with it

Why do acne appear?

Pimples, acne, acne - this problem has many names and one mechanism of occurrence. This is an inflammatory process in the pilosebaceous follicles:

  1. when sebum is overproduced, the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland becomes clogged;
  2. in the resulting plug, anaerobic conditions are created, ideal for the proliferation of many bacteria;
  3. inflammation begins.

And we are saddened to see its unsightly ending - papules (red bumps on the skin) and pustules (pimples with purulent heads).

As a rule, the appearance of acne is associated with various factors, such as:

  1. changes in the functioning of the hormonal system or fluctuations in hormonal levels (puberty, certain phases of the cycle, pregnancy);
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland;
  4. unhealthy lifestyle: unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, bad habits;
  5. improper skin care, including excessive;
  6. violation of hygiene rules;
  7. nervous overload: the stress hormone cortisol activates the sebaceous glands.

Use green and beige concealer to camouflage the pimple. © iStock

Myths about getting rid of acne

As you might have guessed, in this paragraph we will list tips that you should NOT follow if you want to quickly neutralize a pimple. There are plenty of them in Internet sources, and it is better not to pay attention to them.

Apply warming agent

On the one hand, this should help the pimple “ripen”. On the other hand, intentionally causing suppuration means causing additional inflammation and the risk of more extensive skin infection. That is why cosmetologists categorically do not recommend using the previously popular ichthyol ointment or Levomekol.

“Cauterize” with salicylic acid

Apply ice

Low temperatures help relieve inflammation. However, there is a high risk of putting the skin under stress and/or injury. If you decide to take this step, wrap an ice cube in a soft, clean cloth and apply it to the pimple for no more than 20–30 seconds.

Apply a couple of drops to the eyes and nose

They certainly cannot treat acne. But they have a vasoconstrictor effect, so they will relieve redness and quite possibly reduce the size of the tubercle.

Use alcohol, acids, alkalis

All kinds of local cauterization are undesirable for everyone and are simply categorically not suitable for adults. In teenagers, the skin regenerates quite easily, but in those who are older, it does not. After such manipulations, traces or even scars are guaranteed in the future.

Apply tea tree oil

According to cosmetologists, an effective and safe means of combating acne should contain keratolytics (exfoliating agents) and antibacterial components.

Low temperatures help relieve inflammation. However, there is a high risk of putting the skin under stress and/or injury. © iStock

How to camouflage a pimple

Remembering the sequence of actions will not be difficult. They are all very simple and easy to do.

Cleanse your skin with a mild product (micellar water, for example).

Apply a cream with bactericidal properties (see below).

Apply a foundation slightly lighter than what you usually use.

If the pimple is red, put a dot on it with a green corrector.

Apply a beige corrector or concealer on top (as we remember, concealers have only natural colors) and gently blend.

A pimple with a purulent head should not be disturbed by touching a stick or pencil, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the skin. Only delicate cream textures are suitable.

3 cosmetic SOS remedies for acne

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and acne Effackar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay

By adding active ingredients such as Aqua Posae Filiformis and Mannose, the cream restores the skin microbiome, which helps reduce the number of inflammations that appear. Light in texture, it moisturizes the skin and provides it with a long-lasting mattifying effect.

Cream-gel for problem skin with the first signs of aging Normaderm, Vichy

Thanks to the combination of lipo-hydroxy acid and glycolic acid, the cream eliminates such imperfections of oily problem skin as clogged pores, inflammatory elements, and oily shine. Vitamin C in the product enhances collagen synthesis, increasing skin tone and evening out its tone.

Remedy for local skin imperfections Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, Kiehl’s

Thanks to the high concentration of sulfur and AHA acids, it acts as a local rapid response agent and a regulator of sebum production. Apply a thin layer to pimples after cleansing the skin 1-3 times a day.

Attention! AHA acids increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so use sunscreen even a week after finishing treatment.

Acne on the body: how to deal with it

As for acne on the body, the reason for its appearance is the same as for rashes on the face. This means that the methods of control and prevention coincide. One “but”: you shouldn’t camouflage pimples on your body. Considering the friction factor of clothing, camouflage products can cause inflammation.

And be more careful when choosing care products: shower gels should be soft, exfoliants should be gentle, creams and lotions should be hypoallergenic.

Expert tips for clearing blemishes from skin

Adolescence is over, but its frequent companions - acne - remain and are not going to go away? The problem is common, but solvable. Exactly how, skin care experts told ELLE.

Kiehl's brand expert

Recent studies show that in 80% of cases, acne persists from adolescence, and in 20% it appears after 25 years. The rate of acne has increased in 60% of women aged 30-40 years.

The skin imperfections of an adult are different from those of a teenager. In adults, they most often appear in the cheek area and on the chin, while in teenagers they appear in the T-zone and nose.

Teenagers' skin tends to be oilier, which makes it difficult for them to use adult products as they can cause dryness and flaking. Conversely, what was good at 15 years old may not be suitable later. In addition, adults are looking for products that can easily fit into their routine and do not require a complete change of care.

There are several factors that make adult skin imperfect. These include: hormonal fluctuations, certain medications, genetics, high stress levels, eating fatty and sugary foods, and using skin and hair products with comedogenic ingredients.

Sun exposure may reduce inflammation, but it's not worth it. Damage caused by sun rays is more difficult to repair and increases the risk of other diseases.

Stress can trigger inflammation. Meditative exercises and working with the inner world will have a good effect on the condition of the skin.

Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment from Kiehl’s

Especially for adults, Kiehl's now has a cream for local inflammation or hints of it. A high concentration of sulfur (10%) reduces pimples in just a day, and vitamin B3 soothes the skin. We checked: everything is true, or rather, there really is no pimple the next day.

Chemical Technologist Skyn ​​Iceland

With age, the rate of skin cell turnover slows down. This causes sebum and impurities to accumulate in the pores and clog them, causing acne. The problem can be aggravated by air humidity and excessive sweating.

Adults have thinner and more sensitive skin. Therefore, they use less concentrated active substances than teenagers. The most common ones are salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. If these ingredients are recommended for adolescents in a concentration of 2% to 10%, then for adults - no more than 0.5-3%.

There is no need to radically change your care to get rid of inflammation. Even a small but thoughtful adjustment will help. Just change your cleanser and add an anti-inflammatory cream.

Skin care should be determined by your dermatologist, but there are general rules. Cleanse your skin with sulfate-free products containing AHAs. Arrange exfoliation sessions 1-2 times a week. This could be an AHA peel or a gentle scrub with smooth beads rather than crushed bones and other uneven particles that can cause micro-damage to the skin. The toning lotion should also contain acids and should not contain alcohol, which dries the skin: dehydration will provoke the production of additional portions of sebum. The next stage is hydration. Choose a lightweight water-based lotion with silica or bentonite.

Don't forget about sun protection. Give preference to Sanskrin with physical rather than chemical filters (titanium dioxide and zinc oxide). One of their beneficial properties is their ability to absorb sebum.

Mini patches for rashes Blemish Dots from Skyn ​​Iceland

Round mini-patches are impregnated with an anti-inflammatory blend that reduces the size of breakouts in a few hours, regulates sebum production and resists the spread of bacteria. All this is possible thanks to a powerful complex of herbal ingredients, led by salicylic acid and tea tree oil. The patch is transparent, so you can not only sleep with it, but also safely go out in public.

Founder of Clark's Botanicals

Adults also get acne. This is how the skin reacts to what they do or feel. For example, germs and dirt from a mobile phone can clog pores, which is how acne appears on the chin. Often inflammation occurs as a result of severe stress. I got acne after an accident. Having damaged my spinal cord, I lost the ability not only to walk, but even to sweat. My body stopped removing toxins, including from skin cells, which led to clogged pores and inflammation.

If inflammation appears out of the blue, I would recommend paying attention to changes in your life: work schedule, workouts, eating habits, and so on.

Many people think that the cause of inflammation lies in sebum, and try to get rid of acne by depriving the skin of sebum. In fact, natural oils are needed for protection and hydration. After all, dry skin is even more susceptible to irritation, resulting in new pimples.

You will have to try different products and ingredients to find out which one works for your skin. That’s how my brand, Clark’s Botanicals, came about. I couldn't find a suitable treatment for my acne. I tried everything, from mass market to the most expensive brands, but nothing worked. In search of a solution, I turned to my father Harold Clark, a doctor, for help. We started mixing different ingredients, which I tested on myself, until I found the right one. As a result, the formulas have proven effective for many other people.

You need to cleanse and exfoliate your skin carefully. I notice better results when I use gentle, natural ingredients. They cleanse the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. Peels with AHA acids and retinol will speed up the process of cell renewal. And unlike a scrub, they will not damage the skin.

Clark's Botanicals Skin-Clearing Face & Body Wash

You can choose a shower gel based on its scent, or you can start fighting inflammation already at the stage of daily skin cleansing. Clark's Botanicals gel contains salicylic acid and algae. The first exfoliates all excess and tightens pores. The second ones calm and soften. The tube will not have time to run out, and the time for cleavage will already come.

Hirst Shkulev Publishing

Moscow, st. Shabolovka, building 31b, 6th entrance (entrance from Konny Lane)

Even those of us who never allow ourselves to fall asleep with makeup on, cleanse and moisturize the skin according to all the rules and go to the cosmetologist as if it were work, sometimes unforeseen troubles occur on the face in the form of inflammation. And they usually appear at the most inopportune moment - before a date, an important meeting or an interview. But there is a solution. Our review includes products to combat local imperfections that will help get rid of inflammation in the shortest possible time.

Small tube La Roche-Posay Imperfezioni Localizzate - one of the remedies that will help cope with both emerging pimples and those that are already more pronounced. The product dries out inflammation and suppresses bacterial activity due to the olamine, glycasil and niacinamide included in the composition of piroctone.

Brand Kiehl's in the fight against imperfections, he suggests using the product Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, which, if you believe the promises, can reduce inflammation in just 24 hours. This miracle will happen thanks to the high concentration of sulfur contained in the product, which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Gel applicator Clean&Clear Advantage - another way to get rid of a suddenly appeared pimple in a short time. Contains salicylic acid, a proven agent with antibacterial and drying effects. Cinnamon and witch hazel extracts regulate skin oiliness, and Atlas cedar extract accelerates the healing process.

Contains topical gel for problem skin Shiseido Blemish Targeting Gel still the same salicylic acid, which dries out inflammation. It’s better, of course, to apply the product when “everything is just beginning” - then there won’t be a trace of the pimple left within a day.

Spot treatment for inflammation Holika Holika Skin And AC Mild Magic Pink Spot, again, dries and has an antibacterial effect. But besides this, it also helps to slightly mask the redness immediately after application, and also does not leave a chance for post-acne marks to appear.

Heals and relieves inflammation and remedy Spot Delete from Lumene. The main component is Arctic plantain. It also contains vitamin B3 and salicylic acid. The product has virtually no odor. When applying the gel, you feel a slight pleasant coolness.

Gel against imperfections Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot reduce inflammation in just 48 hours. The product has a light texture that is quickly absorbed and does not shine on the skin. Active ingredients: salicylic and hyaluronic acids, lipo-hydroxy acid, which exfoliates dead cells, and Vichy Spa thermal water.