Metal element

Metal - a cold and dry element produced by the earth and giving life to water. The metal melts in the fire. These are the words used to describe the metal element in ancient Taoist texts. By the time you read the book, you will have an understanding of the deep meaning contained in these words.

Fire element - a force that compacts the universe and causes things to shrink and shrink. The corresponding internal organ of yin is the lungs, and the color is white or silver with a metallic tint. The metal element corresponds to the western direction. His “collection point” is located on the left side of the body at the level of the navel. Mentally, the “gathering point” can be imagined as a sphere with a diameter of 7.5 cm to the left of the navel.

Hair type Pubic
Internal organ yin Lungs
Element Metal
Source Qi
Color White
External organ Nose
Finger Pointing
Part of the eye Squirrels
healing sound S-s-s-s-s-s
Yang organ Colon
Direction West

Metal element correspondence table.