Yoga from model Christy Turlington: favorite exercises

Christy Turlington is not only a famous model, but also a woman who found harmony with herself thanks to yoga. Her excellent endurance and fortitude cannot but inspire admiration, and her unsurpassed forms are an inspiration for those who strive for a healthy lifestyle.

In this article we will talk about how yoga helped Christy Turlington find inner harmony and resistance to stress, and what exercises she considers her favorite.

Christy Turlington is of the opinion that yoga is not only exercise for the body, but also for the soul. She is convinced that the true benefits of yoga can only be achieved when it is practiced with mindfulness and in harmony with the spiritual component.

One of the model’s favorite exercises is “Surya Namaskar” or “Sun Salutation”. This is a set of exercises that includes smooth movements aimed at warming up and stretching the whole body. Christy believes that this complex helps her start the day with the right energy and prepares her body for more complex asanas.

Another of Christie's favorite exercises is Vrschikasana or Tree Pose. This asana can be considered a symbol of yoga, it helps to find balance and stability both physically and emotionally. Christy believes that her main goal is to maintain balance even when life throws challenges at her.

In addition, Christy Turlington often practices "Utthita Trikonaasana" or "Triangle Pose". This asana helps develop flexibility and strengthen the muscles of the legs and core. Christy believes that proper practice of this asana helps her maintain energy and feel light and comfortable throughout the day.

In conclusion, we can say that yoga is not just an exercise for the body, but also for the soul. It helps us find inner harmony, resistance to stress and find balance in life. Christy Turlington is a shining example of a person who has found not only physical but also spiritual benefits in yoga. We are sure that her favorite exercises will help you find inner harmony and improve your health.