Estee lauder anti-wrinkle cream

Anti-wrinkle creams

Anna Yurievna guest

Anti-wrinkle creams Estee Lauder November 9, 2009

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flora 932 guest

Anti-wrinkle creams Estee Lauder April 23, 2009

Anti-wrinkle creams around the eyes: which one is better to choose?

The skin around the eyes is not very thick and is not protected by fatty layers from the inside. As a result of this unenviable position, it dries out faster, is exposed to active facial expressions and appears completely unprotected before atmospheric tests. Accordingly, age folds in this area form much faster than in other areas of the face. That’s why you have to introduce a cream against wrinkles around the eyes into your arsenal of home cosmetics so early, which will at least somehow help the skin resist negative external factors and the main enemy of all women - time. However, this product must be used as competently as possible, otherwise you may not only be disappointed in the results, but also harm such a sensitive area of ​​the face.


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What effect can a rejuvenating cream for the skin around the eyes, purchased specifically to eliminate wrinkles, achieve? Firstly, in your expectations you should not count on an instant effect after the first use: the cream will probably work only with regular use. So expect the first results only two weeks after the start of the cosmetic course. Secondly, the intensity of the disappearance of wrinkles will depend on the individual characteristics of the body and the chosen product. In general, anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes has a complex effect, not just rejuvenating:

  1. the folds that form on the lower eyelid are smoothed out;
  2. crow's feet disappear;
  3. ptosis (sagging) of the upper eyelid is eliminated;
  4. bags that form wrinkles under the eyes appear much less frequently;
  5. the color of the skin around the eyes improves;
  6. intense hydration occurs, resulting in elasticity and firmness of the skin in this area of ​​the face;
  7. This area of ​​the face is protected from negative external influences, which also plays an important role in the formation of wrinkles under the eyes.

A properly selected high-quality cream against wrinkles around the eyes will have a tightening, rejuvenating, toning effect on the skin, solving many problems at once. For women who want to defeat old age and cheat time, a cream of this type is an excellent opportunity to prolong youth and get rid of hated wrinkles in the eye area, restoring radiance and radiance to the eyes. In order for a product, regardless of whether it is homemade or purchased in a store, to live up to the hopes placed on it, you must first choose it correctly, and then use it.

Composition of store-bought cream

To choose the right anti-wrinkle eye cream in a cosmetic store, you need to carefully study the contents of the tube. A real anti-aging product for this area of ​​the face should contain substances that are beneficial and at the same time gentle on the skin.

  1. Retinol/vitamin A stimulates cell renewal, increases the natural production of collagen and elastin fibers by the epidermis, and maintains the natural acid-base and water balance of the dermis.
  2. Tocopherol/vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants that can successfully fight free radicals, thereby saving the skin from the premature and undesirable effects of old age. This truly “female” vitamin helps the epidermis prevent external threats, fight diseases and infections, including oncology.
  3. Ascorbic acid/vitamin C is another common antioxidant that is often found in anti-wrinkle products. It is also an active fighter against hated free radicals, one of the best conductors for other beneficial substances deep into the dermis. It protects the delicate skin around the eyes from ultraviolet radiation and activates the production of collagen in the tissues, which is necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis.
  4. Hyaluronic acid softens the skin, moisturizes it, retaining moisture in the cells for a long time. It is rare that a cream for the skin around the eyes, especially for wrinkles, does not contain this substance. It is “hyaluronic acid” that is used in modern cosmetology to give the skin elasticity, youth, and freshness.
  5. Alpha hydroxy acid is a fruit acid, so don't be scared by this substance when you see it in the composition of your chosen product. In moderation, it softens the skin around the eyes, eliminating dryness, which provokes the appearance of more and more wrinkles. An anti-aging cream that contains this substance will actively and efficiently cleanse the skin of old, dead cells.
  6. Alpha-lipoic acid “knows how” to eliminate minor cosmetic defects, perfectly smoothes the skin around the eyes, makes it firmer, and therefore more protected, removes existing expression lines and age-related wrinkles, and prevents the appearance of new folds in the future.

This is a rejuvenating, lifting base for any anti-wrinkle cream for the skin around the eyes. If the product you love contains at least 2-3 of the above-mentioned substances, then your choice is correct. However, before purchasing the desired new product, it is worth studying the reviews in order to have a complete idea of ​​what you want to pamper your skin with.

Review of store-bought creams

Among the variety of cosmetic products offered by manufacturers, it is very important to choose the right cream that will truly give your skin radiance and youth. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. A short review will give you an idea of ​​modern anti-wrinkle products in the eye area.

  1. “Black Pearl” (Russia): affordable, pleasant to use, quite effective, but you need to look for a cream that suits your age.
  2. Estee Lauder (France): an almost ideal cream for the skin around the eyes with a lifting effect, but quite expensive and requires additional moisturizing of the skin.
  3. Mary Kay (France): effective, relatively inexpensive, allows you to fight not only age-related, but also deep expression wrinkles. However, it quickly becomes addictive + there are many fakes.
  4. “Clean Line” (Russia): a cheap but natural remedy that does not cause allergies. However, for mature skin it will most likely be useless.
  5. Chanel (France): effective, but very expensive, branded cream that is difficult to get on the Russian market. According to reviews from dermatologists and cosmetologists, it will give odds to any lifting procedure in the salon. However, it will not help if your eyelid skin is too dry: additional moisturizing will be required.
  6. Loreal (France): average price category, excellent efficiency, but may not be suitable for everyone.
  7. Avon (USA): in addition to wrinkles, it solves many other problems of the skin around the eyes, not a very expensive cream, at one time it made a splash in the world of cosmetics. However, it is addictive.
  8. Yves Rocher (France): quite expensive, but it will give you an unforgettable experience. The results are almost instantaneous, efficiency is 100%. One of those few products that are difficult to find faults with.

This is far from a complete review of anti-wrinkle creams for the skin around the eyes, however, it gives an idea of ​​the effective products available in the world of cosmetology. There is a choice - if only there was money. If you prefer natural ingredients, the cream can be prepared at home.

Homemade creams

Making cream at home is a rather labor-intensive process, and you need to be prepared for it. However, you will know exactly what components are included in it and that it will definitely not cause allergies or addiction.

Melt 1 tbsp. l. interior unsalted pork fat, add 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, stir.

Melt 1 tbsp. l. butter, grind thoroughly with yolk, 1 tbsp. l. crushed jasmine or rose petals.

  1. With glycerin

Stir 1 tsp. honey, glycerin, gelatin powder, dilute 5 tbsp. l. boiled water, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, beat.

Melt 1 tsp. lanolin, add 2 tbsp. l. almond oil, half tsp. lecithin dissolved in 2 tbsp. l. rose water. Keep in a water bath for 2 minutes. Beat.

In 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, add 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary, geranium, verbena.

Which anti-wrinkle creams near the eyes to choose - store-bought or homemade - is up to you to decide. Both have their pros and cons. The main thing is that they stop time and preserve your youth and beauty.

Read the article on how to make face cream at home

By secret

  1. You missed the meeting of your classmates because you are afraid to hear that you have grown old...
  2. And you catch the admiring glances of men less and less...
  3. Advertised skin care products do not freshen the face as much as they used to...
  4. And the reflection in the mirror increasingly reminds us of age...
  5. Do you think you look older than your age...
  6. Or you just want to “preserve” your youth for many years...
  7. You desperately don't want to grow old and are ready to use every opportunity to do so...

Just yesterday no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today it has appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and restore youth

How to properly apply and use a black mask?

Every girl dreams of looking as attractive as possible. To make your skin beautiful and get rid of the main problems in the form of rashes, you can use a black mask.

This product has a unique composition and has a positive effect on the skin. However, many girls ask a very reasonable question about how to use a black mask.

Composition and features of ingredients

The black mask contains quite a lot of microelements, vitamins and plant extracts. All components have hypoallergenic properties and therefore do not provoke negative reactions on the skin.

The beneficial properties of the cosmetic product are due to its unique composition:

  1. Bamboo charcoal. This ingredient provides deep cleansing of the skin, penetrates the pores, cleansing them of impurities and harmful substances. Thanks to the presence of this substance, the black mask successfully copes with the active production of sebum and blackheads. This component is perfect for all skin types.
Grapefruit peel oil. This substance provides lightening and cleansing of the skin, helps narrow pores and initiates regeneration processes. This component also has a drainage effect. Extract from wheat sprouts. This substance provides excellent tissue regeneration, has nourishing and softening properties, and perfectly cleanses the skin. In addition, the extract has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. With its help, blood circulation and the condition of the epithelium are improved - the number of wrinkles and irregularities is reduced. Provitamin B5. This substance is also called panthenol. It has wound healing and moisturizing properties. In addition, this component has a smoothing effect. Olive squalane. This ingredient is obtained from olive tree oil. It is an excellent source of fatty acids. Thanks to the presence of this ingredient, the black mask prevents moisture loss, normalizes breathing and prevents early aging. This substance has high penetrating ability. In addition, it does not leave a greasy feeling. Collagen. This product forms a film on the dermis that retains moisture. This is a completely harmless ingredient that is suitable for all skin types. Vegetable glycerin. Provides moisture penetration into the skin. Thanks to its use, the functions of all other ingredients of the product are stabilized.

The effectiveness of the black mask

Any cosmetic product will be effective only if used correctly. This is why many girls are interested in how to properly apply a black mask.

Strict adherence to the instructions will help you achieve good results. So, the black mask:

  1. has a positive effect on metabolic processes in cells;
  2. saturates the dermis with useful minerals, drawing out toxic substances and toxins;
  3. provides excellent care for oily and problematic skin;
  4. has sculpting capabilities - makes the face more clear, eliminates the double chin;
  5. reduces the number of acne on the skin;
  6. copes with foci of inflammation;
  7. relieves irritation;
  8. normalizes skin tone;
  9. controls the functioning of the subcutaneous glands, improving the appearance of oily skin;
  10. gets rid of blackheads;
  11. relieves swelling;
  12. Gives the skin a wonderful feeling of vigor and freshness.

Indications and contraindications

This cosmetic product can be used to combat various skin imperfections.

Typically, the use of a black mask is indicated in the following cases:

  1. presence of rashes;
  2. uneven texture of the dermis, the appearance of acne and comedones;
  3. the appearance of signs of skin aging;
  4. swelling of the face;
  5. dull dermis color;
  6. inflammation and redness on the skin.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of this product.

It is advisable to exercise caution if you are allergic to citrus fruits. This is due to the presence of grapefruit extract.

The Estee Lauder Corporation is known for the discoveries and implementation of many advanced technologies in cosmetology. Since 1946, it has been producing face creams and other body and facial skin care products. Each of the cosmetic lines contains formulations of unique components and allows you to solve various skin problems.

Nutritious Vitality8 line

This Estee Lauder line includes products that give your skin radiance in 8 days. The patented rejuvenating complex Pomegranate8 Complex with pomegranate helps saturate cells with energy, enhance nutrition, moisturize and increase the overall tone of the upper layers of the skin. The line includes products: face cream (day) and night cream-mask, soap and jelly.

The products are presented in red design. Main advantages of the products:

  1. toning;
  2. saturation of cells with vitamins and nutrients;
  3. the face gains radiance and elasticity;
  4. elasticity of the skin with long-term use;
  5. all cosmetics are suitable for young, including teenage skin;
  6. the effect of combating signs of aging and fatigue is expressed.

Nutritious Vitality8 moisturizing day cream restores skin tone and gives it radiance in just 8 days. Relieves inflammation, tones, moisturizes, neutralizes signs of fatigue.

Nutritious Vitality8 Night Cream Mask is designed for a radiant complexion. Natural pomegranate extract allows you to achieve 7 signs of healthy skin in 8 days, giving it firmness, elasticity, matte radiance, toning, energy, smoothness, even tone and removing redness.

Enlighten line

The line is designed to smooth out skin texture, combat uneven areas, inflammation, dilated capillaries, superficial wrinkles and even out tone. Contains innovative EE cream and corrective and special night serum. Designed in blue and white tones (the foundation EE cream is available in a silver-hyacinth tube).

The main advantages of this line:

  1. gentle effect on the upper layers of the skin;
  2. all products are enriched with natural vitamins A and E;
  3. suitable for skin +20 and older;
  4. hypoallergenic;
  5. promote smoothness and natural radiance;
  6. HER cream perfectly masks unevenness, pigment spots prevent their reappearance;

The line contains 2 creams: EE for correcting imperfections and corrective moisturizing cream.

Estée Lauder face cream Enlighten EE Even Effect Skintone Corrector tones and makes all unevenness invisible. Gives the epidermis a radiant appearance and makes the tone more even. Contains Baicalin, plant cells and gentle masking agents. Suitable for any age. Does not contain alcohol and aluminum elements, does not cause allergies and “mask effect”.

Available in 3 shades:

  1. Light – the lightest with a slight pinkish undertone. Designed for those with northern, porcelain skin;
  2. Medium – caramel tone with a peach undertone for a slightly dark complexion;
  3. Deep – milk-chocolate tone, emphasizing the tan.

A cream with the effect of correcting the upper layers of even the most sensitive skin, Estee Lauder Enlighten Even Skintone Correcting Crème with a light tonal effect is designed for daytime restoration of skin cells.

Smoothes out unevenness and prevents the appearance of new cosmetic defects. Fights inflammation, giving a delicate matte shine to the face. Sold in a transparent jar (the cream itself is blue).

Time Zone Line

This line was developed by specialists to prolong youth and maintain the natural smoothness of the skin. Designed for age +35. Contains day and night creams and a creamy eye care product.

Tri-HA Cell Signaling formula stimulates cell renewal and prevents the appearance of age-related changes. The line is released in a lilac-pink design with a golden cap.

Main advantages of the line:

  1. the action stimulates the appearance of new cells;
  2. creams slow down aging and prevent further formation of age-related changes;

Advanced anti-aging skin night cream - restores cells at night. Promotes renewal of the epidermis, making all negative age-related changes in the skin much less noticeable. Enhances the effect of day cream.

Advanced anti-aging skin cream for the eye contour is a modern anti-aging product. Advanced Age Reversing Line Wrinkle Hydrating Gel Oil-Free Night Cream is an updated ultra-light product for a very delicate epidermis.

A universal cream with a pronounced tightening effect And Wrinkle Reducing Cream SPF 15 is a composition with enhanced rejuvenating effect. Prevents wear and tear of epidermal cells, helps protect against cold or intense sun exposure. Recommended for those with thin, sensitive skin prone to early formation of facial wrinkles.

Revitalizing Supreme line

An updated line in order to prolong the youthful state of cells. It is recommended to use this line of products from the age of 35. All products have an intensive effect on the cellular space, promoting active renewal and toning of the cells of the upper layer of the face.

Main advantages of the line:

  1. creams are aimed at a comprehensive effect against sagging and the formation of facial lesions;
  2. filled with natural phytocells to nourish and fortify the epidermis;
  3. CC cream prolongs the elasticity of the epidermis, tones the oval of the face and corrects the tone;
  4. All products in this line make the skin radiant, more toned and well-groomed.

The line produces a rejuvenating cream, gel and balm for the hypersensitive area around the eyes, a cream with an ultra-light texture, an exfoliant, an invigorating balm, a universal mask and CC cream for any skin tone, as well as a makeup remover foam and a universal complex for active recovery.

This line comes in a golden chocolate design and is intended for the maturing epidermis (about 35-40 years old).

The line represents:

Estée Lauder Light Global Anti-Aging Cell Power Creme Oil is enriched with natural moringa extract, known for its restorative properties. The light texture instantly penetrates the skin, filling the cells with moisturizing substances.

After daily use for a long time, the face is noticeably moisturized and tightened. Estée Lauder CC universal cream maintains skin elasticity. A multifunctional product for tightening, moisturizing and toning the face. Available in one universal shade.

Re-Nutriv line

The most expensive line of Estee Lauder cosmetics, aimed at intensive correction of age-related changes. Suitable for women over 40 and over 50 years old.

The composition of the care products in this series includes Himalayan gentian - a rare flower that can protect skin cells from ultraviolet radiation and from exposure to cold air and Brazilian immortelle.

Some creams contain rare and expensive components, including natural 24-karat gold. The products are available in golden, transparent and silver jars.

The main advantages of this line:

  1. all creams are filled with expensive and rare ingredients developed in special American laboratories;
  2. products are designed for women over +40 years of age and older;
  3. natural ingredients do not cause side effects or allergic reactions;
  4. the effect is noticeable within a week;
  5. products are not tested on animals;
  6. the anti-aging effect of creams in this series is enhanced compared to all others;
  7. minerals promote cell renewal and enhanced nutrition;
  8. pores are reduced;
  9. wrinkles become less pronounced and noticeable without the toning effect;
  10. the oval of the face is tightened;
  11. the cells are filled with moisture and remain hydrated for a long time.

Cell-transforming special energy cream composition Re-Nutriv. Cream for the delicate eyelid area Re-Nutriv. Transforms the look, fills the dermis with moisture and toning. Instantly applied and absorbed without drying out the skin. Enriched with natural extracts of black truffle, Japanese apricot and magnolia. The kit includes an application agent with natural gold particles.

Intensive cream with youth effect Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lift. Intensively rejuvenating cream designed for the delicate areas around the eyes Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lift. Re-Nutriv Ultimate Renewal Lightening Cream. The following creams differ only in texture and consistency.

Due to the high cost (from 17,000 rubles), they are available only on the company’s official website:

  1. intensive rejuvenating rich cream;
  2. Lift – rejuvenating tightening cream;
  3. transformative energy cream (gold in a transparent jar);
  4. intensively rejuvenating cream in a silver jar;
  5. nourishing cream (silver design);
  6. universal anti-aging cream with thick texture (silver);
  7. universal anti-aging cream (silver);
  8. Ultimate Lift – intensive rejuvenating gel-cream;
  9. gentle, super-light restoring cream with a weightless texture.

The Re-Nutriv series contains 2 foundation creams with a corrective effect: foundation and foundation with a slight lifting and anti-aging effect, promoting skin elasticity.

The classic foundation is available in the following shades:

  1. Ecru - the lightest tone with a peach-caramel base;
  2. Pale admond – pinkish tint;
  3. Ivory beige - a very light tone, reminiscent of ivory;
  4. Cool bone – light beige with cool undertones;
  5. Pebble is a dark tone, the darkest in the collection.
  6. Re-Nutriv foundation SZF15/RA++, which improves skin tone, is available in 3 shades:
  7. Ecru – light, close to beige;
  8. Fresco – medium pinkish tone;
  9. Pebble is the darkest shade for dark skin.

Double Wear line

The product contains apricot kernel extract and is aimed at skin care and evening out the overall tone of the face. Contains 2 cream powders, a foundation fluid and a light cream with a watery, fragrance-free texture. All products are produced in glass jars without a dispenser.

The main advantages of this line:

  1. all products contain intensive protection against ultraviolet solar radiation;
  2. they are hypoallergenic;
  3. have an ultra-light texture and do not create a “mask effect” on the face;
  4. each shade adapts to the individual skin tone;

Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation is available in one shade. Double Wear Stay-in-Place Makeup Creamy Powder SPF 10 Fragrance Free. It is sold in a tube, but on the skin it combines the effects of foundation and powder, changing the texture.

Contains 6 tones:

  1. 1N1 – light, watery beige tone;
  2. 2N1 – classic beige shade;
  3. 3N2 – warm golden tone;
  4. 1W2 – pinkish-gray shade;
  5. 2W1 – dark golden undertone for dark skin;
  6. 3C3 is the darkest tone in the collection.

Long-lasting cream powder Double Wear SPF10 is available in 6 shades:

  1. 1N2 – light peach;
  2. 3N1 – close to apricot;
  3. 1C1 – yellowish beige;
  4. 2C1 – sand;
  5. 2C2 – pinkish almond;
  6. 2С3 – dark with a pinkish tint.

Estee Lauder foundation shades

Double Wear foundation fluid is a light cream with a watery texture for a natural look.

Available in the following shades:

  1. 2C2 – very light slightly pinkish;
  2. 1W2 – close to golden beige;
  3. 1N2 – medium;
  4. 2W1 – golden;
  5. 3N1 – dark;
  6. 1C1 – creamy golden apricot;
  7. 2C1 – rich golden;
  8. 2N1 – beige-golden;
  9. 2C3 – dark thick beige-golden.

Resilience Lift line

Creams and facial skin products Estée Lauder Resilience Lift 35+ with intense cell tightening is designed for skin prone to dehydration and moisture loss. The products of the line give flabby areas a pronounced tightening effect.

The line includes: day and night products for tightening the skin and special care for the delicate and hypersensitive area under the eyes. The series is presented in a pinkish-white design.

The main advantages of this series are as follows:

  1. each product is aimed at tightening the skin in different areas;
  2. creams promote the production of natural elastin;
  3. they contain filters against ultraviolet rays;
  4. elasticity becomes noticeable within a week;
  5. natural plant extracts (mimosa) and minerals (malachite) do not cause allergies;
  6. creams contribute to the clarity of the oval of the face;
  7. each of them is intended for a different type of epidermis.

An ordinary cream for daylight hours with a pronounced tightening and lifting effect SZF 15 for the dry top layer of skin - a delicate anti-photoaging remedy. The absorbent contains Photo-Activated Lift and Resilience Lift with ocean plankton water capsules and organic mimosa extract.

  1. Night light cream for tightening the oval of the face and damaged areas SZF 15 for dry skin is a modern product that restores cells at night.
  2. Lifting cream for thin skin under the eyes Resilience Lift. Prevents sagging, dehydration, fights damaged cells, removes wrinkled areas and other signs of skin fatigue.
  3. Day firming cream, caring for the face and neck area SZF 15 for normal and combination areas of the face.
  4. Night cream with lifting effect, significantly improving the overall tone of the oval face and neck Resilience Lift. Contains a patented American amino acid composition Tri-Lift Pept >DayWear Tint

A special series aimed at protecting the skin from aggressive environmental influences. Suitable for any age. Available in light jade design.

Main advantages of the line:

  1. all products contain an enhanced formula to combat the destructive effects of harmful free radicals and ultraviolet radiation;
  2. they are recommended for use by those who live in environmentally polluted areas or are forced to be exposed to the sun for a long time;
  3. the creams have an increased content of antioxidants;
  4. all products have a slight mattifying effect and even out skin tone;
  5. thanks to mineral substances, the face receives optimal hydration throughout the day;
  6. creams tone the upper layer of the epidermis.

The line contains:

Multifunctional cream, enriched with antioxidants and enhanced protection SPF 15 DayWear - a special complex against the harmful effects of negative environmental factors. Protects cells from free radicals and ultraviolet radiation, suitable for any condition of the skin and fat balance of the epidermis;

Night cream with detox texture NightWear Plus Anti-Oxidant Night Detox Creme with active antioxidant compounds - a restorative composition. Actively copes with impurities, gives the face a rested and radiant appearance, tones the dermis and helps it recover during sleep.

Cream with multifunctional action and with an enhanced antioxidant formula against radicals and pollutants DayWear for thin, aging, dehydrated skin - comprehensive protection from sunlight and radiation, chapping, pollution, radiation.

Contains active antioxidants that tone the skin and prevent premature aging of cells.

Cream with a long-lasting moisturizing effect DayWear Advanced Multi-Protection Anti-Oxidant Creme SPF 15 is a special remedy against radiation pollution, negative environmental impacts, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. Suitable for any dermis, has a complex effect.

DayWear Plus Sheer Tint, a cream with a pronounced lifting and tonal effect, is a multifunctional, ultra-light, broad-spectrum corrective product. The cream tones the skin, gives it an even tone, while protecting it from free radicals and sun rays. Available in one shade for any skin color and type.

DayWear Matte is a mattifying cream-gel for skin prone to excess sebum secretion, protecting the face against aging. Presented in the online store of the official Estee Lauder website.

The Estée Lauder line of products (creams with antioxidant effects for any facial skin) is designed for any age. It is recommended to use cream-based care substances starting from the age of 18-20, especially in large cities, where the face is exposed to intense negative effects.

Estee Lauder brand creams, lotions and other facial care products were developed in the latest laboratories in New York. Each of them has a complex effect on the skin and is aimed at eliminating various problems: smoothing wrinkles, protecting, toning.

Each consumer will be able to find in the Estee Lauder catalog an individually suitable product that has the necessary properties and advantages over numerous analogues in the cosmetic industry.

Author: Mariitka

Article format: Mila Friedan

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