H2o hand cream

Manufacturer: H2O+

Code: H2O082374

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Specialty Care Hand & Nail Cream from H2O+ is a product that provides competent care for the skin of your hands. The presented product perfectly nourishes, leaving after use a feeling of softness and moisturization of the skin, without traces of stickiness and excessive oiliness. The rich formula of the cream contains many valuable ingredients that provide comprehensive hydration and antioxidant protection:

silk proteins – provide nutrition and regeneration;
shea butter, apricot kernels, meadowfoam and vitamin E – eliminate skin dehydration;
rare plant extracts of kritmum, Barbados aloe, sea lettuce, spirulina and other algae help restore the skin’s own protective barrier.

Specialty Care Hand & Nail cream should be used before bed and at any other time when your skin feels tight and dry. To do this, apply the product with stroking movements to the outer and inner parts of the palms, paying special attention to the nails and cuticle area.

Lyolichek Saratov
Samara guest

Hand cream H2O December 16, 2013

Hello girls! I bought n2o today - hand cream in a gray-black tube, a salt body scrub in a large round jar and a night restoring cream-gel. So far I have tried it on my hands - it has a pleasant consistency, non-greasy, but not watery, just right. Absorbed quickly enough, the smell is pleasant. The skin smoothed out and became soft. Before that, it was rustling and there were pimples. I'll write about the rest later, as soon as I try it