Removing acne on the face

Just the other day I published a post about post-acne on Instagram, I decided to duplicate it here too, only to go into more detail on each point. Today I’m talking about post-acne acne and how to remove it.

Of course, acids again occupy the main place in the treatment of post-acne. I’ve been writing a lot about acids lately, I even started a separate tag for them)))

Yesterday I wrote a post about acne treatment - ACNE REMEDIES ON iHERB.

Acne can be cured, acne goes away, but often leaves spots - post-acne.

What is post-acne?

Stagnant acne spots, of course, they will go away over time, at least they should, but you can speed up this process.

You can get rid of post-acne and do it easier than it seems, the main thing is to be systematic.


Below is a list of components that do an excellent job with post-acne.

Gives a whitening effect. By the way, you can simply wipe your skin with lemon water.

Citric Acid is in my favorite Suki Scrub, available on iherb - Suki Inc., Rescue, Exfoliating Foaming Cleanser, 4.0 fl oz (120 ml)

Acids in the right proportion can work wonders on the skin, perfectly renew the skin and remove acne quite quickly.

Both are great for lightening acne.

Vitamin C renews the skin, makes the tone more even and fights pigment spots and post-acne.

There are a huge number of products with vitamin C on iHerb, here I wrote about serums with vitamin C - The best serums from

I can recommend these:

It has whitening properties and copes well with post-acne.

Or this is also a cool serum from it’s skin, but in my opinion it’s not on iHerb, I bought it on ebay and it really lightens post-acne and age spots, while being absorbed well and leaving no stickiness.


Badyaga perfectly resolves stagnant spots! Fights post-acne and bruises.

Reduces melanin synthesis, thereby eliminating age spots. Arbutin is preferable because it does not contain toxic substances.

This is a water-soluble vitamin B3, promotes skin renewal, increases elasticity, fights pigment spots, acne and post-acne.

An exfoliating and skin-renewing product (vitamin A in general), but it’s not suitable for anyone, you need to be careful with it.


👉 Regular badyaga forte It resolves everything in a matter of days, but I can’t buy it now, so I’m not using it at the moment.

Badyaga Forte is sold in any Russian pharmacy and in any “Life Shop”, so in Russia it is not a problem to find it at all.

The only thing I would recommend is to apply the badyagu spot on, only on the stains.

👉 Elizavecca toner with fruit acids oPerfectly whitens the skin and lightens acne.

This is my favorite acid keel at the moment.

Yes, its composition is not ideal, but it is very effective.


👉 Favorite Andalou Naturals Pumpkin Glycolic Mask also contributes to the disappearance of post-acne.

Honestly, this is the best glycolic acid mask I've tried. Better than Ren and some more expensive ones.


👉 Peeling scrub Suki with citric acid.


I bought this scrub on iHerb - Suki Inc., Rescue, Exfoliating Foaming Cleanser, 4.0 fl oz (120 ml), it's not very budget friendly - $36 for a 120 ml jar.

👉 The Ordinary AHA 30% BHA 2%, I still suffer from this peeling and still don’t see anything good from it.


👉 Favorite salicylic toner La Roche-Posay Effaclar

Alcohol tonic with salicylic acid. Perfectly cleanses the skin and treats acne.


👉 Excellent light cream with acids La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo +. This is my must-have!

Treats acne like a charm. You apply it in the evening and in the morning the pimples are lighter and less inflamed. Great cream indeed.

You can buy it at any pharmacy and on Lookfantastic - LA ROCHE-POSAY EFFACLAR DUO+ 40ML


And also a very cool oil Rosehip Pai, rich in vitamin C. Makes the skin smooth, elastic and evens out the tone, plus lightens post-acne.

I bought it on lookfantastic - Pai Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil, it often has discounts of up to 40%, by the way.


And the InstaNatural serum with vitamin C, it, of course, gives results, but not instantaneously.


These are the products I use to get rid of post-acne.

Having more or less dealt with acne, we solve another difficult problem: how to quickly get rid of post-acne and remove the traces left after acne - scars and hyperpigmentation. And what to do with enlarged pores? Let's find out.

  1. What is post-acne
  2. Post-acne forms
  3. How to remove post-acne
  4. How to remove acne scars
  5. Basic rules of care
  6. Cosmetical tools

What is post-acne

Post-acne is persistent skin changes that appear after acne. Of course, not every pimple leaves a bad memory of itself in the form of a bluish spot or a chip on the face. But if teenage or adult acne has left marks in the form of scars, we’ll say right away: it’s not easy to fight them.

Acne does not always go away without a trace. © iStock

Whether pimples leave marks or not depends on several conditions, including our actions. So, post-acne is formed under the influence of the following factors.

Long-term acne. Inflammation attacks the skin for a long time, undermines its resources and irreversibly damages it.

Deep inflammatory elements (nodules and cysts). They are characteristic of moderate to severe acne and always lead to scarring.

Squeezing pimples. Yes, we often become the culprits of our own troubles: an inept, rude and untimely attempt to squeeze out a pimple ends up injuring the blood vessels (this is how spots appear) or drives the inflammation even deeper (this is how scars appear).

Post-acne forms

Having finally gotten rid of acne or achieved an overall satisfactory skin condition, a person has every right to celebrate victory. However, post-acne can overshadow the joy and require new efforts, as new problems arise on the agenda.

Scarring. After inflammation has subsided in the depths of the skin, replacement tissue is formed, which is located quite deep. This is why the scars look like pits or craters, due to which the skin texture becomes uneven.

Dyschromia. Often, areas of the skin where there were inflammatory elements change color and pigmentation appears.

Vascular changes. This is what causes the formation of red or bluish spots at the site of pimples, especially squeezed or injured ones.

How to remove post-acne

Traces left by acne are most often corrected in a beauty salon. But there are some things you can do at home.

Deep cleansing and renewal removes acne marks. © iStock

Deep cleansing products, as well as cosmetics with sebum-regulating effects, will help keep pores clean and make them less noticeable. Skin-renewing acids are also on your side.

It is better to deal with age spots that have arisen at the site of a former pimple together with cosmetologists and dermatologists. Specialists may prescribe a course of phototherapy or peelings. Proper home care also works. True, you will have to wait longer for the result.

Alexander Prokofiev, medical expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, advises paying attention to creams and serums with whitening components, the action of which is aimed at suppressing melanin synthesis: kojic acid, arbutin, glabridin, ascorbic acid, azelaic acid.

And again a problem for the cosmetologist. It's true, it's not complicated. Procedures should be aimed at improving local blood circulation so that stagnant spots resolve. For example, cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is effective. At home, it is recommended to use cosmetics with acids to speed up skin renewal.

There is no point in dealing with them at home, so we will talk about them separately.

How to remove acne scars

Retracted, sunken scars that make the skin look uneven are the most unpleasant reminder of inflammation. It is almost impossible to completely get rid of them. The scar tissue formed in the deep layers of the skin (plus, devoid of pigmentation, and therefore the ability to tan) will remain that way forever.

The list of procedures offered by dermatology clinics includes the following offerings.

Chemical peeling - a popular and quite effective procedure for eliminating acne marks. With the help of peeling, it is possible to renew the skin, stimulate collagen synthesis and make such scars less noticeable, and sometimes completely remove them (if the scar is fresh). We advise you to pay attention to the course of medium peelings.

Dermabrasion - one of the peeling options. With this procedure you can quickly get rid of hyperpigmentation, scars and post-acne marks. Typically, a device with several nozzles coated with abrasive is used for this. The depth of exposure is regulated by the doctor. Among the types of dermabrasion, laser, diamond, and mechanical are distinguished. The doctor decides which method is right for you during an individual consultation.

Microneedling - a safe and effective method. Its essence comes down to the effect of a mesoscooter on the skin - a special device with thin needles at the end. Many micro-punctures are created on the skin, due to which the active components of the drugs penetrate deeper into the skin.

There are also procedures during which the voids are filled with fillers, but in this case the result will be temporary and require regular correction.

Acid peeling smoothes the skin. © iStock

Basic rules of care

When caring for skin with acne, you need to clearly understand that the main task is not to harm. That is, do not take actions that can aggravate inflammation and provoke the formation of a permanent spot or scar.

Touch it only when washing your face or applying skin care products. And only with clean hands.

No matter how great the temptation, it is strictly forbidden to do this, especially in the presence of deep inflammatory rashes. If you touch a pimple, you are guaranteed to get a spot (or even a scar) and a new pimple to boot. As a healthy alternative to assault, use products to target inflammatory elements.

Products for spot control of acne.

Local action corrective agent Effaclar A. I., La Roche-Posay;

Remedy against local imperfections Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, Kiehl's.

The gadget that you constantly press to your face is a breeding ground for bacteria. Regular disinfection will protect your skin from many problems.

Better yet, ditch the face towel in favor of disposable paper napkins.

Don’t even think about skipping the morning and evening washing ceremony at least once. Your skin won't forgive you for this. And remember: acne requires deep, but not aggressive cleansing. Your friends are foams and lotions with acids, as well as masks based on natural clay. But it is better to avoid rough mechanical abrasives. You may like:

Products for cleansing acne skin.

A foaming cleansing gel for oily, acne-prone skin. Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay;

Cleansing toner for mature skin against imperfections Blemish + Age Solution, SkinCeuticals;

Cleanser Normaderm 3-in-1, Vichy.

Cosmetical tools

It is problematic to remove acne marks with the help of cosmetics, but it is your responsibility to provide adequate care for oily skin with acne and acne. Properly selected means will help keep the situation under control and will not allow inflammation to spread in breadth and depth. And therefore, they will serve as a prevention of post-acne.

Moreover, due to the renewing effect of acids, which are usually included in anti-acne cosmetics, imperfections can be corrected and visually improve the overall appearance of the skin.

So, we are interested in cosmetics that have:

exfoliating and renewing effect;

These products for the care of acne-prone skin take on the necessary functions.

Products for acne skin.

Moisturizes and corrects acne spots.

acids: dioic, caprylic-salicylic, salicylic, glycolic, citric

How to remove acne scars on face? Currently, a wide variety of scar removal methods are available to humanity. Before choosing the appropriate method of treatment and elimination of skin defects, you should determine the type of scars or spots left by acne.

During adolescence, many faced the problem of acne, purulent inflammation, acne. Usually the rash goes away as soon as the hormonal levels return to normal. However, acne scars often remain. Some people suffer from acne not only during adolescence. There are many factors that influence the condition of human skin: increased greasiness, improper functioning of the endocrine and exocrine glands, digestive problems, dysbacteriosis, subcutaneous mites, chronic diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, weak immunity, poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition, slagging in the body, abuse of bad habits.

Causes of age spots and acne scars

The appearance of acne scars is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Self-extrusion . An attempt to quickly remove a purulent formation without the use of antiseptics and special instruments can lead to an inflammatory process that affects deeper tissues and causes scars on the face.
  2. Incorrect or untimely treatment of acne . Acne by itself does not disappear without the formation of a pimple; the only way to get rid of acne is to visit a cosmetologist and cleanse your face.
  3. Fungal diseases . In this case, the etiology of the rash cannot be determined quickly, which is why consequences appear in the form of scars or spots.
  4. Excessive sun exposure . The inflammatory process due to acne provokes increased production of melanin. When combined with an additional source of ultraviolet rays, dark spots quickly appear on the skin.

Facial scars and acne spots appear after the pus formation comes out and leaves behind a crater. Thanks to the body's defenses, the skin releases collagen and fills the resulting hole. After some time, collagen is replaced by new epidermal cells. If there are disturbances in cellular metabolism, either an excess or a lack of connective tissue may occur, which leads to defects on the face.

Types of scars on the face

The structure of the damage depends on the amount of collagen that the body produced after the formation of a pimple:

  1. Hypertrophic scars — from the point of view of cosmetologists, this type of damage is the most problematic. When tissue is damaged after purulent formations, fibroblasts in the skin increase the production of collagen, which turns out to be too much. Excess tissue begins to protrude over the healed wound site. Scars after acne on the face of this type can protrude by 1 cm, have a dark shade and rough texture.
  2. Atrophic lesions - with insufficient collagen production, the wound does not heal completely, and a depression remains in place of the pimple. The pits vary in shape: round depressions with smooth edges, rectangular pits with sharp edges, chipped depressions.
  3. Keloid scars — tissue proliferation begins a month after the wound from a pimple or after a skin injury heals. This growth can continue for up to two years. An unpleasant feature of keloid formations is their ability to affect healthy nearby tissues and spread over large areas. Such keloid scars rarely appear on the face, but if a person has a tendency to this type of scarring, then acne on the face can provoke it.
  4. Normotrophic scars - almost invisible damage that does not have grooves or bulges.

Acne scars can take several months to heal, depending on the depth of the damage. Before treating scars and acne scars, consult a dermatologist and esthetician.

Medicinal methods of treating post-acne

Pharmacies offer a wide variety of special medications that can smooth out visible imperfections on the skin and help remove acne scars on the face.

Let's take a closer look at medications and their effects:

  1. Heparin ointment . The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the resorption of keratinized tissue, and has a mild anesthetic effect. In medicine, doctors use the product not only to get rid of scars, but also as a drug that helps quickly resolve bruises and bruises. The ointment has an affordable price. The average course of treatment is 7 days.
  2. Contractubex ointment . The drug contains heparin, allantoin and Serae onion. Thanks to the complex effects of the components, scars are resolved, the inflammatory process goes away, and the skin tone is evened out. The course of treatment for old scars can last up to six months.
  3. Cream Clearwin . The drug is based on natural ingredients and does not contain harmful chemical compounds that can change the DNA structure of cells. Indian herbal extracts effectively fight acne on the face and their consequences at home. The cream should be used according to the instructions: twice a day for a month.

A qualified specialist at a cosmetology center or a dermatologist will tell you in more detail how to get rid of acne scars in your case with the help of medications.

Removing the consequences of acne in cosmetology

If you don’t know how to get rid of acne scars in one day, then contact a laser cosmetology clinic. Modern technologies make it possible to very quickly cure acne and get rid of facial scars or age spots.

Laser peeling removes all noticeable hollows and imperfections in one course of treatment. The procedure is painful and is performed under local anesthesia. After treatment, the face remains swollen for several days, and redness may be visible on the skin. Such consequences are caused by laser damage to the epidermis, and this is the essence of the procedure - to even out the skin. After laser resurfacing, you should protect your face from direct sunlight to avoid the formation of hyperpigmentation in some areas.

How to get rid of acne scars without severely damaging the skin? In addition to deep tissue damage by laser, you can resort to a more gentle procedure - chemical peeling (for example, Jessner peeling). The procedure is based on the effects of acids. The doctor applies a special composition to the skin and leaves the peeling on the face for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the type of skin and the complexity of the damage that needs to be removed. After peeling, the top layer of the epidermis is peeled off along with the scars. One procedure is usually not enough, so doctors recommend undergoing a course of treatment.

If you are interested in how to remove acne scars in the most gentle way, then ozone therapy is an excellent option. The procedure is aimed at skin rejuvenation. An ozone-oxygen mixture is introduced into the epidermis, which triggers the regeneration mechanism of the skin, eliminates inflammatory processes, smoothes out existing imperfections and evens out the complexion.

Another effective and painless way to get rid of scars is to treat the skin with liquid nitrogen. Cryomassage is performed using a wooden spatula on which a piece of cotton wool is wound. The doctor places the cotton wool in liquid nitrogen and quickly treats the entire surface of the face. This procedure accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and helps smooth out scars, and also eliminates redness.

Ways to treat acne scars at home

Many people do not trust modern medicine and prefer to turn to traditional methods and recipes.

Let's look at how to remove acne scars on the face at home:

  1. Mask with lemon and glycerin . To prepare the recipe, mix one part lemon juice with two parts glycerin. Apply to damaged area of ​​skin. The procedure time should not exceed 15 minutes. You can use the mask once a week.
  2. Soda scrub . Dilute baking soda and water in equal proportions, rub the product into the scars for a minute, then rinse with warm water. Baking soda removes pigmentation and smooths out scars on the face.
  3. Honey mask . Mix honey, low-fat sour cream, white clay and water in equal proportions. Apply all over your face using a cosmetic brush. Leave the mask for half an hour until completely dry, then rinse with warm water. The procedure can be performed once every three days.

Whether post-acne can be cured completely at home depends on the severity of the lesion. It will be more difficult to get rid of old scars using traditional methods, so any treatment must be timely.

Preventative measures against acne scars

To keep your face always fresh and your skin smooth and beautiful, do not forget about daily care. Choose cosmetics according to your skin type. Use cleansers and lotions daily. Don't forget to apply moisturizer and makeup base to your face. Many acne problems appear due to incorrectly selected decorative cosmetics. Cheap foundations clog pores and cause acne.

If you have pimples or acne, consult your doctor to find out the cause and prescribe the correct treatment. Often, imperfections on the face serve as warning signs that not everything is in order in the intestines. Stick to proper nutrition, do not abuse fatty, spicy and fried foods, which can cause dysbiosis and disruption of intestinal microflora. Drink vitamins A and E to improve skin regeneration and maintain immunity.

Means Action Active Ingredients
Cream-gel Effaclar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay lipohydroxy acid (LHA), niacinamide
Serum for correcting acne and age-related skin changes Blemish+Age Defense, SkinCeuticals Reduces greasiness, evens out skin texture, helps prevent rashes and post-acne manifestations.