Hair removal before and after photos


Every representative of the fair sex dreams of clean and smooth skin without extra hairs on it. In the modern world, the beauty market offers a wide variety of drugs and procedures aimed at combating unwanted hair. Along with the machine, waxing, sugaring, and the use of various depilation creams, photoepilation is gaining increasing popularity among not only the female, but also the male part of the population.


What it is?

Epilation is a method of hair removal that has a direct effect on the follicle, destroying it and leading to hair loss. This approach to combating unwanted hair helps maintain a longer lasting effect from the procedure. One of the types of hair removal is photoepilation. This hair removal method is based on the use of a high-pulse light wave.

A light wave directed from a special lamp at the hair follicles is converted into heat waves, due to which it has a destructive effect on melanin (the substance responsible for hair color). Moving along melanin, it lightens the hair and enters the blood vessels, promoting blood clotting near the bulb, thus limiting its nutrition and leading to destruction and hair loss.

After the first photoepilation, the number of hairs is reduced by approximately 20%, and the remaining 80% becomes significantly thinner. Repeated use of this procedure leads to atrophy of the follicle and complete cessation of hair growth.

Photoepilation is used to remove hair from the arms, legs, chin, and eyebrows. It is also done on the face (to get rid of mustaches above the upper lip). Removing hair using this method is almost painless. You will no longer need to shave frequently to achieve smooth and velvety skin.


Operating principle

In comparison with other known hair removal methods, the effect of photoepilation is not immediate, but cumulative. To obtain the desired result, several sessions will be required. To avoid harmful effects on tissue, the cosmetologist selects an individual program for you (determines the required temperature and prescribes the number of procedures), based on the level of your pain threshold and the color and thickness of the hairs.

The principle of operation of this procedure is a short exposure to a high-power light wave (flash) on the hair and its shafts. This energy, which was absorbed by the hair cells, is converted into heat, helping to heat the entire structure of the hair and subcutaneous tissues to 80°C. Thanks to such a high temperature, blood clotting occurs in the capillaries that feed the hair follicle. The result of this process is severe destruction or death of the follicle. When the bulb atrophies, it can no longer perform its functions and the hair gradually dies.

After this procedure, the hair falls out on its own within 20 days. With the right approach, the effect occurs not only on the follicle itself, but also on the hair papilla. It is due to this that with repeated use of photoepilation, hair growth is disrupted or completely stops for up to 5 years.



At the moment, there are several types of photoepilation, namely:

  1. IPL photoepilation;
  2. Elos hair removal;

The first method is considered the most widely applicable. This is a radical method of getting rid of unwanted hair, which is based on the use of a broadband light wave with a length from 530 to 1200 nm. Melanin becomes its conductor. It absorbs a pulse of light, after which the hair shaft is heated. This rod carries heat into the bulb, causing it to collapse. The flash only affects hairs that are in the active growth phase, so this procedure must be repeated several times.

The main device for this procedure is now considered to be the English apparatus. IPulse. It has the largest flash area (about 9 cm²), while its analogues are only 3 cm². This scale of coverage allows you to minimize the time spent on photoepilation. It also comes with a special cooling attachment, which helps make the process more enjoyable.

One of the modifications IPL is Elos hair removal. This procedure combines two types of energy (radio frequency and light pulse energy). The effectiveness of this method is no better than photoepilation, but the sensitivity is much higher. If you have dark or tanned skin, there is a high risk of getting a burn.





How many sessions are needed?

The result of the first procedure, as well as subsequent sessions, is not predictable. It depends on the individual qualities of the hair and the area being treated. On average, after the first photoepilation, hair that was at the stage of active growth (approximately 20% of the total amount) is removed forever. Hairs that have not reached this phase at that time remain untouched, since they did not absorb light pulses. After some time, they germinate and there is a need for another procedure. It is precisely because of the individual characteristics of each client that it is difficult to judge the exact number of sessions required.

Other factors influencing the effectiveness of photoepilation, and therefore the number of required sessions, are:

  1. Using an appliance with insufficient power;
  2. Failure to configure the device for the desired hair type;
  3. Lack of qualifications of a cosmetologist;
  4. Insufficient number of flashes carried out.

On average, the recommended number of photoepilation sessions varies from 6 to 10 times. Since hair continues to fall out after epilation for 2-3 weeks, the interval between the first ones should be from 3 weeks to 1 month, then as it grows. The result of completing the full course is a complete cessation of unwanted hair growth for a period of 3 to 5 years.








Indeed, the effectiveness of this procedure is very high and the positive reviews of many people are irrefutable proof of this. On average, the effect lasts about two to three years, but there is no single indicator here, because each person is individual and has his own characteristics, which have a direct impact on the result obtained. Carrying out a preventive procedure once a year will help you significantly prolong the effect of this method of hair removal (after completing the full course).

It is necessary to take into account the fact that if you stop attending procedures or become pregnant (which will lead to hormonal imbalance), the results of the work done may come to naught.

It is for this reason that it is strongly recommended to make sure that during this long period of time (about a year) nothing will prevent you from completing the entire course to the end.

The result is mainly affected by the color of your hair and your skin. For blond, red and gray hair, the effectiveness will be significantly reduced. The ideal combination for using this hair removal method is having fair skin and dark hair.




Before the first photoepilation procedure, you need to consult a cosmetologist. There they will tell you the pros and cons of this service, select a program and focus your attention on possible contraindications for its implementation. There are two types of contraindications: absolute and relative. Absolute contraindications include:

  1. Presence of hypertension;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Various cardiovascular diseases;
  4. Infectious diseases;
  5. Skin diseases;
  6. Moles;
  7. Oncological diseases;
  8. Age up to 16 years;
  9. Open wounds;
  10. Tendency to develop keloid scars.


Relative reasons why photoepilation is dangerous to your health include:

  1. Pregnancy;
  2. Allergies;
  3. Tattoos;
  4. Tanned skin.




Also, photoepilation can be dangerous when breastfeeding. The main reason for this is the presence of any stress on the body of the new mother. Such stress also includes the so-called pain syndrome. Due to the fact that photoepilation is not a completely painless procedure, the resulting stress can cause premature loss of milk, so it should be avoided for some time.

Another reason is the incomplete normalization of hormonal levels, which may cause more time and effort to be spent on the procedure without obtaining the desired result. Once the background is restored, the hair will begin to grow back. Therefore, during lactation, it is necessary to refuse photoepilation until your body normalizes and recovers.


Rules for preparation and conduct

There are a number of rules and recommendations for preparing and performing photoepilation, compliance with which will help you avoid troubles, get pleasure and maximum effect from the procedure.

Before hair removal, a consultation is held with a cosmetologist, during which you undergo an examination, and the specialist will compile your questionnaire with personal data.

Based on them, he develops an individual photoepilation program for you. Afterwards you take a test to determine your skin's sensitivity to flare-ups. Only after this the procedure itself begins.

The client is given special glasses or just a blindfold to protect them from unwanted light exposure. The cosmetologist himself performs his work in darkened glasses.




A gel (often with aloe vera) is applied to the desired area of ​​skin. If the skin is highly sensitive to light flashes, it is recommended to apply an anesthetic cream at least an hour before the procedure to avoid pain.

The next stage involves the master using a special manipulator, which is connected to the device, to move it across the skin. There will be an unpleasant tingling sensation at the site of exposure (its pain depends on your pain threshold). It is at this moment that a properly selected program is important.

The procedure is completed by applying an anti-inflammatory agent and a compress with a cooling effect to the entire area undergoing hair removal.


Skin care and possible consequences

Despite the safety of use and painlessness of the photoepilation process, in order to avoid possible negative consequences, proper care of the skin and compliance with certain recommendations before and after the procedure are necessary.

Rules to follow before the procedure:

  1. It is prohibited to remove hair using various means, with the exception of a machine, two weeks before photoepilation
  2. Sunbathing (including self-tanning) is prohibited at least two weeks before the procedure. The skin acquires a brown tint due to melanin (a thermal conductor). Having received irradiation with light energy and its transformation into thermal energy, melanin will become its conductor not only to the follicle, but also to the skin itself. The result of neglecting this rule can be burns of varying degrees of severity.
  3. You need to stop using antibiotics and tranquilizers two weeks before the procedure.




Rules to follow after the procedure:

  1. You cannot take baths, go to saunas or visit swimming pools and spa salons for a week;
  2. Try to avoid direct sunlight (therefore, it is not advisable to carry out photoepilation in the summer);
  3. It is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin daily for a week with various creams, oils and lotions;
  4. Refuse to visit the solarium, because even after photoepilation there is a risk of burns on the treated areas of the body;
  5. Try to create less friction between the treated area and various rough types of tissue, so as not to cause even more harm to already irritated skin.


In addition to burns, possible consequences of photoepilation include:

  1. Growth of keloid scars (if there is a predisposition to their formation);
  2. The occurrence of allergic reactions;
  3. The appearance of folliculitis;
  4. Skin pigmentation disorder.


Pros and cons of photoepilation at home

There are also portable devices for photoepilation at home.

Flash light hair removal at home has both its pros and cons. The advantages of hair removal at home include:

  1. Thanks to the power regulator installed on devices for photoepilation at home, the risk of burns, as well as pain during the procedure, is eliminated.
  2. The effect obtained when using a home photoepilation device does not differ from that obtained in the salon. After completing a full course of photoepilation (6-10 procedures), hair will stop growing for a long time.
  3. No additional knowledge is required to use it. Each portable device has a clear interface and detailed and accessible instructions.
  4. Most home photoepilators have special modes and attachments for removing hair from any area of ​​the body, including the most sensitive areas, such as the face and bikini. To minimize burns or other skin damage, you need to understand the mechanism of action of the device and choose the optimal mode for you.
  5. The use of this device is harmless to your health. The device affects only the top layer of skin (about 5mm), so the internal organs will not be involved.


Also, the procedure of photoepilation at home has a certain number of disadvantages. The main ones include the following:

  1. There is a high risk of various allergic reactions and other problems. Due to the lack of professional preliminary consultation, diagnosis of any contraindications, etc., you can cause great harm to your body.
  2. A big problem when carrying out photoepilation at home can be the selection of high-quality preparations to protect the skin from light exposure.
  3. It may take longer to achieve the desired result.
  4. Due to the high cost and the need to replace the lamp after a certain number of procedures, the price of a home photoepilation device will be equal to the cost of salon photoepilation, but you will not receive advice from a professional technician.

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The age-old women's problem of unwanted hair has become completely solvable. To date There are ways to remove them almost painlessly and completely. This allows women to forget forever about such aesthetic problems when hair grows on the face, chest or arms.

The essence of the procedure

A complete cessation of hair growth does not occur after the first procedure, since the hairs covering our body have different growth phases. After removing the largest and most visible hairs, the growth phase of smaller, vellus hairs begins. Thus, By carrying out the hair removal procedure once a month, in 10-12 procedures you can get rid of hair forever in unwanted places.

What are the types

Remove unwanted body hair there are two ways – depilation and epilation.

Depilation is a mechanical method of hair removal, when the hair follicles remain in place, and only part of the hair above the skin is removed, after which they resume their growth:

  1. shaving hair;
  1. hair plucking;
  1. hair removal with thread.

Epilation is a hair removal technique where the hair follicle is removed or destroyed, preventing further growth:

  1. laser hair removal;
  2. elos epilation;
  3. photoepilation;
  1. electrolysis;
  2. waxing;
  3. hair removal with sugaring.

You can find out more about these methods by following the link: hair removal and depilation - what is the difference.

Where can I do this procedure?

  1. Clinic of laser surgery and cosmetology “Vector”: Moscow, st. Krupskaya, 19/17, tel. +7 (795) 255 19 07.
  2. Laser hair removal and cosmetology clinic “Lazer Jazz”: Moscow, st. Vorontsovskaya, 20, tel. +7 (495) 374 84 10.
  3. Laser hair removal salon "Infinity": Moscow, per. Nastasinsky, 5, building 3, tel. +7 (495) 500 87 90.
  1. Hair removal center "Pro Skin": St. Petersburg, st. Mayakovskogo, 3, tel. +7 (812) 602 99 55.
  2. Center for Aesthetic Medicine "LaserMed": St. Petersburg, st. Furshtatskaya, 33, tel. +7 (812) 679 60 60.
  3. Professional electrolysis center: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Ave., 130, tel. +7 (812) 994 38 84.
  1. Laser Medicine Center "Lady Aesthetic": Kyiv, st. Melnikova, 83d, tel. +38 (044) 451 85 95.
  2. Salon "Phoenix": Kyiv, st. Proriznaya, 11A, tel. +38 (044) 383 81 59.
  3. Center for laser cosmetology "Doctor Laser": Kyiv, st. Tereshchenkovskaya, 13, tel. +38 (044) 568 02 01.

Possible consequences

As for photoepilation and electroepilation, these methods of hair removal mmay cause:

  1. painful sensations;
  2. pigmentation;
  3. photodermatitis;
  1. the occurrence of scars, crusts and burns.

Reviews about permanent hair removal

We invite you to see what your skin looks like after hair removal using one method or another thanks to the “before” and “after” photos, which provided by the participants of our small experiment. Our expert will comment on their results and reviews.

Lyudmila, 50 years old

Age-related hormonal imbalances have led to the growth of dark hairs above the upper lip. This became the reason for my complexes and worries. By contacting the aesthetic cosmetology center, I solved this problem. After 11 sessions of laser hair removal, dark hairs above the lip fell out, the skin became soft and clean. The procedure itself goes very quickly, and the slight tingling sensation is quite tolerable. After this procedure, the skin above the lip turns a little red, but Panthenol completely removes all traces in 10-15 minutes.

Marina, 22 years old

I would like to show you the result of Elos hair removal, which got rid of thick, dark-colored vellus hair above my upper lip. I am a young girl, and such a defect greatly complicated my communication with peers, developing complexes about my appearance. Once a month I did this hair removal, which took no more than five minutes, including preparing the skin for the procedure. Very fast, simple and not that expensive considering the great effect.

Veronica, 28 years old

I have been waxing my armpits for a long time and want to share my results. One procedure lasts me a month, which is very convenient, especially in the summer. After an hair removal session, the skin becomes soft and smooth, and slight redness of the skin completely disappears within an hour. One of the disadvantages of waxing is that it hurts a lot during the procedure, but I have low skin sensitivity so I don't experience much discomfort.

Ekaterina, 38 years old

All my life I have struggled with excessive hair growth on my legs and have tried a lot of methods. The most effective thing for me was laser hair removal. After just 5 sessions I noticed results. The hairs on my legs began to thin out and become thinner, and after the 10th procedure my legs became clean and smooth. The only disadvantage of laser hair removal for me was the long period of time (10 months) that it took to completely cleanse the skin of hair.

Irina, 45 years old

I went to a beauty salon to get rid of hair on my toes that was growing in a male pattern. This unpleasant problem caused me particular discomfort in the summer, when I want to wear beautiful open sandals. Photoepilation completely cleared my fingers of black hairs, and now they don’t grow at all. My legs have become more feminine and neat.

Alena, 25 years old

I was faced with the problem of hair growth on my cheekbones. Because of this, I had to walk around with my hair down in order to at least slightly hide this defect. I didn't want to shave off my hair to avoid causing more hair growth, so I went to a laser hair removal clinic. In just six procedures, my unwanted hair was completely removed, and after a few months I noticed that it was not growing at all. I recommend this miracle method to everyone!