Moisturizer with retinol


Vitamin A is known to many for its beneficial properties; it heals the skin and has the ability to protect against free radicals. Therefore, people often call it the vitamin for youth. This substance was found in liver, beans, and a large number of fruits and vegetables. And of course, it is found in all known fish oils.


Scientists and manufacturers of cosmetics and medicines are constantly looking for new products and improving their products. Particularly a lot of effort is aimed at creating and improving drugs designed to combat age-related changes in humans.

And one of the innovations is undoubtedly creams with retinol, which can truly rejuvenate the skin.


Pure retinol isolated from products could not be used in the manufacture of cosmetics for a very long time. It entered into chemical reactions with other components of the drugs and, oxidizing, became unsuitable for use. Currently, chemists have made a breakthrough in this area by creating a stable form of this substance called retinoid. Now it, as well as its varieties - trans-retinoic acid, adapalene and synthetic forms of retinol (acetate and retinyl palmitate) - are used as components of medicinal creams.


Indications for use

Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the upper layers of the epidermis, improves the skin, and protects against the effects of antioxidants. Thanks to stimulation of the production of elastin and collagen necessary for health and beauty, it restores the skin of the face. The vitamin helps heal wounds and is often used to treat sunburn.


Retinol products are used to treat a huge range of skin problems.

Its property of preventing the spread of infection helps in the treatment of pimples and acne. The healing effect is used when affecting psoriasis lesions.

Retinol cream is not just for beauty, but to treat problem skin. Therefore, like any medicine, it must be used only in accordance with the indications, be sure to follow the rules of use.

Products containing retinol and its analogues are recommended for anti-aging therapy. With proper care, you can get rid of or at least reduce age-related changes, tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles, and make age spots less noticeable.


You should not start using retinol creams in the summer.

Vitamin A increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to sunlight, so additional protection is necessary. These products are even divided into day and night products. More vitamins are added to the night cream, and the day cream should contain substances that block the action of ultraviolet radiation.


Operating principle

Vitamin A is required by our body for healthy bones, epidermis, hair and nails.

Without it, normal functioning of the organs of vision and immunity is impossible. It has a positive effect on metabolism, stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin in the skin, renews cells, and fights aging throughout the body. Removes toxins and prevents the spread of infection, heals wounds, removes rashes and skin problems.


Let's take a closer look at the main actions of retinoids:

  1. Pronounced effect of restoration and regeneration, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the dermis, on the resorption of scars and the elimination of excessive pigmentation, and improves color.
  2. For dry epidermis provide active hydration and normalize fluid balance.
  3. For excess fat help get rid of inflammation and reduce the production of glandular secretions.
  4. Increase the production of elastin and collagen fibers, restore skin tone and make it elastic.
  5. Positively affects metabolism in epidermal cells, renew the upper layers of the skin.
  6. Strengthens capillaries, improves blood circulation, thereby enhancing oxygen exchange and the supply of nutrients, vitamins, macro and microelements.
  7. Provides antioxidant protection prevent the harmful effects of environmental factors.
  8. Stimulates the reduction of wrinkles, increase the elasticity of the epidermis, improve its turgor, and even out the surface.


Retinoid products for aging skin that fight the signs of aging can be a real godsend. They are suitable for any type of dermis, moisturize excessively dry skin, and if it is oily, they reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, nourish and carefully care for any type, including normal ones.

For even more information about the benefits of retinol, watch the following video.

Composition of funds

Drugs often include other useful components. These vary from the intended purpose of the final product and the effect people want to achieve. Most often, retinol is combined with the following substances:

  1. Vitamin E excellent companion A, has an anti-aging effect.
  2. Vitamin C ensures slow breakdown of retinoids, acts as an anti-inflammatory component.
  3. Panthenol heals damage, minor wounds, stimulates regeneration.
  4. To moisturize the epidermis and restore cellular fluid balance, use sea ​​thermal water, hyaluronic acid.
  5. Plant extracts and oils combined with vitamin A for active nutrition, it helps them to be absorbed quickly and actively.
  6. To additionally provide the epidermis with building material, drugs are combined with marine collagen.
  7. Combination with glycolic acid enhances its anti-aging effect by 8%.
  8. Addition fruit acids cleanses the endometrium, removing its stratum corneum. Thanks to this, the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, providing a positive effect from the inside.








When using retinol, protection from the harmful effects of the sun is necessary. Therefore, substances that provide an SPF factor are added to most products.

Contraindications and side effects

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that vitamin A is a component that has a strong effect. And it can be negative if drugs that contain it are used incorrectly.

Let's look at the main contraindications to the use of retinoid products. If you have one or more of them, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using them.

  1. Retinol - a fairly strong allergen, and with strong susceptibility it can provoke severe allergic reactions. Before using cosmetics for the first time, take the time to test it on a small area of ​​skin. This way you will protect yourself from possible acute reactions.
  2. The use of drugs during pregnancy is prohibited. Vitamin A in excessive amounts has a teratogenic effect and can adversely affect fetal development. During breastfeeding and planning pregnancy, it is also better for women to avoid retinol creams.
  3. Diseases of the circulatory system, stones and inflammation in the gallbladder and pancreas are a serious contraindication.
  4. If the skin is very sensitive, products should be used with caution. If the skin is severely dry, thin and irritated, irritation may occur. The skin around the eyes and lips is very thin and should not be exposed to the drug.
  5. Restrict reception for skin damage, burns, inflammation and wounds.
  6. Age less than 12 years does not allow the use of such cosmetics.
  7. Taking certain medications. There may be contraindications for use. A mandatory preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.



It is not recommended to use cosmetics with retinoids in abundance; this can also cause irritation.

Be sure to protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight and use protective emulsions. Immediately after applying the product, do not go out into the open sun. You cannot use the product continuously; after a course of up to 60 days, a break is required. The active substance stimulates active cell division, thereby achieving restoration and rejuvenation. But with continuous work, they get tired, the exact opposite process occurs, division slows down and the skin ages even more. After a course of use, it is recommended to take a break for a period of three months.


Retinoid drugs also have side effects that you need to know and consider:

  1. burning sensation, redness;
  2. itching and swelling at the application sites;
  3. dryness and flaking;
  4. dermatoses;
  5. increased susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation;
  6. tendency to increased pigmentation.

To reduce side effects, the use of sunscreen and moisturizers is recommended. Also, before use, you should refrain from baths, saunas and other thermal procedures, as well as unusual stress.


Rules of application

To enhance positive effects and reduce negative ones, the ability to use creams with vitamin A becomes decisive.

Reviews of the use of most drugs agree that these formulations are applied to the skin exclusively during seasons with minimal sun activity. Namely, this is winter and late autumn. If this basic rule is violated, skin with impaired ultraviolet perception will be prone to hyperpigmentation. Including, it is necessary to wear hats, preferably with brims, and use sunscreen cosmetics.


Another important rule: do not apply the substance to the entire surface of the face. It is used only locally on problem areas. Most often this is done in the evening before bed, without repetition.

The skin is gradually accustomed to creams with retinoids, otherwise there is a high risk of developing irritations and allergies. At first, the product is used twice a week, then four. When the skin gets used to it, after about a month, the product is applied once a day. Many experts advise using the lowest concentration of the active substance in the drug at the beginning of the course, no more than 1%. At the very beginning of use, the skin may turn red. This is a normal reaction; breaks are just needed to rest the epidermis.

Retinoid cosmetics should be used after cleansing, on dry skin.



An excellent move is to combine such cosmetics with the use of products with ascorbic acid, as well as moisturizing complexes.

Rating of the best brands

The list of retinol products offered on the market is quite large.

Pharmacy drugs evoke the greatest trust among consumers.

This gives confidence in their effectiveness and truly therapeutic effects. In salons, similar types of compositions are used during cosmetic procedures. Pharmacies provide guarantees for their drugs and you don’t have to worry about your health if you follow all the rules of use. Of course, the price of such products will be slightly higher than cosmetic ones, but their effectiveness justifies this.


Examples of pharmaceutical products:

  1. "Lift Activ Retinol" Vichy - a fairly well-known remedy with good effects. It additionally contains thermal spring water and hyaluronic acid. Moisturizes, eliminates facial and age wrinkles.
  2. "Redermic R" La Roche-Posay - light, effective cosmetics that do not cause irritation.
  3. "Kinetinol" MartiDerm - the composition is supplemented with other vitamins. In addition to A, there are jojoba and macadamia oils. Restores and nourishes.

Characteristics in the rating

1 Ericson Laboratoire Nourishing Cream With Fresh Caviar Cells Effective fight against wrinkles
2 SesDerma Retises Eye Contour High-quality skin care around the eyes
3 GIGI Retinol Forte Skin Lightening Pigmentation removal
5 Klapp A Classic "Vitamin A" Best cast
7 SkinCode genetic's Energy Retinol Comprehensive care
8 Medical Collagen 3D Revital Line Collagen Ideal for the first signs of skin aging
9 Elizavecca Milky Piggy EGF Retinol Review leader
10 Vitex Retinol+Mg “Day. Deep Action" Best value

Retinol is a form of vitamin A, which, when it enters the pores of the skin, goes into the stage of transformation into retinolic acid and it is this process that causes the effect of regeneration (renewal) of the skin. The component does a good job of stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin tone and elasticity, so creams containing retinol are a godsend for those who want to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles or the deepening of existing ones. Reviews often write that in addition to the anti-aging effect, you can observe the lightening of age spots and their adjustment to the complexion. And cosmetologists often mention its antioxidant properties, because retinol protects against the harmful effects of the environment and neutralizes free radicals.

Due to such a range of positive effects, retinol was often purchased independently in pharmacies; it has an oily texture and sells for a modest price. But here it is very important to note that retinol is a potent substance, so its concentration should not exceed the norm, and the highest permissible value is 2%. Such proportions cannot be maintained at home, so it is still better to trust certified cosmetics. By the way, not every professional cream will be good for everyday use. In order to help you understand the abundance of creams containing retinol offered today, we have created a rating of the best products for different purposes and different pricing policies.

TOP 10 best creams with retinol

10 Vitex Retinol+Mg “Day. Deep Action"

Budget cream Retinol+Mg “Day. Deep action" is universal and suitable for any skin type. It is recommended to use the product after 35 years of age. The texture of the cream is light, quickly absorbed into the pores and does not leave a greasy film or shine. The product does an excellent job of evening out skin color, so the product can be a good base for makeup. The microrelief is smoothed thanks to the oils of red oil palm and wheat germ.

Retinol perfectly renews skin cells and activates collagen synthesis. And magnesium, which is part of the cream, will strengthen the skin fibers and relieve tension in the facial muscles, which undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on tissue tone. According to consumer reviews, the cream, if used regularly, can “erase” recently formed shallow wrinkles. Vitex Retinol+Mg “Day. Deep Action" is recommended to be applied to the skin with gentle movements twice a day.

9 Elizavecca Milky Piggy EGF Retinol

EGF Elizavecca Milky Piggy EGF Retinol cream is a type of age-related cosmetics and it is recommended to use this Korean product from the age of 35. The composition includes macadamia oil, oligopeptide, adenosine, swallow's nest extract, retinol, niacinamide, arginine. Macadamia nut oil perfectly nourishes the skin, accelerating the regeneration of new cells. Niacinamide prevents the evaporation of moisture from the facial skin, perfectly moisturizing dry skin; improves blood circulation.

Swallow's nest extract is one of the best substances that evens out skin tone and texture, smoothing out small scars and spots that appear, for example, after acne. Also, swallow's nest has a lifting effect, which is especially important during the period of “blurring” of facial contours. The cream became a review leader, receiving many positive responses from both professional cosmetologists and ordinary consumers. The result becomes noticeable after just one month of use.

8 Medical Collagen 3D Revital Line Collagen

Revital Line Collagen moisturizing cream from the famous Russian brand Medical Collagene 3D is intended for everyday skin care. The action of the cream is aimed at renewing mature “fading” skin, it enhances and stimulates natural rejuvenation processes (collagen production, replacement of old cells with new ones), smoothes wrinkles and tightens the oval of the face. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, the cream improves complexion and gives a healthy glow to the skin.

Medical Collagene 3D Revital Line Collagen cream contains one of the best moisture retainers in skin cells - hyaluronic acid, 1 molecule of which retains up to 1000 molecules of water. And the complex of acids will enhance the processes of natural tissue regeneration. Also included: panthenol, collagen, allantoin, olive oil and peach kernels. The manufacturer recommends using the cream at the first appearance of signs of aging.

7 SkinCode genetic's Energy Retinol

SkinCode genetic's Energy Retinol is the best complex cream. The composition includes retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, coenzyme, lipid complex. Coenzyme is a substance that helps remove toxins from skin cells, thereby allowing oxygen to circulate in the pores, which improves the overall condition of the tissues. Scientific research confirms that thanks to coenzyme, the elasticity of the epidermis is improved and its microrelief is smoothed.

The lipid complex perfectly supports skin immunity, and retinol lightens pigmentation on the face and reduces the depth of wrinkles. The vitamin complex protects the skin from damage from toxic substances from the air, which helps maintain healthy and radiant skin. It is recommended to use the cream from the age of 30. After regular use, the skin surface is evened out, small scars are smoothed out, spots are lightened, and complexion improves.


Holy Land ALPHA-BETA WITH RETINOL RESTORING face cream is perfect for sensitive and problematic skin. For those with sensitive skin to UV rays, the manufacturer added lactic acid to the composition; for flaky skin – hydrolyzed silk; for those prone to rashes and allergic reactions – blueberry extract. And the concentration of retinol, verified by the manufacturer, helps restore the epidermis during the post-acne period and heal small wounds and scars.

Reviews often write that they observe the effect of evening out skin tone and removing age spots. And the fruit acids in the composition are responsible for this. In addition, these acids also have a mild cleansing effect; exfoliating dead cells, the cream fights for breathing pores. Those who have tried the cream note that noticeable improvements in skin condition are observed after just one month of use. It is also acceptable to apply the product to the area around the eyes.

5 Klapp A Classic "Vitamin A"

Klapp A Classic "Vitamin A" cream is designed to care for the delicate skin around the eyes and its composition is recognized as one of the best according to reviews from cosmetology experts. The product contains a rich caring complex consisting of retinol, vitamin E, aloe, wheat germ oil, and beeswax. Aloe vera is the best way to refresh dull skin; retinol promotes enhanced cell renewal; beeswax has an excellent lifting effect and deeply nourishes the skin around the eyes, and also promotes the healing of small cracks.

Wheat germ oil has a stimulating effect on the process of tissue regeneration, softens them and eliminates flaking. The epidermis is actively renewed, resulting in a rejuvenation effect. Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant that protects skin collagen fibers from aging. Bisabolol is a skin moisturizing and nourishing substance that does not cause allergies even in children.


This face cream is both protective and rejuvenating. The composition includes: adenosine niacinamide, propolis and Tibetan mushroom extracts. Propolis extract, due to the content of organic acids and essential oils, has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis perfectly heals microcracks and enhances the protective functions of the skin. Tibetan mushroom extract improves elasticity and retains moisture in the skin, and also smoothes microrelief.

Niacinamide is one of the best stimulators of cellular renewal. Thanks to its action, the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are reduced, age-related pigmentation disappears, and collagen production increases. The reviews pay special attention to the protective qualities of the cream. The product perfectly protects the skin from weather conditions (wind, direct sunlight, cold), so the face does not dry out or flake.

3 GIGI Retinol Forte Skin Lightening

Face cream from one of the best Israeli cosmetic companies - GIGI, thanks to the presence of retinol in the composition, has a powerful lightening effect on pigmented areas of tissue. Changes of any etiology can be lightened: freckles, scars (including post-operative scars), traces of post-acne, chloasma. In addition to retinol, kojic acid and bearberry extract are responsible for the brightening properties, which prevent the production of melanin (darkening pigment).

Azelaic acid has an antimicrobial and sebum-regulating effect, so the use of GIGI Retinol Forte Skin Lightening cream will be appropriate in the treatment of acne. Glycolic acid contained in the cream perfectly exfoliates dead skin cells. A great advantage will be the ability to apply the cream to the area around the eyes, and it is in this area that pigmentation is often present.

2 SesDerma Retises Eye Contour

This retinol cream is designed specifically for lifting the skin around the eyes. The cosmetic product, according to consumer reviews, reduces bags under the eyes, lightens dark circles, and eliminates a “tired” look. In addition to retinol, the cream contains a stable form of vitamin C, hibiscus extract, and boswellic acids. Vitamin C is the best antioxidant for facial skin, which protects tissue from premature aging.

Boswellic acid is known as one of the best antioxidants. Hibiscus extract has a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes due to its tonic effect; with daily use, the balance of fluid in the tissues is regulated and their swelling goes away. Another property of hibiscus is the stimulation of collagen synthesis, thanks to this a rejuvenating effect is achieved, because the skin weakened by bags begins to tighten and the blue color disappears from it.

1 Ericson Laboratoire Nourishing Cream With Fresh Caviar Cells

The cream perfectly restores tissue, stimulates cell regeneration, increases skin elasticity and tightens the oval of the face. It contains an unusual component - caviar concentrate. Caviar is known for the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, which are simply necessary to maintain healthy facial skin. Shea butter softens the skin and also nourishes it with acids and vitamins. Mango butter has an antioxidant effect (protection from the harmful effects of the environment).

Tritisol is a complex of hydrolyzed wheat proteins that help maintain the optimal pH level of the epidermis. This complex has an activating effect on collagen production. By the way, laboratory studies have shown that the new collagen fibers produced are much stronger than the old ones, which is why the likelihood of new wrinkles is minimized, which is confirmed by reviews from those who have tried it.



What is retinol acetate used for?

  1. Acne. Someone learns about such a diagnosis during puberty, when key life processes are restructured, preparing the teenage body for conceiving and bearing future children.
    However, it also happens differently - a person has long passed the active phase of maturation, however, problematic skin continues to bother. In such cases, the lack of retinol is to blame, which is needed for:
  1. reducing the size of the sebaceous glands and secretion production;
  2. reducing the effect of microbes settling on the skin;
  3. eliminating inflammation of the hair follicles;
  4. preventing the formation of dandruff.
In addition to the above benefits, Vitamin A helps eliminate the scars that remain on the skin after acne is eliminated. Rapid weight gain or, on the contrary, sudden weight loss leave an indelible mark - stretch marks, which give rise to a lot of complexes in both men and women. In such cases, taking retinol is simply necessary. A doctor will help you calculate the daily dosage of Vitamin A, who will understand the causes of discomfort and determine methods for eliminating visual unattractiveness of the skin.


Numerous studies have revealed that retinol stimulates cell performance, promoting cell regeneration and active collagen production, thus healing and rejuvenating the skin.

Lack of retinol in the body

You can determine the lack of a useful element yourself by carefully looking at the external signs:

  1. peeling of the skin;
  2. pain in the eyes;
  3. early wrinkles;
  4. “goose bumps” on the thighs, buttocks and elbow area.

Excess Vitamin A

Excess Vitamin A is also possible, since retinol, like any other element, tends to be deposited in fatty tissues. Oversaturation of the body with retinol leads to intoxication, which is expressed by:

  1. headaches,
  2. swelling,
  3. cracks in the corners of the lips,
  4. severe itching.

If the manifestation of the above symptoms becomes noticeable, you should stop taking the vitamin. However, it is better to first consult a specialist.

Vitamin A in cosmetology

  1. The number of cosmetic products containing vitamin complexes is regularly growing. An important function of retinol is its antioxidant effect. It helps destroy harmful oxygen molecules produced by exposure to sunlight. So-called free radicals damage elastic tissue, creating conditions for the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin A prevents these processes, maintaining the natural freshness of the skin.


  2. The cell regeneration process takes about 27-28 days. Retinolic acid and other derivatives of Vitamin A have a protective and healing effect, thereby improving blood circulation and natural rejuvenation. In addition to its positive effect on the skin, this vitamin protects nails from splitting and gives natural shine, elasticity and silkiness to hair.

Cosmetic products containing Vitamin A are not cheap. However, it is worth trying creams and lotions at least once to ensure their effectiveness. The maximum benefit comes from products that contain Vitamin C in addition to retinol. In the natural environment, these elements cannot act simultaneously, since Vitamin C is soluble only in water, and retinolic acid is only soluble in oil. But cosmetologists managed to combine the incompatible, using unique formulas. If you can’t afford a two-in-one product, don’t despair.

Cream containing Vitamin C should be applied in the morning, and cosmetics with retinol should be applied in the evening. It is important not to change the sequence, since ultraviolet rays, when interacting with Vitamin A, have a detrimental effect on the skin, while penetrating deep into the skin and destroying DNA at the cellular level. To avoid disastrous consequences, you should adhere to the above recommendations.

Before you start actively using cosmetics with retinolic acid, you need to take care of basic safety, that is, conduct an allergy test. It is enough to apply a small amount, for example, at the elbow. If the appearance of the area remains unchanged the next day, you can proceed to use the product. But it is worth remembering that the skin on the face is more susceptible to various drugs. The appearance of peeling, red spots or irritation indicates rejection of the composition. It is best to stop using the product.

It is also important to note that most retinol products do not provide immediate results. Sometimes minimal results can only be seen after using the product for a few weeks. If you do not see any positive results after many weeks of use, look for another cream.

The most favorable time for testing cosmetic products with Vitamin A is late autumn and early winter, since solar activity is minimized, and the skin after the hot summer season needs useful substances that accelerate renewal processes.


Forms of vitamin A in creams

In order to choose the right inexpensive cream with retinol, you need to understand in more detail the forms of this substance and understand why some products are more expensive, while others, having a higher concentration of retinol, are still cheaper.
It is important to note that vitamin A itself is weaker than retinol, since after applying it to the skin, our body must make some effort to convert it into retinoic acid in order for its maximum absorption and subsequent benefits to the skin.
Today, several forms of vitamin A are used in cosmetology:

Known as Tretinoin or retin-A, it is only available with a medical prescription. When applied topically, it goes directly into the skin cell without any conversion, making it a highly effective ingredient for treating wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and acne.
However, a significant disadvantage of this use is frequent skin irritation, manifested in the form of redness and peeling. It usually goes away with time and dose adjustments.

Retinol is pure vitamin A.
Many cosmetic companies prefer to use pure retinol. Conversion to retinoic acid is a two-step process that inhibits effectiveness, but despite this, retinol still contains enough punch and works great. At first there may be some mild irritation, which usually goes away as the skin gets used to it. This is an excellent alternative to tertinic acid for long-term use.

Retinol palmitate in cosmetics.
It is a combination of retinol and palmitic acid, which although it converts into retinoic acid, the process takes too long, causing it to lose its ability to distinguish between cell DNA. Therefore, for such retinol to bring at least some benefit, it will need a high concentration.

It is the most effective form of vitamin A, requiring minimal conversion and causing very little skin irritation, and is considered the closest thing to retinoic acid without all the annoying side effects or need for a prescription.
But even here you will need to pay attention to the concentration of this substance in the cream. For maximum effectiveness, it should have a concentration of 0.05% to 0.1%, which is equivalent to 0.025% of a retinoid cream.
Retinaldehyde is an expensive ingredient, so most skin care formulations won't be cheap.

Inexpensive cream with retinol

  1. Perhaps the cheapest cream based on vitamin A will be a penny face ointment from the Aevit pharmacy, which contains vitamin A and vitamin E. An excellent penny remedy that not everyone knows about.

Another place where you should look for an inexpensive cream with retinol is the world-famous AliExpress store, where they sell a wide variety of cosmetics, including Korean and high-quality Chinese ones. By spending just one evening reading reviews, you can pick up a very inexpensive, excellent cosmetic product for a very reasonable price.

NEUTROGENA WRINKLE REPAIR NIGHT MOISTURIZER (approximately $19) — Relatively inexpensive and highly lauded, this retinol-infused moisturizer does a great job of keeping skin hydrated and nourished.

ROC RETINOL CORREXION SENSITIVE NIGHT CREAM (approximate cost $20) is another good cream with retinol, designed for sensitive skin, as it does not cause irritation. Fights the appearance of wrinkles, evens out tone and moisturizes well.

LA ROCHE-POSAY REDERMIC (R) (approximate cost $57) - not the cheapest, but quite effective due to the high concentration of retinol, it successfully fights the appearance of wrinkles, evens out the tone, and gives the skin a delicate glow.

In addition to treatment with cosmetics, you need to diversify your diet with foods such as fish, cod liver, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, and fruits. You can drink freshly squeezed juices before meals, and you should also give up monotonous diets.