The emergence and development of athleticism. Part No. 5

  1. V.F. Kraevsky and his invaluable contribution to the history of domestic bodybuilding
  2. L. A. Chaplinsky and the Russian Weightlifting League
  3. Post-war history of “iron sports”

V.F. Kraevsky and his invaluable contribution to the history of domestic bodybuilding

Happy Birthday domestic athletic sport considered August 10, 1885. On this day was created "Circle of Athletic Lovers", the chairman of which was Dr. Vladislav Frantsevich Kraevsky, who studied the muscular development of humans, studying the influence of strength exercises on the general physical condition and immunity of the observed body. For his studies, he prepared and carefully equipped athletic room a wide range of weights and sports gymnastic equipment. The best domestic and foreign professional strongmen trained in his office, for whom the popularization of their high achievements by the Circle was very valuable.

Kraevsky, how advanced theorist, tried to scientifically substantiate the training system, ardently promoted sports and a healthy image in Russia, organized pompous athletic festivals and competitions. World-famous bodybuilders such as: a) graduated from Kraevsky’s school V. A. Pytlyasinsky and b) Georg Hackenschmidt, also known as the “Russian Lion”, who later became one of the outstanding bodybuilders of his time, a multiple champion among world professionals. As you probably already know from our previous articles and publications, Georg Hackenschmidt is also considered a world-famous innovator of a large number of methods and techniques in fitness and bodybuilding. Consider, for example, his famous “Hack grip” (or in other words “Georg Hackenschmidt grip”) - a method of holding the barbell behind the back below the buttocks with straightened arms. Having captured the projectile in an unusual, previously unknown way, Georg revealed revolutionary new exercises to the whole world:

  1. Gakk shrugs,
  2. Hack calf raises,
  3. Hackenschmidt squats.

L. A. Chaplinsky and the Russian Weightlifting League

After the death of V.F. Kraevsky, which occurred in 1908, the so-called weightlifting league, which united the work of all domestic weightlifting circles, sections and clubs. And after about 5 years, on the basis of this league, the 1st All-Russian Unified Weightlifting Union was formed, headed by the holder of 2 world records, our famous compatriot L. A. Chaplinsky. In the same year, Russia successfully and triumphantly joined the World International Union of Athletics and Weightlifting.

Post-war history of “iron sports”

Until the Second World War, as throughout the world, the USSR continued to develop progressively weightlifting and kettlebell sports disciplines. Having survived a difficult and exhausting war, and having won the long-awaited victory we so desired, the country was recovering from the resulting stress - previously closed clubs began to open again, interest in sports began to gain momentum again...

In 1964, on the basis of the Union Weightlifting Federation under the leadership M. Akopyants An athletic gymnastics commission was organized, the main task of which was propaganda, advertising by personal example and popularization among the population of “iron sports”, athletic gymnastics, as a new form of comprehensive physical training. The newly formed organization actively began working on its ambitious goals, organizing new athletic clubs, clubs and sections. She has repeatedly held mass public athletic competitions.

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