Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4204



Parasyndesis (para- + Greek sýndesis binding, connection) is a method of gluing two or more parts using paraffin or wax. This method is widely used in jewelry to create c ...

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Macrodentia is a rare hereditary disease in which teeth are significantly larger than normal. Macrodontia can be associated with various genetic disorders, including Down ...

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Therapy Radiation Megavoltage


Megavoltage radiation therapy (MVRT) is a treatment method that uses high-energy ionizing radiation to destroy cancer cells and other malignancies. The radiation energy c ...

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Sinus Epididymis Testicle


The epididymal sinus (epididymal sinus) is an anatomical structure that is located in the testicular region in men. It is a cavity filled with fluid that surrounds the ep ...

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Superior flexure of the duodenum


Upper duodenal flexure Duodenal flexure is a turn in the upper part of the duodenum that occurs at the border with the jejunum. The superior flexure of the duodenum is lo ...

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Invasiveness is one of the key factors determining the ability of microorganisms to penetrate the host body and cause diseases. Invasiveness depends on many factors, incl ...

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Lateroversion of the Uterus


Lateroversion of the uterus is the position of the uterus in which its horn is located on the left side of the uterus. Normally, the uterus should be located at the same ...

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Glasses Hearing


Hearing glasses are a new invention that combines convenience and practicality. This device is a hearing aid in the form of glasses that is inserted into a frame and atta ...

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Ophthalmocoagulation is a procedure in which laser radiation is applied to the patient's eye to stop bleeding from damaged retinal vessels. This procedure is performed in ...

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Threshold Dose for Radiation Damage


Threshold radiation dose (RTD) is the minimum dose of radiation that causes a certain biological effect. This value may vary for different types of radiation and differen ...

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