Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4276



Articulation (from Latin articulo - to dismember, to pronounce clearly) is the formation of speech sounds by changing the position and functioning of the speech organs. A ...

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Cholecystoduodenostomy (Cholecystoduodenostomy)


Cholecystoduodenostomy is a type of cholecystoenterostomy in which an anastomosis (communication) is created between the gallbladder and the duodenum. During this operati ...

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Traditional medicine


Traditional medicine Traditional medicine is a set of therapeutic and hygienic techniques based on the experience of many generations of people in maintaining health, pro ...

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Diagnosticum (from the Greek diagnostikos - capable of recognizing and diagnostikon - pertaining to recognition) is a tool that is used to recognize and identify various ...

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Depressive Equivalents


Depressive Equivalents: Replacement of attacks of depression in manic-depressive psychosis Depressive equivalents are periodically occurring conditions characterized by a ...

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Ligaments of the Toes Ring


The toe ring ligaments (lat. l. annularia digitorum pedis), or simply ring ligaments, are a group of ligaments that are located on the toes and help maintain the shape of ...

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Urogenitography is a method for examining the genital organs and urinary tract using x-rays. It is used to diagnose various diseases such as urinary tract infections, tum ...

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Ethmoidal Process


Ethmoidal process The ethmoid process (processus ethmoidalis) is a bony protrusion on the inner surface of the frontal bone that forms the basis for the ethmoidal plate. ...

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Proskynesia (from the Greek words pros - “in addition, also” and kinesis - “movement”) is excessive, unnecessary movements that occur during the performance of purposeful ...

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Miyagawa Taurus


Miyagawa Tela is a Japanese microbiologist who made significant contributions to the development of bacteriology and microbiology. He was born in 1885 in Tokyo and began ...

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