Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4295

Pupillary membrane


The pupillary membrane is a thin transparent membrane that is located at the back of the pupil and regulates the amount of light entering the eye. It consists of three la ...

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Symptom Objective


An objective symptom is a symptom that is detected when a doctor examines a patient using various methods: examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation and others. Ob ...

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Vibro- (Latin Vibro - swing, oscillate) is a word that is used in various fields of science and technology. In medicine and biology, vibro means a movement that causes vi ...

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Refractometry Eyes


Ocular refraction is the ability of the human eye to refract light. Refractometric measurements allow you to objectively measure the refraction of the eye and evaluate it ...

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Corroded Lacunae


Corroded Lacunae: what are they and how do they occur? Erosion lacunae, also known as erosion lacunae, are a dental condition characterized by the formation of indentatio ...

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Proteins General


Proteins are an important component of food and play a key role in the human body. They are made up of amino acids and are essential for tissue growth and repair, as well ...

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Cholinesterase reagents


Cholinesterase Reactivators: Restoring the Function of the Nervous System Cholinesterase is an enzyme that decomposes acetylcholine, transmitting impulses between nerve c ...

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Potts Anastomosis


Potts anastomosis is a surgical procedure that is used to connect two arteries or veins. It was developed by the American surgeon William James Potts at the beginning of ...

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Pneumon- (Pneumon-), Pneumono- (Pneumono-)


Pneumon- (Pneumon-) and pneumono- (Pneumono-) are medical prefixes that are associated with the lungs and are found in different terms and terminology. These prefixes are ...

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Ophthalmia Nodose


Ophthalmia Nodose Ophthalmia nodose is an infectious eye disease that is caused by a bacterial infection. It appears as nodules on the conjunctiva, the thin mucous membra ...

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