Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4417

Dialysis Peritoneal Continuous


Continuous peritoneal dialysis (d. peritonealis continua) is a method of blood purification using the peritoneum as a semi-permeable membrane. With this method, a permane ...

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Autohemotransfusion: the essence of the procedure and areas of application Autohemotransfusion (autohaemotransfusio) is a procedure in which the patient is transfused wit ...

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Extractives: what they are and how they are used Extractives are water-soluble low molecular weight organic substances that can be extracted from tissues. These substance ...

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Encephalomyelopolyradiculoneuritis is a rare disease that is a combination of inflammation of the brain and spinal cord (encephalitis and myelitis) with inflammation of m ...

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Vinogradov-Durozier Double Noise


Vinogradov-Durozier double noise A Vinogradov-Durozier double murmur is an additional heart sound that can be heard during cardiac auscultation. It is named after the Sov ...

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Mermet virus


"Mermet virus: description, properties and possible threat to humans" The Mermel virus belongs to the genus Bunyavirus and is a member of the ecological group of arboviru ...

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Attention Active


Active attention is attention, the emergence and maintenance of which requires the intellectual and volitional activity of the individual. Active attention differs from p ...

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Affect Inadequate


Inappropriate affect is affect that does not correspond to or contradicts the content of the experience or situation. Inappropriate affect manifests itself in the fact th ...

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Rossolimo Psychological Profile


Rossolimo Psychological Profile: History and Technique Rossolimo Psychological Profile is a method developed by Italian psychiatrist and psychologist Ignazio Rossolimo. T ...

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Field Mobile Surgical Hospital First Line (Historical)


Okay, I will write an article about the first line field mobile hospital, which is one of the most important elements of medical care on the battlefield. The Field Mobile ...

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