Terminology (Med. Dictionary) :: Page - 4719

Whole (Coelom)


The coelom is a cavity that appears during the development of the embryo of many animals. It is formed between two layers of mesoderm - inner and outer. As the embryo dev ...

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Petrous Part of the Temporal Bone


The petrous part of the temporal bone (lat. pars petrosa ossis temporalis, pna, bna) is one of the parts of the temporal bone of the skull. It is a pyramidal bony structu ...

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Oculogyric (from Latin oculus - eye + ancient Greek gyros - circular) is a term denoting eye movements caused by or in some way related to their activity. Oculogyric move ...

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Fibrinokinases: Key enzymes in the blood clotting system Introduction Fibrinokinases are important proteolytic enzymes that play a key role in the blood clotting system. ...

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Nerve fibers Vasomotor


Vasomotor nerve fibers (synonym - vasomotor nerve fibers) are thin nerve fibers that innervate the smooth muscles of blood vessels. They regulate vascular tone and lumen, ...

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Perio-oophoritis: causes, symptoms and treatment Perio-oophoritis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the tissues surrounding the ovaries in women. It can occur in ...

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Accommodation Eyes Intracapsular


Intracapsular accommodation of the eye: what is it? Ocular accommodation is the ability of the eye to change the shape of its optical elements to focus on different objec ...

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Polyp Adenomatous


Adenomatous polyp (lat. polypus adenomatosus) is a benign neoplasm of glandular origin, which is a protrusion of the mucous membrane, covered with multi-row columnar epit ...

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A microphotography is a photograph of a microobject obtained using microphotography. Microphotography allows you to obtain enlarged photographic images of very small ob ...

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Pleurography: the essence of the method and its application Pleurography is a method for examining the pulmonary pleura, which is used to diagnose various diseases of the ...

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